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Operation Chameleon Ch. 06

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Our heroine is targeted by malevolent actor.
4.8k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/15/2019
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.


I had enjoyed two weeks of being stalked, raped and gang banged and I was fucked I opted to rest after my virgin restoration treatment. I fantasised about telling my Master what a bad girl I had been and that he would punish me severely when I got back to the directorate.

Lisbeth though when I met her after her vampire fantasy was pale and drawn looking. She had become a little quiet as well. I asked at the complex about and was told that she might like other girls take a few days to recuperate physically if not emotionally. I got a little worried for her so we both agreed to give up being sluts for a few days.

We watched the recordings of each others sexscapades as we rested up. I found myself getting turned on as she transformed into a vampire. I wonder how they did that and she looked really sexy and sexually magnetic as she prowled for male and female victims.

I watched her being chastised several times by her Vampire Master as she sucked her victims dry and left them for dead. Her Master trying in vain to control her lusts and her hunger for blood and sex. Till she gets hunted down by the Vampire Hunters Kruger and his lithe dark haired kitten sidekick, they snare her and her lover and put an end to her and her Vampire King in an orgy of sex and violence.

It was a kind of sad romantic ending as she watches her lover succumb to the energy draining Katalia and begs to be slain by Kruger rather than live without her lover.

She admitted to being really turned on by my demon gang-bang. She was going to try variations of threesomes and gang-bangs when she recovered a bit and finish off her holiday with a plain old fashioned holiday style of romance scenario. I poked a little fun at her about that.

I had made up my mind that I would be captured and used by space pirates and that after being gang-banged several times by them, then that fantasy would roll over into my being the auctioned sex slave. This last one having a wicked twist. A 799 beta model would buy me. I would be bought and taken by a space alien with some added features that I wanted to try.

In my last fantasy I had my imaginary buyer look like Keth. I found several other girls who had picked the same space pirate scenarios as me and the slave auction as well. Several of the girls had opted to be bought by consortium's, which was another way of saying they wanted to be gang-banged.

I was a whore in heat by the time my Keth look alike was driving the biding up on me. I was purring in anticipation as the auctioneer described me as a highly trained specialist slave. Expert in all aspects of oral, vaginal and anal sex. Obedient and slavish to my potential Masters every whim and want. He made a special point of highlighting my very real tattoos and brands.

The brand drove the bidding up. I felt especially wicked at the thought that I had removed Keth's collar without his permission and my pussy was soaking at the very thought of the punishment he would give me. I could not play with myself as the auctioneer had cuffed my hands behind my back. I was very frustrated and got even more frustrated at the thought of the replica Keth putting the replica collar on me.

When he came to collect after buying me for no less than 10 million galactic credits, I was already salivating at just how far I could push the 799 model. It was all fantasy and make-believe though. I doubted that anybody would pay 10 million credits for a sex slave anywhere in the galaxy.

When he threw me on my back in my cage and I watched transfixed as his huge cock was joined by another even larger one sprouting from his now very inflated scrotum. I screamed half in panic and half in awe. The knowledge that this was being watched by Borg and human alike had me even more turned on. I had very definitely acquired an exhibitionist streak in me if I didn't have one before.

When my Keth look alike transformed into a blotchy green skinned alien with back spines I freaked in delight. His elongated tongue licking my breasts strongly as it did so. It hissed when its apparent transformation was complete and said "I am going to breed the Krieg's favourite pet! From your belly will spring a generation of warriors that will sweep the scum of humanity from the galaxy".

Intense electric orgasms ripped through my body as the beast penetrated my vagina and ass simultaneously. It fucked me relentlessly and mocked me "Who amongst the races and the species of this galaxy is the superior my slut? The Human Krieg? The Borg or the Chameleon?

Who can take you to heights of sexual joy that you never felt before my pet? Who can give you offspring? The extinct Krieg? The Sterile Borg or the new rising power in the galaxy, the Chameleon?"

Danger signs were going off my head but my body would not respond. This was not part of the program. In no way was this part of my fantasy. What was happening? Fear and pleasure set off a conflicting set of imperatives in me. I tried to escape but no I didn't or couldn't. I was frozen as the urge to flee was overcome by an urge to be impregnated by this beast.

I felt it probe my mind and hiss "I know your darkest most secret desires my pet! It is only I that can give you what you truly desire. Surrender to me your new Master my Slut. Resistance really is futile in your case. However our children will be Masters of the Galaxy."

Stars were exploding in my head and my whole body was cascading with tremors and electric shocks as he drove relentlessly in and out of my pussy and ass.

The beast changed its angle of attack on me and I felt ridges on its penis rubbing against my clit and supernova began to explode in my brain. I couldn't take anymore and screamed "Fuck me Master! Breed me Master!"

I heard the beast hiss "YESSSSSSSS!"

I heard it let out a loud croak and then I felt it as orgasmic pulses shot through me, I felt the beast's penises pulsate strongly and shoot load after load of its cum in me. It did not deflate though and the beast continued to plunge into me hard and fast and the pulsations of its monster cock seemed to last an eternity and its hissed "YESSSSSSS!" Over and over again.

When I looked up at the beast as it looked down on my face snaking my neck with its long tongue it croaked again and a large hard tentacle snaked from its mouth and searched out mine. I parted my lips and let the beast penetrate my mouth and then my throat and tried to breathe through my nose but to no avail as the monster pumped loads of cum down my throat.

It was then that something snapped in me and I tried to shout for Keth to save me but could not as the beast continued to fuck and fill all my holes. The pleasure had now given way totally to fear. I felt as if I was choking and drowning.

It was the last thing I remember. I woke feeling very sore in a hospital bed with my very concerned looking sister looking down at me.

I tried to speak but could not. Lisbeth stroked my brow and I passed out again. I had a very bad dream where Keth fought a beast and the beast was winning. I woke again then have Lisbeth holding me and whispering "Its okay! The beast is dead! You are safe now!"

I passed out again. I dreamed Keth was standing guard over me and protecting me I dreamed him gently putting his collar around my neck and feeling safe again. I stroked it in my dreams. I woke with a start as I heard familiar voices.

Before me at the side of my bed was Keth smiling and I wept "Oh Master! Forgive me! He cradled me in his strong arms and let me weep. I must have fallen asleep in his arms as when I next woke Lisbeth, my father and the Major were all in attendance on me.

I stammered out weakly "What happened? Where Am I? Where is Keth? Dad?"

It was Lisbeth who spoke first "The Borg model supposedly malfunctioned and ran amok and well it took something of a struggle to get it off you and away from you or so the staff claimed. I phoned dad to say that something awful had happened and I thought you were going to die." She choked back a sob.

The Major spoke "Keth is standing guard at the door. It was your attachment to him that drew you back from the brink of whatever nightmare you were in. The Borg as near as we can figure injected you with some hallucinogenic. I have started an investigation of the Carnac Kuta complex.

It is going to remain closed for the foreseeable. There will be no tourists here in the near future until we have tracked down all of the sources of the security leaks.

The individual that was responsible for maintaining that particular Borg turned up dead. He had been dead for several days as well. Evidence suggests from a lethal dose of the same hallucinogenic that was injected into you.

You had also been pumped full of psycho-sexual drugs that were introduced to your system whilst you were doing the space pirates scenario and that was definitely not part of that scenario. You definitely didn't need those drugs as it was since you are particularly ravenous sexually.

Till you are back on your feet Keth will stand guard. We will assume that you are still a target for whomever or whatever attacked you. But rest please. You have been subjected to a severe physical and metal trauma. You could only resist it through the training you had received.

Oh and we had to tell your sister about your position within the Directorate. She is fiercely protective of you. It was her that disengaged that Borg at great risk to herself. It is lucky that she knew how to disengage them. It is not something that is widely shared. She probably saved your life.

So in the interests of security it is felt that she continue her particular research specialty within the Directorate. She might be able to help in tracking down who is behind this attack on you and why."

I told them, "It wasn't the Chameleon. I am certain that creature or individual wants me alive. It is some other creature or individual that wants me dead."

I had let myself get distracted from picking Lisbeth's brains about the Borg. But I was not thinking about that at the time. I stroked the collar and its familiar touch reassured me.

My dad spoke "Your mother does not know and it is probably better that she does not. It goes without saying that the less people who know the better, yes it is a cliché but it is true. Your sister can be quite a persistent nosey bugger and would only have gone about asking questions and poking her nose in places that she shouldn't so now she knows that you are a Directorate agent but not exactly what you do and that must remain secret from her as much of her research must be off limits to you.

Indeed we are also considering the possibility that this attack on you was a means of finding out about her work as one of her colleagues has gone missing and has been missing for three days. We don't do happenstance or coincidence in the Directorate.

When you are ready and can do so, then return to your chalet. Take an extra month to recuperate. You will need it. You were out of it for a whole week as it was. We have cleared the medical staff here so you may use them if you need anything.

Lisbeth will be around as well and Keth will stand guard duty. Don't go anywhere without him."

I could have laughed "Don't worry! I wont go anywhere without him! That's a promise!"

He left me with Lisbeth who giggled "You are a million and one surprises sis. Next time you suggest going of a surprise holiday I think I will just stay in my lab. It is a lot safer.

So you are in love with Keth?"

I gave her a shy look "Is it that obvious?"

She giggled "Well you are not the only girl that has fallen for a Borg girly. Indeed I know one girl that has fallen for more than just one Borg. It is quite common. That is the subject of several psycho-babble research papers as to why."

I gave a weak giggle "Lisbeth! Now who is being not just bad but greedy."

She got sensible then "Well I think I take a rest from sex for a while, since it also says on your medical chart that no sex is allowed for at least a month whilst you are recuperating. There was some internal damage but the docs say that you will make a full recovery. That is if you stop sticking things up your pussy and ass for a month at least and better if you refrain totally for three months."

I gave another weak giggle "I shall go nuts if I don't get any big cock for a month. I will be totally psycho if I don't get any for three months."

I smiled "Did you really save me from that thing?"

She laughed "It was nothing really. It is just a matter of knowing where the off switch is sis. Sorry I can't tell you that! That is classified and you don't have a high enough security clearance to know."

She bounced out of the room giggling as I threw the pillow at her.

She stuck her head round the door "You don't know how long I have wanting to say that to you."

It was the next day before I felt fit enough to return to the chalet. I still hurt like hell. I tried not to think about what had happened or about the fact that I had betrayed my Master. I couldn't look at Keth who was ever present on guard duty.

When I fell asleep back at the holiday apartment on Keth's knee I felt that this was the most perfect holiday ever. Just one thing was missing I had an even stronger urge than ever to breed with him. What was wrong with me? It could never be. Could it? I heard the mocking laughter again 'you belong to another now slut' I shut out the laughter.

I set about devising a strategy to pick Lisbeth's brains about Borg. Should I take a direct approach or a devious approach? My father's words came back to haunt me and not to trust anybody; I would have to adopt a subtle sneaky approach. If I couldn't trust my own flesh and blood, was there anybody I could trust.

For the moment though project Chameleon was put on hold. I also put project get pregnant on hold as well. I decided on neither approach and adopted the be patient approach.

I was not allowed access to the recordings of what had happened with the 799 model Borg in my last fantasy. Somebody higher up the food chain had decided to restrict my access to it on medical grounds. I had to satisfy myself with writing up my own report from my own memories. I wondered what of what I had seen was real and what was induced by the cocktail of drugs that had been fed or injected into me.

Sis was no longer the same sis she was before. I wondered more and more about her research and what she involved with. It seemed that the only thing I was sure of was my love for Keth, my love for my Master.

At the end of my first week of recuperation sis was given a Borg that she referred to as the Professor. He was not a particularly attractive walking encyclopaedia galactica. Sis was less than pleased, especially as he had been forbidden any further access to any of the resorts Borg programs. She was officially researching again but was kept around as company for me as some doc had decided that her presence was conducive to my mental healing.

It was in the third week of my recuperation when sis broached the subject of what was on my mind and asked "What is eating you Fran? Spit it out."

So after her constant egging at me for three days solid I gave in and told her "Its Keth Lisbeth. You know I am in love with him. He is my Master. It is not just that though. I want to make a baby with him. I can't help it. I just have this overpowering urge to breed with him. Is it real or induced? Are they playing games with my head again?"

Lisbeth sighed "It is not possible Fran. He was not made to procreate. Secondly even if he was capable of what the newer models are supposed to able of doing and that is just rumour and not fact then I don't think the Directorate would allow it Fran. The politicals wouldn't allow it I don't think. They would view that as a threat equal to the threat that the Krieg were. I'm sorry! I know that this has been discussed at length at the highest levels of the Party and the Science Corps. I have seen the papers, I cant tell you any more than that."

I choked back a tear and said "You must think me really pathetic. It is just that I don't see him as a Borg. I see him as a man. He is everything I could want in a man. I want him to be the father of my children. I am miserable at the thought that I can't have any to him."

Sis sighed "I think we are both doomed to desire what we can't have Fran. The dozy part of me just wants to get pregnant to dad and another dozy part of me wants to be a Vampire Queen. I try not to think about it as one would break mum's heart and the other would probably kill me and make a few others miserable at the same time."

We hugged each other and sobbed in our mutual misery.

My recuperation though was doubly frustrating. I had Keth there all that time and was banished from sex. When I tried to lure him to my bed he was focused on his guard duty and would not or could not be dragged from it. When I tried to provoke him into punishing me, well there again he would not be provoked. My sis found the whole thing funny.

I had to resort to retail therapy quite a lot but it was no compensation for what I really wanted and that was his huge stiff cock pounding my holes and being filled with cum. On the upside I suppose I had acquired a few items with which to decorate my rather bland quarters at the Directorate.

The idea of actually returning to the Directorate and housing myself somewhere without an open view of a golden beach and clear blue ocean now seemed a little claustrophobic to me. In fact the only reason I would go back now was the thought and the hope that Keth would punish me and fuck me stupid on a regular basis.

I also knew that sooner or later I would be going out into the field and would probably have no contact at all with him. His presence though just made me feel safe and the idea of not having him about at all, well that only served to increase my trepidation about going back to the Directorate.

I got more and more perverse about the situation that I asked sis if there was anyway to reprogram him from his present focus on his guard duties to once again bringing his slut into line as she should be. Sis laughed at that and said "I suppose it would be possible but I don't have the gear here to do that and I would also need access to all the data on Keth to be able to do that. I doubt if our employers would be very happy about that sis."

I did one last thing on my extended holiday and that was to have the virgin restoration procedure done again. However as we packed I slunk into a depression that I could not shake myself from. Each item packed being a drag or so it seemed. Even those things that I had got mildly excited about buying. Each step I took towards the check out and then the intercontinental tube felt like a long mile.

Was it the apparent indifference of Keth? Was it the fact that Lisbeth might be a stranger again to me? Whatever it was I had got to the point where I did not give a fuck about Operation Chameleon or whatever else I would be working on or doing when I got back to the Directorate. I suddenly felt very tired and lethargic about everything. My middle name had become apathy.

When I returned to the Directorate and found my way to my quarters I hoped that Keth would summon me for some punishment but it did not happen. Nor was a summoned for any update briefing by the Major. I checked the work station for any updates on the Chameleon but nothing that remotely sparked any interest in me. I busied myself with decorating my quarters with the spoils of my recent holiday.

I ended up staring at the walls so I buzzed Keth several times but got the same message over and over again "Instructor Keth is not available at this moment in time!"


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