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Our First MMF with a Hint of BiSex

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My wife makes a MMF threesome a regular event, I get seduced.
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Readers Note: Thanks for the comments, and suggestions, I hope this one gets you off. It contains wife sharing, male to male contact, a lot of straight and some not-so-straight MF action. As you might tell, I love writing about women who's libido is re-awakened, and the benefits to the men they love, who are strong enough to take advantage.

One more note: I seem to have trouble selecting an appropriate tag, if some of the comments I get are accurate. I wish this site let readers vote on, or categories, but it's my best guess.

Chapter 1.

It was so hot thinking about Penny sucking on Deek's cock the first time; Deek reached climax and ejaculated inside my beautiful wife's mouth, her gagging and swallowing his seed with lustful hunger. The hottest part for me was Penny's passionate cries from the other room inadvertently waking me; Listening to their muffled moans of lust and climax just one room away was an unexpected turn on. How naughty it felt as my naked wife tip-toed back into our bedroom, snuggled against my naked body and kissed me, sharing his scent with me. I pushed my fingers into her gaping pussy, feeling his dripping cum from between her legs, her hot and swollen cunt lips tender and sore, as she moaned with delight at my touch.

I guess it started when I sold an old motorcycle.

I was outside working on a car and this old truck rolled up, and a young guy hopped out of the back. The truck sped off, and he walked over, introducing himself as "Deek", and asking after the bike.

Deek was ruggedly handsome, about 22 or so, 5'5" tall, athletic build, a thick mane of black hair that was cut high and tight, really tanned too. He explained he was stationed at the Army base a town over, and produced a wad of cash from his threadbare jeans. We started talking and I was impressed with his motorcycle knowledge, and found myself really liking him. I got the old Harley he was interested in, and spent some time adjusting it to his smaller frame; as I had it set up for my 6'1" reach and weight. We would up taking a test ride together, my on my newer cruiser. We returned and made more adjustments (he confessed he had no tools at the barracks) and got it dialed in pretty good.

Penny came out to check on me when I didn't go in for lunch, dressed in gray sweats and pink sneakers. Deek introduced himself and I noticed Penny kind of took to him quickly, even excusing herself after a few moments, then reappearing soon after in a clean dress and with a little makeup, I noticed, bringing us lunch, cool iced tea, and peppering Deek with questions and attention. I was kind of glad she liked him, as she does not approve of a lot of my biker buddies.

We exchanged contact info, just before Deek rode off. I glanced at the entry in my phone: Jason Deacon. I let him know he was welcome to stop by any time he needed to work on his bike.

Deek became a frequent visitor, and I noticed that Penny always lit up when she learned he was coming over. I was glad to see her enjoy his company as much as I did, but suspected there was more to it.

Penny is 5 years younger than my 39 years. She's around 5 foot 2 inches and has an athletic physique. Like me, her body was firm and fit from hard manual work, teaching yoga, and hiking. Her tits are amazing, more than a handful, They first caught my eye when we met, I'll confess.

One night we were kind of snuggling and just starting into foreplay, I was gently fondling Penny's boobs and she had her hand on my nuts, rolling them gently, and asked me out of the blue "Are you still interested in a threesome?"

I admitted to her, once, my fantasy of a three way, and that I was open to a MFM situation for her. It was a while ago, I'd forgotten about it.

I paused for a moment. Even though we'd discussed it before, Penny I think considered it fantasy material, not a real goal. She didn't mind the fantasy, but showed no interest in acting on it. She had no interest in women, that I knew of, and little in other men. I wanted to tread carefully, as now I sensed an opportunity.

"Yea, sure." I said. Penny rolled over and mounted my stiff cock, it slipped into her tight, and now very wet womanhood.

"What do you think of Deek?" Penny said as she continued riding me, leaning forward to give me a long passionate kiss. "Do you think he would do it?"

"Of course! Any man would jump at the chance to have sex with you," I said, "You are beautiful, and he's, well, a young male of the appropriate species."

"I know." She giggled, "I mean, the "male' part!" Then she continued "I'm not sure I could do it with anyone but you." We talked a little more about it, our feelings, and what we'd do, I noticed this topic got us both incredibly aroused.

It wasn't long before I was cumming deep inside Penny and she was moaning to a huge climax. Penny snuggled close beside me and continued talking about Deek.

"There is something exciting about being lusted after, by someone so young and attractive." she giggled, "Would you see if he was open to being with us? I mean without promising him anything."

"So you want to do it then?" I inquired.

"I'm not saying yes yet, but I'm not sure just what to expect, or what he might think would happen, would you take turns? My husband watching me get ravaged by a young stud: "Deek, just fuck my slut wife while I jack off,"" she said in a false manly voice, then laughed.

"I think we'd both focus on you." I said.

"Not each other?" She asked, playfully. "You want to see another hot, hung stud fuck my your wife's pussy with his hard cock, watch him shoot cum all over me, and it's not all a little gay?"

"Um, I never thought about it like that....." I said, hesitantly.

"It might be hotter, if you did." She whispered in my ear. Then she kissed me.

"Mmm, two guys for little ol' me, then?" She said, playfully. Then she said, introspectively, "Maybe, we could try, just once, like, a special occasion?"

"One more thing," she said, as was her habit, dotting all the "i"s and crossing the "t"s.

"I'm in control. I say "Fuck me, Deek!", Deek can fuck me, you can't object. If I say "stop", you both leave immediately."

"That's only fair." I admitted.

"Mmmm" she said, "Two hot guys making me the center of their world? How could I say no?"

That actually did sound nice. I loved making her feel good, and watching her getting aroused and climax from another man, would be incredible. I let the "gay" comment slide, but I have a history of missing social clues.

Things did step up a notch in our love making sessions after though. From that night on we had a face to put to the fantasy, and we no longer talked about us having threesome sex with an imaginary stud, we talked about Penny having sex with young, ripped Deek. Was kissing on the table? Certainly, she said. Vaginal penetration? Condom-only she agreed. Oral? Would she suck his cock? "We'll see." she said, going no further into detail.

In addition to adding a welcome spice to our sexy times, it provided the opportunity for a lot of naughtiness when Deek came around to our house. He didn't know we discussed adding him to our bedroom. Deek would flirt with Penny, harmless stuff like flexing when he knew she was watching, or taking off his shirt, showing her a new tattoo, etc. Penny was like a school girl when he did, and although she never overtly flirted back, as soon as Deek left she'd jump me and we'd fuck, her hot pussy dripping from arousal. I never did ask him about a three way, our sex was awesome and there's no way to un-ask that question. I let is slide for now. Penny had other ideas.

One afternoon Penny had come outside to the garage and was standing next to Deek, who was just cleaning up from a repair job I needed help with. I saw she was only wearing a lose old shirt as a top, no bra, her large tits swinging and nearly poking out. Deek noticed, I'm certain. It was crazy hot outside, Deek and I were both shirtless, sweaty and I'm sure ripe from hard work in the sun.

"I've heard there are some hot naked studs out here," she joked. "Have you seen them?"

Deek flexed and ran his hands over his chest down to his crotch, and replied "Right here!" I was kind of taken aback by how forward he was, but Penny just giggled and said "Don't make promises unless you are endowed to keep them!" In spite of myself, I laughed at the double meaning. She then commanded "Get cleaned up for dinner, boys!" and sat down, making a show of checking her phone.

The garage has a jury-rigged outdoor shower, with limited hot water from a pipe of the roof; I set it up as to not track dirt into the house, Deek and I had used it separately before (It was outside, no walls, just a shower head and a gravel bed) but, here was my chance to get things moving. I stripped naked and got the water running, and said "Deek, you better jump in quick before the hot water is gone!" and he quickly chucked his clothes away, joined me, completely nude. I kind of expected Penny to avert her eyes, or go back into the house, but she openly and brazenly watched as we showered. It was more of a turn on that I expected, and I felt my cock swell a little. I looked over at Deek.

Deek was hung. It's one of those cruel ironies of life, that you can't judge a man's package by his height or musculature. I was over 6 feet tall, my cut cock was slight over 6" long, reasonably thick, just slightly more than average, a grower for sure. His smaller body made his cock look bigger, sure. Deek was a little longer, his fat mushroom head peeking out from his foreskin, and thicker than me even in this semi-soft state.

I think Penny enjoyed the sight; only feet away from two wet, soapy naked men, and I'm sure that she knew the effect it was having on us, and I saw Deek stealing many glances at Penny's barely covered chest.

Penny said something like "Dinner AND a show, lucky me!"

That seemed to trigger the exhibitionist streak in Deek, I guess, as we were jockeying for room under the shower head, he would pose and flex for Penny's attention.

Penny would squeal and clap, and that only encouraged Deek's naked antics.

Not to be outdone, I started to mirror Deek's routine, flexing and shaking, until we started to coordinate, and this seemed to drive Penny wild. Both of us nude, semi-hard now, posing under the shower spray.

I heard Penny gasp, and looked to see Deek stroking his cock slowly and seductively. Thrusting his hips, swinging his dork like a propeller, a real stripper routine. Penny seemed to be enjoying it, so I played along. It was kind of empowering to abandon any inhibitions, and be so exposed out in the yard, I have to admit. I danced along with Deek, shaking my hips and grinding away at an imaginary partner.

Penny looked down to play with her phone for a moment, and I nearly had a panic that she might be recording this. However, I then heard stripper music playing, and she put her phone down again to enjoy the show.

Deek danced over to Penny, and offered her his hand to stand up. Then, he moved her chair closer to us and dramatically offered her a seat again. It was like he was a natural performer.

Once she sat, he started to dance around her, a sexy, stripper dance, teasing her like a pro. He shook his wet hair and dowsed her with water spray, she laughed and said "Oh, baby, you get me so wet!" I kind of cringed but she said it so sensually, and then I noticed the water made her shirt cling to her breasts, her hard nipples really showing through now. I was getting seriously turned on.

Deek motioned me to join him, and we stood back to back, our nearly hard cocks swinging with the music. Then Deek turned me toward Penny, and standing behind me, ran his hands down my chest to my thighs, slowly, teasingly.

I froze, not knowing what to expect. I looked at Penny's face for her reaction.

She gasped with surprise, but said "So sexy! Don't stop!".

Deek then moved his hands closer to the inside of my thighs, almost touching my balls, and felt me up from there to my pecs, teasing my nipples and tracing the outlines to my armpits. I have to admit, it felt great, and I'm sure my cock was as hard as ever. Penny said "Oh, my god, that is so fucking hot!" I was floored that she didn't freak out, but in fact I was seriously enjoying getting her aroused like this.

Deek turned, rolled around my body and took up position in front of Penny, she whistled and cat called "Show me that booty, hot stuff!" Deek made a show of thrusting his hips slowly, then took my hands and put them on his pecs. He then flexed, raising his arms up, and flexing his biceps. I took that as my hint to run my hands slowly and seductively down his chest as he had done to me, letting my finger tips meet at his belly button, then slowly parting as I traced down his thighs. Deek's body felt like marble, hard and smooth, I kind of lost my restraint for a second and let my hands explore his body, my cock even resting against the small of his back. It was an electric moment, Penny was smiling and staring at her husband's fondling of another man, encouraging us both.

Then, Deek twisted sideways, and my hand was filled with his cock. He grabbed my wrist and forced me to hold still, while he slowly pumped his cock through my fist. His cock was thick, and hard, I felt the soft foreskin sliding along the hard shaft, like time stood still for an instant. Penny turned, and shut off the music. Then, she said "You both need to come inside." and walked, seductively, to the house.

Nude, and not sure what to expect, we found Penny sitting on the bed, she'd removed her clothes, exposed, her beautiful tits sitting proudly in the open. I will remember forever the look on Penny's face when she saw me walking through the door with Deek walking in behind me. She did not move once to cover herself up, the look of hungry arousal on her face convinced me this was the right moment.

She said "Let's continue the show in here, boys."

"Like this, Penny?" Deek said.

Deek turned to me, running his hand up my thigh to my balls, playing with them gently, his rough fingers rolling them in my loose sack. I felt my cock twitch, and he circled it with his hand and gave it a few soft tugs. Penny spread her legs, and started playing with her clit. I felt like I was the one being exposed, it was very hot.

"Oh, fuck! Yes!" Penny cried out.

Deek seemed to feed off Penny's arousal, putting his mouth on my pec, kissing my nipple. I put my hand on his ass and pulled him in closer. I actually expected to feel uncomfortable, but watching Penny get aroused was intoxicating. Deek and I made a show of running our hands up and down each other's bodies, each time we pushed the envelope a little further Penny would gasp and moan with pleasure. Deek put his hand on the back of my head, pulling my face to his, as if to kiss me, I focused on Penny's eyes, never breaking eye contact. I opened my mouth slightly, letting my tongue touch my lips. Deek's face was close now, his hot breath near my mouth.

Penny squealed and shook, she must have brought herself to a small orgasm. Deek and I both looked over at her as she shamelessly came in front of us, then grinned at us and caught her breath. She used a pussy-cum covered finger to make a "come here" gesture at us.

She reached up from the bed and pulled me close, Kissing me deeply. Then she reached over to Deek and pulled him in for a sensual kiss. We were all naked, Deek and I rock hard, and Penny pulled him down onto the bed. She continued kissing him deeply, moaning softly into his mouth. Deek caught on fast and was touching her breasts, hefting them, taking her nipples in his fingers and rolling them around slowly. This turned Penny on and soon she pulled him further onto the bed so that they were both lying next to each other, completely nude. Penny's hips began gyrating against Deek, almost involuntary, I was overcome with the sexiness of it all. Penny continued moaning into his mouth as she kissed him hard, rubbing and grinding her pelvis over his thighs. Deek kept up with Penny, not going farther than she did, but was soon grinding his now hard cock back against her.

"Deek, suck my nipples, squeeze my tits!" Penny begged.

Deek attacked her breasts with gusto, licking her hard nipples before taking one, then the other into his mouth. I knew Penny liked her tits played with, but I was amazed at how hot it was making her, she pleaded and moaned for more, writhing under his touch.

"Oh, Deek, just like that! Yes!" She cried.

He worked down her abdominal muscles, teasing with his tongue, nibbling, until he reached her clit, then he focused on eating her wet pussy out. Deek rotated Penny around until his naked ass was pointed at me, her long, sexy legs on is shoulders. I could see his smooth balls swinging every time Penny shook or squealed in pleasure, and his bouncing cock was rock hard.

Penny was twisting and flailing, crying out: "Deek! I love the way you eat my pussy! Oh, yes! That's it! Yes!"

Deek broke free of Penny's legs and moved up to kiss her again, she never liked to kiss me after I'd licked her pussy, but she attacked Deek's lips with hunger, driving her tongue deep into his mouth. I felt like I should be taking notes. She twisted slightly so her hands could find Deek's cock, it wasn't hard to find.

Penny was very excited and soon had both hands on his hard cock, it rubbing it against her dripping wet pussy. She forced the head of the cock closer to her moist lips, moaning loudly the first time she felt the head touch the velvety folds at the entrance to her vagina. I stepped in and handed him a condom, she fondled his smooth balls while he put it on.

"Deek, I want you to fuck me!" "I want you to fuck me, Deek!" Penny repeated over and over softly as she rubbed her moist pussy over the head of his cock getting him harder. The words were electric, hanging in the air like sparks, Penny begging another man to fuck her, right in front of me. I felt my cock throb.

At this stage I had just been watching transfixed. It was hard to believe that only moments ago I had been thinking this as a fantasy, and here it was coming true before my eyes.

Penny looked up at me, and motioned for me to come down onto the bed and join them. She hadn't stopped her grinding against Deek or her moaning but she broke away from kissing him to lay a huge kiss on my lips, twisting her body at right angles so that her pussy still rode Deek' hard cock. I started to play with her tits, kissing her neck, holding her hair back.

"Oh, god! I love you so much!" she said, earnestly. I was afraid she'd be uncomfortable, or demand we stop once things got intense, or worse, resent me for sharing her. but it was lighting her on fire.

Penny moaned with pleasure as I brought my hands up around her back to the side of breasts, leaning down to trail small kisses on her shoulders and neck. On her back she then she pushed her hips inches closer to Deek, her pussy devouring more of his cock with each small movement. Before long Deek was fully inside my wife, splitting her wet pussy lips with his hard cock, and was moving in a back and forth motion, rocking Penny gently with each thrust.

Penny gasped, almost crying out "Your cock feels so big in my pussy! Fuck me, Deek!"

"Penny! Your pussy is so tight! Fuck! Fuck!" Deek growled out.

Deek continued pumping into Penny as she bucked and moaned, alternating kisses between her new lover and me. I continued stroking her hair and kissing her face, ears and neck. With both of is focused on her, she was soon crying out loudly, and unashamed.

"Deek! Fuck me! Oh, yes! Your cock feels so good! I love it! Fuck me, Deek!"

Kissing my wife while she was fucked by another man was fucking mind-blowing, I can't explain why, but I almost felt dizzy. I held her and kissed her while her body was pounded ever harder, her cries of pleasure and encouragement getting louder and more passionate.

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