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Opposites Attract Ch. 09

Story Info
sub Raul's continued quest for his alpha.
5.3k words

Part 9 of the 10 part series

Updated 09/30/2022
Created 05/18/2007
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Thanks to my many faithful readers who have waited so patiently for this newest installment of these boys of mine. Enjoy! Here it is, for you guys!



Chapter Nine


"I'll come and see you tomorrow." Koen had said when the red wolf had dropped him off at his own small apartment when they hard parted company two days before.

Raul was more pissed off and more hurt then he'd ever been before as he paced restlessly back and forth across his living room.

It still shouldn't come as a surprise to him or piss him off as much as this did but it seemed Koen had done a runner on him or at the very least was avoiding him. As he hadn’t heard from Koen in the two says since he’d allowed his red wolf to leave his side.

He thought now that he’d got them both through the all important first moon and achieved his goal of getting into Koen’s pants or perhaps that was his pants he’d let Koen into? Raul added in a touch of bittersweet ironic amusement.

Once bonded to each other Raul thought it would now be safe to leave Koen and continue on with the fun stuff. But oh no, he should have known better, this was Koen after all. Nothing that involved the stubborn, wilful and extremely slippery red wolf should ever be considered easy.

So he’d been stupid and he’d gone through the motions, gone to work, caught up with his few scattered friends and flirted a bit with his customer’s as he waited for Koen to come and get him. But he knew as the hours tracked on and his need to be with his mate grew without his mate being there, the longer it dawned on him, that Koen was both feeling the same draw to come to him and was resisting it with all his considerable strength.

Although Raul knew it was Koen’s fault that he was now in this situation, he knew it was more his fault. He knew he never should have left him on his own after what had happened, for a ‘wolf Koen thought far too much and was very good at talking himself out of anything he didn’t want to face. No doubt he’d got back home and done both to the full extent of significant skill, which left Raul to be the one, yet again to go to Koen.

They were mate’s now and even though Raul was a novice at dealing with a mate and a mate bond, he knew while the unmated mate was a damned horny creature, nothing was hornier then a just mated and bonded ‘wolf. Worse than that was an extremely horny bonded wolf who hadn’t been touched by or been near his mate in two days.

So that was why Raul was pacing restlessly back and forth across the brightly coloured Native American rug on his small apartment floor as he switched from cursing his bastard of a mate and his rock hard erection and trembling body. His soul and his very flesh craved Koen like nothing he’d ever felt before and if that wasn’t bad enough he could feel a dim echo of the same demanding need and desire for him coming from Koen. It stood to reason that if Raul could feel it all, then so could Koen and that was adding to his feverish desire and anger that his mate was denying them both relief.

Those two days during the full moon might have been a dream and not reality. But he knew as sure as the strange shimmery cord between them that it had happened. That they had run through the night as wolves. If he had been a normal man and not a 'wolf he'd have still possessed more physical reminders of what they had done together.

Both of them had been covered in 'wolf bites, scratches, bruises and despite his own healing gifts his arse was still a bit tender the day they’d returned from the relentless pounding Koen had given him over and over again. At the memory of it all Raul couldn’t help it, he felt himself hardening even more then he already was and heard his own helpless whimper as his body quivered with his need for the red wolf.

But Raul found despite his anger to his frustration and shame he knew he would both jump on Koen and allow him back into his body the minute he saw him as he couldn’t take it anymore. The only bitter solace he managed to take from the whole mess was that he didn't think Koen had gone from fucking him to fucking his bitch of a girlfriend to release his sexual frustration and need, he'd have felt it if his mate was betraying him that way.

Despite himself Raul couldn’t help prodding a mental finger at the connection between them again, rather like a small boy who couldn’t help poking at a sore bruise over and over again. At his prodding he found that it had dimmed a little with the distance between them but Raul could still feel Koen on the other side of the connection and just to feel his energy made Raul feel a weird sense of homesickness along with another increase in the waves of sexual need pouring through him.

Feeling Koen’s matching emotions was a bittersweet irony again, but he just couldn’t seem to stop torturing himself.

"Why the fuck did we have to pick this one 'oh smart wolf of mine?" Raul snarled at his inner wolf. I hope the son of bitch is just as fucked up as I am.

For once Raul received no smart ass remark or any response at all as his wolf' was curled inside him contently sleeping off their activities during the full moon. All he got was an amused flick of his wolf’s ears for his trouble and a sleepy possessive thought that conveyed that no other would have been for them.

"Well that’s a fat lot of good that thinking is doing for us my boy, as it appears we regard him as ours but he certainly doesn’t think the same." Raul retorted bitterly.

This time a sleepy golden eye cracked open as his wolf regarded him with exasperation, letting him know the business of mates was not meant to be easy, none could fight the bond for long.

The ears flicked forward and then back again, listening intently. A wicked canine grin spread across his muzzle as the black wolf inside Raul sat up all but quivering.

“It’s not funny at all; I don’t see what the fuck you have to laugh about.” Raul growled stalking back across the room in yet another trek around it.

In hindsight Raul realised he should have known his ‘wolf better than that and should have taken the wicked grin more seriously. Raul’s ‘wolf was a devious, cunning and endlessly smug creature and loved to rub Raul’s nose in it whenever he could, and in this case Raul realised he would be hearing it for years to come.

Because with barely any warning but a flare of the bond between them and the sense of a familiar scent, the door flew open behind a powerful, solid kick that splintered the door and sent the pieces flying in all directions.

Materialising where the door used to be was a familiar tall trembling black leather glad figure with a pair of wild pale green eyes, flushed pale skin and dishevelled dark red hair as he stalked in

“Did you have to wreck my door? What happened to knocking?” Raul couldn’t help drawling.

“This is your fault!” Koen snarled.

Raul drew himself up and raised his chin proudly. “You bastard how dare you say it’s my fault! It’s you who kept away from me remember, not the other way around. I’d say it’s your fault. If you hadn’t been your stubborn self neither of us with be in this state.” He snarled right back.

Even as he snarled Raul still trembled and his cock throbbed for his mate, hell, even his asshole clenched excitedly in anticipation. His hands balled up in an effort to keep what little of his dignity and to stop him from pouncing on Koen and ripping off his clothes.

Koen’s power and his scent wrapped around Raul and tortured him as he found himself backing into the far living room wall in an effort to stay as far away from Koen.

Even as fucked up as he was some part of Raul could still feel some amusement and vindictive, ironic victory in the equally tortured expression on Koen’s face and in the fact that for once Koen had come to him. By force and half unwillingly it was true but he was still here first and from that Raul took a certain sense of bittersweet victory.

Raul didn’t even think Koen was aware that he was instinctively stalking Raul across the room, even as he was resisting being drawn anywhere near Raul. Koen’s tall, lean body was trembling as badly as his was and he could see the rigid outline of his fully hard cock through his leather pants. His pale green eyes were glazed and wild, his lips looked swollen and red from his biting them and his pale skin was flushed. His long hair was ruffled and glossy as it fell around him.

Koen’s natural scent mixed in with sex, anger and desire was a heady tonic for Raul and he found despite his best efforts that he was slowly sagging against the wall. Out of his own feverish eyes he saw Koen’s whole body stiffen and his nose flare, as he inhaled Raul’s own smells.

Raul saw Koen’s resistance fade as the red wolf stalked the last few steps up to his side and grabbed for him just as his legs buckled under him. Koen caught him and slammed him back against the wall with his considerable weight and strength behind it. Somehow Raul managed to raise his chin and challenge him as their eyes locked.

For a moment the tension stretched taut between them as their bond strengthened and hummed between them and then Koen closed his eyes tightly, his body tensing as he tried to resist once more but Raul wasn’t about to put up with that again.

“You are mine! You will not run!” Raul hissed into Koen’s ear as he abruptly bit his ear and sucked, hard. He wrapped his arms around Koen’s shoulders and gripped with all his own considerable possessive strength.

“Mine!” He growled, louder this time with another hard bite and hard sucks on the same ear as he felt Koen shudder in his grip.

Nuzzling his way along Koen’s throat he stopped to nip at the skin in punishing little bites as he felt Koen tremble, panting against him and he continued to murmur his possessive demand against Koen’s skin as he made his way to the red wolf’s mouth. One final punishing nip on the red, already swollen lower lip and Raul gripped the back of Koen’s head, his fingers tangling in his long red hair to hold his head in place as he kissed him hard, nearly forcing his tongue into Koen’s hot mouth. Raul’s felt more then heard the low growl Koen freed into their hungry mouths.

The thrust of his tongue into Koen’s mouth seemed to be the trigger that tore his ragged reins loose. One minute Raul was in control as he plundered the wet, heat of Koen’s mouth, feeding on the taste and then Raul found himself slammed back into the wall at his back and his mate’s strong hands run greedily down his chest. He heard rending fabric as Koen tore off the black t-shirt he was wearing to get at his naked warmth.

Raul moaned encouragingly as Koen kissed him back aggressively and found himself rubbing eagerly against his mate, pushing his jean clad arse back against the seeking hands that kneaded and grabbed hungrily at him.

Abruptly Koen picked him up with his easy strength and instinctively Raul wrapped his legs around Koen’s waist and buried his face in Koen’s neck, breathing heavily as he struggled to catch his breath and glory in the feel of Koen’s body and his energy in his arms. His starved body didn’t believe it had only been two days since they’d been apart.

He felt Koen’s chest against him heaving just as raggedly and he heard Koen’s heavy panting in his ear. He could feel the heavy, long length of Koen’s cock pressing hungrily against his arse and Raul couldn’t help squirming against it.

“Stop that!” Koen growled and sounded so aggrieved and so frustrated that Raul couldn’t help the choking laugh that escaped him or the deliberately slow, more calculated grind.

With his arms full of him Raul felt Koen kick his bedroom door open and slam it shut. He all but threw him down on the bed with enough force that he bounced, Koen’s own body coming down on his and all but crushing him underneath him. Raul didn’t mind, he in fact loved the feel of Koen’s weight, his smell and his power all in easy reach as he wrapped himself with eager excitement around his mate. This time it was he who tried to pull off the leather jacket and black t-shirt underneath it.

“Get them off!” Koen demanded tugging at the fastenings to Raul’s jeans with impatient fingers and becoming frustrated that he couldn’t get them open to get at Raul.

“Get these off!” Raul heard himself echo as he struggled to get the light leather jacket off Koen’s shoulders, but without Koen’s participation it wasn’t possible, leather wasn’t as easy as cotton to rip.

Despite their mutual frustration and impatience they both chuckled as Raul felt Koen ease back and cooperate to allow Raul to remove the leather jacket and dark t-shirt Koen was wearing. Raul too reached down to help open his pants and push them down his legs.

However he didn’t manage to even get them all the way down his long legs, before he felt Koen’s warm fingers trace teasing fingers up his thighs and then along his stomach, flanks and hips. Touching him everywhere but where he most desperately wanted Koen’s fingers, wrapped around his cock.

Raul arched his hips, unable to stop the slight movement of his hips as he felt Koen’s fingers trace teasingly along his toned abs just a little too high to reach his aching cock.

“Koen!” Raul was shamed to hear the whine and the feverish plea in his voice as he arched his hips again, trying to direct his cock at that moving hand.

Raul heard Koen’s wicked laugh and saw the wickedness gleam in his green eyes as the fingers stopped their tormenting game and cloated with his slick juices, finally wrapped around his cock. At the touch of Koen’s fingers, Raul nearly reared right off the bed and heard his own whimper, as he thrust his hips forward, grinding himself into Koen’s hand.

He felt Koen’s hot mouth suck at just the right spot behind his ear and he arched again, moaning. Raul realised his own hands were feverishly moving over Koen’s warm pale skin and his own interested fingers had come to wrap around Koen’s cock. Feeling Koen stiffen and moan at his touch hardened Raul’s cock even further, making his arse clench again in anticipation.

“Fuck me!” Raul begged as he opened his legs grinding his cock into Koen’s hand again. “Come on, fuck me, please, please . .”

Raul felt Koen was already moving, responding to Raul’s need and his own as he reached over to Raul’s bed side table for the lube he always kept there and then he felt cool, wet fingers at his hole. With a growl Raul rolled them over and shifted himself to allow Koen’s fingers access as he arched his back, feeling first, then a second long finger start to ease their way inside me.

“Hurry! I want you!” Raul panted as he rocked back into the exploring fingers and leaned forward so he could brace his arms and taking his own advice, not willing to wait any longer he shifted himself again and impaled himself on Koen.

They both hissed as Raul felt the hard, hot flesh of Koen’s cock forcing him open but despite the pleasure pain he continued until he had all of it in him. Koen allowed Raul a minute to get used to him inside him again and then Koen thrust up impatiently.

Following his lead Raul rose up and slid back down, picking up speed as he fucked himself on his mate’s cock. Nothing felt better to him then riding Koen’s cock and the feel of the bond between them humming, their power and their combined scents driving him crazy.

It was the same for Koen he realised as he stared down into the green eyes below him, they were glazed and feverish, Koen’s heavy breathing was riddled with moans as the hands on Raul’s thighs gripped hard enough to be leaving bruises.

The next thing Raul heard an audible snap as the last of Koen’s control vanished and all he knew was that there was a blur as Koen flipped them over and he felt Koen slide between his legs and began fucking him harder, faster. Raul wrapped his legs around Koen and gloated to himself that he had his mate right where he should be.

Koen leaned down for a kiss and Raul returned it hungrily, pouring everything he was and everything he wanted into it as he responded to Koen. Raul heard himself moan as his love button was being driven crazy by Koen’s cock and he heard himself moan again in excitement as he saw Koen’s eyes glow red with bloodlust before his teeth were lengthening and burying themselves in his throat. Raul felt his own blood being sucked hungrily out of him and the heady pleasure of Koen’s bite serum running through him, he heard Koen scream and stiffen, his hot seed flooding his insides.

The smell of Koen’s sexual ecstasy, his blood lust pleasure and the scent of sex around them and Koen’s bite set off Raul as he felt his own fangs lengthening. He buried his teeth in Koen’s shoulder and sucked voraciously as he felt Koen’s blood fill him up. Stroking his own cock, with his teeth buried in Koen it didn’t take him long to jerk, stiffen and scream as he came, following Koen over the side.

Breathing raggedly they both struggled to catch their breath as they slumped together, Raul’s arms and legs still wrapped tightly around Koen’s sprawled body, his cock still buried in him.

“Mine.” Raul panted out as soon as he was capable of speech and he tightened his grip on Koen.

Koen to sated and too tired to fight him didn’t say anything to deny it and he stayed in a boneless sprawl allowing Raul the rare luxury to run his hands through Koen’s hair and idly up and down the hot, sweaty skin. Just to touch him, feel his presence, smell him, hear him and luxuriate in his bite and his power was bittersweet and Raul felt the sting of something that might be tears coming to his golden eyes.

“What’s the matter mate?” Koen asked in concern as he shifted off Raul a little and regarded him with sleepy pale green eyes from his side, one of his hands stroking Raul’s chest comfortingly.

Raul was a little amused and slightly surprised to note that Koen had deep ‘wolf scratches on his back and hips from where he’d clawed him in his passion. On the heels of his thoughts he felt what must be the matching sting of deep scratches in his sides and hips. The bite mark in his neck without the heady pain numbing help of wolf serum stung like a bastard too.

“Nothing.” Raul replied a little too quickly and sharply then he'd intended to.

Koen regarded him a minute or two an unreadable expression in his eyes allowing the silence to stretch between them.

“I can feel that you are not happy. I can't fix it for you if you if you don’t tell me what it is, mate.” Koen coaxed.

Raul stared at Koen unable to believe what he saw in his face or heard. “You will think I am a just a stupid bastard.”

Koen shook his head, brushing a strand of dark red hair off his face. “I would not ever think you stupid.” He responded. “Well at least not often.” He added with a touch of playful humour.

“It is just I am tired of going through this same trial every time. We get close, you retreat, we get close and you retreat again. I can’t go back to the cold world now, I just can’t and I am thinking that you will do it to me again once you start to think again.” Raul finally admitted, now was the time to go after what he wanted, he was tired of waiting.

Koen’s expression was regretful as he tugged on some of Raul’s black hair. “I owe you many apologies mate for my behaviour and my rejection of you when I would not accept you. I simply cannot fight you anymore.” He said so quietly and so strangely formal that Raul had to strain even his wolf ears to hear it and the regretful, apologetic and affectionate expression on his face, in his familiar pale green eyes warmed him as nothing else ever could.

“But what happens when you go back home and you face that girlfriend of yours, your band and your family when you meet up with them again. Who’s to say this isn’t just some pretty talk of yours to get into my pants and then ditch me at the first opportunity.” Raul retorted all his jealously, bitterness and hurt showing in his tone.


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