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One Way To Spice Up A Marriage Pt. 02

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Couple continues to explore ways to spice up their marriage.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/13/2015
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This is a continuation of "One way to Spice up a marriage." It is a work of fiction whose sole purpose is entertainment. It contains elements of power exchange between consenting adults leading towards the development of a female domination lifestyle.


My first CFNM experience had been stimulating and erotic. Jennifer was waiting for me when I finally made it to the bedroom. Evidently she was just as aroused as I was.

She took me in her mouth and engulfed my rigid cock. When she wasn't sucking on the shaft, she was licking my balls or flicking her tongue across the head of my penis. I was in heaven as Jenn worked me over. It was something she seldom did so I made the most of the opportunity. By the time she finished I was exhausted. My ass still tingled from the spanking I received but I was happy and satisfied.

I overslept a little the next morning and barely made it to work on time. I was still exhausted and praying for an easy day. The day seemed to drag on forever but I managed to finish my work early and decided to make a short day of it. It was one of the few perks I got for being a manager.

That night we decided to have dinner out since we were both exhausted. As we drove to our favorite restaurant, we started discussing the events of the previous evening.

"I think I already know the answer to this," Jennifer began. "But I'll ask it anyway. How did you enjoy your first CFNM party?"

"Well," I began after trying to compose my thoughts. "There were definitely some erotic moments. I have to admit that I enjoyed all of the attention. After all, the women wouldn't leave my penis alone. They continually groped it and played with my balls. One women even stuck her finger up my ass."

"Did you like that?" Jennifer asked.

"Well... yeah... kind off." I replied. "It was a new experience and it took me by surprise. I'll have to admit, it did feel good."

"You know your cock jumped a little when she did it." Jennifer said with a giggle.

"Anyway," I continued. "The exhibitionism was both enjoyable and humiliating, I don't think it would have been quite so bad if the women had been strangers. Doing it in front of our friends and neighbors was... kind of awkward. I'm sure I'll think about it every time I see one of them on the street."

"Well, if we're going to continue down this path, we might find ourselves doing stuff that might be even more embarrassing." Jennifer replied. "So, there's no need in trying to hide it. If our neighbors are truly our friends they'll understand. I know Jack and Lori will. Lori's been filling me in on some of the stuff she does with Jack. She provided a lot of input for the party."

"How about the oral sex?" Jenn asked as we started eating our meal. "Did you enjoy eating Ethel's pussy and kissing her ass?"

I love oral sex and how it makes a woman hot. I especially love performing it on my wife. The ass worship was something new, and I really didn't know how I felt about it. I was also trying to figure out how to answer Jenn's question. How do you tell your wife that you enjoyed eating another woman's pussy? I decided honesty was the best policy.

"It was good," I replied. "You know how much I enjoy eating pussy. The anal worship was a bit different, but it wasn't altogether unpleasant."

"Did she taste as good as me?" Jenn asked.

"She tasted different." I replied trying to remain politically correct. "You told me to serve all of the women to the best of my ability so that's what I did. I did it because it's what you expected from me; and the fact that Ethel didn't give me much of a choice. I enjoyed it because I was serving you through her. It wasn't the same as when I eat you. I could do that for hours because I enjoy worshipping your body. Eating Ethel's pussy was just another task that I was told to complete."

"Hmmm," Jennifer replied. "That sounds like a lot of BS. Good BS, but BS none-the-less. I think you really liked licking her pussy and sticking your tongue up her ass. Maybe I'll give her a call tomorrow. I can see you under her desk with your face buried between her legs giving her some tongue while she chats away on her phone with some business associate. I bet she'd use you daily if she could."

I wasn't sure if Jenn was serious or just trying to get a rise out of me. She succeeded in the later because my cock was pushing against my pants, aching for freedom.

"How about the spanking?" Jenn asked.

Again I thought for a minute.

"It reminded me of a paddling I got when I joined my fraternity." I replied. "It was embarrassing and hurt just like the one I endured in college; but it was kind of different and erotic too. For one thing, at the fraternity I wasn't naked and being watched by a room full of sex charged women."

"You know, a spanking can be like foreplay," I continued. "My cock actually got hard for a while. Most of the women didn't hit too hard so the pain was minimal. I was actually enjoying it."

"After a while," I continued. "The pain started to build. I could feel my ass start to burn, but I was still aroused. I can't really explain why, but it was still enjoyable. Towards the end, a few of the women gave it to me pretty good and by the time they were finished, I was in tears. That's when I found out what a punishment paddling felt like. There's not much difference between pleasure and pain. When it was over, my butt was red and swollen. It throbbed in pain; my cock was limp and wasn't throbbing anymore.

"I don't know about that," Jennifer said with a giggle. "You seemed pretty aroused when you came to bed."

"Just out of curiosity, how about the paddling I gave you?" Jennifer asked.

"Ah, I seem to recall that you and Lori administered some of the more painful strokes," I replied.

Jennifer smiled and squeezed my hand.

"Maybe I should give you a paddling every night" She said. "We need more foreplay in the bedroom."

We finished our dinner and ordered dessert. I was afraid that the waitress had overheard part of our conversation. She seemed a little amused as she came to clear the table.

"So tell me," I asked. "What if the tables were turned and you had to do what I did last night? How would you feel about that?"

"Wow," Jennifer replied. "I haven't given it much thought. I don't think the nudity would bother me too much. I think there's a little exhibitionist in me that might actually enjoy stripping in front of a crowd. As for the paddling, I've been paddled before and my sorority sisters gave me an especially painful one when I joined the sorority. It hurts for a while but the pain eventually goes away."

"...and the oral sex?" I inquired.

"As far as that goes, you know how I hate sucking cock," she continued. "And how I tend to gag when I have to swallow... It's really humiliating for me. I don't know if I could do that in front of a bunch of people."

She thought for a few minutes as the waitress served our dessert.

"I wouldn't enjoy it, but if I had to, I guess I would do it." She finally said after the waitress had left. "If you can do what you did last night, I guess I can give some lucky guy a blow job. Of course you know you'll have to win one of our challenges before I'd even consider it. Just so you know, Lori's given me a bunch of ideas to try if we ever have another CFNM party so you better make sure you don't lose if you decide to challenge me. You might just regret it."

I blushed. The waitress brought our check as we finished our conversation. She smiled when she returned with our change. There was a note on the platter that included her name and phone number. All it said was 'I'd love to attend your next party, Missy.' I left her a generous tip and headed out the door. Jennifer picked up the note.

Our next adventure didn't happen for a couple of weeks. Jenn was a Cowboys fan while I rooted for the Redskins. On Sundays it was like oil and vinegar as we rooted for our favorite teams. The Skins had been in a battle for the playoffs for most of the year while the Cowboys season had been dismal due to injuries. Their only real highlight was when they beat the Skins early in December. Jenn gloated for a week.

I was sure the Redskins would make the post season for a change. I wanted a little payback for all of the banter I had to take after their earlier loss to the Cowboys so I asked Jenn if she was interested in playing our little game.

"I don't know," she said. "What's on your mind?"

"If the Skins make the playoffs you have to attend one of my Sunday afternoon football parties and serve everyone like I did at the CFNM party." I suggested. "If they don't make the playoffs, I'll do a repeat performance at your next party."

"I don't know," She replied. "All the Redskins have to do is beat the Eagles next week and they're in. You know that the Eagles aren't exactly having a good year so I think this might be a fool's bet."

"But...if you make it a little more interesting I might buy in." She said after thinking about it for a few minutes.

"OK," I said, eager to get the deal done. "Do you have something in mind?"

"I'll agree to your original bet." She replied. "But with a caveat. I'll agree to serve at your football party if the Redskins make the playoffs, but you'll still have to serve at another CFNM party if they don't win their playoff game. And just to make it a little more interesting; you'll also have to submit to a spanking from ALL of the women there as well."

"I'm in." I said after thinking about it for a few minutes. "It's a deal."

The Skins made the playoffs by whipping the Eagles in the next to last game of the season. They still had to play the Cowboys before moving on to the post season. I figured a Redskins vs Cowboys football game party would a perfect time for Jenn to pay up. I scheduled the party for the following Sunday.

We got up earlier than usual on Sunday morning. I arranged the furniture around the TV in the basement while Jenn made some snack trays and got stuff ready in the kitchen. I hadn't told her what to expect at the party or who I had invited but I did tell her I wanted her to wear something special for the game. I bought her a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader's outfit. It looked just like the ones the cheerleaders wore during the game. It even came with pom-poms and white cowboy boots.

It was almost noon when I handed Jenn the note I had written.

"Today you will dress as a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. Each time there's a score, you will perform a sexy dance routine followed by the removal of one item from your outfit. If there is enough scoring, you'll be naked before the game is over. If that happens you'll have to find a more personal way to entertain us. Since you were kind enough to allow some of the women to help me strip at your party, I think it is only appropriate that I provide you with the same benefit today."

"When not entertaining us you will serve as our waitress. You will also receive a spanking any time you misbehave or fail to please us. Your outfit is hanging on the door to the bedroom. Remember to shave before putting it on. I'm sure everyone wants to get a good look at the charms you have to offer."

I had invited a half dozen of my friends. Jennifer knew most of them.

Tim was about 25. He had just moved into the neighborhood about six months ago. He was tall and had sandy colored hair. He reminded me of a California surfer boy although he was actually from the Midwest.

Rob was in his late thirties. He was shorter than Tim and not quite as fit. He had dark hair and always looked like he needed a shave. I played golf with him a couple of times a month. He was always telling me how lucky I was to have a gorgeous wife like Jennifer.

Kyle was my age. He was always the life of the party. He loved flirting with the women in the neighborhood, but in a playful way. He was one of those guys that had a joke for every occasion and had a personality that you just couldn't help but like.

Jack was our next door neighbor and my best friend. Except for me, he was the only married man there. I was actually a little surprised that Lori let him come without her. She kept him on a tight leash and according to Jenn, and that wasn't just a figure of speech.

William was a co-worker of mine. Jenn had met him at a couple of our company parties but didn't know him well. He was tall like Tim but with dark hair. He always dressed in a suit and tie at work but today had on a Tony Romo jersey and jeans.

Finally there was Joe. Joe was my poker buddy. He was about forty-five, making him the oldest of our guests. He had been divorced for a few years during which time he had added a few pounds around the middle. His hair, what he had left of it, was brown but soon to be gray.

Earlier in the week I had emailed all of them to explain what was going on. They were more than willing to help out, especially when they found out that Jenn would be stripping for us.

Everyone arrived prior to kickoff time which gave us a chance to mingle before the game started. Our chairs formed a semicircle around the TV. Jenn came in wearing her costume and took our drink orders. She pranced around the room teasing the guys as she went. The guys were having a hard time concentrating on anything but her. They loved her outfit but I guessed they would be just as happy to see her take it off.

Jenn returned with our drinks. She made a big deal of bending at the waist each time she served on of us. The guys got a good view of her cleavage. She smiled and asked them if they needed anything else. A few tried to reach out and touch her boobs but she just slapped their hands away, telling them there would be plenty of time for that later.

She also managed to give the guys an up close and personal view of the tiny white shorts that the cowboy cheerleaders made famous; only today they were being modeled by my wife. Although she'd apologize for bending over as she did, I was sure no one was offended in the least. A couple gave her a playfully smack on the butt while others reached out for a feel or made some kind of sexual comment. By the time the game started everyone was aroused, including Jennifer.

The Skins scored first. Jenn stood in front of the crowd and performed a sexy dance routine. She was as good as the real cowgirls.

"OK guys," I announced. "Jenn's going to start stripping but needs a little help. Does anyone want to volunteer?"

Six hands went into the air.

"OK," I continued. "I'll put all of your names in this bowl. I'll draw a name each time there's a score. He will get to assist Jenn as she removes one item from her costume. The only problem is your hands will be tied behind your back while you're doing it. Is everyone in?"

There was general agreement among all of the guys. I looked over to see how Jenn was coping. I saw that she was smiling too. She said she was an exhibitionist; I guessed time would tell.

I drew Tim's name. I had him put his hands behind his back and tied them there with one of Jenn's old scarfs. She held out her left arm and made him grab the pom-pom in his mouth. Off it came causing everyone to boo mockingly.

"That's all you get until someone else scores." She teased.

It didn't take long before there was another score. Kyle helped her with the other pom-pom. Joe's was next. He helped her remove one of her boots after the third score. Jenn sat in one of the chairs and told him to come over and kneel in front of her. When he was in position she lifted her leg and gently pushed her foot between his legs and into his groin. She started to rub it back and forth and continued until she had achieved the desired effect. There was the beginning of a wet spot forming on the front of his pants. She then had him squeeze his thighs together to grab and hold the boot so she could pull her foot free.

Will took care of her other boot in the same manner. Everyone was rooting for another score. It didn't make any difference which team it was as long as someone did.

As the second quarter began the Redskins were ahead. Jenn served another round of drinks. She was even bolder this time as she teased them. The guys were feeling a little less inhibited as well and reached out to fondle Jenn's breasts and ass. When the Skins scored again it was time for Jenn to remove her vest. This time it was Rob's turn to help. He grabbed the edge of the vest with his mouth and started to rip it off.

Jenn had other plans. She grabbed his head with both hands and smothered his face between her boobs. She held him there for about 30 seconds. When he came up for air his face was as red as a beet. He finally managed to remove the vest to the delight of the others.

The scoring continued and Jenn's blouse was next. It was tied in the front so Will had the privilege of trying to loosen the knot with his teeth. He was having a lot of difficulty especially since Jenn was rubbing her tits in his face. When the blouse finally dropped, my wife's magnificent breast were in plain sight.

She wasn't wearing a bra but they still stood at attention with her nipples sticking out just waiting to be teased. They weren't huge, but they were more than enough for a meal. She asked if anyone wanted a little taste and then pulled Will's face to her and allowed him to suckle. The guys were going wild.

It was nearly halftime. Jenn was naked from the waist up. Another score meant she would lose her shorts. It happened just before the half ended. She removed her belt without assistance but made Kyle unbutton the buttons that held the shorts tightly around her hips. She refuse to help him.

She made him use his mouth to open each button. Each time he tried she would smash his mouth into her pelvis and rub it back and forth across her sex. The other guys were cheering him on, but I got the feeling that Kyle was a little embarrassed by the ordeal.

With the buttons loose and the shorts hanging on her hips, Jenn pushed Kyle's face between her legs and told him to grab the shorts and pull. I knew the costume fit tightly and that Kyle would have some trouble. Jenn spread her legs further apart. It gave him better access but made it more difficult to complete the task. She held his head firmly against her as he tried desperately to finish the job. I was sure that Jenn was aroused and that Kyle could smell her aroma.

He finally succeeded. Jenn stood in the middle of the room wearing nothing but a pair of flesh colored pantyhose. Kyle was breathing hard and was noticeably excited. Everyone was staring at my wife's nearly naked body.

We had to wait until the second half for the entertainment to continue. Jenn brought everyone some more snacks and another round of drinks. I refrained from drinking just in case things started to get out of hand. I wanted to be sober in case the unexpected happened.

The scoring resumed in the third quarter. Jack won the honor of assisting Jenn as she removed her pantyhose. She made sure that his face brushed against her sex as he pulled the garment from her hips. As I watched, I couldn't help but remember my own experience removing Ethel's undies in a similar fashion.

Everyone was waiting for the payday but they were disappointed. Jenn had worn a pair of Flesh colored thongs under her pantyhose. We'd have to wait for one more score before the final reveal.

We didn't have to wait long. Jack suggested that I have the honor of removing the thongs. Everyone started chanting my name. Finally I gave in and Jack tied my hands behind my back.

Jenn had that mischievous smile across her face again as I kneeled before her. I started to pull down the front of her thongs but couldn't get them past her hips. She had clinched her ass cheeks which prevented the back of the garment from falling. I turned her around and gave her ass a little smack. The fabric was buried in the valley between her cheeks. I couldn't use my hands to spread them for access and she didn't offer any help.


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