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Out Naked On Video...

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Joan was to walk naked to a field to be taped having sex...
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Many people loved reading our first story of me having a walk naked and we loved the reactions! Talking about it, hubby suggested me to write it down myself this time.

At first I was not sure, but in time the idea of sharing my experience and feelings looking back at our holidays aroused me and that's how I started writing this down for you all to read...

To start with, preparing for a walk naked starts always days or even weeks before; it can start actually any moment when John and I come to talk about it. Most of the time it's only me undressing, but sometimes we do a walk both of us naked depending how we settled it at forehand.

As a matter of fact, I love the risk of meeting people being out in my birthday-suite and in the same time I fear the thought of being caught not knowing how people will react...

Therefor, once we decide to go for it, we discus where and when and how, but each decision once made is no longer discussed.

The preparation this time started even month before when choosing where to go for our holidays, we decided to chose for a holiday home in a small village next to the woods in the Czech republic. That would be the ideal start for some walks, and it definitely was! It was situated at the end of the village facing the woods, there was only a meadow in between...

When we arrived we decided that I was going to have a walk the next day early in the morning for at least half an hour to start with, and John would make a movie of it.

As I always want to look at my best when we make movies, I did all my nails and asked John to give me a close shave of my pubic hair leaving a triangle with its lowest point about half an inch above my clitoris.

In this way in case of meeting people, my vulva would be clear for all to see, and in the same time the remaining bush of hair makes it look even more naked and it serves also very well when cleaning up after having sex!

The preparations made us hot and we went to the bedroom to have some wild sex; but not before John had installed the camera to tape it.

We started doing sixty-nine, our favorite, then had a wild fuck ending with our specialty. Before John shoots his cum he knows he has to withdraw and wait for me to masturbate. When he sees I am near to get off, when my toes start to curl, he puts his cock in my mouth so we get off together when he explodes in my mouth.

The taste of his warm shot of cum is what I need to come like a fury!

After that, we dressed up and went for a restaurant having dinner, from that moment on I was not to wear my slip any more during the days to come.

We had the alarm clock set for as early as six o'clock but we even woke up before. As we always sleep naked, I had not much more to do then taking a shower, brushing my hair and doing my make-up. We had a cup of coffee sitting on a towel as I got a little wet already knowing what was coming up...

John had prepared a bag with the tripod for the camera, some tiny towels, our plaid for later on, a small cucumber and my short dress for 'emergencies' I had given him on the bottom...

Our agreement is that only in case of danger (police when returning at the front door for example) John will give me the dress.

I felt a bit nervous now time of being in our safe home was running out; but there it was what I had chosen for and I felt aroused in a way more or less as I was as a child before we got our presents at Christmas.

The difference was that on this occasion I was to be 'the present' for those we where possibly to meet on our way...

Then John told me we were to go on our way; he went out the door to go in position with the camera and invited me to come out.

As I stepped into my open shoes beautiful showing my red lacquered toenails I had done the evening before, a cool breeze of air came over me as I went out into the great outdoors.

John locked the door and I knew there was no way back, my lower belly tickled and there we went on the path in the direction of the woods that would give me at least some shelter...

I was to hold so that John could go ahead with his camera recording me coming to him.

We continued and it seemed endlessly to me before we went into the woods. By then I was less nervous and being naked started feeling normal. After some time John stopped filming as we only wanted to make a clip that would not be too boring when eventually showing it to friends.

We started chatting and enjoying nature on our walk. As we hadn't been there before, we did not yet know what our walk would bring us. After some ten minutes we came out of the woods into an more or less open spot where we found a rough bench; John told me to take place as he went ahead to see where were going as we saw a house on our trail.

John came back, the house was abandoned and we continued our walk. Some five minutes later we passed the house and we went back into the woods. We came to a small river that we followed.

Every now and then, John made some shots for our clip as we came to sloping cornfields that were mowed. We went into the fields and found a place out of sight due to the slopes to have a break.

John gave me the plaid that I spread for us while he mounted the camera on the tripod and undressed.

Seeing the movie afterwards is so hot... We did a sixty-nine after John masturbated me some time with the cucumber while I was on hands and feet.

We both came in a few minutes after what we had been through... We dried our genitals and faces to return to our house.

I was a little jealous when John dressed up while I folded the plaid and putted everything back into the bag to continue the way back naked, but that was our plan and we always stick to that...

We returned to the small road on the end of the cornfields and went into the woods and the river that we followed back.

Then the inevitable happened; next to the house a couple came down the path...

I looked frightened at John, but new the outcome. I gave him a hand and we walked towards the couple.

Strange enough I felt proud in a way and when passing them we said: 'Hello' and the woman of the couple asked curious: 'Aren't you cold or afraid?' We stopped and had a little unexpected chat and I explained that being nude gives a feeling of freedom, and it wasn't cold at all in the morning sun.

As the couple told they visited a nude beach every now and then, they said they understood what I was talking about. We wished each other a nice day and continued our ways. I felled relieved, hot and frightened at the same time. We came home without meeting other people on our way, went in the house and took a shower before we started fucking again.

It was not the only walk we made that week, but that's another story!

I'm looking forward to your feed-back and reactions!


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Hi its Gayle in the UK i love your stories and lots of ideas. I love being naked outdoors and started in my teens loving my adventures and the sometimes sexual side that occured both with guys and occasionally girls. Having sex outdoors is the best feeling ever sometimes planned sometimes not.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Seems only half of a story.

It seems that this was a good introduction, but not a full story.

DewiNaturalDewiNaturalover 9 years ago

Good story well told. Have you ever given yourself as a present to someone who just happened to see you during a walk?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
What a saucy girl!

And what a lovely story - I would NEVER have the courage to do this - but I loved reading about it! Please tell us more!

wylderoswylderosalmost 11 years ago
Love this story!

This is one of the sweetest stories I've ever seen here or anywhere! Kinky, loving and kinda innocent! I totally envy the experience, but even more the relationship itself! Will be looking for more from you!

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