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Operation Daddy's Girl Ch. 00: Introduction

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Nicole begins to seduce her dad.
2.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/28/2015
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Dear readers,

This is my first time actually publishing anything that I have ever written. I have never considered myself a writer and have never the best in my Literature or English classes. That being said, the writing may not be perfect, so I would suggest to just focus on the story. Please feel free to leave comments. I will gratefully accept any constructive criticisms or encouraging words. Just please don't be rude. I truly hope that you enjoy and that this doesn't become a waste of your time.

This story is fictional. All characters in story are 18-years or older. It contains father/daughter incest.


Operation Daddy's Girl.


*...times have changed and times are strange...*

Ozzy Osbourne's "Mama I'm Coming Home" soundtrack and lyrics woke me up from my mid-day nap. Great fucking song by the way, one of my favorites.

"mmmhmmph..." I groaned as I stretched my arms above my head and then across the bed to grab my phone on the nightstand. My friend Kelly was calling me, great. The only time she called was either to tell me about her love life, a very active love life I must say, or to inform me of college parties thrown by the school's Fraternities or Football teams.

"Hey Kell" I answered.

"Nicole! What are you doing?" she practically yelled.

I winced "Uh, I just woke up, why?"

"What in the fuck? Its 6 o'clock on a Thursday college evening, and your ass is in bed!? Are you on your period or what?"

"No" I laughed, " I was just tired when I got home and decided to take a nap. What's up Kell? I know you called for something." Surely to talk about a dick or go out to find someone who had another dick.

"What, can't a friend call another friend just to talk?" She asked.

"Not you, what is it?" I replied "If you actually did wake me up from my nap just to talk about the size of Kyle's penis I'm going to kill you."

"What?! No! Who do you think I am? Well now that you mention it, its not that great actually. Oh and I broke up with him this morning. Anyways I was calling to tell your boring ass about a party tonight. Derrick from Kappa said him and his brothers are throwing it at their Frat house, heard its gonna be sick. You in?" Kelley said in a giddy voice.

"Uuhhh.." I groaned.

"Pleaseeeee. It's a Thursday night, no class Friday, so lets get wasted! And Derrick is so fucking hot Omyfuckinggod. Its my chance to get with him and blame it on the alcohol" she gushed.

"God you're such a slut... Alright I'm down." I heard her squeal through the phone and could practically see her do a fist pump. "But only because I have nothing better to do. And you better not get that drunk because I actually do have to get back home tonight and I am not going to babysit your ass." Going out with her was pretty much always fun except for the times Drunk Kelley would want to get naked in the middle of the dance floor or decided throwing up in her heel was a good idea. Just the memories coming back to me were making me laugh.


"No of course not" she assured me "just enough to get a good party buzz goin' you know? Anyways you should come over and get ready at my place cause I don't know what to wear and you should definitely help me you sexy bitch."

I laughed. She may be a slut but I loved her.

"Alright alright" I said, "...just let me take a shower and get a few options from my wardrobe, then I'll see you at your house in like 45 minutes."

"Awesome! You're the best. See you in a bit" she said then hung up.

For the next 5 minutes I just lay there in my bed. You know those moments where you just think about your life? I guess you could say I was content.

I was nineteen; it was barely the beginning of my life. I had a great family, great friends, and a good education. I dated once in a while, got good grades, and was happy with my looks. I guess you could say I had everything. I got up with a heavy sigh and walked to the bathroom.

I began taking off my clothes while looking at my self in the mirror. Average height and frame, golden skin, I wasn't athletic but I wasn't over weight either. I guess the way to describe my body was soft and curvy. C-cup boobs, small waist, a bubble butt (one of my best assets), long and toned legs. I had long light brown hair that literally reached my butt crack, and big brown almond-shape eyes, (my other best asset) framed by thick lashes.

My friends and family said I was beautiful and I believed it enough to be comfortable in my own skin. I wasn't shy but wasn't cocky either.

I turned on the shower knob and waited a minute or two for the water to warm then got in. I took my time washing my face, my long hair, my body and shaving my legs, pits and lady bits.

Yes, us girls grow armpit and leg hair too you know. I hate how guys act as if it's unnatural when they find mild hair stubble there. Like they expect us to be baby butt smooth all over. It's a lot of work to be a girl, or let me rephrase that, a hot girl. Cause if you'd actually wanted us to be "natural" then you would probably want to think again. Cause we grow hair every where. The only difference between a "natural girl and natural guy" is that they have a dick and we have a vagina. I'm probably grossing you out so anyways...

Once I finished my shower and dried myself off, I went into my bedroom and put on my mid thigh length robe. I rummaged through my closet and decided on a little black dress. I know, pretty cliché but you can never go wrong with a little black dress in almost any occasion. I usually go for the casual look in college parties but tonight I felt like looking sexier. Sometimes a girl needs to look and feel attractive for their once-in-a-while dose of self-esteem. And who knows, I might hook up with a hot guy. By hooking up I meant making out, letting him cop a feel maximum. Unlike Kelley I wasn't a slut but when you're single, you sometimes crave the way the other sex makes you feel. I personally love kissing, well if the guy is a good kisser as well of course. I could do it for hours. Sex is great but foreplay can be just as great. And I need to fool around once in a while or else I fear I'll become a slut like my friend Kelley here.

I also grabbed a short coral dress that I heard goes great with my skin tone, and a pair of nude pumps and black strappy heels. Its true, us girls cannot make up our minds until we actually try on the clothes. I put everything inside a duffel bag along with my makeup, a couple toiletries, my perfume, cell phone and wallet. I put on a strapless bra and thong, put back on my robe, slipped on my slippers then head out the bedroom. I wasn't actually going to change into some clothes; Kelley only lived a couple blocks away.

I walked out into the living room and found my mom and dad sitting on the couch watching some TV; some Syfy show I think it was.

"Mom, dad, I'm going out with Kelley tonight" I told them.

Almost the moment I noticed it ,it was gone, but I managed to catch a glimpse of the look on my dads face when he saw my attire.

And it made my heart flutter and my blood to spike up a few hundred notches.

Oh I didn't mention this before but I think I'm in love with my dad. And I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about that.

I mean I loved my dad the way any loving daughter would, but I also lusted after him in a way that would make any sex craved women jump the bones of a nice hunky man and ride him like a bronco.

God what was wrong with me? I guess you could say that was the only unordinary aspect of my life. I couldn't help it, the attraction was there.

My dad, Eric Bennet, wasn't your typical 45-year-old man. He was fucking hot. Tall, tan, handsome; a lean and fit body, a full head of thick brown hair with a few gray hairs at the temples, and the most mesmerizing green eyes that I wish I could of inherited. Strong jaw and a straight nose to complete his fucking model looks. My mom was one lucky bitch. And I was one jealous bitch.

"Where the hell are you going dressed like that?" My mother asked.

She was a hottie for her age as well. I got her large brown eyes and curvy figure but I got my dads hair and skin tone.

I couldn't help it... "to a college party, duh. Lingerie themed."

I had to bite my lip so I wouldn't laugh at my dad's eyes bugging out of his head.

"The hell?!" my dad yelled, "You are not leaving this house looking like that young lady! I thought I raised a nice, respectable..."

"Dad! Dad." I cut him off. "Calm down, I was just kidding, geesh. I'm just driving to Kelley's house and getting ready there. Then we're going to a party, just a regular one. No lingerie." I laughed.

My dad still had his mouth open, but then began closing it slowly. "Well then. You better not be lying. And don't come back home too late."

"Do you have you're phone?" My mom asked. I nodded. "...Charged?"

"Yesssss mom" I drawled.

"Alright. Check in and be careful." She said.

"Shit..." My dad got up from the couch "I parked behind your car, I need to move it."

I kissed my mom goodbye then followed my dad outside the front.

I almost drooled when I walked into that delicious trail of cologne and manliness he left behind.

God, he even walked like a model. At this point I would probably think the way he took a piss was sexy. Pathetic.

He got in his Dodge truck and backed it up, then parked it on the curb. I then opened the door to my car while he got out of his truck. Slowly I lifted my leg into the car. Trying to show a little more leg and maybe some lower ass cheek. Don't know if I can manage doing that without looking too obvious. It took me a total of 6 seconds to get my ass on the front seat and then felt a smug smile tug on my lips when I heard the sound of his feet trip on the sidewalk. Don't break your neck huh dad?

I shut the door then rolled down the window. "Dad, come here." I stuck my arm out and waved him over.

"Yeah?" He propped his hands on the top of the car and leaned towards the window.

"You okay? I thought I heard you trip or something." It was still bright enough for me to notice a blush creep up his face and his Adams apple move with a deep swallow.

"Huh? Oh, no I just almost didn't see the sidewalk there, that's it" he practically stuttered.

"Oh. Okay" I responded. "Soooo... Can I have some money, porfavor?" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes.

He sighed then laughed. "Just like your mother."

He fished out his wallet, handed me a twenty then started backing away.

"Wait, what do you mean just like my mother?" I stuck my head and arms out the window and locked them around his neck for a hug. "I may look like my mom but I think I might love you a little more than just for your money." I grinned.

He starred at me. "Yeah baby girl?"

"Yeah." I whispered. Here goes...

I then straightened with my arms still locked around him so that his upper body entered the car. He sort of toppled over so had to balance himself on his hand, which I may add, landed on my thigh.

Oh and did I mention that my robe had parted a little and you could notice the bottom of my underwear? That was a total accident. Yup, not part of my plan to seduce my daddy or anything like that.

"I love you dad, you know that right?" I whispered. He nodded and I slowly leaned in and kissed the corner of his mouth.

His hand remained on my naked thigh while we starred at each other. It seemed as if an eternity passed. Our noses were practically touching and his amazing green eyes were wide and glazed over. I licked my dry lips and saw his eyes follow the movement. His lips parted and his breathing began to increase, which made mine increase as well. My heart literally felt like it was going to pump out of my chest and smash into his, I was almost dizzy from the adrenaline coursing through my body. And we hadn't even done anything! I couldn't imagine how my body would react to more; I would probably have a heart attack. Can a 19teen year old have a heart attack? Shit.

I very bravely and stupidly parted my thighs, which caused his hand to slip onto the seat below, his pinky skimming the lace-covered lips of my pussy in the process. As soon as I did that he practically leapt and smashed his head against the roof of the car. He then started coughing and slowly pulled himself out of the car.

I kind of felt bad. Kind of.

"You okay dad?" I feigned concern.

"Yeah, *cough cough* yeah fine. Um, *cough*, have fun baby girl and be safe. Don't stay out too late." He replied.

I saw him return to the house while I remained seated in the car for a couple of minutes. I was in no condition to drive yet. Holy shit I couldn't believe I had just done that! What kind of daughter will my dad think I am? I just couldn't fucking help myself. Me, my dad and confined spaces equaled hot, scorching lava, boiling over chemistry. Could he feel it too? God. Why? Why God did my dad have to be so fucking hot? My rationale thoughts and my horny thoughts were not friends and did not like to act together.

A million reasons went into my head of why me seducing my dad would be a total NO. The consequences, our father daughter relationship, our family, the rumors, the problems. Shit I needa think these things through before I decided to do anything else stupid. I would be devastated if my actions lead to the ruin of our father/daughter relationship. Mind blowing orgasms wouldn't be worth it.

I would have to tell Kelley to buy me a dildo, cause my fingers were no longer cutting it apparently.

God damn was I horny. And I was going to go to a party and drink alcohol. Not a good idea. I would probably jump the first guy that seemed attractive through my beer goggles.

I took a deep breath and turned on the ignition of my 2013 Volkswagen Beetle.

Guns n' Roses "Welcome to the Jungle" blasted through the stereo. Oh yea, I'm also a die-hard Classic Rock fan. Rockin' Roll will never die baby. I have a very eclectic taste in music. Ranging all the way from Classical to Metal. But Classic Rock to me is my main genre. Appropriate for any time of the day. And not to mention that it also makes my dad proud since it was the music during his younger years.

I pulled out of the drive-way and started heading toward Kelley's. Welcome to the Jungle indeed.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Way too much background information which goes on and on forever. The author acts guilty and looking for justification.

gotranegotranealmost 9 years ago
Quite The Start!

Yep, this was quite the start! Can't wait to read what follows.

GetDown27GetDown27almost 9 years ago
Good one so far

Love the description of her just-right curvy body.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Please update this

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
For two posts behind me

Yeah, dude, don't be an idiot

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Nice work

Please continue your story is really good even if some idiot say the contrary

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Maybe if you post a pic of your tits you'd get even more sympathy. Oh well, saying it's your first time writing seems to work, too. Oh, poor little you! All you want to do is write your sexy stories even though you is such bad at the English! (Translation: I'm too lazy and stupid to proof my work). But keep chugging along. At one page a chapter, maybe by Chapter 15 you'll have an awesome score.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
English classes aren't everything

You are very talented. I hope the story continues soon. Enjoyed very much

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Setting the stage----SWEET!

This has the makings of something very very HOT! Lets hope we see her in stockings and pumps and dad being very endowed (11 inches or 12 !!!) Lets keep them confident---no squeamish or timid scenes!!!

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