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Package was a neighbor's so he took it over.
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I recently moved into a new unit. It was one of a set of fifteen stand-alone units and townhouses spread around a big U-drive. I had one of the front units and hadn't really seen much of the neighbours yet.

I went to take a stroll down the street a few days after I moved in. I opened the front door and there's this whacking great package leaning against the security door. How do I get out? Well, possibly I could put enough force into opening the security door that the package would be forced back far enough for me to get out. There again, that could result in me knocking the parcel over, and who knew what damage would result. The parcel was high and wide but only a few inches deep.

Muttering to myself I turned around and went out the back door, through the garage, and around to the front of the house, where I pulled the package away from the security door, opened it, and lugged the parcel inside.

Once inside I checked the label on it to see if it would give me any indication as to who it was from, as I hadn't been expecting anything. The label certainly gave me a big clue, namely with the fact that the unit number on the address wasn't mine and neither was the name of the addressee. Some lazy bastard had just dumped the parcel on the first unit he came to.

Being willing to prove I was a good neighbour I picked up the parcel again and took it around to the appropriate residence. The door was open and I leaned on the doorbell and waited. A voice promptly answered.

"I'm in the kitchen and I'm not answering the door," some woman yelled. "If you want me you'll have to come through."

If that was what she wanted. I opened the door, propped the parcel against the wall in the front room, and wandered through to tell the owner that she had a belated mail delivery.

Reaching the kitchen the woman's lack of desire to answer the door was understandable. She was bent over the workbench doing esoteric things with various cooking products, apparently baking.

The young lady would have been in her early twenties. She was a brunette with a bright green streak through her hair. She was wearing a house-dress which was unbuttoned enough to show some generous cleavage and she had a chest that gave her plenty of equipment to provide that cleavage. She also had on an apron and from the amount of flour on the apron, her hands, her hair, and the kitchen bench, I'd hazard a guess and say she was an amateur baker.

For all that she looked good enough to eat, and I was smiling when I said hullo.

She screamed, then she started on me.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? How dare you enter my house? Oh, my god, you're a home invader. You're not going to assault me, I just won't permit it. I haven't got any money you can steal anyway."

"I'm not here to steal anything," I managed to point out. "I rang the bell and you told me to come in. I'm just delivering a parcel."

"Oh, yes, a fine story," she said, going on a rant again. "You knew I thought someone else was at the door. You deliberately took advantage of my not knowing it was you. You're not carrying a parcel. You're lying. Oh, you're here to rape me. I've heard of low-lives like you who go around taking advantage of women. Well it's not going to happen."

At that point the door-bell rang and the woman promptly started yelling for help.

"Is that you Jan? Come in, quick. There's a man here. I need assistance. Call the police."

There were footsteps in the hall and another young lady entered the kitchen, Jan, I assumed. She was about the same age as the first woman, another brunette, minus the bright green streak, casually clad in a skirt and blouse, with minimal cleavage showing. Mind you, she had enough natural equipment to be able to show substantial cleavage if she so chose.

"What's going on, Sharon?" she asked.

"Him," said Sharon in a tragic voice. "He came bursting in here and he's threatening to rape me."

"Cool," was Jan's prompt reply. "Can I watch?"

"Watch? What do you mean, watch? You're supposed to be helping."

Jan turned and looked at me and then shook her head.

"Be reasonable, Sharon," she said. "Look at the size of him. He won't need my help to rape you."

"Not help him. Help me," said a rather exasperated Sharon.

"But if I help you he might decide to rape me as well," pointed out Jan. "However, if I just stand back and watch I might learn something interesting. So can I watch or not?"

"No. I don't want him to rape me."

"Well, that's what makes it rape, isn't it. The not wanting bit. Why have you barged in here and attacked poor Sharon anyway? She's going to be upset all morning over this."

"For a start it's the afternoon, not the morning," I said. Before I could go on Jan interrupted.

"Doesn't matter. It just means she'll put off being upset until tomorrow. She's generally too busy in the afternoons to get upset over every little thing."

"If I may continue," I said, feeling somewhat put upon, "I came here to deliver a parcel and Sharon told me to come through to the kitchen. I had no intention of raping her."

"A likely story," yelled Sharon. "He knew I thought it was you. If he was delivering a parcel where is it? I ask you, where is it?"

"Um, that would probably be the rather large parcel I saw propped up against the wall in the front room," said Jan.

"It is," I said dryly. "It got dropped off at my place in error."

"Well, OK, but that doesn't give you the right to come in here and attempt to rape me," pointed out Sharon.

"Might I point out that I'd intended to rape you I'd have done it, not just tried," I said irritably. "What's with this woman and rape? Been raped often has she?"

"Certainly not," said an indignant Sharon. "I've never been raped in my life."

"If she had I don't know about it," added Jan.

"Uh-huh. How about you? Have you been raped and been filling her head with dreadful stories?"

"Um, no, I've also been rape free. I have seen the sort of novels that Sharon reads. They'd be enough to give anyone a complex about rape. Um, are you a wicked nobleman or a villainous pirate, by any chance?"

"Not that I know of," I had to admit. "Ian's the name. Ian McLintock. Scottish by descent."

"A highlander?" asked Jan eagerly. "I remember Sharon had a book where a highlander was an outlaw and ravished the poor heroine on a daily basis. He met a gruesome end at the hands of a handsome young Laird."

"Oddly enough, yes, my grandparents did come from the Highlands." I was willing to concede them one victory about my antecedents.

"That's all beside the point," snapped Sharon. "The point is are you going to rape me or not?"

"Oh, well I'm not sure," I said, trying to sound sympathetic. "I mean, Jan is here and a witness, and the delay while I'm raping you could spoil the things you're baking."

"No, it wouldn't," Jan said. "It's not possible to do anything that would spoil Sharon's baking."

The way she said that didn't sound like a compliment. Sharon obviously thought the same thing.

"That's not fair," she said. "I'm improving. You watch. This batch will be spot on."

"Not with you having the oven set to five hundred degrees it won't," said Jan. "You'll just produce charcoal. Turn the oven off and let it cool before you put anything in it."

I glanced at the oven and Jan was right. The temperature was set to five hundred. What the hell was Sharon cooking?

"I just thought they'd cook faster in the higher heat. Ten minutes at five hundred will be the same as twenty minutes at two fifty."

Even I knew better than that. Jan was just shaking her head.

"Read the recipe, Sharon, and don't take shortcuts."

"Well, cooking aside, it still leaves the problem that you're a witness. How can I be sure you won't run around telling everyone of what you saw? It seems to me that your original idea would have to come into play just to protect my reputation."

"Eh? What idea?" demanded Jan.

"I'll have to rape you as well," I said with a sigh. "You'll be able to commiserate with each other and will have no need to run around complaining about it."

Jan gave me an I-am-not-amused look but she was having trouble hiding a smirk. Sharon on the other hand was looking thoughtful.

"But if you're here to rape me I don't see how it's fair that you have to rape Jan as well," she told me.

I was starting to have serious doubts about the woman's intelligence.

"It will be a burden," I told her, "but if I go down the rapist path I must expect this sort of situation to crop up. The big question now is how do we progress the action?"

"I'm sure you'll have your own ideas," said Jan. "Why don't you tell us?"

"Alright. I think you should both get undressed before I go into action. So how about you both take off your clothes right now."

"Why do we have to get undressed," demanded Sharon.

"Well, I'll want you naked when I rape you," I pointed out, "so you'll have to lose your clothes at some stage. Also, if you're both naked right from the start then the one not currently being raped isn't going to run away. Not while she's naked. Having you both undressed is effectively the same as tying you up without having to actually tie you up. You don't want to be tied up while I rape you, do you?"

Sharon promptly shook her head but Jan put some thought into it, blast her.

"Oh, I don't know. Think about it, Sharon. You'd finish up naked and tied up, helpless to do anything while he slates his lecherous desires on your unwilling body. Doesn't that sound deliciously naughty?"

"No," was Sharon's immediate answer. "I don't want to be tied up."

"Ah, well, then I guess you'd better just get undressed and I'll take your word for it that you won't try to run away."

Sharon actually looked relieved at this. Jan seemed to be having trouble holding back hysterical laughter. She managed to swallow that laughter fast enough when Sharon started to get undressed.

"Sharon, what do you think you're doing?" she demanded.

"Getting undressed," she said, sounding defensive. "That brute said we had to."

"That brute has no intention of raping you. Or me, for that matter. He's just winding you up. All he did was deliver your parcel to you. If you don't believe me just ask him."

Sharon went dead still, looking down at herself. Her apron and housedress had both come of quite quickly and she was standing there tastefully clad in panties, bra, and blush.

"What? You're not really going to rape me?" she asked, looking at me and blushing, trying to hide her undoes behind her hands.

"Sharon," I said earnestly, "that was never my intent. Now, however, if you finish taking off your bra and panties, you're going to find out that a man can be persuaded. The only thing stopping me is the fact that Jan isn't getting undressed. If she does then you both get to experience something new."

Sharon stood there blushing while Jan gave me an indecipherable look. I was damned if I could work out what Jan would do. I decided to give her a challenge. Sharon was wearing a front fastening bra so I took a step closer to her and unfastened it. I let the cups swing free while reaching for her panties and sliding them down. With her effectively naked I took a step back again and smiled at Jan.

"Balls in your court now," I told her. "If you do nothing I retreat, cursing under my breath and saying, 'foiled again'. However, if you take off your clothes Sharon finally gets raped, with the added fillip that you get to watch, knowing that your turn is coming. And yes, I think I can handle both of you."

Women are insatiably curious, even when they know they shouldn't be. That curiosity now bit Jan. She wanted to know if I'd have the nerve to go on with it. I have to admit I had a similar curiosity. Would they suddenly back off, screaming or running or telling me to get out?

The upshot of Jan's curiosity was the fact that she started to get undressed. Sharon was watching her nervously but not trying to tell her not to. Jan's skirt and blouse went quickly but she hesitated over her bra and panties. She looked across at me and I tried to keep a straight face while admiring her figure. She finished up giving a nervous giggle and losing her last two items of clothing, joining Sharon in the nudity stakes.

"Very nice, ladies," I said approvingly, my eyes blatantly running over them. "Now why don't the pair of you bend forward over the workbench, hands on the workbench."

"Why both of us?" asked Sharon.

"Because I want to make sure both of you are ready for me when I'm ready for you," I told her. "Seeing I'm in a good mood I'm not even going to spank you first."

"Spank us?" squeaked Sharon.

"Next time, possibly," I told her. "Not right now though. Come along."

With both girls bent over the bench my hands started wandering. Bottoms to mounds to breasts and back again. Sometimes I had both hands caressing one of the girls, other times I gave them a hand apiece, especially when I was massaging their pussies. The girls were muttering to each other but I wasn't listening, concentrating on making sure that were becoming aroused. Once I decided they were worked up enough my fingers started slipping between their lips, exploring inside them, teasing and arousing.

My fingers brushed very lightly against Jan's clitoris and she started to shriek but clamped her mouth closed, resulting in a very odd noise.

"What happened?" demanded Sharon. "What did he do?"

"This," I told her, brushing against her clitoris. She didn't have the presence of mind to muffle her shriek and I heard Jan giggle. She stopped giggling fast enough when I touched her in the same spot again.

Deciding that Sharon was ready I took a step back and told them to turn around and lean back against the workbench. They did so but both them flicked a glance downwards to see what I had on show. Jan raised her eyebrows and appeared interested and amused while Sharon looked shocked and nervous. I couldn't work out why the amusement but I wasn't going to let that worry me. I knew what I had and it was more than sufficient.

"Just lean back and watch," I told Sharon. "I thought you'd appreciate being able to see what I'm doing to you."

With that I adjusted our relative positions so my cock was now pressing against her entrance. I pressed forward slowly, acting on the assumption that she was a little skittish and any rush might just panic her. She kept watching while I slowly slipped into her, my cock vanishing into her body, with her passage adjusting, accepting, and enclosing me. She was breathing hard as I pressed forward, on the edge of a panic the entire time. When I slid in that last little bit and she could feel my groin rubbing against hers she seemed to relax, a slightly surprised look on her face.

A glance at Jan showed a very amused look on her face. There was something that she knew that she found rather funny. I wondered if she'd share it sometime.

Now that the game was under way properly I started pumping Sharon, still moving slowly, and not withdrawing very far at this stage. Sharon certainly knew how to handle a cock once it was in her, pushing firmly to meet me whenever I thrust.

Slowly but surely I increased both the length and speed of my stroke, finally settling down to a rhythm that Sharon seemed to find acceptable. I kept it up, driving in firmly, my hands all over her breasts as I possessed her.

Sharon had absolutely no talent for hiding what she was feeling. She was completely captivated by what I was doing to her, moving urgently against me, quite happy to let me have control and getting happier with every stroke. Towards the end I gained the suspicion that she wanted to tell me to go harder but didn't feel it was quite right for her to do so. I obliged anyway, my cock driving in with considerable gusto, finally pushing her towards a climax.

She was a screamer, I found, letting us know very loudly when she climaxed. That was fine by me. Anxious to please, that's me.

Turning to Jan I gave her a wicked smile.

"Why don't you turn and lean forward again?" I suggested.

"What? You don't think I need the reassurance of watching you enter me? Seeing your erection start pounding against my poor sensitive body?"

"Right in one," I said. "Once you're in position I'm going to take you roughly and energetically, giving you everything I can as hard and fast as I can."

Jan was breathing hard but she turned around like a lamb, bending forward and making sure her legs were nicely parted. I moved into position and drove in hard, my initial hard thrust being met by a shocked scream.

From Sharon, not Jan. Jan had no problems, pushing just as hard to take me as I pushed to drive home. Sharon was the shocked one, amazed that I could be so cruel as to take Jan that way. I actually had to hold up play for a moment, cock buried to the hilt, while Jan assured Sharon that she was OK.

After that it was all action and no care taken. I banged into Jan, fat and happy, and she accepted me in the way I acted, her bottom bouncing eagerly as she pushed against me, taking me as deep as possible with every stroke. Sharon was watching us with her eyes wide and a shocked look, apparently finding it hard to believe we were going at it like that. It would have been funny if I wasn't so intent on enjoying Jan and letting my passions rule me for a while. Another time I would find time to be amused.

Jan finished up climaxing quite noisily, and I had quite an enjoyable one at the same time. Did I mention that I failed to climax while playing with Sharon? That was deliberate as I had to be sure I'd saved something for Jan. Too humiliating to go to rape her and find myself unable to perform. She'd have laughed herself sick. As it was I think I acquitted myself adequately.

Before I left I asked Jan what she'd found so funny.

"The look on Sharon's face when she saw your erection," she told me. "Let's just say that you have somewhat more available than her dear husband does."

I also found myself having a quiet word with Sharon, who kept darting sympathetic glances towards Jan. How could I rape Jan in such a vigorous manner, she wanted to know. It was a wonder to her that Jan wasn't traumatised by what had happened.

Nonsense, I told her. Jan had no problems with what I did.

"What you need," I told her, "is to experience a bit of really energetic exercise yourself. Why don't you drop past tomorrow and I'll give you a few lessons in energetic exercise."

She huffed and glared at me and hurried elsewhere while Jan showed me out of the unit.

I couldn't help wondering as I sauntered home as to whether one or the other or both might come calling.

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DeathMaidenDeathMaidenalmost 3 years ago

I love the banter between the three. A sexy and funny story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Dozens and dozens

There are dozens & dozens of sillier stories than this on Literotica believe me. Some are so silly that they become incoherent!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

That was one of the silliest stories I've ever read. But relaxing

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