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Our New Neighbor

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A sexy new neighbor moved into town.
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It was a nice day.

Lizzy and I were sitting on the balcony and sipping our tea with crackers.

I looked at my wife, "It's so quiet and pleasant here. Remember the old days, when our children were little? They were running, shouting, fighting nonstop. I love it like this!"

She sighed, "Bob, I know what you are saying, but don't you think that it's TOO quiet now?"

"I don't know... Personally, I'd rather live without a lot of noise around."

"Honey, I guess I am different. Even with all the hassle, having other people close by allows interaction. You know what I mean, chatting, going to restaurants together."

"Yes dear, you always were more social then me."

As we were talking, a big U-haul truck, accompanied by a new BMW, approached the house next door.

This house has been empty for more than a year, since our former neighbors moved to Florida.

Three young guys opened the back door of the truck and began moving stuff toward the front door.

The BMW parked in the designated space and a woman came out. She was having on a big hat, that hid her face.

The woman rushed to the door and opened it for the workers, so they could bring the furniture and all the boxes in. Then she disappeared inside the house.

The workers completed their mission of emptying the truck and carrying everything to the house in 2 hours. When they were done, they left.

Lizzy and I thought that If the lady showed up outside, we'd invite her to drink tea with us, but she did not come out again.


Later in the evening Lizzy went to take a shower and I stayed in the living room.

My mind wandered.

I am 53 years old, 6'1", 190lbs. Three times a week I go to the local health facility for a 2 hours of treadmill, elliptical, weight lifting and swimming. I am a CPA, working mostly from home. I have a dedicated computer and several shelves with files of my clients (My children told me that everything could be stored in folders on my computer or in the cloud, but I am an old fashioned dude...).

My lovely wife Lizzy is 48, 5'4", 124lbs. She hardly goes to the same health facility, but she does yoga twice a week and loves to bike around the neighborhood every time the weather is nice. As a result she is in great shape. The only place one can find some fat in her body is in her perky B+ breasts... Lizzy works as a librarian in the local library every afternoon on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

We met 30 years ago, got married 2 years later and have 2 children. A 26 old son, who lives in Vermont with a wife and a young child and a 24 years old daughter, who moved with her husband to Oregon.

We still live in a small town in Iowa, having nearby a nice lake and a state park.

On weekends when the temperature is acceptable, we love to stroll in the park. But in the hot days of summer, swimming in the fresh water of the lake is a good relaxing sports, that both Lizzy and I love.

Lizzy meets every week or so with a group of mostly women, who call themselves 'The good books club' to discuss new literary works. I am less interested in reading. My own social life is pretty boring. Rarely I meet our few friends, or the families of my children. Most of my interaction with other people is with my work clients and 3 other guys who I got introduced to at the health club and talk to them about politics, sports and family events. Pretty boring, right?!

Well, my life may lack adventures, but I like it this way...


The next afternoon Lizzy and I sat again on the balcony.

Lizzy commented that we should go to our new neighbor and offer her help in anything she might need in order to feel welcomed in her new surrounding.

It sounded like a good idea, but I had no clue how to approach this new person.

Would she be interested in us 'bothering her'?

Even if she was OK and happy to see us, what would be the best time to do it?

Lizzy didn't bother answering my doubts. She made a chocolate cake, wrapped it nicely and rang our neighbor's door.

Few seconds later Lizzy was let in with the door closing behind her.

I watched a show on the history channel and lost track of time.

Lizzy appeared sometime later, smiling, "She is very nice. Her name is Nickie. She is 50 years old, unmarried and no children. Nickie has published several stories in the past. She just moved here from Boston to get the feeling of the real Midwest, because she intends to write a story about life here."

"Well honey, it will be interesting to find out how she'll like this small place comparing to the big city."


The next day I woke up at 6:30 am by banging noises outside.

I went to the balcony and saw our neighbor in short pant and a huge straw hat bent forward and digging holes in front of her house.

I called her, "Nickie!"

She stood up and smiled at me, "Hi neighbor. You are Bob, right? You have a very nice wife."

"What are you doing so early in the morning?"

"I am a morning person. I like to start early, then eat breakfast, do some writing, have a pleasant siesta and be free later for anything else."

"Over here most of us sleep longer in the morning. What do you say to a compromise. You postpone the noisy stuff until 7:30 am and at 8 o'clock I'll help you with whatever you want."

"I am sorry. In Boston my house was separated by a fence from the neighbors, so they couldn't hear anything. I'll stop now and start again at 8. And you don't have to help me... unless you want to." She had a knock out smile...

Nickie had nice muscular legs. She clearly did some physical activity in Boston, either gardening or exercise in a sport facility. Her baggy blouse seemed to hide a lot. I could not see much due to her large hat and the shady area she was in.

Lizzy and I ate breakfast together and then she drove to the nearest town for some errands.

At 8:15 I joined Nickie, who resumed her digging.

"Nickie, it's nice to see you up close. I wanted to let you know that Lizzy was very impressed by you! Anyway, what are you trying to do with all the digging?"

"All my life I wanted to have a small garden and I thought that here may be the best place to make it happen."

I chuckled, "I can really help you with that. But I think we should do it differently. The ground is dry and very hard. It's better to wet it well and do the digging the next day."

"Bob, great idea! You see, you didn't lift a finger and you already helped me..."

"In the meantime, why don't you show me the plan you have for your garden. You know - Is it for flowers? vegetables? other plants? and what dimensions you had in mind."

"I love flowers, but I am not sure what flowers grow well in this weather."

"Actually, there are several pretty flowers that like our weather. Lizzy and I do not have a garden, but you can walk around and see what flowers other residents have, or you can drive 7 miles and ask the employee at the Garden Center what are his recommendations."

I thought about it some more, "Nickie, mark the exact area you want your garden with chalk or ropes. After that I'll pour enough water to soften it for tomorrow. In the meantime you drive to the Garden Center and choose whatever you want to plant."

She straightened up and gave me another cute smile, "OK boss."

I was lucky that Nickie turned around and went inside to bring a rope...

When she stood up, her blouse enveloped her upper body more closely and her huge boobs were difficult to miss!

Lizzy never mentioned anything unusual about Nickie's body, although I was convinced that she noticed the enormous chest...

Our neighbor sat down and drew a 25X15 feet rectangular area that was attached to the front of her house.

I marked it with ropes and Nickie left to buy the flowers she liked.

I attached a rubber hose to the outside faucet and wetted the ground the best I could.

Then I went home. I read the local news for 1/2 an hour and entered the bathroom to take a shower.

As I was drying up, I heard Lizzy talking on the phone, although I couldn't hear what she was talking about.

I came out naked with only a towel around my waist.

Lizzy watched and smirked, "Your body is still fantastic. Looking at you half naked reminds me of certain activity that we haven't done for 3 days... You are lucky that I have to leave now, otherwise your body would have been ravaged by me!"

"Where are you going?"

"Nickie called after she bought the plants you guys talked about. She wanted to know if you were available, because she may need your help tomorrow digging holes and planting the flowers. When she realized that you were not available, she said that she wanted to go to the mall and buy some clothes. Nickie asked me to join her and help her choose the appropriate clothes for this neighborhood and weather. She also offered to buy me a nice blouse as a sign of gratitude for being such 'nice next door welcoming and helping lady'... I said that I'd gladly help her, but she didn't have to buy me anything. She chortled and said that she had a lot of money with no dependents, so it would please her to see me in 'more colorful attire'... I leave now, because she is already by her car. Enjoy the 3 hour break you get..."

I kissed her forehead and went to the balcony to see them leaving.

Nickie saw me with only the towel wrapped around me.

She had a broad smile and then she whistled.

She shouted in my direction, "Bob, if this is the way people in this place dress, I already like it here. By the way, you look much better this way, than what I saw you having on earlier..."

I smiled at her, "Thank you for the compliment. Who knows, one day I may see you with skimpier clothes too..."

She had a strange look on her face, but she stayed quiet, as Lizzy approached her and both entered her car.

I moved to my computer room and started working. I became too busy and didn't notice the time.


I heard Lizzy open the door and carrying 3 small boxes, but I was in the middle of chatting with a client, so I didn't lift my eyes, "Hi honey. I am in the middle of something. I'll join you in a minute."

I heard her from our bedroom, "It's OK, I'm going to have a long bath."

My lady came out an hour later with her robe on and her cheeks red from the hot water.

I grinned, "Darling, you are red as a mature sweet tomato. May I taste you?"

"Bob, I see that you are no longer having only a towel on... Let's have dinner."

Lizzy was TOO quiet during the meal.

I gazed at her, "How was the shopping spree with Nickie?"

"It was OK."

I expected Lizzy to give more details about Nickie, measuring different blouses, some disagreements... But for some reason Nickie was not in the mood to talk. I did not insist.

After dinner we sat down to play cards. It was one of the few games that we played on our free times.

In the middle of the game Lizzy blurted, "Bob, I invited Nickie to our book club. She was happy to join. She promised to give us a talk about the struggles of a writer as well as discuss 2 of her published stories. In addition she suggested that on days that you work, I'll come to her house for a tea with muffins."

I smiled, "You ladies barely know each other and all of a sudden you are best friends..." Lizzy whispered, "I think that she is really nice."

We played 3 games and Lizzy beat me in two of them. I stood up, moved behind her, massaged her shoulders and said, "Woman, it is not fair to destroy your husband in cards! Remember the famous saying 'Respect your elders'? Next time you should give me a chance..." Her face lighted up and she kissed me.

At quarter to ten we were in bed. My hand caressed Lizzy's covered breast, "Remind me what you mentioned earlier about certain activity that we were missing lately..."

She came closer and kissed me deeply. I opened her nightgown, enjoying for the thousand's time Lizzy's amazing body.

She was much shorter than me, but her proportions were perfect. God created the ideal body for my lovely wife. I absolutely adored her tits. They weren't Playboy magazine big boobs, but they stood up proudly in spite of her age and after having 2 children! Her ass was great too. I recall the time I was courting her. I often let her walk in front of me. She thought that I was a gentleman, but my main reason was watching her round ass sway sexily from side to side... These days when I have an option, I do it again, but now she knows my secret and jiggles her butt 'for your eyes only'...

My prick smelled her body and started moving up like a slow crane.

Lizzy stared at my rising member and smirked, "Honey, aren't you tired of watching my body after so many years together? Have you noticed Nickie's giant breasts? Isn't she more the size you prefer?!..."

I kissed her lips lightly, "Yes dear. Her tits look very attractive. However, size is not everything. Your boobs are smaller, but they fit like gloves into my palms..."

She gave me a loving look, "You are trying hard to be politically correct and I love you for it."

I protested, "That is totally untrue! I never said all of you is perfect. I just love your tits and ass. Your flat... Sorry, I meant FAT tummy is awful!!!"

She started laughing, "You better kiss my flat tummy before I kick you in the chin, you naughty boy!"

I spread her legs apart, slid in between, bent down and kissed Lizzy's concave navel. Then I moved in a circular way around it and lightly kissed each quadrant.

My hands instinctively trailed higher, massaging gently her hard nipples.

Lizzy moaned and her hands pushed my head downward.

I love going down on her. Her cunt always tasted sweet to me. Often she tried to clean the area before we went to bed, but I couldn't remember one time the smell or taste bothered me.

My face was slowly reaching Lizzy's bare pussy. I was already sensing her so familiar 'I-am-horny' smell. Her secretions welcomed me to the promise land.

I carefully licked the 2 outside folds, followed by doing the same to the inner ones.

Lizzy breathing increased and her hands were pushing my head deeper into her vagina. My tongue began invading her snatch with mild strokes. That action always drove her crazy.

She cried, "Bob, stop torturing me. I want to cum now..."

I lifted my head and whispered, "Not yet dear. I was ready earlier and you left me to go shopping, so now you'll wait until I say so..."

She complained, "You are such a jerk! I am ready now..."

"Girl, before I let you climax, I want my appetizer. You know how much I love the taste of your honey. Once I'm done, I'll allow you to have your dessert. And subsequently we'll have the main dish. Questions?..."

Lizzy mumbled, "No questions, but do it fast, before I die..."

I inserted 2 fingers into her flooding pussy and rubbed the anterior wall, driving her crazier...

Her torso started quivering and groans came out of her mouth.

I wetted well a third finger and gingerly invaded her anus with it.

Her body shuddered more violently and she began whimpering. I enjoyed staring at her being so close to reaching her heaven...

Then my tongue attacked her plump clit, jerking it up and down while my free hand pinched her dark nipple.

A loud cry escaped her mouth and her body was now moving aimlessly from side to side. My face was buried in her cunt, forcing her down, otherwise she would have fallen off the bed. I continued my manipulations for another 5 minutes and then slowly decreased my movements.

Lizzy was slightly sweating, but the main course was still waiting.

My erect pole may have enjoyed the show, but it felt the need to participate and I had no plan to ignore it's wishes! As Lizzy's normal heart rate and respirations resumed, I placed my cock at her entrance and gradually pushed it in.

Lizzy's breathing started increasing again and I could feel her arousal building once more.

I stopped moving once my pecker was all the way crushing her cervix.

"Lady, are you ready for a wild ride?"

"Yes bastard! Take me on a rollercoaster and don't stop until I lose it!!!..."

"As you say wifey!"

I began pounding hard but keeping it slow, waiting a couple of seconds because going up a gear. I gradually increased the pace and two minutes later I was at top speed with my organ plowing into her tight cunt as powerfully as I could.

I was closing rapidly on my own orgasm, when I heard her crying, "Oh God! I ammmm... cummmmmmingggg agaaaain!"

Several jets of my spunk hit the inside walls of her vagina, making my strokes feel more slippery.

I rolled over to the side and waited patiently for her to recover.

After what felt like eternity, Lizzy opened her eyes and smiled, "You are too strong. One of these days you'll kill me!" Then she kissed me and went to the bathroom.

We both slept like babies.


The next morning after breakfast I put on short pants and a tee shirt and was ready to work in Nickie's garden.

She came out of her door on time, holding a wheelbarrow with multiple small flower pots.

She was having on short pants too, but her blouse was much less baggy than the day before.

In fact it was pretty tight, emphasizing her giant melons.

I watched the erotic scene of her carrying 2 big breasts and many much smaller pots...

She glanced at me, "Hey neighbor, once you finish ogling my chest, I'd appreciate if you can help me."

I blushed and stuttered, "Sorry Nickie, but you ha... have to admit thaaat it is an unuuuusual scene..."

She grinned, "Bob, you do not have to apologize. My DD boobs created distraction everywhere I went, so I got used to it. Some times I even used it to my advantage, but this is another story. I'll put the flower pots in the shade and lets dig 30 small holes in the ground."

The day was hot and even in the morning the due point was already high.

After digging 10 holes my sweat was pouring down my shirt.

I removed it and continued digging.

From the corner of my eye I noticed Nickie leaning on her hoe, glancing in my direction.

I pretended not to notice and dug another hole.

She was still staring at me.

I stood up and looked in her direction.

She smiled, "Bob, I am really impressed. Your muscles look great. You should be topless more often!"

I ogled her sweaty top and smirked, "Lady, here in Iowa we believe in equality. You can ask me to do something only if you are willing to reciprocate!..."

She laughed loudly, "You are right Bob and I deserved that. However, I am less shy than you think and don't be too surprised if one day I'll do just that..."

I mumbled, "Talk is cheap..."

Nickie gazed at me for a long moment and then asked, "When is your wedding anniversary?"

"In 2 months. Why?"

She ignored my question and commented, "Bob, let's finish the holes. We have about 10 more. When we are finished, I'll bring the cold lemonade I made this morning. You definitely deserve it. You did a great job!"

We both worked for another hour or so, occasionally peeking at the other one's body.

Yes, I tried to steal a glance or two - Her sweat made her blouse less opaque and her

easily noticeable large soft bra barely contained the enormous breasts.

Unfortunately, my cock felt the same way and decided to rise to the occasion.

We finished our assignment and I sighed, "Good job. Can I have 2 glasses of your cold lemonade, please."

She glanced at my groin and grinned, "You deserve only one glass. You seemed to enjoy too much looking at my heaving chest!"

I faked being offended, "Nickie, I am much older than you, but I still have testosterone in my body. I challenge you to show me one man with intact hormone levels, who won't have similar reaction watching your amazing chest swaying like that in front of him!"

She had a little smile, "Touché. I took notice. As I mentioned to you before, I like direct talk. So tell me the truth - Would you rather I still wear similar tops and you can ogle as you wish, or you rather not be distracted, forcing me to have on a wooden bra and a burka on top?"

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