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One Adult Video Store

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Sherri did not believe us about glory holes.
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This whole event started rather innocently. My wife had called me to say her and Sherri had been shopping and were hungry so they were stopping to grab a bite and they asked me if I wanted to join them.

Surprisingly they had grown to be best buds through all of this and I could not have been happier. I had clearly benefited from this friendship and the girls seemed to have fun no matter what they did.

I obviously accepted and joined them at one of our favorite restaurants. Over dinner, somehow the conversation worked its way around to the topic of adult video stores. Sherri with her sexy dirty mouth had wondered what exactly they were all about and she asked if we had ever gone in one?

"Gary got me drunk once and we did," Debbie said.

"Actually, we went to one two times," I corrected my wife. (One big step with my wife --Another big step with my wife)

"Oh ya, well like I said he got me drunk so I really don't remember much about it," she lied.

"Ohh, well what are they like? What's in them, just a bunch of fuck videos?" Sherri asked giggling.

"Sure they have those," I responded. "Actually hundreds and hundreds of them. They also have all kinds of dildos, blow up life sized girls with working cunts, you name it," I laughed.

"And I suppose a bunch of horny guys browsing through them, or picking up toys for their wives or girlfriends," Sherri giggled.

"Oh sure," I chuckled. "Hey sex pays. It's big business. They also have private video rooms where you can watch the videos," I added.

"Ya, but you gotta watch out for the glory holes," Debbie jumped in with her two cents worth.

"I thought you were too drunk to remember anything," I laughed.

"Well those were hard to forget," my wife said turning beet red.

"OK, fill me in guys," Sherri said, "What the fuck is a glory hole?"

It seems Sherri with her filthy mouth had led a sheltered life and was not all that well traveled since she did not know what a glory hole was.

Debbie jumped in, "They're holes they cut in the walls in those video rooms. Guys stick their penises through the hole for somebody in the next room over to suck on," she responded almost too enthusiastically.

"Bull shit," Sherri blurted, not believing what Debbie had said.

"No it's true," I chimed in. "I can't believe you have never heard of them before," I added.

"You guys are fucking with me, right?" Sherri giggled.

"No it's true," Debbie giggled.

"So a dude goes into a private video room and sticks his cock through a hole and waits for someone to suck it. Ya... Right," she giggled. "So then," she continued. "Since you went to one of these places, and actually saw these so called glory holes," she giggled. "That means you sucked on a cock sticking through the hole then," she laughed.

Debbie was blushing brilliant red as she stammered, "W-w-well Gary tells me I did, but to be honest with you, I don't remember," she lied again.

"And did the dude shoot his cum in your mouth?" Sherri laughed.

"I don't remember," My wife lied.

"He did," I chimed in. "And she swallowed," I chuckled.

"Well of course she did, she's addicted," Sherri laughed. Both Sherri and I got swatted by my blushing wife.

"Look, I still think you two are fucking with me. I can't believe anyone would stick their cock through a hole in the wall hoping to get it sucked," Sherri giggled. "I know you're both pulling my leg.

"OK," I said. "I have to make a run to Portland the week after next, how about I take you both with me and I will show you an actual glory hole," I chuckled.

"You're on mister," Sherri said jutting her chin in my direction. "Let me check Ozzy's schedule. If he is out of town, I'll do it," she giggled.

So this was how one of the most unforgettable weekends of my life got started. As it turned out, Ozzy was in fact scheduled out of town and on the morning of our departure, Sherri showed up at our place all packed and ready to go.

A few hours later the three of us pulled into a motel I had booked. I booked a room with two king sized beds and was eagerly anticipating being sandwiched between both girls that night at a minimum.

As it turned out, the night got a whole lot wilder than even I imagined it would. We had stopped on the way and eaten so the girls were eager to explore Portland's night life and Sherri kept reminding us that we had to show her these "glory holes" we had talked about. She still thought we were bullshitting her.

The girls went into the bathroom and changed. I was comfortable with what I had on, so I sat on the bed and waited.

When they came out I immediately got a hard on. Sherri had a kind of a tube top on and it was obvious she was braless. Her hard nipples poked noticeably at the pale blue fabric of the top. Her skirt was short, reaching only about mid thigh which showed plenty of her firm shapely legs. Debbie wore a silky tan blouse and I immediately noticed she had a bra on.

"Huh uh babe," I said. "No bra tonight," I chuckled.

She immediately threw one of her foot stomping hissy fits. "Gaaaaaary..." she whined as she stomped her feet and turned bright red, before turning and plodding back in the bathroom to take her bra off.

"And no panties either," I yelled after her.

"Gaaaaarrryyyyyy..." she whined from the bathroom.

"Wha..." Sherri stammered. "No panties?" she chuckled. "You fucking pervert," she giggled as she pulled her short skirt up and gripped her bikini panties and slid them sensuously down her firm legs giving me a nice view of her hairless cunt in the process.

Sherri was spinning her panties on her finger when my blushing wife emerged from the bathroom.

"I should have known," Debbie said giggling. "He always gets this way when we're out of town. He wants to show me off and insists I dress this way. One trip he even took all my underwear out of my suitcase so when we got to our destination I had no bras or panties to wear," she laughed. (One big step with my wife)

"Ya, men are all alike," Sherri chuckled. "Fucking perverts ogling our tits and our pussy's whenever they can."

I called the front desk and got the name and directions to a cocktail lounge where they had dancing and we were on our way. Walking behind the girls with my hard cock pointing the way I admired their tight asses. My wife's apple ass was the best, but Sherri's tight ass was a very close second. Neither of them was tall, but Sherri was taller than Debbie and in their short skirts, it was obvious their legs went all the way up to their firm asses.

I felt like the king of the mountain walking in with these two babes on either side of me. Their firm tits jiggled seductively making it more than obvious neither of them wore bras. Of course Debbie was more than obvious with her pointy nipples boring twin holes in her silky blouse. We slid into a booth and I insisted on being in the middle. My cock was at rock hard as I watched them slide in on either side of me. Both sets of firm tits wobbling and jiggling with all nipples at full attention.

All those we passed on our way to the booth could not stop looking as they watched us walk by. There were several couples, but also several guys there that were stag.

I ordered us a round of drinks and we had just gotten our first round when a brave guy sheepishly approached our booth.

"I could not help but notice you brought an extra girl tonight. Is there any chance one of them might care to dance?" he asked smiling broadly.

"Hey it's up to them," I shrugged my shoulders glancing at both sides of me.

Both girls giggled looking at each other then at the guy standing there. They both shrugged their shoulders almost in unison.

Taking this as a yes, the guy reached and grabbed my wife's hand pulling her onto the dance floor. I knew he would go for the nipples.

Which is exactly what Sherri said as my wife was whisked away. "It's those fucking nipples of hers," she complained. "Guys love pointy nipples," she grumbled.

"Hey I like your nipples too," I laughed as I reached and tweaked one with my finger.

Sherri giggled and slid her hand over to grip my hard on through my pants. "You fucking guys are all alike," she giggled.

When the song was over my wife and the guy returned to the table. Debbie was blushing brightly so I knew something had happened on the dance floor. Plus the obvious hard on the guy was sporting was a dead giveaway.

As soon as he left, Debbie leaned across me to tell Sherri what had happened. "He was all over me," she giggled. "I mean it was like hand to hand combat, he was groping me everywhere," she exclaimed excitedly.

This was how it was the entire time we were there. One guy after another coming and dancing with either Sherri or my wife. I kept the drinks coming the entire time.

Sherri returned after a slow dance with one of the guys and giggled. "If there had been another slow dance, I know he would have tried to stick his cock in me. That crafty fuck even managed to stick a finger in me, or it may have been two. He was quick," she laughed. "His fucking hard on was grinding against me the entire time."

"All you men are alike," Sherri repeated. "Just look at your husband's cock Debbie," she said. "He has a fucking hard on a cat couldn't scratch. He gets off on watching us fighting for our lives on the dance floor."

"Oh I know he does," my wife agreed giggling. "He is a pervert," she laughed.

Since I did not want them too drunk, I suggested we show Sherri a glory hole. This brought uncontrolled laughter from both girls as they agreed with my suggestion and slid out of the booth.

A while later I pulled into a parking lot close to our destination. I did not want to park directly in front of the adult arcade. The girls got out giggling like school kids. My wife's silky blouse did little to hide her hard nipples, if anything it made them all the more delicious looking. Her skirt slid up as she slid out of the car giving me a brief glimpse of her bare wet cunt lips.

Sherri's tube top left her firm midriff bare and her nipples poked prominently into the fabric illustrating her excitement. Her skirt also slid up and before she stood, she opened her legs wide to give me an incredible view of her moist cunt.

The booze both girls had consumed seemed to be working nicely and it was difficult to determine if either of them was nervous.

"Nice fucking neighborhood," Sherri said caustically with a slight chuckle.

"Ya, funny how these establishments just don't seem to fit in well in the upscale shopping districts you frequent," I laughed.

As we entered through the customary blacked out door, I think Sherri was a little surprised by how bright it was inside. I guessed she was expecting it to be dark and seductive.

As she noticed a display case loaded with all sizes, shapes and colors of dildos, she gasped.

"Hey, toys for twats," she giggled. "Wow look at the size of that cock," she said as she marveled at a rather large black one in the front of the showcase.

"Oh look," my wife said. "Sherri, it's your favorite color," she giggled as she pointed to the large black cock in the case.

"Yours too," Sherri quickly replied. "Does that one remind you of a grocery store parking lot?" she laughed as she pointed to the large black cock. (One time ch5B)

Debbie blushed noticeably. "Look at some of these movie titles," my wife said quickly to change the topic.

Both girls began walking down the aisles of movies, perusing titles and giggling. I followed behind with my camera cupped in my hand and recording the event.

I was a little surprised at how many men were in the arcade. I figured there was at least fifteen or maybe twenty looking at the videos. Who knows how many were in the private booths in back.

The ones looking at the racks of videos quickly changed from looking at those to ogling my wife and Sherri as they giggled and sauntered down aisles. Soon, they had an entourage of horny men sporting bulges in their pants following their every move.

"So where exactly are these glory holes you two told me about?" Sherri said, making no effort to lower her voice.

Debbie blushed as her eyes widened at Sherri's bold question. "Sherri, good grief girl do you want to announce it on a P.A. system," she giggled.

"Oops," Sherri giggled as she ducked her head slightly and glanced at the group of admirers gather nearby. "Well fuck it," Sherri slurred. "I think you two are fucking with me anyway. I want to see a fucking glory hole in the wall," she added with a giggle.

The booze was clearly working with Sherri. I loved her being the polar opposite of my wife with the way she said it like it was, rather than being so prudish.

"How about you partner," Sherri declared as she walked up to a somewhat nerdy looking dude in the front of the pack of admirers. "I bet you would like to have her suck your cock through a hole in the wall?" she giggled as she pointed to my cowering wife.

Beet red, Debbie quickly grabbed Sherri by her tube top and in an effort to pull her back, succeeded in accidentally pulling her tube top down to her waist. Her firm tits sprang up and jiggled deliciously for all in the entourage to see.

"Whoa baby!" one bellowed. "Ya mama!" another chimed in. Several simply muttered "WOW, Nice!"

Sherri being naked to her waist shrieked, "You cunt!" She spun around giggling, and grabbed my wife's blouse and jerked. Buttons flew as her tits were suddenly exposed. Her rock hard nipples literally stole the show as the entourage gasped almost in unison.

"Holy fuck check out the nipples," one exclaimed. Those in back were clamoring to see the two girls as they pulled and tussled with each other, giggling the entire time.

"Sherri, your tits are out," my wife giggled.

"So are yours you cunt," Sherri replied as she reached and jerked my wife's skirt up. "And so is your pussy," she laughed.

All eyes were locked onto my wife's exposed cunt and Sherri as they jockeyed for advantage over each other. Debbie lunged forward and since Sherri's skirt had an elastic waistband, she jerked it down and it pooled around her feet causing her to stumble into the arms of the closest lucky guy to her.

He caught her before she fell and cupping both of her breasts he held her upright. I saw several hands shoot forward grabbing Sherri anywhere they thought they could. Hands cupped her tits and hands groped for her cunt as she staggered in their clutches.

I reached out and grabbed my wife's hand, pulling her toward me as she was trying to pull her button-less blouse to cover her tits. He skirt was bunched around her waist which meant her wet cunt was still on full display.

Holding my wife by her arm I reached and pulled Sherri from the hoard. Her luscious tits jiggled and wobbled with hands shooting out grabbing and squeezing them from both sides of her. She struggled to grab her skirt and pull it up.

Sherri managed to get her skirt pulled most of the way up as I pulled both her and my wife toward the video viewing booths. They were both giggling like school girls.

"Come on you two, let's get you in to see the glory holes before we get kicked out of this place," I laughed.

Needless to say, the hoard followed closely behind us. My wife's firm bare apple ass led them like they were in a trance. I found an open booth and shoved them in. I stepped in and slammed the door, locking it.

I heard the clamoring outside as the hoard fought to occupy the booths on either side of the one we were in.

"I have an idea you two are going to be busy," I chuckled.

They had collapsed on the bench in front of the viewing screen. Both were giggling almost uncontrollably.

"You bitch, you popped my buttons," my wife giggled.

"Fuck you cunt, you pulled my top down first," Sherri retorted.

"Ya, but that was an accident," Debbie said as she poked Sherri in her ribs giggling.

"Oh and I suppose it was an accident you pulled my skirt down too, right?" Sherri laughed.

"Well you pulled mine up," Debbie replied with a chuckle.

"Ya, but you didn't have hands grabbing you all over," Sherri giggled.

"Oh you know you loved the attention," my wife giggled.

I interjected, "Excuse me girls, but you have business to attend to," I said as I pointed to the two stiff cocks protruding through the holes on both sides of the booth.

"Oh WOW!" Sherri squealed. "I thought you guys were bull shitting me. They actually do stick their cocks through holes in the fucking wall!" she exclaimed as she stared at a rather large white cock near her side of the bench.

"I told you so," my wife said as she studied the cock on her side. It was about the same size as the one on Sherri's side.

"And you actually sucked these," Sherri mumbled as she stared at the cock on her side.

"Well like I said, ah I had a lot to drink that night, b-b-but Gary told me I did," my wife lied. She knew full well she sucked them. But blaming it on the booze made her feel better, so who was I to correct her.

Debbie reached and tentatively gripped the cock closest to her by the shaft and began slowly jacking it off. "You can just jack them off too, if you want. You don't have to suck them if you don't want to," she giggled as she felt the cock in her hand pulsing and pre cum oozed from the tip.

Sherri giggled as she reached and cradled the cock by her in her hand. She closed her fist around it and began pumping it back and forth.

I was moving my camera from side to side. I wanted to capture as much of this as possible. My wife's blouse had fallen open and her tits wobbled seductively as she began jacking the cock in her hand more forcefully.

Sherri had not bothered to pull her top up and her tits jiggled as she too increased the pace she was stroking the cock in her hand.

I heard a knocking on the wall on my wife's side and I knew that meant he was about to cum. My wife had learned this too as she immediately slid off the bench to her knees and engulfed the head of the cock in her mouth just as he started spurting his cum.

Sherri's eyes widened and her mouth fell open in a gasp as she watched my wife sucking the cock in her mouth. We both heard her gulping down the cum that was shooting into her mouth.

"Oh FUCK!" Sherri gasped. "You wife is swallowing that guys load," she exclaimed as she slowly pumped on the cock in her hand.

"Ya," I replied as I moved the camera a little closer to capture my wife swallowing. "Most of the guys will knock on the wall when they are about to shoot their loads," I explained with a chuckle.

Sherri continued stroking the cock in her hand, but had leaned over closer to see my wife sucking the cock on her side. "I had no idea these things happened. I would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it," she gasped as she marveled at Debbie sucking all she could out of the cock in her mouth.

A slight popping noise came as the guy my wife had drained pulled his deflated cock out of her mouth. She leaned back against the bench and after hearing the door next to us and close another cock, this one not quite as large, but just as stiff, quickly popped through the hole in front of my wife.

Sherri's mouth hung open and she gasped as she watched my wife lean forward and suck the new cock into her mouth.

Just then, I heard a tapping on the wall on Sherri's side of the booth. "It's showtime Sherri," I chuckled.

"Wha, oh I can't do that," she gasped as she looked at the drooling cock in her hand.

"Well, he probably expects it," I laughed. "I'm just saying," I added as I used my knee to her back to nudge her in that direction.

She slid slowly off the bench as she stared at the cock she was still jacking off in her hand. She was moving slowly in that direction still jacking the guy off when a large glob of cum spurted from his cock and splattered against her chin and her neck.


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