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Omega Pride Ch. 11


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"You speak too much, mate," Wyatt whispered as his eyes fell softly onto hers. Delphi couldn't think of anything to say as she watched him reach for his clothes as he kept an eye on her. After a minute, Delphi had the good grace to blush and let out a playful scoff before she followed him back to the car.


They reached Jackson just as the sun closed in on the mountain range bellow it, the light still strong in the sky. Delphi stared out the window with a grin on her face, occasionally catching Wyatt's eye which only made her smile more. She perked however, when she caught a sign to a small indie music store with guitars, CDs, and various musical pieces inside for display on the outskirts of Jackson.

"Wyatt, can we go in there? Before it closes," She glanced up at him as she pointed at it with growing excitement.

He followed her finger and nodded as he pulled into the alleyway next to it. Delphi eagerly got out of the car and quickly trotted next to him, "One of the jobs I had was at a store like this back in Indiana. They were really obsessed with music from the 1980's to the present with some from the 60's and 70's."

Wyatt looked at the building then back at her quizzically.

Delphi looked up at him expectantly, but then her face dropped, "Wait a mean to tell me, you don't have a clue what I'm talking about? You know? Van Helen? Blondie? ...The Rolling Stones?"

"...I have heard singing from hu—other people if that's what you're asking," Wyatt crossed his arms with confusion still on his face.

"And how long ago was that?" Delphi raised a brow.

"Around 180 years ago. Give or take a few based on ritual," Wyatt sent surprisingly straight faced, though the slight smell of his realization and self-shock left its mark in the air.

If Delphi had been drinking, it would be all over the floor right now, "You need a serious update, Wyatt. I mean, you don't even hear music when you go around others? Not even when you're driving?"

"I don't go into towns much Delphi. You know that. It's only when I need to leave for business or to make sure I know my pack area," He projected to her, "As well, Emmanuel does listen to stations on the radio in the car when he drives."

"AM or FM?" Delphi giggled with her hands firm on her hips.

"...The former?" Wyatt saw that he wasn't really winning in this as Delphi grabbed his hand and started toward the door backwards as she held back every urge to laugh out loud.

"Oh!" Delphi's feet nearly toppled from under her as she avoided tripping on the porch step to the store, Wyatt's following hand became one of support as he caught her and it earned and airy chuckle from his throat.

Delphi shot him a look and his lip curves twitched before he replied, "Karma."

Delphi rolled her eyes, knowing it was true. The bell chimed and the sound of a jovial, yet weary male voice greeted, "Welcome! If you need anything—hey hang on a moment."

Delphi caught the familiar scent of the man first and a smile spread on her face, "Tim!"

"So my eyes didn't deceive me. The waitress who got away," The slowly graying man chuckled as he rounded the corner, "Ya know you made Kathy quite the sourpuss after you left to not have even given her a call these past few months. The woman knows how to get to ya when she's feeling down."

Delphi's brows rose in regret, "I'm sorry. I had been meaning to call her, but whenever I got a chance to, something always popped up in its place."

"It's alright, darling. It ain't me you should apologize to. It isn't my business to get involved with what you do in your life. What ever happened must have been important to you," Tim grinned and light patted her shoulder before glancing over at Wyatt, "And who might you be sir?"

"Wyatt," Wyatt's voice almost came across as blunt as shook his hand when it was offered to him, holding back the instinctually need to growl or break said hand for daring to touch her and call her 'darling', "I'm Delphi's husband."

"Oh-ho! Congratulations," Tim beamed, "It wasn't a shotgun wedding was it?"

"O-oh no! We're in the clear!" Delphi spoke up as she blushed from the statement, shaking her head, "Actually, sort of. We have known each other for quite some time now, but when we met up again few months back," Delphi glanced up at Wyatt with a knowing smile, "We just couldn't bring ourselves to wait anymore."

Wyatt's corners twitched, seeing how Delphi gave an answer with double meaning.

Tim chuckled in response, "It's always nice to see love so young. Ya know, though I got a lot bigger in the middle—older too—I use to be quite the handsome Jack back in my day. No arthritis, no balding, and my hair being a deep rich brown, you could bet that when I pursued a woman, I'd at least get a second date."

Tim looked at Wyatt with a laugh, "Now look at me. It's almost all gone now, but at least I still get a second date. Listen to my advice though, son. Ya good looking now, but treasure your girl here. Looks don't last forever."

Wyatt saw Tim's eyes shift slightly to a picture on the wall. He turned and faced it, seeing a woman in at least her 30s with a toothy smile on her face, hugging a younger, and indeed more different looking Tim, the color fading out with age.

"Where they're gone, they're gone," When Wyatt turned to face him, he scented a whiff of sorrow from Tim. "And until then, they're stuck with our aging, sorry asses," Tim let out a chuckle before putting away the sorrow and beamed brightly, "Any who, don't let me keep ya. Take a long around and just call for me if ya need me."

"Thanks Tim," Delphi watched the man retreat back to his seating area behind the front counter. She turned back to Wyatt with a soft smile. They both could easily see that Tim really loved that woman, and took his words to heart and started to look over the albums available.

She was so happy to see so many vintage records and CDs despite how the new age was more focused on digital media. The shop and all its music had a cozy smell and feeling to it, something that she enjoyed immensely. She looked over all the CDs and was happy to see that not only had they been alphabetically placed, but also were organized by year. No 'The Beatles' with 'The Band Perry', and no on Led Zeppelin with Lee Brice. She personally preferred 90's music and indie rock beats when she had the chance to hear it in Indiana. Her eyes stopped as they landed on a CD titled 'Florence + the Machine: Between Two Lungs'. Her fingers danced over the CD case's bumpy edge before she picked it up and turned it over. One song even made her let out a small chuckle in her throat.

'What is it?' Wyatt asked in projection as he looked at the various records around the room. It was almost overwhelming to see just how much music humans listen to compared to the times of his youth.

'Well—" Delphi started to answer right before she heard Tim get up and clear his throat.

"You know if ya want to hear a song, just let me know. I could put it on for you two before I close up," Tim beamed at her and Wyatt.

"Oh, thanks," She nodded as she put the case back down and looked up. She did a double check as a CD caught her eye, "Actually..." She walked over to the 'G' section, looking at the Goo Goo Dolls. Her fingers touched their 1989 "Jed" album, "You don't have Goo Goo Dolls: First Release?"

To this, Tim hooted, "That's a rare item, darling. I still have my original copy though I don't keep it in the store. Wouldn't want some other collector or die-hard fan to come snatch it off my hands when I look the other way, would I?" To this, Delphi laughed and Wyatt gave a signature airy chuckle, nodding his head in relation to collectors.

Delphi looked back at their albums and touched their 1998 album "Dizzy Up the Girl", which got her into American human music before slowly making her way down to what made her like the Goo Goo Dolls in the first place: The 2006 album, "Let Love In". She read the backside, looking at the track numbers as she headed toward Tim with it.

"...Could you please play the first four tracks and number 7?" Delphi smiled and handed the CD to him.

Tim looked at the CD, then at Wyatt and then her with a chuckle and a head shake, "Oh, young love. I can play the first three for you. How's that sound?"

Delphi nodded thankfully at him as he turned in his swerving chair and opened up a well-used, but well maintained CD player, and turned up the volume. With his back turned to the two weres, he didn't see Delphi and Wyatt wince a bit at the feedback that only reached their ears.

'You sure about this, mate?' Wyatt projected, trying to adjust his hearing so that the sharp sound wouldn't sting.

"Tim," Delphi spoke up, catching his attention, "It didn't have to be loud. Just at eleven is good."

"Really, Runaway?" Tim turned the nob down from 23 to 11, much to both of their subtle reliefs, "Most people like it booming in their ears nowadays." He started laughing, "Then again, I spent my 20s in the 80s."

When he hit the play button, the sounds of guitars, base, and drums filled their ears exquisitely, the song 'Stay With You' playing.

The sounds and voice were a bit strange to Wyatt. Electronic sounding, but at the same time, the cheerful beat was pleasant. He turned when he caught the sight of Delphi bobbing her head from side to side and her tapping to the beat. He rose and eyebrow at her, his lips twitching as she had a goofy grin on.

She started lip synching the words as she came over to him, dancing. She raised her hands and started waving her hands at him as if to beckon him over. She grabbed his warm, callous hands as she mouth the chorus exactly. She beamed brightly as she swayed back and forth, trying to get him to dance with her.

'Delphi,' He projected, his mouth corners still twitching, 'Delphi. I don't dance.'

'Oh come on,' she pouted playfully, her hips shaking and her auburn hair bouncing on her shoulder, 'Just try it. Please?'

'Mate,' He sighed.

'Ne pas être plate. (Don't be boring.)Please?' she looked up at him with beautiful, pleading blinking eyes that couldn't be denied.

He shook his head a bit. Well, if it would please her. He started swaying back and forth, though a little off beat and too slow.

Delphi let out a laugh as she crossed her fingers with his, "Come on."

"I am," He told her, trying to make himself keep pace to the music, "I told you I'm not good at this."

"It's okay. No one has to be good at everything," Delphi grinned at him, "And it's just us and Tim."

As she shook her head back and forth to the beat, she never once let go of his hands, their warmth built between them. She leaned forward between beats and kissed him, and that actually helped him to get into better step. She did nothing fancy as she danced with him, but Delphi could smell the sweet scent of happiness from his parka covered skin increase with each snap of her fingers she did. She slowed down as the song came to a finish, their breathing light and in match to the next song, 'Let Love In'. She leaned into him, letting go of his hands to wrap her arms around him, her fingers tracing out the clothed muscles underneath. She looked up at him as mouthed the words to this song too.

Wyatt's arms wrapped around her parka covered waist as they swayed to this song too, this time in beat, 'Why do you not sing the words if you know them so well, Delphi?'

To this Delphi laughed out loud, "I can't sing."

Wyatt's lips started up in a small curve, "Come now. Let me hear it."

Delphi shook her head, "You won't like it. I sound like a dying parrot..."

"It's okay. No one has good at everything," He used his words against her, making her laugh, "And you don't have to be good at singing."

"Alright," She rested her head against his chest, before she started singing. True to her word, her pitch was off. She couldn't get into it right, even though the words matched. She stopped when she smelt his disbelief.

She looked at him with a chuckle, "I told you."

"I believe you," He replied, making her slap his arm good-humoredly.

Delphi leaned back into his chest and hugged him as they continued to sway in each other's embrace, "I think I'll just stick to this."

Wyatt shook his head with an airy chuckle as he leaned forward in his embrace and took in the scent of her hair against his sternum. After all their hardships in these last couple of months, to finally have a moment like this with her was something he couldn't have ever asked for, especially before they mated. With danger looming on the horizon, this moment of peace with her was not only welcomed, but a blessing.

This time, they just listened to the words of the song, and it made Delphi smile. It matched them, not 100%, but close enough. Wyatt's heart beat was soothing and with the song, could easily put her to sleep had she not been standing up. Her fingers held on his coat as she looked up at Wyatt with that smile. She breathed in his pine, myrrh, and sage scent and gazed into his eyes.

That small curve on his lips returned. Wyatt reached up and cupped her ruddy olive cheek. She leaned into his bronze hand, covering his with her own. He leaned forward and his lips grazed hers. Her breath danced between their lips before she met with his. They could feel their wolves inside them, rubbing their foreheads together and licking the corners of their mouths. As they let go, Delphi almost forgot where she was, making her breath lightly with an air of a giggle in her throat. Wyatt's thumb ran a circle against her cheek before her brushed her hair behind her ear.

"Why don't you two go get a room?" Tim couldn't help but chuckle at their display of affection.

"Do you have a room available around here?" Wyatt asked lightly, albeit seriously.

Delphi stared at him with her jaw open while Tim let out a guffaw.

"I'm afraid not, ma boy!" Tim laughed, "And you might need to work your delivery. That's funny though."

Delphi looked at Tim then back at Wyatt, '...Were you serious?'

"Wasn't he?' Wyatt's brows rose in confusion.

'No,' Delphi shook her head and laughed at his deadpan, 'no, he wasn't.'

'Oh,' was all Wyatt projected back, making Delphi laugh again much to Wyatt and Tim's confusion.

After the last song requested had played, Tim had no choice but kick them out. He had to head home too.

"Wait," Wyatt turned to face Tim as they were starting to head out. Tim's brows rose as he watched Wyatt walk back over to the Goo Goo Dolls cd and placed it on the counter, "I think I'll buy this after all."

A smile spread over both Tim and Delphi's faces as he purchased it.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Wyatt," Tim chuckled as he offered to put the CD into a small bag, in which Wyatt declined.

Wyatt replied with a small nod and headed over to Delphi.

"Good night, Tim," Delphi waved as she took a hold of Wyatt's arm.

"See ya later, Runaway," Tim beamed as he watched them leave.

"Do we even have CD players back at the den?" Delphi asked him as they got into the truck.

"No, but we have enough cars around with underused radios and slots," Wyatt started up the Crewmax, "We shouldn't waste them."

Delphi smiled at his answer as they started on their way.

There had been little debate on where their dinner should be despite their many options. After what Tim had said, Delphi asked if they could eat at the dinner she used to work at.

The dinner looked the same as before, though it was actually quite full that night. Delphi could see a few new employees walking about, carrying on with their work, and laughing with patrons.

"Well, well, well. Look who happened to walk through my front door!" Kathy declared with a hot tone as she saw Delphi and started for her, but slowed down upon seeing Wyatt.

"Kathy, I can—" Delphi started to apologize before Kathy pulled her in her arms and hugged her.

"You know, you scared me half to death," Kathy told her loud enough so only they could hear; everyone else made just enough noise not to pay attention, "No calls, no dropping by. Not even a trace of you around town."

Delphi could see the glassiness that starting to veil Kathy's eye when she backed up to look at her and Delphi's heart sank.

"I...I'm sorry Kathy," Delphi whispered helplessly, "I hadn't ...I wish I—"

"Now you stop that," Kathy sniffed, standing straight up and looked at her, "I don't want to hear your excuses or apologies. All I want to know is how you're going to make up the lost time and for giving me grays. Hm?"

Delphi was at a loss for words as she stared at this blonde matron, sniffing the deep scents of relief, hurt, and anger on her.

"For starters, we'll be eating here," Wyatt got Kathy's attention, "second, I'm sure Delphi will have a lot of catching up with you to do before we leave."

"A-and who just might you be?" Kathy put her hands on her hips as she looked up at the taller male, clearing her throat after her stutter. Delphi could almost laugh at seeing her try to size this 6'5" male up.

"My name is Wyatt Delaney," Wyatt give a slight nod of his head to her, "I'm the one responsible for stealing Delphi away from you."

"Is that so?" Kathy's eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion, sparks of provocation in her scent, "You...You made those girls drive her back down here to quit her job, didn't you?"

"It was on a bit of short notice," Wyatt told her coolly, "See, Delphi had only worked with you for a week. I don't think she would have been able to keep her job during our retreat."

"Retreat?" Kathy raised her eyebrow, "What retreat?"

"Our honeymoon," Delphi spoke up quickly, adding a reassuring smile.

To this Kathy's jaw dropped, her eyes and scent filled to the brim with disbelief.

Delphi let out a chuckle and they sat down on the nearest open seats; unfortunately, Wyatt had to stand up. Delphi "explained" to her how everything happened after she left. Delphi didn't like lying to Kathy, she really didn't, but she couldn't exactly tell her that she had been forced into a militarist pack where she found her mate in the Alpha, and after a few run-ins with more "myths", they had to deal with the news that she's a descendant of the first werewolf in existence. In front of a diner full of humans. Give or take a few things.

"So you expect me to believe that you ran away from Mr. Tall, dark, and serious right here from a marriage in Illinois—I don't blame you there, the salt is hell on tires—but, somehow ran into him here after being apart for a few months and got eloped?" Kathy looked at her questionably.

"Yes," Wyatt told her flatly.

"And that those guys who were your friends came here to make sure Delphi wouldn't run away again—which she attempted to," Kathy looked up at Wyatt.

"That's right," Delphi nodded.

"And to add insult to injury, and I quote, 'Those ladies, Katalin and Kamilla, were there to make sure you wouldn't escape from your honeymoon'?!" Kathy scoffed looking at the two of them with thorough disbelief, "Either you have serious gamophobia issues Delphi, you have some seriously fucked up sense of dominance and control Wyatt, or you both are insulting my intellect with bullshit!"

"I swear it's the truth, Kathy," Delphi held up her hands. Had Kathy been a Were, they would be reeking in the scent of lies.

"Oh really?" Kathy huffed, insult scratching the back of her teeth, "Fine, then humor me this. Where did you two go on your honeymoon, hm?"

"Québec," Wyatt and Delphi replied without hesitation, taking Kathy aback.

"Quebec...during January?" Kathy looked at them aghast, "With winter weather worse than here in Jackson?"

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