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Our Daughter Nude Model Pt. 05

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The family nude in public together.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/03/2018
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Well, once again, I've fallen in love with my characters. This is the fifth part of their story. While I hope that this story may be read enjoyably by itself, reading the preceding parts first will provide context. The reader should know upfront that this story flirts with incest. However, there is no actual incest. This story is, of course, a work of fiction. Any similarities to any real person or institution are unintentional and coincidental.


Sheila Lawson called us several times asking us to come back and pose again for her erotic art group but one thing or another kept Denise and me from going. Consequently, through the fall and winter, our only opportunities to be seen nude by others were our nude dinners with Kerry and Mike.

I think that it was February when Alexis Stephens called us, having gotten our number from Sheila Lawson. Denise answered the phone and, after a brief conversation, asked me to pick up on an extension.

Once I picked up, Dr. Stephens said, "Hello Harry. Have you had any opportunities to expose yourself recently?"

"Unfortunately not," I answered.

"I think that I can fix that, which is why I'm calling." Dr. Stephens replied. "By the way, I didn't know until I went to one of Sheila Lawson's life drawing classes recently that the gorgeous young blonde in the back of the room while you two were posing in Niles last year was your daughter. If I can read such things, and I think that I can, she was dying to strip off and join you two. April is very beautiful in the nude. Of course, I've seen from whom she gets it. I've had the opportunity to talk to her a little. You have a very intelligent, personable, and well-adjusted daughter. "

Denise laughed. "Thank you. April actually started getting nude in public before we did. She kind of lured us into it."

"I think that's great," Alexis said. "I've got an opportunity for all three of you. Have you ever been body painted?"

"We haven't," I answered.

"Well, we're going to fix that," Alexis replied. "There are a number of talented body painters in the Chicago area. A few of them, including one who's a friend and who has painted me before, got together and decided to do a body painting show. What they are going to do is rent a hall and do it like a fashion show. Each artist will paint three models. The models will walk a catwalk, like a fashion show, wearing only what the artists have painted on their skin. There are ten artists committed to participate so there will be 30 models wearing nothing but paint. They intend to promote the hell out of it, sell tickets, and they think that they'll get at least a couple hundred people to attend. I'm going to be one of the models for my friend. There is a female artist with whom he works with a lot and who would like to participate on her own. I'm hoping that you two will agree to model for her."

"You said that each artist needs three models?" Denise asked.

"Yes," Alexis replied.

"What about April?" Denise asked.

"I've already talked to her," Alexis replied. "She's in."

"Then, I guess we're in too," Denise said. "Aren't we Harry?"

"Sure," I replied. "It sounds like fun."

"It will be," Alexis said. "It won't be as sexual as what you did in front of me last fall, but it will still be fun. And, we'll all be nude this time. I would have enjoyed your posing session in Niles even more if I had been nude too."

Alexis was, to my memory, a very attractive woman. To tease Denise a little, I said, "I'm certainly looking forward to that."

Denise just laughed and said, "I am too."

A few minutes after the call from Alexis Stephens, April called. Her first words after I answered the phone were, "You did agree to do it didn't you?"

"Yes dear, your mother and I agreed to be body paint models," I replied.

"Great! I love you guys. It's been too long since the three of us have gotten naked together," April said.

"What about Jeremy?" I asked. My impression was that April's relationship with Jeremy was pretty serious on both sides. I didn't want something like this to cause a rift.

"He claims that he was body painted once and it caused a bad rash," April said. "I've never heard of that before. I really think that he's just scared of walking down a catwalk with everyone looking at his swinging dick." April giggled, "I need to get him better trained. He'll be there in the audience. Although, I think that he's really coming more to see Mom than me."

"Well," I said, "he sees your nude body all the time. Variety is the spice of life."

April laughed again. "Maybe," she said, "I think that my boyfriend is just kinky for my Mom." April paused. "Hey, someone was telling me that we'll need to shave our bodies before we are painted. That will be cool, Mom and me shaving you."

"I'm not sure that your Mother will need your help with that," I said.

April laughed again. "Mom will be cool with it," she chirped. "Sorry, I've got to run. I just wanted to be sure that you and Mom agreed to do it."

Denise walked in just after I'd put the phone back in its cradle. "Let me guess," she said, "that was April making sure that we said yes to Alexis."

"Yes," I replied. "Although, she said something about us needing to shave our bodies and that she was going to help you shave me."

"Stand up," Denise said. I stood. Denise and I always went nude at home. Denise ran her hands over my body. "It's not real noticeable," she said, "but you do have a lot of hair. I may need some help."

The body paint fashion show was scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on a Saturday night at a fairly large facility not too far from O'Hare. The models were supposed to report at 2:30 p.m. to make sure that everyone was painted in time for the show. We went up on Friday afternoon and had an early dinner with April and Jeremy. As we left the restaurant, which was about equidistant from our hotel and their apartment, April said enthusiastically, "Don't forget that we have to shave. Jeremy and I will be at your room at 9:30 tomorrow morning."

April and Jeremy were, indeed, knocking on our hotel room door at 9:30 the next morning. Once they were inside, April gleefully said, "Ok, let's get naked!"

April, Denise, and I stripped off. First Denise and then April stood in the hotel bath tub with a small pair of scissors, cutting their pubic hairs to nubs while Jeremy and I watched from the bathroom doorway. When they were done, Denise used the hand-held showerhead to moisten her triangle. She got out of the tub, picked up my can of shave gel and a raiser (not mine), and plopped her butt on the countertop beside the sink. Denise gave me a wink, spread her legs, and said, "Jeremy would you like to do the honors?"

Jeremy was hesitant until April finally begged him to "please shave my Mom." Jeremy shaved Denise very carefully, but I think that he enjoyed having that contact with Denise's nude pubes. I could tell from her expression that Denise was enjoying teasing Jeremy a bit.

When Jeremy had finished, Denise rubbed some lotion on herself. She then hopped off of the countertop, turned around, and leaned forward so that her hands were on the counter. "Jeremy, please check that there aren't any rogue hairs in my ass."

Jeremy took a quick look at Denise's luscious butt and said, "You look great Mrs. Stone."

Denise replied, "Jeremy, you're going to have to spread my cheeks and look closely."

Again, Jeremy hesitated. He looked at me. I knew that Denise was having fun so I gave Jeremy an affirmative nod. Very hesitantly, he spread Denise's ass cheeks until we could both see her starfish. There was something very exciting about my wife exposing herself this intimately to our daughter's boyfriend. I know that Denise was enjoying it too.

Denise's ass was hairless. Jeremy reported that fact and quickly took his hands away from Denise's body. He stepped back with, I think, some relief. Denise turned, gave Jeremy a quick kiss and said, "Thank you Jeremy."

April got into the tub and used the hand-held to moisten herself. She got out and seated herself on the counter like her mother had done. "Dad, since Jeremy shaved Mom, I think that you should shave me."

I suspected that I was passing a major milestone on a road to perdition, but April looked so damned beautiful and sexy sitting there that I had no hesitancy about spreading the shave gel over her triangle and shaving her pubes. How often do you get to do that with a really beautiful woman? Besides, it wasn't like I was penetrating her.

When I was done with the shaving, April handed me the bottle of lotion. I put some on my fingers and began to gently rub it in. My right index finger did slip in between April's cunt lips for a moment. I looked up and saw that April was smiling. Glancing at Denise, I saw that she was smiling too. Fortunately, Jeremy was standing where he couldn't see my small slip.

When I finished rubbing April, we were both a little excited. She hopped off of the counter, turned, and said "Check my ass." April's ass was every bit as desirable as her mother's. I spread her cheeks and found two small hairs which I cut with the scissors.

Once I had my hands off of my daughter's bare ass, Denise said, "Now, it's your shave. Into the shower Mister."

Denise led me into the shower and turned the water on. I felt movement behind me. Denise said, "April, you do his back. I'll get the front." Very quickly there were four female hands spreading shave gel across my shoulders, chest, and upper back.

After Denise and April shaved my upper torso, they both squatted down and moved to my calves. Denise squatting in the shower, nude and wet, was a wonderful sight. Soon felt hands spreading gel on the backs of my thighs. From behind me, April said, "Dad, can you spread your legs a little?" I did as much as the hotel tub allowed. While Denise was spreading gel on the fronts of my thighs, brushing her hands against my dick regularly, I could feel April's hands at the top of and between my thighs. So far, I was liking this.

As April finished spreading gel on my thighs, she asked Denise, "Are his balls front or back?"

Your Dad's dick and balls are mine Dear," Denise responded.

"Damn," April said.

April had finished my backside and Denise had shaved off the hair on the fronts of my thighs and above my dick. As she started to shave around my dick, Denise said, "I need another pair of hands." She stood up and turned off the water. "Step out on the bath mat," Denise instructed me.

When all three of us were standing outside the shower, Denise instructed April, "Hold his dick up so that I can reach his balls and the insides of his thighs." Smiling, April took my dick in her hand and held it up while Denise finished her shaving. I glanced at Jeremy, who was watching from the doorway. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. I knew that, in principle, my daughter holding my dick was considered to be wrong. In this context, I really didn't see the harm.

Given Chicago area traffic, it was wise that we allowed a lot of time to get to the arena. Jeremy drove, which also turned out to be wise. The main doors to the arena were locked in the middle of the afternoon. However, walking around the building brought us to a double steel door on which was taped a sign that just said "MODELS." A security guard with a clipboard stood in front of the door. April, Denise, and I had to show picture IDs and have our names checked off of the guard's list to be allowed inside. Jeremy was not on the list and was absolutely not allowed inside. He had a few hours to kill before he came back as part of the audience.

Inside the steel doors was a large room with a very high ceiling and a concrete floor. I think that it was probably used to assemble stages and sets for events in the arena. Scattered around the room were some small folding tables and chairs. A few people were clustered around some of them. There was also a stack of plastic bins, a bit larger than the ones TSA uses at the airports.

As we stood, trying to figure out what we were supposed to do, Alexis Stephens came up to us. "There you are," she said. Alexis hugged each of us. She felt nice. "Come on," she said, "I'll take you to your artist." We followed her across the large room to a corner where a very small person was sitting on a folding chair next to a table. Drop cloths were spread out under the table, under the chair, and on the floor around them. The small person looked up as we approached and I could tell it was a she. Alexis called out, "Bethany, your models are here."

As we got closer, the small woman stood up. She was dressed in a local college's sweatshirt and jeans. Both had paint stains on them. I'd have been surprised if the woman weighed over 100 pounds.

As we got close to her, Alexis said to us, "This is Bethany Colwell, the best young body painter in Chicagoland." To Ms. Colwell, Alexis said, "Bethany, your models are Denise Stone, April Stone, and Harry Stone. They're husband, wife, and daughter."

Colwell's face broke into a smile. "Cool," she said, "I've never painted a family. I'm impressed that you are comfortable with the idea of being nude together."

April responded, "Oh, Mom, Dad, and I have been naked in public together before."

The smile on Bethany Colwell's face widened. "Well, you better get undressed," she said. "I hope that you left your valuables at home. They didn't give us any lockers. You're supposed to put your clothes in those bins," she said. "They've got sticky labels so you can put your name on your bin. They tell us that there will be security guards in here at all times." Bethany laughed and added, "Since there are naked women, I suspect that the guards will actually be here."

I walked back over, picked up three bins and labels, and brought them back across the room. Realizing that we'd be spending most of the afternoon and evening naked, the three of us had worn very little. Denise and April had each worn light dresses and jackets with nothing on underneath. I had worn a warm-up suit. Denise and April were both nude, holding their clothes, by the time I came back with the bins. Looking around, I noticed that more people in the room were now nude.

I placed the bins on the floor beside Bethany's work area. Alexis was still standing there clothed. Smiling, she said, "Hurry up Harry. I want to watch you undress then I have to get across the room and get my clothes off."

I surprised myself by actually being eager to strip naked in front of Alexis Stephens, my wife, my daughter, and Bethany Colwell. I felt more comfortable and relaxed once I was nude, like nude was how I was supposed to be. For that afternoon and evening, I would actually have been doing something wrong had I not been nude. That fact made me feel better too.

Bethany started to paint Denise. "This is going to take a little while," she said. Nude, April and I started to walk around the room to see what else was going on.

It seemed like all of the models had undressed by this time and you could see people standing or lying on tables being painted. No one was finished yet. The other models were waiting to be painted and milling around, like April and me. There was, it seemed, an instant camaraderie among the nudes and we struck up several short conversations. I was struck by the cross-section of people who were models. We met a young man who was an associate at a law firm on Wacker Drive (who seemed very impressed with April), a woman who was a physician, and young woman who was a nude dancer but who made a point of telling us that she was working on a degree in computer science. The one thing which all of the models did have in common was that we were all, more or less, in good physical shape. Any heavy-set people were apparently relegated to the audience.

I periodically looked over to Bethany's work space. After the better part of an hour, Denise was done. She waved us back over. Bethany had painted Denise basically in earth tones with abstract designs on her chest and back. I don't know how, but the painting seemed to emphasize the contours of Denise's body. I wasn't wild about the abstract designs, but, overall, Denise looked gorgeous and sexy as hell.

Bethany had not painted above Denise's neck. When April and I got within conversational distance, Bethany explained that, "I never paint my models' faces. I want them to look like humans rather than animation characters in a movie. And, I want the people who see my models to appreciate that the models are people just like them."

Bethany decided to paint April next. As she was starting on April, Alexis walked up, now painted. "Josh did me first so that he could spend more time on the boys," Alexis said with a smile. "He likes to paint boys more than he likes painting girls." Alexis extended her arms theatrically and asked, "What do you think?"

Alexis had been painted all over, including her face, in a medium blue that contrasted nicely with her copper-colored hair. Then the artist had put designs that I can only describe as paisley on her chest and thighs. Alexis spun around and we immediately noticed that, while her back, shoulders, and legs were painted, the artist had left her ass unpainted. The contrast immediately drew attention to her ass, which it richly deserved. Glancing over her shoulder, Alexis said, "the idea is that people will remember my bare ass."

Denise, Alexis, and I walked around, with Denise and Alexis being careful not to smudge their paint. More of the models were painted now. Some were painted with designs like Denise and Alexis. Some were painted to represent clothes, such as uniforms, or fictional characters like Superman and Wonder Woman. Painted, it was almost as if the models were wearing something; although that illusion was harder to maintain for the guys with their dicks dangling freely.

After a time, I heard a familiar voice call "Mom, Dad." We walked back to Bethany's work area. April was basically painted white. There were blue and gold chevrons, pointing up, on the fronts of her thighs and similar chevrons, pointing down, on each ass cheek. What caught your attention though were her breasts, which Bethany had painted in a shade that I can best describe as an electric gold. April's breasts shimmered. The effect was powerful.

Bethany had a mirror so you could see how she had painted you. April looked in the mirror and then turned to us. "Well, people will be looking at my puppies," she said in a tone that communicated that she was pretty happy about that.

It was my turn to be painted. I had never had my body painted before. Bethany's light brush strokes were very pleasant and, in some places, stimulating. Before she started, Bethany told me, "I'm going to go a bit more basic with you." From my neck to my waist, front and back, she painted me white. From my waist down, she painted me black, except for my groin. Bethany got up and walked away for a moment. I was wondering whether she was going to leave my pubes unpainted, as Josh had done with Alexis's ass, but Bethany came back with another tube of paint which she mixed with a paint she already had.

I've only had it done once but, based on that, I'd say that having a woman paint your dick and balls is a nice thing. When I went to the mirror, I saw that Bethany had painted my dick and balls with the red equivalent of the paint she'd used on April's breasts. It was a very aggressive color that grabbed your attention, particularly in contrast with the black which she had used on the rest of my lower body.

As I stepped away from the mirror, Bethany said, somewhat apologetically, "I think you have a nice-looking penis and scrotum. I want people to look at them. You're naked, for God's sake. We don't want to strip all of the sexuality out of this. Um, the paint shouldn't smudge, but be careful with fluids, like if you take a piss or something."


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