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Housewife store clerk gets an indecent proposal.
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The teenager put on his maturest grin as Kaiki looked down upon him from behind the counter. Kaiki's withering stare moved from him to the six pack of beer he had hopefully placed in amongst the various snacks that suggested a party happening at some university house nearby.

"Do you have any ID?" Kaiki asked, already knowing the answer.

"Oh I don't have it on me, but I swear on my family that I'm over 20." He replied.

"Well if you swear on your family that's different." Kaiki sweetly smiled as she began to scan his items.


"No." She bluntly replied, putting the beer behind the counter. "That'll be ¥1,200 for the food and I'll be keeping the beer until you come back with ID." After that, the inevitable outburst began, the teenager told Kaiki how unfair she was, he wouldn't shop there again, he had friends in the Governor's office and will get the place shut down, any and all arguments that he thought would get through to her. Kaiki relished this moment, the barking of a small dog before she laid down the law.

"Young man." She began, instantly silencing him with a booming sternness. "You seem to be labouring under the delusion that you are in any way important to me. You are a buzzing mosquito and when you leave I will be relieved for the ten seconds I allow myself to remember your existence. So buzz along before I call over security to be far less polite."

The teenager stormed out of the shop, keeping his head low as security gave him the most disapproving look he could muster. Once the kid was clear the security guard burst out laughing.

"You realise there is no way I could be scarier than you. I don't know how I would react if any kid stood their ground against you and I had to come over." He observed.

"Nobu! I'm a housewife in a Family Mart uniform, nobody's actually scared of me." Kaiki giggled.

"Those rich university students have never experienced a mother who told them no. They take one look at your bright smile, sensible short black hair, and enormous bust, and they assume you are a soft touch. Then they discover there's nothing scarier than an angry mother." Nobu observed, Kaiki had given up complaining to the management about his inappropriate compliments.

"I'm not much over thirty." Kaiki mumbled as another customer entered the store and she put a courteous face on.


Kaiki let out a sigh, she had gotten home in time to have ten minutes to herself before she had to go pick up Haruki from school. She used the time to get through another chapter of her book on business management. She was determined that once she and her husband had saved up enough they could open the company they had dreamed of, an amusement arcade and cafe, where parents could drink coffee from a raised platform, the whole arcade visible below so they could follow their children without having to run around after them. With Haruki's ever more adventurous nature and the huge cost of their babysitter, Kaiki dreamed of being the owner and a customer of such an establishment.

It seemed like she had barely read a sentence when Kaiki's alarm whirred on her phone and she was off to elementary school to pick up her son. From there on in it was the usual afternoon routine; Haruki did homework while Kaiki cooked, Futoshi arrived to a hug from his son and a kiss from his wife, dinner, cleaning, bed. Soon Kaiki found herself once again in bed next to Futoshi, still reading her book while he .

Kaiki gave Futoshi a playful nudge and nodded in the direction of the wardrobe. Futoshi immediately recognised that look in his wife's eyes. She was alluding to the locked box in the base of the wardrobe containing a series of cheap but nonetheless kinky sets of chains, cuffs and paddles. Kaiki was not without her fetishes and at that moment she felt like being chained up and ravaged. Kaiki immediately recognised the look in Futoshi's eyes that said he was tired, he had just been through one long day at work and tomorrow would probably be another. Kaiki wordlessly went to sleep, she knew this was the price of their dream.


"If you're so desperate for drink, go raid your mother's cabinet. If I had a son like you I'd drink to forget too." Kaiki spat at the kid as tears rapidly formed in his eyes. He ran out the door and she went back to relaxing again.

"I swear to god Nobu, nobody else gets this many teenagers trying to buy booze." She exclaimed towards the door.

"Well that's because of your fearsome reputation." A smoother and fall less familiar voice replied. Kaiki leaned over the counter and saw a tall thin man, dressed in an impeccable suit, holding a briefcase that cost what Kaiki made in a month, and hair containing more product than a Columbian diplomat's retirement plan.

"Sorry sir, I was talking to my security guard Nobu." Kaiki responded, her polite smile instantly returning.

"I paid him to go take a long cigarette break, believe me you will be grateful." The man acknowledged. "But in answer to your earlier query, telling freshman that this shop is easy to buy alcohol from without ID is a common prank in the halls of Kyoto University."

"Oh, thank you, I suppose that is good to know." Kaiki replied, the realisation providing an interesting background to her day job.

"No problem, however I should mention that I am here for a purpose beyond the explanation of your workplace gripes. My name is Toshiki Hata, I am under the employment of a student group who identifies themselves as the Eastern Hedonists Society..." he began.

"Oh I see, did some rich kid finally follow through on his threat to sue me for not breaking the law and serving him alcohol?"

"No, such a case would be groundless and, being a reputable lawyer, I would not take it on." Toshiki swiftly replied, silencing Kaiki. "No, my purpose here is far more beneficial to you. The Eastern Hedonists Society is an invite only society for the wealthiest students at Kyoto University, where large and extravagant experiences are organised for each of its member's birthdays. One such experience is a live action roleplaying weekend that the member in question has requested you be a part of."

"Live action roleplaying? Is this a sex thing?" Kaiki interjected.

"A complex question. In its usual form it is a more advanced form of a children's game. The people involved dress up, play that they are having a fantasy adventure and no sexual activity is involved. But for this game the member in question wants a more gritty and, quote unquote, real experience. Sex workers will be working in a fantasy brothel and locked naked in some dungeons while players will be restricted to over 18s only. However the role he wants you for is that of the store owner. With your reputation at the university, he considers you a VIP guest." Kaiki shuffled nervously.

"I'm not sure I want to be involved in that sort of experience. What if they try and get frisky with me?" She asked.

"Then you are within the rules of the game to resist, I will be one of the independent adjudicators who will rigorously enforce the rules and you will be free to design your character in such a way that prevents actions you do not approve of. As a failsafe, if they are able to work within the rules of the game to subject you to an experience you are not comfortable indulging, you can say your safe word and leave, however doing so would forfeit your fee. You would also forfeit your fee if at any point you broke the rules of the game." Toshiki explained.

"This sounds like something that could go very wrong." Kaiki observed, "I don't think..."

"Before you say no, you have not heard what fee they wish to pay you." Toshiki interrupted, sensing the way this conversation was going. "I have looked into your finances and bank records. Your husband has been making plenty of business loan applications, usually in the range of twenty million yen. I managed to glance at the loan application and while I find the business intriguing I think you are being optimistic with how much it will cost to set up. From my experience in the commercial sector, I would guess around double that figure. My employer is willing to pay you a one off fee of even more than that, I am in fact authorised to offer you fifty million yen for three day's work."

Kaiki's mouth sat agape as Toshiki let the enormity of his offer set in. Three days playing stupid games with a bunch of university students and not only could her and her husband quit their jobs and start the business of their dreams, they could do so debt free. Toshiki slid his card over the desk.

"I hope the enormity of the offer has stayed your hand on immediate and outright rejection. Give me a call once you have had a chance to think it over."


Every moment she spent driving further into the mountainous forests north of Kyoto seemed to add another stone to Kaiki's stomach. She was under no illusions that she was going to enjoy this weekend. They had made that abundantly clear when they had sent through the outfit she would be wearing. It was like a busty tavern wench costume from a porn movie had mated with her work uniform. A frilly navy blue blouse over with a waist corset detailed in the horrible green and blue that reminded her of work, her breasts prominently bulging against the low cut top. The frilly skirt making pressing the pedals of the car difficult but the alternative was getting changed in front of her weekend employers, which Kaiki was certain would be worse than a fiery car crash.

Her only defence against the week descending into absolute hell, was a piece of paper on her passenger seat. She had read the rules of the game cover to cover several times, although it seemed stupid, she knew this would save her a lot of embarrassment and had drafted the appropriate character sheet. Maximum stats on everything that resisted being convinced, charmed, hypnotised and any other method she could think of that a horny teen would force her to be his slave within the rules of the game.

As she pulled into the car park, a large fence had been erected around the LARP area, she was given the key to her locker and ordered to leave her phone, car keys and anything not in keeping with the time period, with security at the door being extra thorough with the rule.

It was Friday morning, the university students were due to arrive soon so the last moments of setting up were being completed. Kaiki marvelled at the small rustic village that had been built for the occasion, but her marvelling was suddenly interrupted by three completely naked women chatting without any cares. They were stood next to the stocks and from what Kaiki could overhear one was going to start the adventure, naked and locked in place in the centre of the village. Kaiki stood looking lost for a moment before a man wearing a dark hooded cloak came over to her and spoke in a voice far less ominous than his outfit.

"Kaiki? Welcome, you will be placed in the village shop, third building on the left." Kaiki did not instantly react, taken aback by the man's outfit. "Oh yes sorry, my name is Haru, I'm one of the Game Masters. Anyone in a cloak like this will not be taking part in the game but will be implementing the rules and making calls." Kaiki was unsure if this reassured her or not as she wordlessly wandered towards her shop.

Kaiki spent some time getting to know her shop, a faux vintage wooden affair; straw on the floor, lit by candlelight and a variety of supplies that Kaiki recognised as modern conveniences, taken out of their packaging, wrapped in paper and labelled something more mundane and rustic than Tummy's Sticky Toffee Pocky. Their prices were given in gold, silver and bronze pieces, a currency system confirmed by the weird coins she found in the drawer beneath the counter. Behind her place at the counter was a wall of bottles in a variety of colours, all labelled as alcoholic, she was certain this would be the prize all the students would be after. Her familiisation was halted by the sound of a distant horn being played on a central speaker system.

"Attention NPCs, the players have arrived and are getting ready, please be on your marks." A voice announced. Kaiki knew her place was inside the shop, but she couldn't help but go and stand in the doorway to see the village get together.

The number of naked women had grown significantly, the one Kaiki recognised from earlier was having a GM help lock her into the stocks, her exposed bottom pointing at the entrance, presumably to give the guests a warm welcome. The remaining nude women ventured into the forest, some carrying various ropes or chains that they would be using to affix themselves to whatever prison had been designed for them to be held by bandits, monsters or any number of bad guys who want to capture women but not their clothes.

On top of the hostages, there were even more girls in sultry outfits heading towards a single building Kaiki assumed was the brothel, some women were even wearing clothes with linings and holes designed to expose them even while clothed. The ubiquity of sexuality on display made Kaiki nervous but in a strange way reassured, yes the pocket farmers will be precocious, but they will have plenty of outlets for their sexual frustration and hopefully won't try anything with her. The first of the costumed teenagers walked through the door and Kaiki took a deep breath.


"Sorry did they change the law in the past hour I haven't had my phone? Is it now legal to sell alcohol to someone under 20?" Kaiki yelled at the gaggle of tolkeinesque 'heroes' in front of her.

"No, but..." the one who ordered a 'potion of delirium' stammered.

"Look, judging by that ghost of a mustache you have, I'm sure puberty is a bitch, but when you come out the other side maybe you'll look old enough to not have people laugh in your face when you insist you're over twenty." Kaiki finished, pointing to the door. It was strange, the gathered teenagers didn't get angry or upset, in fact they all burst into laughter as they began to graciously leave.

"Hang on!" One cried, "I got level 2 hypnosis, I cast it on you." A GM that had been lurking near the door watched him roll the D20 in a locket that all players kept around their neck. "14, does that hypnotise her?"

A smug grin wound across Kaiki's face as the GM looked up her character sheet on an iPad hidden in his robes and solemnly shook his head at the wizard.

"You think I would let some little creep hypnotise me into breaking the law? Hop on grasshopper." Kaiki announced as the party continued on their way.

For the next few hours every player would try the same thing, they were all determined to buy alcohol from Kaiki and would all fail, then laugh their heads off as she berated and insulted them. The GM decided to stay in the shop to moderate the queue of people who wanted to overcome her stern refusal to serve any of them.

"A bottle of the potion of delirium please" a small man in a steampunk suit asked, lifting up his goggles to look Kaiki in the eyes.

"Seriously, you expect me to believe you're over twenty, I flush bigger than you after my morning coffee." Kaiki scolded.

"I roll to seduce." The small man squeaked, causing Kaiki to roll her eyes, another man for which seduction only existed in game mechanics. "NAT 20!" He cheered. Kaiki felt her usual worry when others had rolled a twenty, on its own (without major buffs) it still wasn't enough to beat her, but if someone rolled a twenty they had to roll again, and if that roll was a twenty it would be a critical and she would be screwed.

"Roll to confirm the crit." The GM ordered.

"Another NAT 20!" He screamed, now the whole party was cheering, Kaiki felt deep trepidation for what was about to occur. She hopefully looked at the GM, using her eyes to plead him not to do anything too rash.

"You are now deeply in love with Zakakaga Artifice" the GM announced. A deep groan made its way to Kaiki's throat, but she swallowed it before it could exit her mouth. A bit of flirting was a small price to pay for her dream come true.

"Sure you're a small one, but there's something fascinating about you." She acted, giving the little man a smile.

"Well I'll tell you what, sell me a potion of delirium and I'll make it worth your while." He slimeily suggested, now openly ogling Kaiki's cleavage. Kaiki took a bottle down from the shelf and pushed it across the counter, unbelieving that she had a price to break the law. The little man leant over and gave her a kiss, sloppy and unappealing, it seemed to last forever and Kaiki used up a lot of inner strength not retching. In triumph the little man downed the potion bottle.

"Roll poison resistance." The GM announced, shocking the room.

"Um... I got a 6" the small man announced.

"Zakakaga Artifice succumbs to the improperly prepared potion of delirium and dies."

Kaiki momentarily broke character to let a smile crawl across her face but nobody noticed as the party had run to fetch the city guard. As the small man lay in shock on the floor, two much larger men in matching grey uniforms marched in.

"Merchant Kaiki, we hereby charge you with causing the death of a customer, please surrender all possessions and prepare for processing."

Kaiki was fine with this development, spending the rest of the weekend in prison instead of behind a counter serving horny teens. She emptied out her pockets and calmly held out her wrists awaiting handcuffs while the GM talked the small man through rolling a new character.

"Sorry Kaiki, you must surrender all possessions. That includes clothes." The other guard stated. All colour drained from Kaiki's face, she stared at the GM but he was impassive. Meanwhile she heard shouts outside the shop as the others in the party called over anyone who would listen.

"Last chance criminal, surrender all your clothes or we will add a summary charge of resisting arrest." Kaiki still remained immobile, hoping that roleplaying as a statue would make them leave her alone.

"Merchant Kaiki, you have been summarily tried and found guilty of one count of resisting arrest, punishment is forcible stripping and one hour in the stocks before you are processed for your other crimes." The GM remained impassive, the police rulebook had been pre-drafted and these players were following it to the letter. One guard held Kaiki's arms behind her back while the other began to unlace her corset, Kaiki shrieked and swore, but to everyone around this was just good roleplay. In a moment of panic her brain latched on to the safeword she had been given, but at that same moment her brain screamed at her not to use it. She pictured her cafe, the playful children, the husband no longer so overworked that evenings ended before they began, everything she wanted. She thought forward to the stares and jeers she would receive and suddenly the safe word was stuck in her throat and she went into a fugue state while the police got to work.

The corset suddenly loosened and slipped off her torso, followed by her blouse, which was tugged at until the buttons pinged off. It was standing room only in the shop as a mighty cheer greeted the exposure of Kaiki's enormous and now free breasts.

"I believe this shop has become hazardously overfilled, please follow us outside for the remainder of your punishment." The guard announced, pushing the topless Kaiki out of the front door.

Once clear of the shop the guard resumed holding Kaiki while his companion undressed her, he loosened the lacing on her dress and allowed it to fall to the floor, as he scooped it up he also took the opportunity to remove Kaiki's basic shoes so she was left barefoot on the cobblestones. Finally the whole village came alive with cheers as her bloomers were yanked to the ground and Kaiki's pussy was exposed to everyone present.

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