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Open Relationship Fail Pt. 02

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The morning after...
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/27/2019
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The events of the previous night seemed like a long-ago dream when I woke up next to the soft, naked form of my gorgeous girlfriend Jenny. She was still asleep, breathing softly, her eye-makeup a little smudged, but looking as enticing as ever.

I rolled out of bed, careful not to wake her, and went into the bathroom to have a piss. My cock was still a bit slimy from fucking her when we got home from the party, and it brought home the events of the previous evening. I suddenly felt a dull nausea in the pit of my stomach, along with an aching sexual hunger for the girl, my girl, asleep on the bed. But also for something more, something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

I decided to have a quick shower before waking Jenny with a cup of tea, as was our habit on Sunday mornings. As I scrubbed at the dried semen still crusted in the hairs on my thigh, I ran through all the images from the party that were burned into my brain, probably forever, along with the associated, complex emotions.,

There was no way I could tell Jenny that I had spied on her fucking a stranger at a party, let alone my intense voyeuristic reaction, but I was also desperate beyond my understanding to know what had happened in that bedroom while I waited outside like some cuckold for whatever it was to be over.

I decided my only option was to play it cool. Jenny had said she would tell me all about it, so all I needed to do was be cool. But I certainly didn't feel cool. I had given her permission to do what she had done - shit, I'd almost asked for it by pushing for an open relationship.

Jenny was awake by the time I returned to bed with two mugs of steaming, milky tea.

"Good morning, lovely boy!" She smiled at me with her lovely, sleepy smile, then stretched and yawned before sitting up and reaching for her tea.

She's acting as if nothing has happened, as if nothing has changed, I thought. Then I remembered: just be cool.

"Hi, sweetie" I responded, and waited.

She sipped at her tea in silence for a moment, then, without looking at me, said matter-of-factly, "What a party, hey?"

"Yeah," I said, "great party."

"I was a bit drunk, wasn't I?" She was looking down into her tea.

"Were you? I don't remember seeing that much of you." I smiled at her, like it was a bit of a joke. Mr Cool, that's me.

She was still looking into her tea. "Are you okay with what happened last night... you know, with what I did..?"

She looked up and into my eyes. Here we go.

"I'm not sure," I said, and I wasn't. Time to lie. "I don't know what you did last night."

"Really?" she said. "I was sure someone at the party would have told you."

"Told me what?"

Jenny took a gulp of tea, and pulled the sheet up to cover her breasts.

"Some people saw me... er, us... me and a friend... in the backyard. I thought someone would have told you..."

"No," I replied, "What friend in the backyard?" I feigned an expression of bewilderment. It was true than no one had said anything, but I had noticed a few looks.

"It was a guy... a guy called Ash", she smiled slightly. "He's really nice, and funny, and really big - I mean tall."

"The red-headed bikie guy?" I offered, innocently. "What were you doing with him?"

"I... um... well, I kind of... had sex with him..." She looked at me with an exaggerated apologetic expression.

"Kind of..?" I asked, trying to sound cool and surprised at the same time. "And people saw you 'kind of' having sex? Tell me everything."

"Okay, but don't forget this was your idea."

Not exactly, I thought to myself, but I just nodded.

"Well," she paused, taking her mind back to the previous evening, "I was on the couch on the front veranda talking to that cute couple that live there, Sue and Rob, and then this guy, Ash, suddenly sat down with us, right next to me actually, and offered to share a joint with us. He's a bit older, about twenty-two or something, with these really cool tattoos on his arms, and he was just so nice and so funny. We all smoked the joint and he talked a lot and he made me laugh so much. Are you really sure you want to hear this?"

"Yes", I answered, and I really did.

"Well, we were all a bit squashed together on the lounge, and he was kind of accidentally-on -purpose rubbing up against me, and it felt nice, kind of... intimate, I guess, and I started thinking about what you'd said, you know, about the open relationship thing?

"Anyway, after a while, he leans in and whispers in my ear, asking if he could kiss me. I really liked him a lot, and I really felt like kissing him, too, but I also didn't want to upset you, so I told him about the open relationship thing, and said I'd have to check with you first. He just laughed and said he'd wait there, and that's when I came and found you, remember?"

"Yes", I repeated. My stomach was starting to churn, but my dick was already getting hard.

"Anyway", Jenny continued, "So I let him kiss me and it was really nice. Sue and Rob started kissing each other next to us, too. It was really sexy. After a while Ash started touching me too, touching my boobs, just on the outside of my clothes. He was really gentle, and with the other guys there, it was such a turn-on. Are you okay?"

The expression on my face must have been reflecting some of my inner turmoil, because Jenny was suddenly looking at me with concern.

"I'm fine, really," I managed. "Just a bit hungover, I guess. Go on."

"Well, as I said, we were kissing and cuddling and it felt so good, and I put my hand on Ash's leg, but his dick was there, down the leg of his jeans, and I could feel that he was getting hard, so I started rubbing him through his jeans, which he really liked. Then he asked me if I wanted to check out the back yard. I knew what he meant right away, but I didn't say anything - I just kissed him some more and squeezed his... you know... with my hand."

Jenny paused and looked at me, trying to judge my reaction so far. Her breathing had becoming deeper and a light flush had spread from her face, down her neck and across the top of her breasts - a clear sign of her arousal. As for me, despite the tightness gripping my heart, I was hard as a rock.

"Keep going," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "Don't leave anything out."

"Okay, um..." She gathered her thoughts and continued. "I didn't say anything, so Ash stood up and took my hand. We said goodbye to Rob and Sue, and he led me through to the back of the house. No one seemed to notice us, and we slipped out the back door, closing it behind us. The yard was empty, except for a clothesline and lots of long grass, and it was quite dark. Just one light bulb over the door. Anyway, Ash put his arm around me and led me to a darker spot, away from the door, near the top of the driveway. We sat down in the long grass and started kissing again. It felt really naughty, you know. Ash was very gentle, and we kind of naturally ended up lying down, with Ash squeezing my boobs while he kissed me. I started rubbing him through his jeans again. I was getting so turned on, I wanted more, so I grabbed the hand that was on my boob and put it between my legs. He got the message and started rubbing me through my panties . It felt amazing and I almost came. Then he pulled my dress up and put his hand inside my panties, and started putting his fingers in me. I was so wet."

Jenny paused again, looking at me. Her face was quite red at this point.

"And then...?" I asked.

"Then I whispered to him to please fuck me... and he did."

"Just like that..?" I was shocked by the abruptness of her confession.

"Pretty much. I took my panties off, he pulled his pants down, I opened my legs, and he fucked me."

Although the graphic details of their backyard tryst were already permanently etched into my memory, I needed more. I needed to hear more from Jenny.

"Was it good?" I asked.


"Very good?"


"Did you come?"


"Both of you?"


"Where did he come?"

"Inside me."

She held my gaze as she said it, and although I already knew, for some reason it shocked me to hear her say it.

"Whew! I mean, Wow!" I felt a kind of numbness, but also a jolt of raw eroticism. "What did you do then?" Of course, I knew that there was more.

"This is the bit I was talking about. It's amazing no one told you. We'd just finished, and this bunch of guys, mostly Ash's bikie mates I think, came out the back door. Ash was still on top of me, so they definitely knew what we were doing. They were all laughing and stuff, and one guy said it must be his turn, but Ash told him to fuck off. I found my knickers and managed to get them on, and Ash pulled up his pants and grabbed my hand. I held my top together over my boobs and Ash kind of pulled me back into the house and up the hall. We tried the door on the first bedroom we came to. It wasn't locked so we went in and shut it behind us."

Jenny had laid back down in the bed while she was talking, and was now curled up on her side, partially covered the white sheet, her cheek resting on her hands. She had stopped talking and was contemplating me, as if trying to make up her mind about something.

"Well, I'm grateful at least he looked after you, sort of..." I stopped, realizing how stupid I sounded, even to myself.

"I haven't finished yet," Jenny said, deadpan, looking straight ahead.

"You mean there's worse to come..?" I half-joked, expecting her to laugh, or at least to smile.

"Kind of...", she replied, not looking up. "I mean, I felt like such a slut... but the thing is... not in a bad way. I felt really, you know, sexy, excited, desirable.... like I was some kind of bad girl who didn't give a shit. I mean, I had just had sex with a stranger, a big, handsome bikie, at a party! It really turned me on."

"So, what happened in the bedroom? Did you fuck him again?" I asked, not really sure I wanted to know. Who am I kidding - of course I wanted to know.

"Not exactly... Are you really sure you want me to keep going, because I love you, and I only did this because I thought it was something you wanted, but I'm worried I might have gone too far..." Jenny wiped a small tear away and looked up at me. Fuck, she was beautiful.

"I love you, too," I said, putting a comforting hand on her bare shoulder. "But I really need to know everything that happened last night. Open relationships rely on honesty, after all." I don't know where this last bit came from, but it sounded good at the time. My cock was rigid as a plank under the sheet.

"Okay..." she said with trepidation, "Here goes... well, when we went into the bedroom, we weren't alone. Rob and Sue were already in there. Turns out it was their room and they'd gone in for some chill time. We told them what had happened, about being sprung in the yard and everything. They thought it was pretty funny, but they were cool with us staying in their room for a while. They actually locked the door to make sure Ash's mates didn't come in.

"They had a bottle of vodka, so we all sat on the bed, passing it around and talking about sex and stuff. Sue and Rob were quite smoochy with each other (I think we might have interrupted their 'chill time'...) and they were kissing and touching each other a bit as we chatted and drank. After a couple of gulps of the vodka, I was very relaxed, and still feeling horny as anything, so I started kissing Ash too, and he put his hand inside my top, which I'd forgotten to do up. I knew the others could see, but it felt amazing and I didn't care.

"Then Rob said 'You know what would be really good right now?' We all looked at him. 'Seeing you two hot girls, you know, making out...'

"I didn't know what to say, but I didn't want to be a party-pooper, so I said, 'Would you like to see that, Ash..?'

"Well, Ash just raised his eyebrows and smiled this dirty smile, so I turned around and put my arms around Sue and kissed her right on the lips.

"I don't know if Sue had done this before, but I sure hadn't. It didn't take long to get into it, though. She's a really good kisser, by the way, much better than most guys. I could feel Ash and Rob watching us, and it made me feel so, I don't know, horny and naughty at the same time.

" I think Sue was feeling the same because we both started showing off a bit for the guys. Next thing we were lying down between the two guys, deep-kissing and feeling each other's boobs and bums through our clothing. I had my leg up between Sue's, and she was rubbing herself against my thigh. Even with her jeans on, it felt incredibly sexy. Then Sue pulled up her tee-shirt - she had no bra on, and the prettiest little tits - and before I knew it, I was kissing them and sucking on her nipples. I could tell she liked it by the noises she was making."

Jenny's aroused blush was building again, her breathing deepening at the memories she was recounting. My dick was like a tent-pole under the sheet.

"I felt a movement on the bed and that's when I saw Rob, kneeling up next to Sue's head. He'd opened his jeans and was holding his stiff dick and was kind of shuffling on his knees to get his dick closer to his girlfriend's face.

"Then Sue just turned her head and opened her mouth and he put it in. I've never seen other people doing that, and I was so close. I mean I was literally a few inches away, watching this cute girl sucking off her boyfriend - well, actually it was more like he was fucking her mouth in that position. It was incredibly hot...

"I turned to look at Ash, and he was just smiling and kind of nodding his head. He was looking right at me, so I kept looking back at him while I licked and kissed and nibbled my way from Sue's breast, up over her shoulder and up the side of her neck. She left off sucking Rob and turned her head to kiss me, but Rob just kind of leaned forward a bit, and suddenly we were both kissing and licking his dick and each other.

"I heard both guys going 'Shit...', or 'Fuck...' or something, like it was a real turn-on. I turned my face slightly towards Rob, and suddenly his dick is in my mouth and he's holding it there with his hand on the back of my head, and it's incredibly hard, and then he starts coming..."

"What..?" I interrupted, "Rob came in your mouth..?"

"Yes, but I didn't know he was going to..." she said. "I just felt it spurting into the back of my throat. He must have been right on the edge. I didn't swallow it or anything..."

"You spat it out..?" I asked, as if this was particularly significant at this stage.

"Yeah," she said, "I let him finish and then I spat it into my hand and wiped it on his jeans. I'm not a complete slut, you know." She attempted a slight smile at her joke and finally looked at me, a little sheepishly, I thought.

"And what about the guy... you know, Ash... what was he doing?" I asked.

"Well, to be honest, I'd almost forgotten he was there. I was pretty wasted, after all. After Rob had come he just flopped back onto the bed, and I went back to kissing Sue. Then I felt something, and realized Ash had started rubbing his hand over Sue's boobs, which were still uncovered. Sue broke off kissing me and said 'I think your boyfriend wants something,' so I said 'He's not my boyfriend,' and we both giggled. Well, it seemed funny at the time...

"Anyway, Sue got up on her knees and started kissing Ash and rubbing his dick through his pants (I think maybe she wanted to pay Rob back for coming in my mouth). I just watched as she worked his dick out of his undies and just kind of pulled on it while she kissed him. It was quite big, which I kind of knew - bigger than Rob's, any way..."

"Bigger than me?" I asked. I couldn't help myself.

"Maybe a little bit..." She paused, waiting to judge if it was ok to continue. I just nodded.

"But he was only half-hard, I think because he had come, you know, with me, not that long ago."

IN you, I thought... but again I just nodded.

"So anyway, then Sue starts going down on him, like right in front of her boyfriend and me. She looked over at me, and I knew that she must be tasting me too, on his dick. It was crazy, over the top, but also very, very hot. Ash got hard pretty quick, and Sue started pumping him with both hands and using her mouth, trying to make him come, I suppose. She was looking right at at her boyfriend, who was staring back, a bit like a stunned mullet. I looked at Ash, and I saw that he was looking right back at me. He smiled, and kind of tipped his head to say 'Come over here'.

"So I crawled over and started kissing him while Sue kept sucking him off. He didn't seem to mind that another guy had come in my mouth only a few minutes before. I can't tell you how turned on I was by all this - My whole body was trembling - and then Ash slid his hand inside the front of my panties and started playing with me. I was so wet, and with his come from before still inside me, his fingers went inside me really easily and he started -you know - finger-fucking me under my panties.

"It happened so fast, and I was so horny, and... well, it felt like I was going to die of pleasure! And then this huge orgasm welled up and hit me like a ton of bricks - I couldn't believe it! Right there, in front of these three people I barely know!"

I could hardly believe it either, but I was almost coming myself at Jenny's description of her adventures only a few hours ago.

"Go on," I said.

"Well, when I finally stopped shaking, I still had my arms around Ash's shoulders, and he was giving me little kisses on the neck. Sue wasn't sucking him anymore, she was kind of leaning back with her boyfriend, just watching us. At first I thought that Ash must have come when I did, but then when he took my face in his hands and guided my mouth onto his cock I knew that he wanted me to be the one to make him come.

"And did you..?" I asked, suspecting that I knew the answer. Jenny was blushing again, and now it was definitely more from arousal than from shame.

"Yes," she said softly, "And it didn't take very long either. He was still rock hard from Sue's mouth and from watching me come, I suppose. I tried to tease him a bit, licking up and down with my tongue - you know, showing off a bit for him and the other two - but he was too far gone. I felt his whole body tense up, and I just managed to get him back in my mouth before he gave this loud groan and shot his load."

At some point, without thinking, I had started stroking myself under the sheet. Now Jenny noticed the rhythmic movement, and gave a little knowing smile.

"Did you spit it out?" I had to ask.

"Not this time", she looked at me to gauge my reaction, but the air of remorse she had been demonstrating up until recently seemed to have vanished, replaced by a kind of pride in her new-found sluttishness. She held my gaze. "I held him in my mouth until his spasms had completely stopped, and then I swallowed it. I remember being surprised how much there was, seeings how he'd come less than an hour before."

"And then..?" I asked, slightly breathlessly.

"Well, I played with him a bit more with my mouth, licking all around his balls and up the shaft to clean him off. I was looking right into his eyes the whole time- it was so hot. Then I tucked his dick back into his pants, gave him a long sexy kiss, and I told him that I really had to get back to you. He wanted me to stay but I said no. I gave Sue and Rob a nice goodbye kiss each too, thanked them for their hospitality, and left to look for you."

"And that was it..?" I had abandoned any effort to appear cool by this stage, and was trying not to come. My right hand was sticky from the copious amount of clear fluid now oozing from my raging erection.

"Well," said Jenny, pulling back the sheet and sliding down to run her tongue around my swollen, leaking knob, "I did actually fuck one other guy last night..."


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