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Our Threesome Fantasy Pt. 01

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A couple works together to reignite their sex life.
10k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/20/2019
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All characters are above the age of 18 unless otherwise specified.


I sat on the edge of the bed, awaiting my wife's response. I knew I was going to get lambasted for what I had suggested.

Caroline looked a little taken aback, but thought for a moment. "Okay. We can try it."

My jaw nearly dropped to the floor. There was no way I thought she would be okay with it.

"I really want to make this work again, and if you think it'll help and it's worked for other people, then I'm all for it."

I couldn't help but smile.

"But under one condition."

My expectations were reigned back in. There weren't too many conditions that would dissuade me, but I awaited my wife's next words on bated breath.

"We balance it out and do two. One the way you want. And one the way I want."

"Absolutely," I responded.


Five minutes earlier, Caroline was in our bathroom washing her face before getting ready to go to bed. I was sitting on our bed, reading an article on my phone, waiting for her so I could brush my teeth.

Caroline finished and began walking out of the bathroom. She was wearing a thin nightie that made her look quite sexy. I had gotten it for her as a gift a few years ago, and she wore it often in the summer.

She stopped in the doorway and leaned against the wall. Her arms were crossed over her chest, like she wanted to talk about something.


"What's up, sweetie?" I asked, not looking up.

"Do you want to have sex tonight?" she bluntly asked.

I looked up this time, caught by surprise. She usually didn't broach the topic.

"Uh, I'm actually feeling a little tired and have to be in the office early tomorrow. Raincheck though?"

Caroline smiled a little. "Sure." Her eyes told me that she wasn't happy with my response though.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"No," she shook her head.

"That's clearly a lie," I responded. "Tell me."

"No, it's nothing."

I hated it when she was coy like this. I always felt like the bad guy for not reading her mind and diagnosing the issue.

"Alright, then, if you don't want to talk about it."

"Well, it's just that we never really make love anymore," Caroline continued.

"That's not true," I rebutted.

"And that's clearly a lie."

I sighed. It was, in fact, very true. Caroline and I had been married for seven years. She was 24 and I was 26 at the time, so we were a little young. But everything seemed fine for a while. We loved each other and worked well as partners, and sex was fairly regular.

But we had hit a rough patch over the past two years. It had started when I got into a car accident, and was severely injured. Caroline had been focusing on getting her PhD, but had to start working again. I could barely move at first, and the physical therapy took a long time before I was back to normal.

Money had gotten tight then, and between the injury and increased stress, we didn't have sex for more than six months. But we considered it a bump in the road, and moved on stronger as a couple.

Then came the change in jobs. I switched to a different company in a much higher-paying role to alleviate some of the pressure, but it meant that I was constantly traveling. I was on the road probably 75% of the time I worked there, and that put a strain on our relationship as well. Everything seemed okay on the surface and we were now doing fine monetarily, but Caroline and I had grown more distant.

Even after finding a new position that let me stay home, things never really returned to how they had been before. The passion, both physically and emotionally, had sort of burned out.

And that's where we had been left. Maybe it was the seven-year itch. But Caroline and I almost never had sex anymore. We had tried working through the issue, but nothing had really seemed to fix the problem.

"Well, it's been busier. We don't really get a lot of time anymore."

"That's not true. We don't make time."

"I mean, I think we've just matured maybe? It's not as big of a part of our life anymore. We're not still teenagers."

"Yeah, obviously. But just because we don't want to fuck each other all the time doesn't mean we never have to do it then."

"I think you're making a bigger deal out of the situation than it really is. I mean, the past two years have been very stressful on both of us, and I think now that things are returning to normal, the dust will settle and we'll be all the better for it."

I was lying, both to Caroline and probably a little to myself. But deflecting the problem was easier than trying to fix it. Some part of me hoped that our relationship would fix itself, but I rationally knew that the growing disconnect would only get worse if left to fester.

"It just seems like having sex shouldn't be a chore. We should want to do it with each other. It's an important part of having a healthy relationship."

"You're probably right," I said. "Do you really want to talk about this right now though?"

"Why not?" Caroline rhetorically asked. "If we keep avoiding the issue and saying that we're fine and back to the way we were before, things won't change or get better. And I want things to get better. Don't you?"

"Of course-" I began.

"I want that spark again. I want to just rip your clothes off and have sex with you as soon as you get home everyday."

"I mean, I wouldn't complain if you did want to do that," I joked. "But its not like we haven't put in any effort. We have tried to spice things up. You hated bondage, roleplaying was a pain, we've done other things. What else do you suggest?"

Caroline sighed. "I don't know. I don't know the answer. But something's got to work. Unless you want to keep on going like this."

"No, sweetie, of course I want to make things work and to... to get closer and get that spark again," I said.

"Then what are we supposed to do?" she asked.

I thought for a second. I had something in mind that I had heard worked for couples to reignite their sex life, but I didn't think Caroline would like it. It had been a fantasy of mine for twenty years. She'd probably yell at me for suggesting it though.

But Caroline was the one who brought the subject up. And it was actually helpful for other people, so I did have some basis for it. What did I have to lose?

"Well, I've heard about one thing we haven't tried that's been used by many couples."

"I'm all ears. Whatever will make this work again."

"What about maybe bringing in other people? Like swinging, or a threesome?" I asked before I had the chance to stop myself.

I sat on the edge of the bed, awaiting my wife's response.


"I think we need to make one more condition," Caroline said the next morning as I readied to get in the shower.

"What's the condition?"

"I think the other partner should be able to decide who the third partner should be."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"So for your threesome, I get to decide who the other girl is. For mine, you choose which guy you want to have."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, I knew why Caroline suggested that. Her best friend, Alexis, was very attractive, and also single. Caroline wasn't an idiot, she knew that I was attracted to her. Obviously I was a committed husband and would never cheat on Caroline, but given her permission and put in that situation...

"Alright, I think that's reasonable," I said. I didn't really care who the second guy would be for mine, so I was willing to agree to whatever conditions I needed to.

"But I still feel like both of us should have to agree on the person. You would still get the final say obviously, for mine at least," I continued.

"So like, I can choose, but you have veto power if you don't like her and I have to choose again?"


"Great. Cause I already have some ideas," Caroline said.


"I'm not telling you until I've decided. You'll see later."

"Alright," I conceded before getting into the shower.


"So I know it's not exactly what you're expecting, but I want you to have an open mind," Caroline said that night. We were seated at the small table in the kitchen, with Caroline's computer facing her.

That was not how I expected the conversation to begin.

"I was thinking about who I want the other girl to be. And I thought for a really long time. There were some things in the back of my mind that were bothering me, and I was having trouble choosing. So I did some research online about how you pick the other partner, and it did seem like we are going about things in a good, healthy way."

"Okay," I said, unsure of where Caroline was going.

"What a lot of people said was to really make sure that there won't be any emotional connections or long-term implications from it. Because you don't want jealousy to start."

"That makes sense," I said.

"And to choose someone who's sexually adventurous or experienced, to make sure no one is nervous or awkward or anything. But you know obviously that I've never been with another woman before, like, at all. And that idea was a little daunting to me."

"Honey, we don't have to do it if you're not comfortable," I said, placing a hand on my wife's arm. "This whole thing is about becoming more comfortable with ourselves and each other, and I don't want you to feel pressured or forced into this at all."

"No, of course not," Caroline said. "And that's not what I mean. I want to do this. The more I read, the more I wanted to. And I want to try it with another girl. But still, I felt like having somebody who's experienced in that sort of thing would be good. To take the reins and maybe guide us a little. So that it's not so new and scary."

"Of course, whatever makes you feel secure about it."

Caroline took a deep breath.

"With that said, take a long look at this girl and tell me whether you would want to fuck her."

Caroline spun her computer around.

On it was a full-screen photo of a woman. My eyes went to her face.

She was really pretty. She had big brown eyes and very striking features. The dark lipstick and eyeliner made her eyes and lips stand out even more, and a small shimmering stud stood out on the side of her small nose.

The woman's jet black hair was straight and quite long. But the most catching part was that she had it buzzed down really short on one side. It was different, but looked oddly attractive and powerfully feminine. I kind of liked it.

I looked over her body. She seemed pretty tall, and though the outfit she was wearing wasn't revealing, it was clear she was pretty curvy too. Her skirt displayed her long legs and big butt. Sadly, the top didn't show off her boobs particularly well, but it was evident that she had a fit body to match her beautiful face.

The girl's left arm was covered in a big, colorful tattoo sleeve. It echoed her hair and makeup to create a very rebellious, alternative look. It wasn't particularly my style, but the girl was definitely sexy enough to compensate.

"She's very pretty," I said to Caroline.

"Oh, come on," she said, giving my thigh a friendly shove. "You don't have to pretend around me. She's hot as fuck."

I had to admit, I hadn't expected Caroline to pick out a curvy, alternative girl. She was basically the opposite image of my wife.

Caroline looked like a rather typical girl-next-door. Her face was soft and unassuming: cute in an almost innocent way. She had wavy mouse-brown hair that was cut just above her shoulders. She was short, not much taller than 5 feet, and quite slender. She didn't like her flat butt or B-cup boobs, but I certainly thought they were pretty and very proportional.

Caroline looked about the furthest from "slutty" or "rebellious" you could get, even in her make-up choices. In some ways though, now that I thought about it, it made sense that she would have chosen someone like this girl. Opposites do attract after all.

"Who is she?" I asked.

"Okay, well, this is where you have to have a bit of an open mind." Caroline spun the computer back to herself. "Don't freak out, okay?"

"Alright," I cautiously replied.

"She's an escort," Caroline said.

"What?" I asked, more than a little surprised.

"She's an escort. It's through a totally professional company and everything. I was reading online and apparently it's pretty common."

"Hiring escorts, or using them for threesomes?"

"Well, both. A bunch of other couples have done something similar for their first time swinging, and it was good for them."

"Really?" I asked.

"Just think about it; she fits basically all of our criteria. She's experienced in bed and capable of guiding us both. Totally discrete, there wouldn't be any emotional baggage..."

"Yeah, I mean, it's not a bad idea. I guess I just didn't expect it."

"Well, I know, but that's why I need you to keep an open mind."

I paused for a moment. "So do you really want this girl?"

Caroline nodded her head. "I think she's drop-dead sexy. And she would be a good choice to help us dip our feet in at least. If we have a smooth first time, we'll be more likely to try it again."

"Then I give my approval to your pick. This is all legal too, right?"

"Yeah, of course," Caroline replied with a chuckle. "Since she's technically not contracted exclusively for sex or something like that. I'm not gonna get us arrested."

"So are we about to hire a hooker?" I asked.

"This is probably something I'd never in a million years imagine myself doing, but yes."


I sat on the couch in our living room. It had been three weeks since we first agreed to the matching threesome plans, and we had arrived on my lucky day.

Now we were a couple minutes away from meeting the other girl. My heart was beating fast, although the glass of whiskey in my hand helped.

"How do I look?" Caroline asked, stepping into my view.

She had done her makeup and hair much more sultry than normal, although the long-sleeved sweater and nice jeans she was wearing betrayed that look. Still, I knew she was hiding sexy lingerie underneath the conservative exterior, keeping that reserved side of her personality tucked away for now.

"Beautiful, as ever," I responded. I was second-guessing myself. I was wearing an Oxford and dress pants. Was that too formal? What if the girl showed up in a t-shirt or something? Would she be embarrassed?

I took another sip of whiskey to calm my nerves. Everything would be okay. I just really hoped the night would be a success.

The doorbell rang, forcing away my nervousness.

"I'll get it," Caroline told me. She squeezed my hand as she walked away, reassuring me we were in this together.

"Hi!" I heard her chipper voice call out as the front door opened. "I'm Caroline!"

"Oh, good, I was going to ask. You wouldn't believe how awkward it is turning up at the wrong house!" another female voice replied.

"Ugh, I couldn't even imagine. Please, come in! Come in!" Caroline said.

The clack-clack of heels echoed along the wood floors as my wife escorted the escort to the living room.

I stood, steeling my nerves one last time, just as the two came into the room.

"Hi, I'm Stephen," I introduced.

"Lovely to meet you," the girl said.

She was even cuter in person than she had looked before. What surprised me was how young she looked. She barely looked a day over than 20. God, that made me feel old.

The girl was wearing a small, black leather jacket, along with a cream-colored knit sweater underneath, and a short black skirt. She was wearing tall open-toed stilettos (my wife used to call them "come fuck me heels") that made her nearly as tall as me, both of us towering over Caroline. She had on dark eye shadow and red lipstick that really made her features stand out, and her black hair was curled a little, cascading in waves down to her back.

"I think the pleasure is all mine," I responded, feeling something growing in my pants. I couldn't believe I would have a chance to fuck both my wife and someone this pretty at the same time.

"Please have a seat," Caroline said. She read the excitement on my face and responded with a subtle wink. Neither of us could contain ourselves. "Would you like a drink?"

"Oh, no thank you," she responded as she took a seat on the couch. Caroline sat down as well, glass of wine in hand.

"So before we begin, I thought it would be nice to get to know each other a little," Caroline started.


"So as you know, I'm Caroline, and this is my other, better half, Stephen."

The girl chuckled at the joke she had probably heard a thousand times before. There was already something captivating and endearing about her.

"Can I ask your name?" Caroline continued.

"Jasmine," the girl responded.

My wife winced a little and shot a look my direction.

"I don't want to come off as rude or brash, but would you mind telling us your real name? I'm not sure how much your agency told you about our particular situation. But basically, we're trying to expand our sexual boundaries, together, but we wanted someone knowledgeable and experienced to help us make that big step for our first... encounter. I'd like to be able to get to know you too and trust you, and I know Stephen would as well."

I nodded my head to reinforce my wife's point.

"And so I think it would be helpful if all of us were completely open with each other. So would you mind telling us your name?"

The girl went a little red in the cheeks. "I'm really not supposed to do this with a client... But I definitely sympathize with what you're saying, so why don't we start over? I'm Elliott."

"That's a beautiful name," I said, working up the nerve to engage for the first time.

"Thanks," she bashfully replied.

"So how old are you?" Caroline asked. "You do seem a little young for someone in your line of work."

"Not really, I don't think. I know a lot of younger college students. But to answer, I'm 24."

"Well you don't look a day over 20," I complimented.

"Thanks again," Elliott said.

"If you don't mind me asking," I continued, "how did you get into escorting?"

"Well, it started out in college, which is surprisingly common. I needed to pay off student loans, and had a friend who was a cam model. I started out with that, then moved to working as a dancer, and it's moved on from there."

"Wow, that sounds pretty crazy," Caroline said. "Do you have any plans for if, or when, you decide to move to a more traditional job?"

"Well, I majored in poly sci, so it's not like I had any hot prospects from that."

"No kidding!" Caroline replied. "I was a poly sci major too!"

"And you're not working at Starbucks? That's a miracle. What do you do?"

Caroline talked with Elliott a little bit about her job, and the two mused about how different their paths in life took them, before we began talking about the previous years of our marriage. Elliott had a relaxing presence that made both of us at ease, perfectly willing to open up to her about our life secrets.

We discussed the struggles we had been dealing with over the past few months and our motivations for hiring her. Elliott confirmed what Caroline had read about regarding the popularity of escorts for threesomes, making both of us feel even more secure that we weren't crazy or tanking our marriage.

"So did you ever imagine yourself being here when you were younger?" I asked.

"I mean, I always had a really high sex drive," Elliott answered. "And apparently I'm a good fuck-"

"Hopefully we'll see that soon," Caroline interjected.

"Oh, don't worry," Elliott replied, sliding her hand onto Caroline's outer thigh. "I've never gotten any complaints. I'm ready whenever you are."

Caroline almost purred. She shifted closer to Elliott on the couch and gave me a wink. "Oh trust me, we're ready." She rested her hand on Elliott's bare leg, just an inch below the bottom hem.

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