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One Slip: The Aftermath

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Husband still loves wife after her slip.
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Writer's note: This here little story is a continuation of one Patricia51 wrote - "One Slip".

She wrote it without a ending allowing others, like me, to do our own. You need to read hers first to get the full impact even though I think you could read this alone and understand what was happening. If you have not read any of hers do so. She is an excellent writer and can come up with interesting plots. Her "Busted" is very good as well as "Nightlight" which is now one of my favorites. That last might be her best writing but it is an excellent story well told. So read it. :) Her football and butch story is fun and exciting also, And of course don't miss out on the To Serve and Protect series. Their about Mike and especially about his beautiful wife. Some good and different stories in that one. Of course I would like comments :)


Donna walked into her husband Steve's office in a manner that suggested both bravery and shame. Steve looked up and saw her than then stared for a couple of seconds, wondering why she had a look of shame and determination on her face.

"Hi, honey, what's up?" She saw him look up at her and a look that seemed to akin to fear crossed her face quickly followed by shame than then back to determination.

Why would she be afraid of him, Steve wondered as she spoke.

"I have something to tell you and something to show you." For the first time he Steve noticed the manila envelope in her hand. Warning bells went off in his head and butterflies appeared in his stomach. He couldn't say why, but her expression and her tone indicated something was wrong and part of him suspected what it was, even though there was no evidence of that yet. Why that thought should come to mind now, - it was a thought he never entertained, - he didn't know.

She Donna placed the envelope in front of him and said, "I...I... I can't say it."

She paused took a deep breath and said, "I did something I shouldn't have done. You will understand when you look inside," she indicated the envelope.

As he picked up the envelope he found himself hoping it was something like being conned into signing a contract to give away the house or some such. But as he felt what was inside the envelope the butterflies grew and took flight. He flipped the flap open and reached inside. His face was calm as he drew the contents, but even as he saw the top edge of the first picture he was in turmoil inside. In his mind he gasped "She did, Oh no... Why?" That last word would have been said in an almost wailing tone if he had spoken it.

Donna stood there looking down at her feet as he quickly went through the photographs. Steve finally looked up at her, studying her stance and the look on her face. The fear was back as well as even more shame. He thought there may have been a tear in one eye but he wasn't sure. He now understood the fear.

He said, "This isn't private enough, we need to discuss this at home... now!"

He sounded calm, unemotional but that only made it worse for her. She looked up at him and said, "Okay."

He got up, grabbed his coat and walked out the door without a backward glance at her. She quickly turned and followed.

Once outside he said in the same tone,"Darlene, a family situation has come up. I'm leaving now, cancel any appointments and tell anyone that comes by that I am unavailable."

Darlene looked up sharply at the words and his tone wondering what the situation was that would make him react like that.

But as he headed for the door with out even looking her way Darlene just said, "Yes sir."

Donna stopped for a moment and said, "Could you give me a telephone number to reach your brother?"

Darlene looked at her in surprise and curiosity but only quickly flipped through her adderess book. She wrote the number down and gave the paper to Donna, and said to just ask for Lt. Mike Gibson. Donna took it, nodded her thanks and hurried out the door. Her husband was already in his pickup and had the engine started. She got into her vehicle and started the engine as he drove out without even a glance in her direction.

She winced at that thought but got her car going.

Before she pulled out of the driveway Donna stopped, got her cell phone out and dialed the number Darlene had given her.

Once she was talking to Mike she said, "I am Donna. Darlene, your sister works for my husband, Steve."

Mike said that he met her husband once or twice but what did she want.

She said, "I am not sure how to say this but I want to bring charges against Gil Gentry for trying to blackmail me and for taking pictures of me without my knowledge. He has done this to other women."

"And what did he try to blackmail you for?"

"He wanted me to become his sex slave. To have sex with whomever he chose, whenever he wanted me to."

There was a pause and he said in a voice that was still professional sounding but now had a touch of anger, "Do you have any proof of this?"

"I, or rather my husband has the pictures Gil took, and if you check out his office you should be able to find at least two hidden cameras. He's probably in the process of removing them right now."

"I can't promise anything but where is his office?"

Donna gave him the address and which floor then they each said bye and hung up. All too soon she arrived home. Steve's pickup was in the driveway parked straight, which surprised her. She parked, turned off the motor then sighed and got out of the car. When Donna got to the front door she found it open which didn't surprise her. Steve was sitting at the kitchen table looking at the pictures. His expression was unreadable.

She sat down across from him. He looked up from the pictures and said one word. It was a question, the one she had been fearing the most, 'Why?"

She looked down trying to sort things out in the jumble that were her thoughts. After a minute she looked back up to him, determined to look him in the face as she explained.

"I... I this is hard, I..." she stopped grabbed a Kleenex and blew her nose than tried to start over, "I...I. God, this is hard...I"

Steve just looked at her and said, "You said that already."

Tears formed in her eyes as she tried again, "I can't say why," the tears overflowed and began to trickle down her cheeks, "Everything just sort of came together and I..."

She paused again and Steve spoke again, "can't or won't say why?"

"I can't say why, I don't know why" that last was said in a wail, but she continued after swallowing hard, "maybe I had too much to drink, maybe I was mad at you."

He just looked at her with an almost angry, and disappointed look.

She said, "No, I'm not blaming you. I made the mistake. I just don't know why"

"Tell me what happened."

"It was the night I went to the office party without you."

He nodded for he had figured that out already,

While she explained what had happened he had been lazily flipping through the pictures. He seemed to be stuck on two of them always going back to those two and just staring at them. Donna couldn't see which two but she was sure it was the same two each time. She ended her explanation with her meeting with Gil at the restaurant.

As she finished Steve mumbled something, part of which sounded like "so easily??".

He just looked at the picture in his hand for undetermined amount of time.

She thought about asking what he was thinking but from the unemotional look on his face she thought it would be better to let him process what she had told him.

Finally Steve looked up at her. For a moment there was a look of pain mixed with anger on his face. Her heart broke as she saw it but then the unemotional mask slipped back into place.

He said in a flat voice, "I am going to see Gil to see if all this is true. I can't believe he would do something like this. I know he's a lady's man but to seduce my wife and to try to blackmail you?? To own you?? That is not the Gil I know. But then again the wife I knew wouldn't give in like that either."

"I think it would be best if you weren't here when I get back. You can take whatever you need, go wherever you want just don't be here when I get back."

God that hurt, Donna had expected it but at the same time she had hoped his love for her would allow him to forgive her right then. She could only nod in response as fresh tears dripped down her cheek.

He paused for a moment then asked something she hadn't expected. "are you becoming a slut now?"

She let out a strangled noise and said "No!!" in a half wail. She wanted to ask how he could think that but she couldn't. She just sat there with a hurt look on her face as the amount of tears increased.

Steve looked at the tears, watching them as they rolled down both cheeks and dropped on the table. For a moment compassion appeared on his face - but only for a moment. He just gave his head a slight shake, got up and headed for the door.

Before he got to the door Donna asked, "Please don't tell the kids why I'm not home anymore... what I did."

He stopped and without turning his head Steve said, "I will think of something to tell them"

She stayed where she was until he walked out the door, closing it behind him. She then got up and started to walk to the stairs, but stopped and went back to gather the pictures. Donna wanted to put them someplace the kids would not be able to find them. As she gathered them she looked at the last two pictures he had been looking at. The ones he had kept going back to. One was of her pulling Gil's cock out of his pants- of her pulling his cock out of his pants- and the other was her voluntarily sucking his cock. From the expression on her face it looked like she was enjoying what she was doing to another man.

God, how could she have done that??!! In her head she had gone over the whole night more times than she cared to count but she still there was no clue to why she had let herself go like that. Donna had been tempted before by other men but had always said no. She had never even kissed another man before. As she thought over that night again she hurried up the stairs to go to their room and start packing. Their room...It wasn't theirs anymore, now it was just his room. That hit her so hard she almost threw up right on the spot. She managed to get to the bathroom before anything came up but by then her emotions had calmed down enough so most of the nausea left. After recovering she put the pictures in one of Steve's drawers then packed. He had said she could take anything she needed so she packed two suitcases and hurried down the stairs. Once outside she put the suitcases down and stared at her car for a minute then decided she did need it so she could get around. She placed the suitcases in the car and drove away, looking in the rearview mirror with tears streaming down her face, as she did.

Steve meanwhile had headed toward the building where Gil's office was. Half way there he decided that his wife must have been telling the truth about Gil. Someone took those pictures and from the angle it was most probably a hidden camera or two. He picked up his cell phone but had to think for a moment to remember the number he wanted to call. He had met Darlene's brother Mike a couple of times, so he thought Mike would know who he was. Darlene had given him the number if he ever needed to call.

Steve called and got a hold of Mike. After Steve introduced himself Mike asked what he wanted.

Steve said, "I think you need to get over to...," he gave the address of Gil's office, "before someone gets beaten up."

"Who is going to be beaten?"

"Gil Gentry."

"And who is going to be doing the beating?"

"I am."

Steve imagined Mike's eyebrows going up at that.

All he said though was, "Don't take the law into your own hands."

After a pause Mike said in a more gentle tone, "I know how things can feel but you should let us take care of it. Your wife doesn't need you in jail."

Steve thought that was a strange response - it was as if Mike already knew all about what Gil did.

All Steve said was,"You better get over there fast then, I'm almost there."

Mike warned him again about taking the law into his hands then wanted Steve to keep talking, but Steve hung up and stepped on the gas. His tires squealed as he turned into the parking garage that fed the building Gil's office was in. As soon as he found an empty slot he parked and rushed to the elevator. Once inside he thought some more of what had happened and he outwardly became like a rock. Steve managed to wait till the door opened all the way then calmly walked to the right office.

Once he reached it he didn't bother to knock, even though the door was closed, he just opened it and walked in. He found Gil on a step ladder busy pulling something out of the air shaft. Another something that looked like a small rectangular metallic box was hanging from a hole that had been behind a ornamental wall sculpture. The thing looked like a flat tangled mess of metal string. No wonder Gil liked that ugly piece of modern art Steve thought, it provided a clear shot for the camera hidden behind it.

"So Donna was right after all."

Steve had entered the room so silently that Gil didn't hear him. When he spoke Gil jumped, almost hitting his head on the top edge of the open duct. He recovered and turned around quickly.

Gil just stared at Steve for a moment and was about to say something like "Hi buddy" when Steve began to advance into the room. He turned right, walking around the walls instead of going straight across the floor. Gil must have seen something in his friend's face for he hurriedly got off the step ladder and started backing away from Steve.

Finally he said, "I don't know what Donna said, but it isn't true."

Steve waved at the cameras and said "This stuff and some certain pictures say otherwise."

"Hey now, no need to do anything foolish."

"You already did something very foolish and you're right, there was no need for it. That is one piece of forbidden fruit you are going to be very sorry you bit into."

Gil was still moving backwards from the slowly advancing, angry husband who used to be his best friend.

After a few steps he said, "Hey, I did you a favor."

Steve looked puzzled over that but didn't stop.

Gil went on speaking very quickly, "I showed you that your wife is a slut. I mean..."

He stopped speaking for a moment because he almost tripped when his heel caught one of the wheels of his desk chair.

After he recovered he continued with, "I mean... it was so easy to seduce her she must have done it before."

That did give Steve pause for a second. Pause in his thinking that is, not in his motion. He was significantly closer to Gil and was almost in arms length.

He said, "You really don't want to make me any angrier then I am Gil. I may not be a navy Seal but remember I am a Marine. I can still do nasty, painful things to your body."

Gil swallowed hard with a fearful look on his face. After a minute Steve reached out and grabbed Gil's shirt front. His ex-friend yipped.

Steve's expression turned very cloudy and he said, "Its bad enough that you had sex with her but you were also going to turn her into your personal sex slave and OWN her?"

Each word of the second half of that sentence was angrier and deeper than the last one finally the word "own" had been said with a very menacing growl.

Steve spoke again with a slightly less menacing tone. "I lost a best friend as well as a wife today and I am not in a very good mood."

Gil swallowed again and tried to say, "Hey we can still be friends, I still got things to offer you."

"I never knew you. The Gil I knew would never have 'owned' a woman like you do, which means the Gil I knew was a fake. I have been conned all these years. I do not like being conned and I hate men who use woman for their depraved pleasures. Remember we have talked about that a few times over the years? - while you were pretending to be something you're not."

At that point they had still been backing up, but now Gil bumped into a wall. As Steve finished the last statement he lifted Gil up off the floor and shoved him into the wall. He didn't hit the wall all that hard, but there was still a thud and Gil winced. He opened his mouth to say something but Steve just repeated his action but this time Gil hit the wall a little harder then the first time.

Suddenly there was knock. Gil glanced at the door and Steve put him back down.

He said, "For your sake I hope that is the help I called."

Gil just looked at him strangely then shouted, "Whoever it is come in now."

"Its Mike Gibson of the Jackson County Sheriff's department."

"I don't care just come in."

The door opened and a no nonsense looking man wearing in a suit came in. He identified himself again and as he did Steve backed up a step.

Gil turned to the new comer and said, "You need to arrest this man he was threatening me."

"Oh? I didn't see or hear anything threatening."

"He was and I want him arrested."

"Hmmm, I have a slight problem. You see I can only arrest one man at a time and I will have to choose who has the biggest offense"

Gil looked stunned then said, "I want to call my lawyer."

Steve said, "He catches on pretty fast for a slime ball."

"People like him usually are smart. Smart enough to think they are above the law or won't get caught."

Mike then turned to Gil and said, "You can call your lawyer from the station."

He handcuffed Gil, read his rights to him and took him downtown where he was charged with enslavement, blackmail, recording somebody without their consent and a couple of other minor charges.

Two weeks later as the case progressed and the trial date got closer Steve went to see Lt. Mike. They shook hands and Mike invited Steve to sit.

"Did you have something to say or did you just come by to see how the casewas coming along?"

"I came to ask you two things."

"What are they?"

"How did you know what to charge him with?"

"Your wife called me before you did and explained what he did. That was how I was able to get there so fast, I was already on my way."

"That would explain your response to me over the phone about my wife needing me."

Mike nodded and then asked, "what was your second question?"

"Does my wife need to testify in court? The media has gotten hold of this story and the publicity has grown since Gil was arrested. That means Donna will have to say in court when she did and...I.. was wondering if she could be spared from admitting that in public, wher ethe media would get a hold of it."

"You know your wife is a brave lady. Not only to say no to Gil under those circumstances but to be willing to tell you and then to be willing to testify in court like that. You should be proud of her."

"I am. She has always had a special spark."

He paused for a moment then shook his hea das if to clear it then said, "Donna has been through a lot already and I was hoping to spare her the public hearing of what she did."

"You still love you don't you."

"Yes.. I do. I've thought about it a lot and I do love her."

"Have you told her?"

"No, we haven't spoken much since she told me."

There was a pause and Steve took a deep breath, "I'm afraid I said something I shouldn't have. I was in shock. It was bad enough she told me about it but those pictures just made it so much more real. I couldn't keep my eye off them, especially two of them. I wanted to stop looking at them but I couldn't. A part of me wanted to scream, to shout and throw things, to tear up those pictures but as I said I was in shock. All I could do was sit there and stare at the pictures as she told me what happened."

Another pause and he said in a queiter voice, "I told her I was going to see Gill and that I don't want her there when I got back, I didn't care where she went or what she took just not be there."

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