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Only in a Dream Ch. 07

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More troubling revelations.
8.9k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 05/16/2014
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Brad was beside himself, he didn't know what to think.

"I wonder how many of the other men she's done tailoring forshe's fucked," he thought to himself.

"And Matt is going to hear from me. . . So is Cindy."

He also knew that his marriage was over, she couldn't deny it, she'd written all the nasty details down. When he got home, he was going to show it to her and tell her to find somewhere else to live.

He hung his head and sobbed.

After Brad recovered his composure, he struggled with whether or not to read on.

"I've got to know if there were more," he thought.

"What does it really matter how many more there were now? Was she doing this all the way up until when I couldn't work anymore?"


Please read the first six chapters to get an idea how we're at this point in the story.

If you read the long version of this story before I divided it up, this is where it stopped. Someone suggested that I split it up, because it was way too long, so I did that before I got around to posting the ending. Now comes the final two chapters.

As Brad continues to read, the dates in the 25 year old journal go forward in time. . . Kathy's affairs with Matt and Jason now over, just how much more depraved can Kathy become? Were there more men? How much more can Brad take??

The journal takes a turn for the better tho (for a little while), Kathy writes about moving into and adjusting to their new home. Brad is able to forget his troubles for just a bit as he reminisces some more. Then, as the journal goes forward in time, Kathy's writings spell more trouble and heartbreak for Brad. . .

Comments will be turned on after the final chapter.

Brad turned the page and Kathy had written about how Jason' s fiance' had brought her wedding dress for her to alter (how ironic). She wrote about how pretty the girl was and how she seemed to be a really nice girl (just like Kathy had been before she became a cock craving cum slut).

Then, the dates in the journal jumped forward in time, from the end of January of 1989 until August of 1990. Brad examined the book to see if any pages had been torn out, but there didn't appear to be. He wondered why she had stopped writing in this book and then started again at later date. Was there another book hidden somewhere?

The first entry in this new time period was a brief mention that she had seen Jason and Matt, and had thought about them again. Could that have triggered her to write in the book again?

Saturday August 4, 1990. 4-Nights / 5-back tonight.

It's been an eventful day, Brad didn't work over this morning, he came home, woke me up and we went out to some yard sales. While we were out, he decided that he wanted a Dr Pepper, so we stopped at Huck's and I stayed in the car while he went in.

While I was sitting there, a car pulled in next to ours and I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention. I heard someone say hi, and ask how I've been. I looked up, and it was Jason and his new wife. He asked her if she remembered me from fixing her wedding gown and she said yes she did, that the dress had fit perfectly. She thanked me again for altering it, and said that she got a lot of compliments about the dress. That made me feel a little better.

It felt so awkward sitting there with the two of them together. I hope my embarrassment didn't show, I was flushed something terrible.

They went inside and I was relieved, but after I watched them go in, I just wanted to get out of there!! I watched the door for Brad to hurry and come out, the door opened. . . Matt!! Oh my God, Matt came out, he didn't say anything, but he stared at me as he walked to his car.

God, it's been close to two years since I've had a cock in my mouth. I think about both of them from time to time, I do miss the way that big cock filled me up, and I miss having cum shot all over my face. I just wish I could suck Brad's cock, but I can't. I guess I 'll just have to keep scooping his cum out of me when we do it.

While we were out, we stopped at a yard sale up on Lansing Drive and as we were leaving, we saw a for sale sign in front of a really nice house. The sign said Altec Federal on it, so we think it's a repossessed house and we might be able to get a good deal on it. We pulled over and walked around and looked in the windows, it's nice!! And it's BIG!! Brad is going to call the bank Monday. I can't wait!!


Brad vaguely remembered seeing Jason and Matt that day at Huck's, twenty three years before. The memory of that day he and Kathy found the house was one of those memories that really stuck out. He remembered walking around the house with Kathy and the excitement he felt about the possibility of getting the house at a really good price.

He also remembered that when he went to bed that afternoon, he had trouble going to sleep, the anticipation of waiting for Monday, so he could call the bank to look into it, was terrible. He couldn't stop thinking about all the possibilities of getting the house and the potential it had. He'd already had ideas for improvements he wanted to make. On Sunday morning, he had driven by the house again on his way home from work.



Over the next three months, Kathy's writings were brief accounts of acquiring the house and the move. Sex had only been mentioned in her very first entry, after she saw Jason and Matt.

Aug 6, she wrote that Brad had called the bank and spoke with them, and indeed the house was in foreclosure. The bank had explained to Brad that he could come in the next day at 1 PM, that they would give him the keys and he and Kathy could inspect the house and then return and speak with a loan officer at 4 PM. Brad told them that they would be there. Kathy and Brad were both excited about the next day.

The next day, Aug, 7, Brad and Kathy picked up the keys and inspected the home. The house was 10 years old, was double the square footage of their current home, and sat on a lot that was four times larger. The carpets needed scrubbed and some fresh paint inside would be all that was really needed to make it nice. They had plenty of time to remodel and fix things more to their liking.

The large yard and the fact that there were no through streets was a major factor in their decision too, the kids would be a lot safer riding their bikes here. Brad had eyed the small wooded area behind (approx 50 yards wide x 300 yards long) the house and told Kathy how he would have really loved to have had that behind his house when he was a child.

They returned to the bank for their appointment with the loan officer, Mr. Morris, at four. They found that the asking price was double what they had paid for their old house nine years before, plus another five thousand. But was priced only at about 60 % of market value, since it was in foreclosure.

After they talked with Mr. Morris about interest rates and payments, Brad made an offer $10,000 under the asking price. They met half way, so that the price was exactly twice what they had paid for their old house. With the interest rate almost two whole percentage points lower than their old home, their payment would only be about one and a half times their current payment.

Kathy didn't understand the math, but the big thing for Brad was the fact that the house would be paid off a year sooner (30 year mtg vs 20 year mtg) than the old one and the total amount paid in interest over the period wood be almost $100,000. less. Mr Morris informed them that he would take their offer to the committee when they had their monthly meeting on Aug 15 for consideration.

The next eight days were torture on them, waiting on whether or not the bank would accept their offer. On the afternoon of the 15th, Mr Morris called and told them that their offer had been accepted and they needed to come down to the bank and fillout the paperwork for their loan application. It would take about another 30 days to see if they would be approved for the loan. He assured them that it was just a formality, that their credit was outstanding, and Brad's income was more than adequate.

They waited until they were sure that they had the loan before they actually put their old house on the market, but they had put the word out to a few friends and relatives, that they were going to move and the house would be up for sale.

Sept 12, they received a call from Mr Morris that their loan had been approved and the closing date would be Oct 10. They put the old house on the market and it was sold almost immediately. As it turned out, one of Fred's (Kathy's ex) relatives had heard about it by word of mouth, and offered them the asking price. He had friends in the area and he'd wanted the house ten years before, but Brad and Kathy were renting it, with the option to buy and the owner had given them first choice, and they bought it.

Then there were just brief entries about packing for the move, how many days they were away from signing the closing papers, and of course her daily weather reports and Brad's schedule.

Oct 10, the time was finally here, Kathy was very excited, her and Brad had closed on their new house and could now start moving in. She wrote about how much more room there was here and the colors she was going to paint the different rooms. They scrubbed all of the carpets and got the living room and hallways painted in the new house and the old house cleaned good, Kathy would never leave a dirty house.

Nov 3, the time had come when Brad and Kathy had just about all of their things moved into the new house, the last load from the old house was packed in the truck and ready to go. They walked through each room of the house and garage, reminiscing about the last ten years of their lives with each other.


Brad remembered leaving the old house that day, and reading Kathy's accounts of getting the new house and the move out of the old one, Brad almost felt like he was reliving that last day. . . He remembered every detail. . .

Even tho he had been excited to move into a bigger, better house, the memories from there held a special place in his heart. After all of the packing and the trips moving their things into the new house, it still hadn't seemed real to him somehow. He thought about how sad he was and still remembered what was going through his head that last day.

How excited Brad had been, the first time he saw the big garage, how he would now have a place to tinker around with old cars. He thought about his model trains and when he painted the truck for the old neighbor. He had remembered the day he walked home from the doctors office too. He still didn't know why that day was stuck in his head like it was.

"Man, where did the time go?" Brad had said out loud back then, and now said it again twenty three years later.

They had ventured into the bigger bedroom inside of the house. The visions of their then, one year old daughter, running in circles while she chased her older brother around the room were vivid then, and still were now.

That little girl was now thirty four years old and that had been the very first time that they were ever inside, looking at that house. It had also originally been Brad and Kathy's bedroom, before he'd built the rooms in the garage, then they moved out there.

Brad had shed a few tears there the night John Lennon was shot and killed. They both remembered the first time they made love here and how special it was.

This was also the room where his youngest son had been conceived, then brought home to the baby bed that had been over in the corner. It seemed like only a few nights ago, that Kathy had come in to the room and had awoken him to go to the hospital because her water had broken. Brad remembered thinking back then how that boy would soon be six. . . Now that boy would soon be twenty nine and he was about to be a father for the third time himself.

"That's just unreal," he thought.

Brad had looked down at the spot where their bed had been and Kathy had awoken that day and started giving him a blow job. . . That she never finished. . . He just shook his head.

"What are you shaking your head about?" Kathy had asked.

"Oh, nothing," he'd replied, with a smile.

Brad couldn't help it, he had tried to focus his thoughts away from what Kathy had done with Matt, Kurt and Jason, so that he could enjoy his memories of the old house. . . And he just had to remember that!! The tears came again, he couldn't stop them.

A few seconds later, Dustin came up to the Jeep, opened the tailgate and got a pop from the cooler. Brad was trying to compose himself and never said anything and Dustin didn't either, he just closed the tailgate and headed back down to the water.

Brad pushed the thoughts of the bedroom away and turned his attention to when they'd turned and walked into the kitchen, Brad looked at the kitchen sink and thought about all those mornings he'd sat on the floor underneath Kathy's robe and eaten her pussy while she did the breakfast dishes. She'd laughed when he reminded her of that.

He looked up at the pine cabinets that he'd built and hadn't had a chance to stain yet. He remembered sitting here at the table and sketching out what he was going to do with the kitchen. How excited he was to start, now. . . Now. . . They were leaving.

He thought about how, back then, he had felt a wave of sadness come over him, as he pictured them all sitting around the table eating their meals together, then sitting around the bar that he had built where the wall had been between the kitchen and living room.

As they walked into the rooms that used to be a part of the garage, Brad remembered holding and rocking his young son to sleep, with Lobo or Alice Cooper playing on the stereo. He could almost remember every day that that he had worked on these rooms. All of the books and magazines he and Kathy had gone through, trying to decide how they wanted to decorate.

They talked about how they had looked forward to moving their bedroom back there, so it would be more private. Then how, after they were back there, Kathy had worried that she wouldn't be able hear the children if they needed her in the night.

They had done all of that remodeling with the intention of living there for a very long, long time.

As they strolled through, he remembered the ten Christmases they had spent here. Brad had thought about his older, new found daughter, the one he'd fathered with Natalie, thirteen years before. How she came to meet and visit her extended family the Christmas before last. Brad realized that that girl was now thirty six. . . There were so many memories in that house, when they had gone out of the front door for the last time, there were tears in Brad's eyes.

"Well, I'm not gonna finish this if I don't get busy," Brad thought.

He looked back down at the book. . .


Saturday Nov 3, 1990. Off / Off.

We made our final trip to the old house today, we're all out now. Me and Brad took a last walk through. . .

As Kathy walked through with Brad, she had shared the same memories as he, except for a few. When they were in the back bedroom in the garage, she stared at the door, thinking of the nights she waited there for Matt and his large cock. Then, the nights later on, when Jason had came to call.

Thinking about watching her children grow here, she was also a little teary eyed as they left. Kathy thanked God that she'd had enough sense to snap out of the trance that held her to Matt like it did. She would have died without her children and Brad.

As they walked off of the porch for the last time, Kathy looked at the sidewalk and towards the back, and thoughts of having Matt's cock in her mouth and ass for the very last time, came to mind.

As they drove away, Brad turned the truck around, driving back by for a last look Kathy took his hand into hers and held on. . .


Brad was hurt that she remembered the sexcapades with Matt, but he had read so much about them, and he was caught up in his memories from their time spent in that house. . .

Time seemed to go so much slower then, it almost felt as if they had lived in the old house so much longer than they had been here in the new one. When, in fact, they had now lived in the new house for almost twenty three years, twice as long as the old one, plus three years. It just didn't seem possible. There were plenty of memories here, but he still missed his children being small.

When they'd first moved here, the oldest boy was a teenager, their daughter wasn't far behind and the youngest had just started school, there were no children at home in the morning anymore. The time from when the children started school, to becoming adults flew by, maybe not for the children, but it sure did for Kathy and Brad.

Although him and Kathy were still close with their children, now that they were all on their own, a distance had seemed to grow between them. The children didn't depend upon them anymore, tho it was a relief, Brad still missed that.

Brad and Kathy drove past the old house occasionally. The neighborhood had completely gone to hell, most of the houses were in disrepair, a few had been torn down. Their old house was now abandoned and in horrible shape. They didn't know what had happened to the guy that bought it, did he die? Or did he just let it go? The roof over the garage was starting to cave in, the garage door was missing and the garage itself was full of garbage.

He briefly thought about how his grandma and grandpa's old house and neighborhood had been pretty much been over run by college students too. Grandma's old house and the apartment (duplex) across the street, where Kathy had lived with her brother were in horrible shape and a couple of the homes in that area were now gone also.

"How sad," he thought.

It made Brad sad to think that at one time he'd had such dreams and high hopes for that old house. He thought of all the time and the money spent remodeling and fixing things up.

"Had it all been wasted?" he wondered.

There had been a rummage sale inside the house there a few years ago, Brad and Kathy almost stopped out of curiosity. But they couldn't bring themselves to. They had really been proud of the way the house turned out after all of the work they had done to it. From the looks of the outside, they didn't want to go in and see how it had probably now all been destroyed. It almost felt as tho it would have been a slap in the face to their memories.

Out of all the neighbors they'd lived around in the old neighborhood, only Matt and Cindy still lived there. Some had gotten out, just as they had, when the college students started moving in, but most had died or were now in nursing homes.

Brad thought about some of his old friends, elderly friends that were gone now. The old man he'd painted the truck for had died just a few years ago. He'd left the truck to a relative, Brad had seen it the year before out at Walmart, the paint still looked good.

The old man and woman that he talked to the most, had died shortly before he and Kathy had moved. Their house was gone now and all that was left was an empty lot. The giant oak tree that had shaded the south side of their house and the porch, where Brad would sit and visit with them, was all that remained. The house had seemed to be in decent shape, so he didn't know why it had been torn down.

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