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One Thing at a Time


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Now Tim lived alone in the same large, empty house, drove the same car he'd had for ten years, and had nearly a million dollars in the bank. He stopped working full-time and began consulting on a very part-time basis. That freed up a lot of his time to do the only thing that made him happy--helping people.

He started out helping family members and friends until they became...leeches...asking him to buy this or take care of that and rarely even thanked him. He started looking at GoFundMe requests and was immediately overwhelmed. There was also the concern of being scammed, so he hired someone to look into cases that interested him, and when he learned they were legitimate he would send a thousand, five thousand, or in the case of a little girl with cancer--$25,000. To date, he'd given over $200,000 to people who were legitimately in need.

All of it was done anonymously, and that's how he wanted it. Charity was the only thing that allowed him to sleep, and while it didn't fill the void in this life, it made it possible to kind of cover up the deep, gaping wound losing his wife and daughter had opened up in his soul. It was still there, but now he could navigate around it and didn't have to look into anymore.

When he turned into the very upscale development where he lived, Vikki looked over at him and asked, "Do you live here?"

"Yes," he replied quietly. "For many years now."

She and Michael had lived in a trailer since moving there. It was never nice, but she'd made it cozy, and during their first year there she was able to keep it up. But when he lost his job for being late the fifth time due to heavy drinking, it became impossible to clean up after him. And then came the anger and the holes in the thin walls which preceded him eventually punching her.

She'd never even dreamed about living in a place like this, and as they drove past the huge homes and the perfectly-manicured yards, it all seemed like some kind of dream. It seemed even more so when Tim pulled into one of those two-story homes with a four-car garage, and as she would soon learn, a swimming pool and a jacuzzi.

"I've never been in a house this beautiful before," she told him as he showed her to her room.

"Thank you," he told her making sure not to say anything like, "all houses are just sticks and stones without someone to love living in them with you."

He gave her a room that had never been lived in before, and where only a few guests had ever stayed. He wasn't sure exactly how many years ago it had been since the last person stayed there, but it was definitely before the accident that destroyed his life and ended his wife and daughter's.

"It's beautiful," Vikki said as she looked around. "I love hardwood floors, and everything is so...nice."

He watched her touch each dresser, the bed, and the little desk built into a wall as though they were made of silver or gold.

"A walk-in closet? Oh my goodness!" she said, showing real emotion for the first time.

Tim fought off tearing up when she turned around, her own eyes full of tears.

She walked over to him and again put her arms around him.

"You not only rescued me. You saved me," she said as tears fell on his shirt.

"Oh, come on. I'm just a guy willing to help out. Now why don't you go shower and change, and come downstairs, okay?" he told her as he pulled back before his emotions got the best of him. "Oh. There's a brand new toothbrush in the drawer under the sink."

"Okay," she said as she did her best to smile as she looked up into his eyes. "Tim? Thank you."

"You're very welcome," he replied as he turned away.

"Oh. I'm not sure what might fit, but there are some girl's clothes in the closest in the room across the hall. Feel free to look and grab anything you like."

He wasn't about to tell her they belonged to a beautiful 15-year old girl who was about Vikki's size and who was now buried in a cemetery across town.

Vikki thought nothing of it until she went to look. Everything was so pretty and expensive. She smiled when the thought hit that had they been bigger she might have wondered if perhaps Tim wore them as she couldn't think of why any man who lived alone would have women's clothes in the house. But they were way too small for him, and because she'd lost so much weight, they were all just barely larger than Vikki's current size. If she could eat regularly again, they would soon fit her, but for now most things were a little baggy.

She found a pretty sweater that was a burnt-orange color that was a little baggy but felt warm and cozy along with a pair of jeans. They were loose but not so much so that she couldn't keep them up. She also found a pair of socks to wear and pulled them on and revealed in the soft feel of fresh, clean cotton on her feet.

As she blow-dried her hair for the first time in at least two years, she felt pretty. She knew she wasn't, but she still felt like a princess in a fairytale who lived in a beautiful castle. She'd always had nice hair, and while it was still beautiful, it needed to be cut in the worst way. It fell to the middle of her back, but the last foot or so was a mess of long split ends she couldn't really comb out.

It was no big deal, though, as nothing could change the way she felt, and when she finished with it she even smiled at herself in the mirror. Not even the way her teeth looked stole her joy.

As Tim had said, "One thing at a time."

"Look at you!" he said when she came downstairs.

The difference was remarkable. Her long, brown hair was clean and silky, and her face was freshly scrubbed and made her look very different.

"I love the sweater," she told him, a slight smile coming his way.

"You look very nice," he assured her then asked, "Would you like some tea?"

"Yes. Please. And thank you."

"Vikki? Would you do me a favor?"

"Yes. Anything."

"It may sound personal, but I really want you to see a doctor to make sure you're okay. The whole thing. Blood work and a head-to-toe exam."

"I feel fine, Tim."

"It would mean a lot to me. I just want you to be able to start your new life with a clean slate, and you know what you've been through. So...would you?"

She was so moved by his concern that she told him she would.

"And I'm guessing you haven't seen a dentist in a while."

"Oh, right. I know they look awful."

"It's more than that. I'm fine with being called a worry-wort, but I had a cousin who nearly died from an abscess."

"A tooth? How?" Vikki asked, having never heard of such a thing.

"A cavity that never got taken care of made its way into the pulp. It became an abscess and he went into septic shock. From the poison. He was in intensive care for three days and spent two more in the hospital."

"You know I don't have any money. Well, except for what you gave me. I can you that back to you."

"No. No, you won't," he told her. "That's yours, and I'll cover the costs to make sure you're healthy."

"I remember a movie I watched years ago. Someone said it was 'surreal' and I didn't know what that meant, so I looked it up. Now, being here after living in a filthy trailer with mold and...I can't even say...I feel like I won the lottery. And it's all so surreal to me."

"I'm just glad we got you out of there."

He watched her take a sip then told her they would have to go see the police sometime soon.

"No. I...I don't want them to get involved."

"Vikki. You have to do this. He cannot be allowed to get away with what he did, and you need a restraining order. I know he won't care about a piece of paper, but we have to document this. And you may need to testify in court."

He saw her smile fade and felt terrible.

"I'm sorry, honey. I threw too much at you at once. Please forgive me."

She looked at him but didn't smile because she was paranoid about how bad her teeth looked. She gave him a smile without showing her teeth then repeated his advice.

"One step at a time, right?"

"Right. And listen. The house is yours as long as you stay here. If you want food, the refrigerator is there, cupboards are there, and there's a grocery store not too far away. If you want or need anything just let me know, okay?"

He expected a reply but didn't get one. He stood up, but as he did, Vikki reached out for his arm.

"I don't know how to thank you."

"You just did," he told her as he took her hand in his. "That's all the thanks I need."

He went to his office then dialed a number he had at the top of his Contacts.

"Marla? I have a request."

"Who are we looking into this time?" his private investigator asked.

They'd also become friends, and Tim felt pretty sure she looked at him as more than just a friend. He'd never win any beauty contests, but he was 42 and still had all of his hair and his stomach was still reasonably flat. He was 5'10" and weighed 170 pounds, and while he wore glasses, he actually looked better with them than without.

"No one. Remember the young woman I told you about. From the gas station?"

"Yes, of course. The one with the bruises on her neck. Why?"

"Well, she's here staying with me for the time being."

"Tim, that's wonderful! How did she get away?"

He told her the story and why he was calling.

"Sure. No problem. I'll call right now and see if there's anyway Dr. Carson can see her tomorrow. The good doctor owes me one!"

Tim laughed because everyone owed Marla at least one.

"And the dentist, too. Full meal deal. Exam, cleaning, and the ultraviolet thing."

She laughed and told him she'd take care of that, too.

"What about the husband? Is he a concern?"

Tim exhaled loudly and told her he was and asked her to take Jimbo with her.

"Good call. Just in case," she agreed.

Jimbo was her brother. He was 6'4", 220 pounds of what he called 'twisted steel and sex appeal'. He was a former police officer with a shaved head and a concealed carry permit, and Jimbo knew how to use a weapon. Oh, and he was a black belt in Shodokan karate working on his 2nd-degree. Messing for him was like begging for the death penalty.

Marla called back 30 minutes later and let him know Vikki had a 9am appointment with her OB-GYN friend, Dr. Carson, and a 1:30 with her favorite dentist, Dr. Mark Thomas.

"Thanks, Marla. You're the best."

She laughed then told him she was also pretty good at a lot of 'other things' than just PI work. Tim dutifully chuckled and thanked her again just as Vikki poked her head through the open doors.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I still don't do well being alone for too long, and I started looking for you and...."

"I am so sorry. I didn't even think of that. Are you okay?"

She looked and him and smiled from across the room and said, "I am now."

He was surprised at the way he reacted to her smile and her words and had to pretend his was looking for something in the desk drawer. He changed the subject by telling her about the appointments and who would be taking her.

"Marla? And...you trust her?" Vikki asked needing to hear him say he did.

"Absolutely. And her brother, Jimbo, will be tagging along just in case."

"Jimbo, huh?"

Tim laughed then told her he was a one-man wrecking ball who was armed to the teeth.

"Shoot, his teeth are probably deadly weapons."

Vikki laughed for the first time could remember. A real, genuine laugh that made him smile and react again. He found himself wanting to ask her how old she was, but there was no valid reason to do so.

"Tim? I can make dinner for you, if you'd like. I'm actually a pretty good cook if I have actual food to cook with instead of Raman noodles or a can of creamed corn. Both of which I HATE, by the way!"

She laughed again, and he came very close to telling her she looked pretty when she did that, but he bit his tongue again and told her she could make anything she liked.

"Okay. I'll get started. I'm looking forward to it, because I haven't been able to cook anything for...well, a very long time."

"Do you need me to be in the kitchen with you?" he asked, trying not to sound too hopeful.

"No. Not as long as I know where you are," she said with another smile.

"Holler if you need me!"

She was several steps down the hall and called back, "I will!"

Three hours later Tim finished the last bite on his plate and pushed himself back.

"That was amazing!"

"Did you really like it?" she asked, a hopeful look in her eyes.

"I can't remember the last time I had a meal that good. Seriously!"

"I wanted to make a pie, but there wasn't time. I can warm up the frozen pecan pie if you like."

"No! Please. I'll explode!"

Vikki laughed again, and he reiterated how delicious everything was.

"I forgot how much I love cooking. This was really wonderful, Tim."

She was the same person, but he saw her differently. He wasn't quite sure just how, but something had changed. Something about her.

Vikki hadn't seen a movie in at nearly three years and had never even heard of The Notebook. Tim wouldn't have watched it if it was the last movie on earth, but when asked about romantic movies, he mentioned it to her because women raved about it.

The bad news was that it made her cry. The good news is it wasn't because she'd left her abusive husband and felt guilty which often happens in captive relationships. The old Stockholm Syndrome.

"All I want is a loving husband and a child. I don't need two or three. I just want to be a mom so bad," she said as she dried her eyes after the movie ended.

"That will happen," Tim assured her. "You'll find the right man or he'll find you, and when that happens, you'll have the family you've always wanted."

"Why aren't you married, Tim?" she asked in complete innocence.

He'd taken down all of her pictures and those of their daughter, too. Seeing them became so unbearable he couldn't stand it, and he didn't need them, anyway, as the important memories lived in his mind, and he would never forget them.

Tim's throat got tight when she asked. He avoided answering it by asking her if she wanted to watch another movie.

"No. I'm really tired. I'm used to going to bed at 8 o'clock."

He gave her an odd look, and she explained that she went to bed in order to spend less time awake and thinking about her life and how much she hated it.

"But not anymore," she said sweetly. "I'm just really tired. But thank you for watching The Notebook with me. I...I know you didn't like it, but it was really sweet of you. So...good night."

"Good night, Vikki. And...I'm really glad you're here."

She turned, smiled, and said sincerely, "Me, too," before going upstairs.

Vikki made scrambled eggs the next morning after having coffee ready when Tim got up. By 8am, she was showered, dressed, and ready to leave. They talked until Marla showed up and Tim introduced them.

Marla told her how glad she was to know she was safe.

"Tim is such a good man. You couldn't possibly do better," Marla said, a little too adoringly.

Marla looked at Tim who tried to smile after the compliment.

"I know," Vikki said to her while looking at Tim. That time he smiled back and Marla noticed but hid the mild annoyance she felt.

"Well. We need to get moving. And don't be frightened when you see my brother who's right outside."

"Jimbo, right?"

"Yes. Jumbo Jim or Jimbo as we call him."

Jimbo was a monster of a man. A regular 'beef bus' and Vikki would have been a little afraid of him had he not been so open and friendly after introducing himself. He was more like a big teddy bear than a grizzly bear, and she felt safe having him around.

As they drove to the doctor's, Marla asked how she liked staying at Tim's.

"I feel like I'm in a dream."

She explained her previous situation briefly. Michael, the drinking, the trailer, the abuse.

"So your whole world has been turned...right side up?" Marla replied.

"Um...I guess so. I mean, everything is so much better."

"Tim is the most amazing man I've ever known. He does so much to help out other people; people he doesn't even know. I think he's incredible."

"Oh. It sounds like you kind of like him," Vikki kind of said and asked at the same time.

"I do. The thing is he's not over losing his wife yet, and I...."

"What? Tim was married?"

"Yes. For many years. He didn't tell you?"

"No. I wondered because there are girl's clothes in a bedroom closet."

"Oh, right. Those were his daughter's. She and her mom were killed by a drunk driver. Terrible. Just...horrible. So he tries to find peace in helping others, and he had no idea how I feel."

"May I ask you a personal question? About Tim?"

"Sure. I'll tell you if I can."

"How old is he?"

Marla laughed.

"He's 42 which is three years older than me. I just wish there was some way I could let him know without being too obvious."

"I could mention it. Very casually."

"Oh, I don't know."

Marla thought for a moment then said, "You'd do that?"

"Sure. I mean, he's way too old for me anyway."

She saw Marla give her a look and got it.

"No. I didn't mean I...like him. I only meant that, you know, he's 42 and I'm 23, so...."

"You're only 23?" Marla asked, very surprised and a little relieved.

"Yes. Why? Do I look older?"

"It's okay, honey. You've been through a lot. Let's just get you in to see the doctor and the dentist, shall we?"

Vikki was too happy to let a snide comment bring her down, and she knew Marla liked Tim. She also now knew that with him being almost 20 years older than her, there was no chance of ever being anything but friends, so she decided that would be enough and to let him know how Marla felt.

The doctor did a thorough exam and told her that pending the results of the blood tests, she looked fine for someone who' been so deprived of food and medical care. The dentist, however, wasn't able to be so kind.

"Vikki, you have a baker's dozen cavities, and you're going to need a root canal very soon. Number 31 is on the verge of catastrophe, so we'll take care of that early on in your treatment plan. We'll do this in four sessions plus the root canal. But before you leave we'll be doing the laser whitening you requested."

"What? I didn't ask for anything," she told him.

"Well, someone did, and the time is already scheduled, and it was paid for in advance, so we may as well take care of that today."

When the girl doing the treatment finished, Vikki couldn't stop looking at her teeth. They'd been cleaned and that made a huge difference. But this? She'd never seen teeth so white before and her gratitude swelled and caused her to tear up again.

"You look so beautiful!" the other woman told her. "Just go easy on coffee, tea, colas, and stuff like blueberries."

"I'll never touch them again!" Vikki said as she continued turning the handheld mirror and admiring her pearly whites.

Vikki couldn't wait to get home and thank Tim for his latest round of generosity. He was thrilled to get another hug and loved seeing her so happy, and he had to admit her teeth looked 100% better. There was still a small black spot on one of her incisors, but that was one of the many cavities that would be taken care of over the coming month and then be gone forever.

She was more than a little surprised when she casually mentioned how Marla seemed to really like him. He said something like, "Oh, yeah. She's really great," and made it clear he didn't want to talk about it, so she dropped it for the time being.

Her first real test came the following day when she went to the police station to file a restraining order. Jimbo drove her and Marla sat with her for moral support as she explained her past situation. Vikki didn't understand the process but made statements and signed papers.

A temporary restraint was issued, and Michael was served with the order and a notice to appear the same day. Jimbo waited nearby, and after Michael had the paper in his hand, Jimbo paid him a friendly visit.

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