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One Time Birthday Offer

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Wife surprises husband with birthday surprise.
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Linda and I first met at the beginning of my senior year in college. She was an incoming junior that was transferring in from another school. Fortunately for me, I was a Resident Assistant which required me to attend the orientation session for new students a few days before the other returning students would arrive. It gave you me a great opportunity to check out the new girls prior to all of the other horny male college students returning. Linda was definitely one of the hottest new girls on campus and I knew that she would definitely be one of the most sought after girls on campus.

I utilized the opportunity during those orientation days to at least meet Linda and determine that she was not currently dating anyone else. Linda had a gorgeous face, with beautiful eyes and sensuous lips. She shared with me that she was a dance major, which easily explained her unbelievable body. Linda had long sexy legs, topped off with an incredible rear and lastly, she had perfectly shaped breasts that although they were a little smaller were perfect size for her body. Over the first few weeks of the semester, I used every opportunity possible to spend time with her and get to know her better. It quickly became apparent that Linda had a very conservative upbringing, had not dated much and was still a virgin. Although I'll admit that when I first saw her, I was more interested in getting her in bed than starting a relationship, those feelings changed as I got to know what a terrific personality she had and how much fun she was to be around. Fortunately for me, she also felt the same about me, and the rest as they say is history.

Rather than moving to Florida, as I had planned after graduation, I stayed in the midwest and rented a room in Linda's basement until we got married shortly after she graduated. When the time was right, Linda and I moved to Florida and began our family. Over the next 15 years, we were blessed with four incredible kids. And in addition to changes in homes and jobs, each of us put on a few pounds over those years, with mine actually being a few dozen pounds. The key difference was where those pounds went on each of us. In my case they went right to my gut, but in Linda's case they were perfectly distributed across her body. Those long sexy legs from college were still long and sexy. That incredible rear had gotten a little fuller, but was now even sexier as it gave Linda that sexy hourglass looking body. Her breasts plumped up to a perfect looking size C. And she still had that gorgeous face. So, I was indeed a very lucky guy getting to be married to such an amazing looking woman.

Although both of us began our life together being sexually conservative, we slowly tried new things, usually the result of me begging Linda to do so. At some point fairly early in our marriage, we started reading erotic stories in Penthouse Letters. From there, we moved to watching porn occasionally. Over time, we became much more comfortable trying different positions and even doing some role playing. But, the one thing that never changed was that everything was only between Linda and me. As I have described, Linda has always had an amazing body and has been turning the heads of guys for the last 20+ years. When I was younger, I'll admit that I was a little jealous if someone was checking out my hot wife. But, as I got older, it definitely became a bigger turn on for me. She was my trophy wife.

On a trip to Jamaica, after we had been married 10 years, we stayed at a resort that allowed topless sunbathing on the beach. That was the first time that Linda went topless, although we went to the far end of the beach to reduce the likelihood of being seen. Even though not many guys had the chance to see her perfect breasts on display, the turn-on I got from just seeing the reaction of those few guys that did see her was incredible. Getting her to go topless, when it was allowed, became one of my favorite things to do when just the two of us were vacationing together. Linda was usually willing to take her top off as long as she was not the only woman topless and that there was no chance we would run into someone we knew. Although Linda said it made her uncomfortable and that she only did it for me, I think she definitely got more comfortable over time, especially after being able to see the positive reaction she got from guys when they were really checking her out.

Another thing that I was able to talk Linda into doing was going to a Swingers Adult Club when we were in a different city. We went as more of voyeurs to just watch other couples and to see what goes on. Not long after we were there the first time, another attractive woman sat next to Linda and asked her if she was into girls. When Linda politely responded "no", the woman walked away. The rest of that first visit, we just walked around and watched other couples before returning to our hotel room for some fun. On our second trip there, Linda and I did fuck in a side room as a guy stood in the doorway watching us from about 10 feet away. That was not our intent, but the private rooms were unusable, one thing led to another and the room we went into did not have a door that you could close. It was after that second visit, that Linda got a little nervous and said that she really did not want to go to one of those clubs again.

Fortunately for me, and a lot of other guys, Linda and I have taken several vacations over the past 10+ years where she graciously put her amazing breasts on display. When the two of us are away from home, Linda is more comfortable wearing sexier clothing, which is also a huge turn-on for me. And although we have fantasized about erotic massages, threesomes and various other things, we've never done any one those because we are both conservative by nature, especially Linda. It also means a lot to both of us that I am the only guy that has ever made love to her. And although I may be slightly more willing to stretch the boundaries a bit, I would never do anything or allow anything to happen to Linda that she was not equally interested in doing.

A few years ago, I began to ask for coupons or an erotic night as one of the items I'd like for my birthday. It was primarily a joke, but also a way to see if Linda had become interested in expanding our boundaries at all. She always turned me down on that gift request, but I kept trying. The reality was that I was a very, very lucky man. Not only had I found the woman of my dreams, but her looks became even more stunning as she aged. Linda was routinely carded until she was well into her 30's and still has the body and looks that turn heads. On top of that, we have a wonderful family and I am more in love with my beautiful bride every day. So, I was very content just looking forward to our romantic vacations together for the erotic thrill of watching her dress sexy or put her amazing breasts on display if it was allowed.

Life was so simple. That is at least until I had a milestone birthday. In addition to the usual assortment of gifts from Linda and the kids, Linda handed me a sealed envelope when we were alone and said she had one final gift for me. When I started to open it, the first thing that popped into my head was that it was a sexy picture of Linda in lingerie, or better yet au natural. As I slid the sheet of paper out, I realized that rather than a sexy picture of Linda, it was actually a certificate. In bold letters on the top of the certificate it read: "This entitles you to: One Very Erotic Experience of Your Choice". Below that it listed the following "Conditions of this Gift":

1)The selected Erotic Experience must include both of us.

2)This is a ONE Time only offer and will NEVER be repeated.

3)Upon acceptance of this offer, it is agreed that no further requests for extreme erotic activities will ever be made again.

4)Whatever happens -- it will never be discussed or used against either of us.

I was stunned and had all kinds of thoughts running through my mind. Is she serious? Would she really do ANYTHING I asked? If she would, what would I want it to be? What does she want me to do? What does she mean by these "conditions" that are listed?

Linda could tell that my mind was racing a million miles an hour and asked me if I had any questions. So, I asked her if this was a joke and if not, could she please explain in greater detail of what she meant by each of the conditions.

She started by saying that it was not a joke and that she would do whatever I came up with as a special gift for me since I have always taken care of and provided for our family. She realized that she may not like or be comfortable with whatever I wanted to do, but would do it this one time for me. Linda then went on to explain each of the conditions. The first condition that it must include both of us, simply meant that whatever I chose, both of us must be there and it was fine if other people were involved too. The second condition was obvious that it would only happen this once, so I better take advantage of it. She explained that the third condition is that I had to agree never to request, beg or push her into erotic situations that she may be uncomfortable with ever again. The good news was that she was fine with watching porn together, role playing, dressing sexy and even going topless when it is permitted. And the final condition was kind of like the "whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" saying. We would not discuss it and definitely could not be upset at each other as a result of what happens.

Still somewhat stunned, I asked Linda when she wanted to know what I wanted to do. She told me to take my time and really think it through, because she was very serious about this being a one-time only offer, so I needed to really think of what I wanted and hopefully get it out of my system.

Over the next few days, I had problems staying focused as I was constantly thinking about this incredible gift. What do I do? I think I probably thought of every imaginable fantasy situation and my head was still spinning about what I wanted to do. I finally convinced myself that I need to handle this more like a project at work or home and organize my thoughts in a logical and orderly fashion. So, rather than try to come up with all of the details of these hundreds of ideas to choose from, I figured I needed to first figure out what my goal was. Was it a threesome, a swap, or whatever else you could imagine? I started by thinking about what is it that I enjoy to do with Linda today. That was pretty easy -- I just love being with her, holding her hand, planning things together, going shopping, watching her try on clothes, traveling, etc. Then, when I thought about it more from a sexual standpoint, most of what I enjoyed was just being seen with her. She was my "trophy wife" and wherever we went, I always had the hottest looking date.

From there, I started to reflect on what the three most memorable experiences that Linda and I have had of a sexual and erotic nature. Although there were several that came to mind, there were three that clearly stood out most in my mind as being the biggest turn on for me.

The third most memorable erotic experience for me occurred on a cruise that we took. The ship had an adults-only deck that allowed topless sunbathing. Linda and I went up there to get some sun and be away from the noise on the main pool deck. Fortunately for me, there were a few other women that were going topless, so as soon as we settled into our chairs Linda removed her bikini top. Not long after we had settled in, an attractive looking couple came up and sat in the chairs next to us. They were probably 5-10 years younger than us and clearly both into keeping themselves in shape. He did not appear to have an ounce of fat on his muscular body as he removed his shirt and settled into his chair. She also had an athletic-looking body with boobs a little smaller than Linda's. Over the next few hours, I caught him checking out Linda's body on several occasions. I was wearing dark wrap-around sun glasses and pretending to be sleeping much of the time, so I was able to see him checking her out without him knowing. Linda and his wife were in chairs next to each other, so he'd just look past his wife and stare at Linda. On the last 'day at sea' day, the same thing happened, only this time his wife left to go work out and he told her that he was going to take the day off and just enjoy the sun. Enjoy the sun he did as his eyes were almost always glued to Linda's body, although he tried to make it innocent by looking around a lot. The memory of this nearly perfect physical specimen of a man really checking Linda out is still a major turn on for me because she's my hot wife and not his.

The second most memorable erotic experience for me occurred just a few years ago when Linda and I spent a week in Aruba. We stayed at a hotel that had its own private island. The island had a bar & grill, a family beach and an adults-only beach. Linda and I ended up spending a few days on the private island and each time spent part of the time on the adults-only beach to allow Linda to go topless. On the last day we were there, Linda removed her top as soon as we sat down as there were several other women that were also going topless. It was a beautiful warm day and as a result, we would frequently get up to cool off in the water. Up to this point, Linda would always put her bikini top back on when we went to the water and then take it off when we returned to our chairs. Many of the other women were not covering up and walking, standing or swimming while remaining topless. On one of the last times we got up to cool off in the water, when Linda asked me if I'd hand her the bikini top, I told her she did not need it. She looked around and said "fine". We both walked down to the water and cooled off while standing in about waist deep water. While we were talking, I noticed that a group of 5 early 20's guys walking down the beach. I decided to time Linda's and my return to our chairs to be right as they were walking past us on the beach to give them a great view. My timing was perfect as we walked from the water just in front of them, so they got a perfect view of Linda less than 10 feet in front of them. After we passed them, I heard a few comments that were definitely about Linda's body and perfect tits.

As Linda and I settled back into our chairs, I looked down the beach and noticed that the groups of guys had stopped and were talking as they looked in our general direction. Linda commented that she was going to read her book, so I decided I'd try to take a short nap. I put on a ball cap and sun glasses. Just as I was about to close my eyes, I looked down the beach again to see what the group of guys were doing. They had started to walk back, but two of the five guys were walking towards the top of the beach instead of along the water like the other guys. I continued to watch as both sets of guys moved slowly in our general direction. I also pulled my ball cap down almost covering my eyes to give the appearance I was sleeping. As the group of three guys that was walking along the water got in front of us, they slowed down and each took another look at Linda, although we were at least 40 feet away from them as our chairs were near the top of the beach. It was then that I noticed, out of the corner of my eye, that the other 2 guys were walking right towards us. As they approached us they slowed down and walked right behind our chairs until they stopped just past Linda's chair. They were pretending to talk about something, as they just looked down at Linda's perfect breasts only a few feet away. I watched out of the corner of my eye as they continued to just stare at Linda's tits. Linda obviously knew they were there, but just kept reading. Finally after about 5 minutes, they walked down to the water's edge where their 3 friends were still standing, before they all left. Once they had gone, I commented to Linda that she just made their day and she said that it made her very uncomfortable knowing that they were just staring at her. Later that night, I brought up the fact that seeing her bare breasts was clearly the highlight of those guys' trip, and we had a very passionate love making session. To this day, I still bring up the two 20-something guys that really checked her out whenever she is feeling like she's getting older and losing some of her incredible looks.

My most erotic memory though occurred on a trip the two of us made to Cancun. We were staying at an adults-only resort that was close to the city. I had read online that the resort had adult-oriented activities and also allowed topless sunbathing at their pools and their small beach area. When we got there, we realized that this was definitely the most "adult-oriented" resort we had ever stayed at, as they made you sign a document saying that you understood that you were not allowed to have sex in any of the public areas at the resort. Linda and I did some sightseeing and a little bit of sunning the first few days. She was more comfortable than normal going topless when we were at the pool, as the majority of women were not only topless when they were getting sun, but also when they were swimming or walking around the pool area. The female member of the activities staff also was topless as she ran the activities and walked around encouraging people to participate. On those first couple of days, Linda only kept her bikini top off when we were sitting in our chairs or if we jumped into the pool to quickly cool off. Since one of my biggest turn-ons is watching other guys check her out, it really limited the number of guys that could see her, as the pool was very large and the restroom and bar were at the far end away from where we were sitting, so if Linda walked to either of those she put her bikini top back on. Although she definitely turns heads in her bikini, with her long sexy legs and amazing ass, the staring and in some cases drooling becomes much more obvious if she has her perfect breasts on display.

The activities were fun to watch, but too risqué for me to want to participate or even encourage Linda to do so. Naked pool volleyball for the guys was definitely not my thing, and I knew Linda would not even consider participating in a game where the women laid on the bar and guys ate things off their bodies using only their mouths. The following day, we chartered a boat for half the day and were taken along the shoreline and into some of the inland channels to see the huge homes. The boat had an open bow on the front, so Linda and I sat up there allowing us to get some great sun and the occasional mist of cool water as we hit waves. The guy driving the boat was a nice guy who enjoyed talking about Cancun and telling us who lived where. Throughout the ride and his commentary, he was regularly checking Linda out as he had a perfect view of her boobs trying to push their way out of her bikini top and the rest of her body as she sat directly in front of him on the cushioned bench of the open bow. Even though she knew he had a perfect view of her body and was definitely checking her out, since it was so relaxing sitting up in front of the boat and getting sun, she was fine just enjoying the ride. While we were getting into bed later that night, I commented to Linda how that kid was probably telling all of his friends about the amazing American babe that he got to stare at for half the day. She commented "yeah right", but then practically attacked me as we made love that night.

It was on our last full day we were there that Linda surprised me though. We had decided to spend the entire day at the pool to work on our tans. As she had done each of the previous days, as soon as we picked our chairs, Linda removed her bikini top and sat down. As much as I hate to admit it, I became so used to women parading around topless that week, that you hardly noticed it. I'm guessing that's what Linda was thinking as well a short while later when she said she had to use the ladies room. Before I could hand her the bikini top, she had already gotten up and was walking to the restroom on the other side of the pool. As I watched my sexy wife walk around the pool, it was obvious that other guys were also really checking her out, much more so than any of the other topless women. There were 2 guys in particular that had their eyes glued to her as she walked right in front of them and into the ladies room. It was pretty obvious from their lively discussion after she had entered the ladies room that they were talking about her. I decided to get closer to them, so I got into the pool and swam over to the side of the pool within about 10 feet of where they were sitting. I had just gotten there when Linda came out of the bathroom and walked back to our chairs, not even noticing me in the water as she walked by. I watched as again these guys' eyes were glued to Linda's incredible body as she walked past us. As soon as she was out of range to hear them, one of the guys commented to the other that she had incredible tits. The other guy agreed and said that she should be in Playboy.


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