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Our Throuple Pt. 01


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"Oh fuck!" she said, "Oh, I'm gonna come, ohh, oh, oh, aagh! Oh fuck. Lick me, suck me, FUUUCCKK MEEEEE! Huh. Huh. HHHOOOH" Pete stopped his ministrations to her clit, slowly kissing her nether lips, allowing her to come down from the highest she had ever felt, sexually. Sally collapsed forwards, onto the headboard, slightly lifting her bottom and allowing Pete to breathe, before rolling over onto her side to watch as Betty fucked him, her breasts swinging slightly as she rode up and down, faster and faster. It looked as though she, too, was about to come again. Betty moved her right hand down to where her clit was grinding against Pete's pubis, applying extra stimulus to herself. And then, she too climaxed, groaning and twitching as she reached another peak.

As she came down from yet another peak, she whispered, "Oh blimey! Another one! I've never come so much in my life!" Her Head rested on Pete's chest. "Did you come again, Pete?"

"No. Not yet, but I was getting close then. This is so lovely, having the two of you here. The two women I fancy the most in all the world! What a birthday. I wish it would never end!"

Betty smiled, sat up and looking directly into Sally's eyes, said, "I think you ought to try some of this Sally. Come over and straddle him and make him come again! It's the perfect size for pleasure!"

Sally looked at Pete and asked, "Is it ok. You aren't too tired are you?"

"God no. there's more to the old dog yet!" And with that Sally moved to take up the position Betty had used.

"No. Not that way." Betty said. "Do a reverse cowgirl, with your back to his face and facing his feet. I'll help you!" Sally did as was suggested, but found it difficult to take Pete's penis and place it in position. "It's ok, I'll do that. Just get into position and lean back a little!" obliging, Sally then watched as Betty grasped Pete's erection, taking the head once again into her mouth, but instead of sucking, she slathered him with her saliva, after first noticing the taste of her own juices on his cock. Then she held it in position, telling Sally to slide down a little so she could slot it into her vagina. Slowly, very slowly, Sally pushed herself onto Pete's stiff cock, until she felt the point where Betty was still grasping it with her hand. "Ok, get comfy. I'll move my hand and you can slide down until it's all in!"

"Oh god. Oh my!" Sally whispered, before taking a small backwards stroke, letting Pete come halfway out, before once again sliding all the way down. She started a slow, regular rhythm, feeling immense thrills as Pete slid in and out of her love tube. All the time, Betty maintained mutual eye contact with her, watching as Sally received the same pleasure she'd been getting just a short while ago and the best of it was that she felt no jealousy or even envy, towards Sally, wanting Sally to have as much pleasure and fun as she'd had.

Betty was so enjoying herself and a naughty thought popped up in her mind. She wondered if she was brave enough to go through with it, never having done anything so raunchy before. And then she thought; Well. In for a penny, etc.! Maintaining their eye contact, she lowered her head and took Pete's left testicle into her mouth again, running her tongue softly over it. Next, she did the same to the other one. Releasing it, she moved her tongue to the base of Pete's erection, slowly licking along the shaft as Sally maintained her rhythm, until the point was reached where Sally, sliding down the shaft, met Betty's tongue, sliding up the shaft. Betty then did something she felt to be absolutely outrageous; she licked up Sally's wide open slit, all the way to her clitoris and lapped her tongue along and around it. Both Sally and Pete let out loud groans as Betty did this. Betty could taste Sally's love juices all over Pete and all around Sally's genitals, surprising herself by how pleasant she found it and noting that, although Sally's juices tasted similar to her own, she was definitely not the same.

Sally's breathing was becoming noisy and erratic, as was Pete's. They were obviously both getting close. Then Betty put her tongue once again, onto Sally's clit, slowly licking all around and along it and Sally exploded, loudly into another orgasm. Moments after, she slowed to a standstill, Pete said, "OH FUCK! I'M GONNA COME!" Betty quickly took his cock into her hand and gently stroking it, put it to her mouth, just as the first blast erupted from its head. She aimed subsequent spurts onto Sally's abdomen, but the first one caught her full in the face, on the mouth, nose and forehead. Pete also came very loudly and with an impressive volume, considering it was his second ejaculation in such a short time.


Oh my god! She's putting his cock into me. Oh wow, this is so sexy and such a turn on. What a nice cock! Fits me so well and it feels like it's filling me up! Oh, ooohh! So good! This looks so erotic with her holding his cock as I slide onto it and she's still looking me in the eye to make sure we're both ok with it. Oh fuck, I'm SO ok with it and I'm not gonna last very long again at this rate. Up and down. In and out. Oh fuck, my knees feel like jelly! I'm so turned on. It's never been as good as this before! Not ever! Shit! She's sucking his balls! Now she's licking his shaft! Oh god, it looks like she's going to... is she? Will she lick my...... OOOOHHH! OOOHH! My god. She really is doing it! Oh this is so fucking fantastic. I think I'm gonna come in her face! And I can hear Pete groaning, too. I think he's close. OOOHHH! "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! AAAHHH, OOOHHH. YES! YES! YYEEESSSS!"

Oh my god, another massive orgasm! And as I lift myself, slightly, she takes his cock in her hand, gently tugging it out of me and moving her head towards it. And then he suddenly comes again. A massive splash of spunk, all over her face and in her hair and then more spurts onto my belly, my legs and my chest. Jesus, this is just so erotic! I never imagined pleasure like this before. I don't want it to stop. I just wish we could stay in this moment forever!

After resting a couple of minutes, I realise that it's time to clean up, I suppose. "Have you got any tissues anywhere, Pete?"

"Yeah, here you go." He replied, passing me a large box of Kleenex.

"I think I'm going to need a toilet very soon!" Betty whispered. And I realised that I needed to go, as well.

"Yes," I said, "Where is the toilet?" And Pete pointed to a door opposite the bed, set into the wall.

"You two use the toilet. It's a special one, but don't worry about it. I'll show you how it works properly later!" Pete instructed. I told Betty to use it first and when she'd been, I nipped in. Wow! I found it to be quite impressive. It wasn't simply a toilet, but an all-inclusive wet room. There's a very large shower area, enclosed by what appeared to be three shower curtains on a rail, fixed to the ceiling, it must be, I don't know, about six feet square, with a lovely, large, wash basin next to it and also a very fancy looking, hi tech toilet, with what looked like a remote controller on the wall to the right of it! I quickly did a pee and washed my hands and then returned to the others, in the bedroom. "Ok. My turn now!" Pete said and he went in himself, presumably to also have a pee!

"I do like that bathroom," I commented to Betty, "And that toilet looks really fancy, don't you think?"

"Yes, I wouldn't know where to begin with that. And the shower area is massive, isn't it? I reckon we could all get in there, easily!" And then she looked coyly at me and in a low voice, asked, "Are you ok with everything, you know, tonight and all?"

"I've gotta be honest, I had no idea that the evening would go this way, but I've never felt so happy and comfortable before in my life! Thinking about it, you'd have thought we would have at least been a little bit shy, but I really wasn't! I've never enjoyed myself remotely as much before. My ex could never make me climax, at least, not deliberately. If he ever did make me come, it was an accident. He was so selfish. But this! This feels so right and I know I haven't got much experience, but Pete seems to be so good, you know, at sex! How do you feel about tonight?"

Betty thought for a few seconds and then replied, "Yeah, I have to agree with you. I was trying to think of something to add, but couldn't! The trouble is; what's next? Where do we go from here? Have we spoilt our working relationship? Like you, right now I feel so happy and comfortable, but is that it?"

And then the bathroom door opened and Pete returned. "Right then girls. As gorgeous as you both look, sitting there naked, would you like to borrow a couple of dressing gowns whilst I get us all a drink?" For the first time, I felt aware of my nudity and both Betty and I agreed with the suggestion. Pete opened one of the wardrobe doors and produced two silky, full length dressing gowns, which we put on and then he produced and got into his own dressing gown, before going off in the direction of the kitchen, remarking, "Tea or coffee?"

We both opted for tea and Pete disappeared for a while, leaving us to continue our discourse on the evening so far. "Maybe we all need to sit down and talk about it," I said to Betty, "I mean, we have no idea what Pete is thinking, do we? For all we know, this might just be a cracking night for his ego, although I doubt that as it'd be right out of character for him. He's much nicer than that, don't you think?"

"I think; hope; that you're right. Tonight has been so special for me. I'd hate it if it turned out that we'd been used!"

We were both silent for a while then, until Pete put his head in the door and asked, "In bed or in the lounge?" Betty and I looked at each other and got up at the same time, heading for the lounge. "Good choice," he said, "more comfy in there!" And he proceeded to serve us with cups of tea.

When we were seated and all had a cuppa, there was a bit of a silence, before Pete coughed and began to speak. "Well, I don't know about you two, but that was probably one of the most enjoyable evenings of my life. I really hope that you both agree! But I bet you're also both wondering what happens now, aren't you?" We all looked at each other, Betty and me nodding our agreement. "I have to tell you that I didn't plan any of this. I really don't know how it all happened, but, I have absolutely no regrets and I'm gonna be honest; I wish we could do this all the time! You've both made me so happy, I'm almost beside myself. We get on so well, both at work and when we're here together, that it's almost as if it was meant to happen. The way I feel right now, I would happily spend the rest of our days together! The thing I worry about is that you ask me to choose between you. I really couldn't do that! So, what I'd like to do, is first of all, ask you both to stay with me, at least for tonight and if you're happy with it, for the rest of the weekend and then, maybe, we could all go out together again in the week. Well, that's what I want, but I have to ask what it is that you both want."

There was another pregnant pause before Betty began to talk. "We've all had the night of our lives, tonight. I've never had that many orgasms in one night before and I've never enjoyed making love as much as tonight, either. I think we need to ask, even though I think I know the answer; is tonight something you've done before, with other girls? Do you make a habit of doing this? Or has tonight been as special for you as it has been for us?"

Pete looked a little hurt by the question, but I thought it was a good and valid one that needed asking. "Hmm, fair enough. You both want to know where you stand. And so do I, really. Let's go through things one point at a time, shall we? How is tonight going to affect our working relationship? Well, we get on great at work and the division of labour has never been a problem. We don't have to let anyone there know about us, at least not yet. But, is there an 'us'? Was this it, or is there a future for us, together?" Pausing for a moment to look in our eyes, he then went on, "You want to know if I do this with others. The answer is an emphatic no! Tonight was the first time having sex, for me, since I last made love to my wife, Elly and she's been gone for nearly eight years. I did try dating a couple of times, but it never went anywhere and I've never liked the idea of, you know, going to, er, ladies of the night, like. I just missed Elly so much and nobody else stood a chance. I was so lonely. And then I started working with you two and everything began to change. The clouds seemed to lift and the sun started shining again. I think I'm right in saying that we all have the greatest trust and respect in each other, don't we?"

We both nodded our agreement and Pete continued. "Working with the two of you is an absolute pleasure. I feel like life is brighter again. Now, I look forward to going to work again. I'm enjoying life again and I feel that I have a future. And it's all down to the two of you. I love being with you. I love your company. Going out together tonight was so lovely and you both made me feel so.... I don't know. Wanted? Special? I felt we had a connection, even before we came here, to my home. The only problem for me has been that I couldn't choose which one of you I fancied. I'm drawn to both of you. Equally! You complement each other! So, how do you two feel?"

I felt that I needed to say something here and began with, "Tonight was so comfortable, for me anyway and I've never enjoyed an evening so much. Not ever! But, what happens next? Do we do this again? And again? How do either of you see the future?"

Betty answered that. "It's only been one night! Why don't we just keep going and see where it leads? I mean, we don't have anything to lose, do we? None of us are in any other kind of a relationship and there are no children involved, so we aren't hurting anyone! I'd be happy to stay for the rest of the weekend, as long as I can go home in the morning and get some essentials, like my makeup and underwear and so on, and see what happens. But I agree that we shouldn't say anything at work, at least not for the foreseeable future. How about you, Sally?"

I thought this over for a while and I have to admit to an incredible feeling of excitement at the prospect. "Ok. Let's stay the night, then nip home tomorrow and get some stuff and come back for the rest of the weekend. Yes. I'm happy with that. Now. What are the sleeping arrangements?"

Pete laughed and said, "Well, I'll leave the final details up to you. I have some new, spare toothbrushes if you want them. We can sort anything else out in the morning. It's nearly three am now, so shall we go and get some sleep?"

We all agreed and Pete fetched the toothbrushes and left us to clean our teeth while he went upstairs to clean his own. Whist Betty and I were alone, I asked her which side of the bed she liked to sleep on. Fortunately, she likes the left and I like the right, so we decided Pete could sleep in the middle. When he came back down, Betty and I were already in bed, our dressing gowns hanging in the wardrobe.

"So, you've already decided how we sleep then! Good. I'll have a beautiful lady each side of me."

As he removed his dressing gown, I gasped a little to notice that he was almost erect again and I saw Betty staring, too. "Yeah, I'm sorry about this. You two are just so sexy, I can't help myself. But it'll keep. We have the whole weekend yet!"

But that's another story!

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oldtwitoldtwit2 months ago

What a nice story, characters were good and the plot flows

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Altogether a great story with a couple of issues.

1. What happened to the panties? In one paragraph the women are in bras and panties, in the next paragraph the bras are removed, and in the next paragraph Pete is snacking on a naked pussy.

2. Swapping from POV to a narrator is basically in bad form. The idea of having POV is that you have multiple narrators, making the third person perspective unnecessary. The idea behind the POV is that we see how the different characters feel about or react to what is happening in the story. The part where Betty starts licking both Pete and Sally at the same time is a perfect example of how the POV method works.

Nitpicking aside, the story was fantastic and I can't wait for part 2 to drop.

lc69hunterlc69hunterover 2 years ago

Syntax and point of view could use some work, but a good story

RavenTrueRavenTrueover 2 years ago

A great threesome. Yes, the narrative got jumbled in places but the overall story is wonderful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

And you switched point of view from one paragraph to the next. Gagh! Had to quit reading due to the vertigo I got trying to figure out what was happening.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I won’t repeat all the same comments, other than to say the storyline was good, and the characters were believable. Try to remember that your readers have just fallen on your story for the first time and don’t know the characters or where you’re going with them - you have to help them to understand. We are simple people and like a story which flows smoothly and logically, so stick to the well trusted past tense with a single point of view. First or third person work, second person doesn’t, and switching definitely is a no no. Keep writing - you’re going to be good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very much liked the story. I agree with the 1st person/3rd person comments. Would love to see you take it further. Look forward to a second installment.

BorealforestBorealforestover 2 years ago

Nice story but the writing was so confusing. Who was the first person here, who there? No wait, it’s a third person narrative. I finally gave up. To shift around like that is hard for even the best writers. Keep it simple and get a good editor to help you with the writing.

But I felt the story was promising and I would strongly encourage you to keep on writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nice idea but needs a good editor

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Usually I read the stories on here, so fast I just want it done with. Very rarely do I find a story I can relate to, this is one I can. The very best read I have had for some time, and I am hoping for a follow up. No harm in asking for a part two , to the best story I have yet to find. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good premise for a story but completely ruined by the constant shift from 1st person to third and back again.

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