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"So before you guys tricked me into doing all this, I was a chaste and sensible women, apart from one time, when I was working at the shop, and a student came in, I was ready to dismiss him like everyone else, but he was so funny and attractive I was intrigued, and when I looked at his trousers I could tell he had a massive cock that I desperately wanted inside of me. So I told him to meet me in the alleyway behind the shop while I went on my break. The boy fucked me like a beast, I've never had better sex, as he walked away I begged him to let me leave my family and run away with him, but all he said was 'Fuji is a lone wolf, I don't need some horny housewife cramping my style.' and then he left and I have cried every night since." She eyed the crowd, trying to discern who was Fuji and guessing it was the kid with his eyes closed, lost in imagination.

"Next slip!" Kaiki announced, breaking everyone's daydream. "Bend over, spread your ass cheeks, and beg the crowd to fuck you." Kaiki turned away from the audience and bent down, watching the looks of joy between her legs as she spread herself apart and felt the breeze on her exposed pussy and anus.

"Please everyone, please come violate me with your cocks. I'm begging you, shove you big dicks in my pussy, you can even fuck my ass' if you want. I need to be filled." Like with Fuji's story, the moment she had finished her tone immediately changed to convey that she wasn't serious. She couldn't admit that she actually would have loved for the audience to ravish her at that moment. She took another slip.

"Tell everyone your husband's phone number." Kaiki stared at the crowd, this one felt too much, she could handle a few dick pics but if she gave her husband's number out, sweaty teens would be breathlessly telling him what a slut she is within the hour. She was already going to have to explain the shaved pubes, the myriad of stories coming his way would be even more unexplainable. She shuddered as she made a new resolution, when she got home she was going to tell her husband the entire truth of what happened this weekend. She closed her eyes and with an unmistakable quiver in her voice told the audience her husband's number. She then silently picked another slip.

"Write the word 'bitch' on your face." Kaiki took the pen from earlier and felt shivers across her body as it glided across her forehead, wondering if she would have time to wash it off before she went home. The crowd laughed at her labelling as she drew another slip, her stomach sinking at the sight of the familiar small handwriting that heralded the birthday boy's orders.

"Take the sign that was attached to your breasts and use the clips to attach it to your labia, squat until the sign is on the floor. Let one member of the audience step on the sign, then stand up." This was another deeply evil request, Keiko marvelled at the sadistic ingenuity while her master fetched the sign. The clips already felt unyielding and painful as she attached it to her labia, sharp pain heralding an even worse experience. Toshiki once again picked a member of the audience as Kaiki squatted down, letting the weight off her labia, still feeling the pressure of the clips. She took a deep breath, counted to three in her head and stood up.

Kaiki screamed in agony as all kinds of pain seemed to hit her pussy at once. She felt her labia stretch and pinch and burn with white hot pain. She collapsed on the ground, her hands clasped over her raw vagiba, begging for the damage not to be permanent. Even the gathered crowd felt sorry for her, they didn't know Kaiki felt more alive than ever. She sprung back up ready for more.

"How many more slips do I have to pull?" She asked Toshiki.

"So far you have done thirteen, so you have eleven more." He stated like this was routine for him. Kaiki pulled another slip.

"'When you go home tonight, park one street away and walk back from your car naked.' Another dick for brains that doesn't understand this all ends when I leave." Kaiki stated, promising herself she would follow through on this order later. She picked another slip.

"Get a bottle of cooking oil from the shop and use it to oil your naked body up." Kaiki admired what the boy was going for, she knew porn stars oiled themselves up for shoots, but usually that would be something from a beauty section not a cooking section. Nonetheless her master placed a bottle of oil in her hand. Before she could start, Toshiki pointed out that the order specified that Kaiki should be naked and assisted her in removing the waist corset that had survived the ordeal so far, her last remaining covering.

The cold oozing of the oil felt alien as she used her other hand to work it over her body, stroking and squeezing herself as she became shiny and slick. She took especial care gliding her hand over her shaved pussy, lingering down there long enough to be noticeable to the crowd. She looked more awkward when it came time to oil up her back, struggling to reach high up before stroking downwards, lacquering her buttocks before pulling her cheeks apart and oiling into her crevice. The oil was so slick at one point she could have sworn her finger briefly slipped into her anus. She looked down and her body was now golden and glistening, she actually felt very sexy, harbouring an appreciation for whichever boy thought of that one.

Kaiki pulled out another slip and once again recognised the handwriting as the birthday boy's only this time the order was simple.

"'Drink three potions of delirium.' Really? I get to surf through the rest of this experience drunk. I'm up for that." Kaiki cheered. Her master felt almost as much a slave as her as he once again walked into the shop to fetch supplies. One by one she drained the bottles while the boys cheered for her to chug. Pumping her fist in the air with the final bottle drained.

"You really don't get why I gave you that order do you?" The birthday boy asked.

"Because your hoping if I'm drunk I'll toss you a pity fuck?" Kaiki quipped.

"No, because now you are over the legal limit to drive home. Looks like you'll be sharing one of the buses with us." Kaiki tried to act like she didn't care but had to admit her was right.

"Calm down, once I'm clear of this area you can't do shit to me." She retorted, picking out another slip. "'Write the word whore on your face.' You know you guys really should have coordinated on this." Kaiki was already starting to feel the effects of the drink, so her movements were more erratic this time as she scrawled 'whore' on her cheek. She swayed slightly before picking out another slip.

"pick ten random boys to give a kiss." The crowd swelled at this point with Toshiki suddenly working overtime rolling dice and picking out audience members. As the first member got to the front Kaiki decided to start for the sake of efficiency. She wrapped her arms around the first boy and planted herself on his lips, her tongue immediately swirling inside his mouth. She gave it her all then chuckled as she stepped back and saw the amount of oil on the poor boy's intricate costume. The boys all seemed to be shockingly unprepared, they'd barely have time to open their mouth before she was all over them, pressing her oiled naked body against them, often feeling their erection through their trousers. The sixth boy in line changed that, it was the birthday boy.

As Kaiki planted herself on him, his arms were immediately wrapped around her, his hands grabbing her ass while his tongue took the initiative to taste her mouth. Suddenly she felt his finger slip inside her anus, she gasped but did not stop as he wiggled inside of her. If anything she kissed him for longer just to get the full experience of ownership before pushing him away.

"Alright handsy, there's still four others waiting and I'd like to get home tonight." Following his cue the remaining four put more effort into running their hands up and down her body, but to Kaiki's disappointment, no errant fingers found their way inside of her. She picked up another slip and her heart did backflips to see the recognisable scrawl of the birthday boy.

"Lee is to take the keys to your locker and hide it in one of the bags of rice in the store. You are not allowed to re-enter the store until after the LARP has finished." Kaiki was struck by the ingenuity of this one, it was a good way to stretch out her ordeal past its designated end point. She told her master where she had left her locker key, then she pulled out another slip while he headed inside to follow the order.

"Agree to waive your fee for this" Kaiki's eyes widened, this was a catch 22, if she disobeyed she would lose her fee but if she obeyed she would too. Luckily enough Toshiki stepped in.

"While Kaiki can say she is forfeiting her fee, without a signed contract it would be unenforceable, she could simply say it was an imagination as part of the game. I'm afraid without the contracts to hand this will be another order that does not affect the world outside this activity.", He informed

"Which is good for you guys as if I'd waived my fee, I'd be speaking my safeword so fast and then this would all be over. Nevertheless let's pretend shall we? I Kaiki Watanabe, hereby waive my fee for this appearance, everything I have done or will do is out of joy of being a slut." Kaiki took a moment to imagine what it would be like if what she was was true before pulling out another slip.

"List every part of your body you are self-conscious about and why." This one was so harsh she was surprised it wasn't from the birthday boy. She took a deep breath and prepared for an all out assault on her own self-esteem.

"Starting from the top working down: my hair doesn't look right when it's too long so I keep it short which I think makes me look older. My nose points up too much which makes me look like a sow. I am tall and my shoulders are wide so no matter how much weight I lose I'll still be seen as a 'larger' woman. My tits are enormous, they were already big before I got pregnant and they ballooned outwards, now I worry I'm going to be stuck with huge udders which will be drooping to my knees by the time I'm fifty. I did a lot of work to get my weight down after I had a kid and I think it has paid off in general, but I am left with stretch marks. Worse still my ass still remains huge, the exercise has made it more toned but it's still a giant dump-truck of an ass. Last week I found a grey hair among my pubic hair. Finally I think my feet look gross."

Telling a whole audience of teenagers her vulnerabilities did not bode well for Kaiki's future, she was certain she would hear those parroted back to her in mocking voices for a long time

"'Write an apology to us across your tits.' Oh I bet the guy from earlier who just wanted me to say an apology is kicking himself, this is way more embarrassing." Kaiki announced. She grabbed the thick pen and once again felt the nib sliding across her skin, her breasts erupting into goosebumps as she wrote 'I'm sorry for being an evil, heartless sow" across her body. She gave the audience a moment to admire her handy work before pulling another slip. She marvelled at the latest sheet, it was just a single word.

"Piss" Kaiki read, showing the crowd the slip of paper to confirm that is indeed what it said. "One of you is one of those weird piss freaks aren't you, alright then."

Kaiki squatted low to the ground, looking up at the crowd of boys now looming over her. She saw their grins and jeers as she squeezed and felt her bladder relax. Her urine flowed freely being met with a mixture of disgust or excitement for each member of the crowd. She overjoyed in the division caused by her latest degradation, staggering to her feet once she was done. Toshiki announced that she had pulled 23 slips so this would be her last one, the crowd groaned, pretending that the constant humiliation was not starting to get tedious for them. Looking into the box Kaiki noticed one slip slightly unfolded and glimpsed the familiar handwriting of the birthday boy, she knew she had to end on one of his and sneakily picked it out.

"Tie your tits together around the flagpole outside the village hall, also tie your knees together around the flagpole and your hands behind your back. Stay like that for at least one minute." Kaiki announced. She slowly made her way to the flagpole, the crowd shifting around her like a school of fish as a shark swims through. She took her time so her master could catch up with the rope he had fetched from the store.

Kaiki leaned forward and wrapped her breasts either side of the flagpole, feeling the cool metal fit comfortably snug against her sternum. The birthday boy had snatched the rope off her master, he had a vision when he wrote the slip and was eager to see it played out. He began to wrap the rope around Kaiki's breasts, pulling it tight so her breasts bulged outwards, unable to pull past the rope she was left giving a tit wank to the flagpole while her breasts turned red and engorged with the trapped blood. He gave her tits a slap so she could feel how sensitive the tightened ropes holding her in place had made her huge boobs.

Next he demanded that Kaiki move her knees forward until her oiled pussy was grinding against the flagpole with every fidget and readjustment, then tied them together so she was vertically straddling the pole like a pig about to be carried away and loaded on a spit roast. Once she was tied to the pole, the birthday boy gave her breasts a squeeze for good measure, their engorged firmness causing Kaiki to squeal with the pressure. Finally he tied her hands behind her back, ensuring she was trapped.

"So bitch, on the way over here I was discussing this with your master, my slip said you are to stay like this for at least a minute. We decided that means as long as we want as long as it's more than a minute. So the LARP ends at 7pm, that's just under three hours from now, have fun." He clicked his fingers and the crowd all turned and left, leaving Kaiki trapped strapped to a pole, her legs slowly beginning to ache from the pressure position. The birthday boy stopped and quickly doubled back. "Actually, I have one last plan for you later, so expect me at 6:30pm."

Tied in position, Kaiki felt like a decorative statue, her humiliation the centrepiece of the town's comings and goings. However unlike in the shop, everyone could see what others were doing to her and an arms race of last minute torture began among the giggling college students. The most edgy of the groups, eager to prove themselves would come forward and squeeze her tender breasts, making her screams echo around the town. Eager to push the boundaries, students began to squeeze her more roughly, adding spanks and nipple twists to the onslaught of abuse. Finally one of the boys did something she had been waiting for, and began to run his fingers across her frustrated slit.

It started first as a joke, then another boy decided to open her labia and pose for his friends next to Kaiki's spread pussy. Then finally one boy stuck his finger inside of her and Kaiki groaned and squirmed, his finger was out of her as soon as it was in and he was showing his friends her juices as they dropped from his hand.

"I knew this slut was enjoying herself." He joked, not actually contemplating that he was telling the truth. "How many fingers do you think I can fit in her?"

Time slowed for Kaiki as the boy's friends goaded him on to try and fit his whole hand up her pussy. She was desperate to feel herself stretched until she was this boy's hand puppet, but before he could follow through the birthday boy returned. The hours had flown by in a haze of teasing and unfulfilled threats.

"Alright whore, stay still." He ordered. One by one he began to place small candles on every vaguely horizontal surface on Kaiki's body. He had several on each swollen red breast, a few on her knees, some on her shoulders, and a couple in her cupped hands behind her back. "Alright, I've managed to balance 18 candles on you, but I can't find any more room and I am 19 today, lucky I have this candle."

The birthday boy held up a larger candle. It looked like one of the long ones you get at fancy restaurants. He started by lighting this candle and using its flame to light all the candles balanced on Kaiki's body. One by one they began to burn, Kaiki didn't feel anything yet but she knew that was sure to change. Once all the candles were lit, the birthday boy took the candle he was holding, and began to ease it into Kaiki's bottom. Kaiki gritted her teeth as her anus gave way and the smooth wax began to feel hotter as it eased further inside of her. He didn't stop until Kaiki could feel the head of the flame on buttcheeks, her body was also starting to come alive with the heat of the candles balanced on her.

"Now, your last order while you are still my property. Sing me happy birthday and then I'll blow out the candles." Kaiki struggled and squirmed, one candle fell off her knee and the birthday boy patiently re-lit it and placed it back. Kaiki felt about resisting, about just staying silent with burning candles until the time was up, but as the first trickle of hot wax landed on her tortured breasts she screamed began to sing.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you,happy birthday..." Kaiki paused, she realised she never actually got the birthday boy's name, another trickle of hot wax spurred her on. " fucking prick, happy birthday to you."

"Now now," the birthday boy tutted, "that's not what someone in your position calls someone like me." He stood with a smirk on his face as the candles burned lower and Kaiki began to sweat and shake in burning pain.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday my superior, happy birthday to you." Kaiki sang. The crowd cheered and the birthday boy gave himself a moment to admire his cake before blowing out the candles.

Kaiki was left tied and in agony until the moment the speaker system chimed for the end of the LARP. Toshiki untied her and then, as the players headed out she ran to the shop to start searching bags of rice for her locker key. By design it took her some time before she was able to find her key, as she left the shop, maintenance men had brought in heavy machinery to start deconstructing the set. She walked out the door, the builders all ogling and commenting on her naked, oiled, degraded appearance.

As she left the perimeter, she saw a sight that almost stopped her heart, the lockers were being loaded up into a van.

"Wait, stop! I need to get my stuff back." She yelled at the foreman.

"Which locker were you?" He asked, maintaining immense composure. Kaiki took out her key and studied it.

"026." She replied, the foreman sucked his teeth in regret.

"That one would have been part of the first batch. It'll be halfway to the depot by now. Drop by and we'll get your stuff for you"

Kaiki collapsed onto her knees and sobbed with frustration, she was wondering how she was going to get home, and how she was going to get her car keys back, and how she was going to get back here to pick up her car in the future. As she did so a limo pulled up and the birthday boy leant out of the window.

"Need a lift?" He asked. "All the buses have gone so your choice is coming back with me or one of the builders." Kaiki weighed her options, decided she could handle this kid, and climbed into the back of his car.

"So, did you enjoy your weekend?" Kaiki asked in a nonplussed tone.

"I'm about to find out." He ominously replied. "But first, I know I keep asking but I have to know, surely after all this you feel bad for how you treated us, your bullying, your reign of terror. Do you feel any guilt?"

"Bullying? Reign of terror? I was a service employee that you spoilt little rich kids wanted to pressure into breaking the law for you. I never bullied you, I treated you like everyone else, like someone the rules actually applied to. And that pissed you off so much you paid for all my family's future just to spend one weekend feeling superior to the poor woman who put you in your place." Kaiki unloaded, only feeling stronger as she watched him recoil in offence at her unwillingness to treat him as a superior.

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