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Paige Ep. 018: BATSHIT COZY

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Silly Pooh Bear!
6.7k words

Part 18 of the 29 part series

Updated 09/14/2022
Created 10/18/2018
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Lincoln Park Illinois, suburb of Chicago.

Frank Martinbaum drove his car through the older section of the city, until reaching his family home. A beautiful mansion estate shrouded in a gated fence line, amid ivy shrubbery, that weaved in and out of its bars. The scenic feel of the property forced Paige Turner to release her seatbelt, in order to assist her in leaning forward on the dash, for a better sense of its beauty. In doing so Mister Frank nearly ran through his own gate due to admiring Paige's own scenic beauty. Her tits dangling low as her folded arms clung to the dash, and her stunning butt cheeks lifting from the leather upholstery, caught his eye. Refraining from further glances he managed to weave the path heading up toward his ancestral home. Old yes, but well taken care of. Paige even spotted an older woman pruning the flowers along the yard.

"Your home is sooo beautiful, Mister Frank. I feel like a Princess coming home to a castle."

"It can be your home whenever you visit, My Ruby Slipper."

"Shouldn't I wear something? We didn't stop for new jammies like you said."

"The truth is I already have your jammies. They're up in your new room."

"I get my own room?"

"A playroom, yes."

"Won't I be sharing your room, Mister Frank?"

"Occasionally. You will understand better very soon."

"This is an awfully big place for a Plastic Surgeon."

"It has belonged to my family since 1878. My great, great grandparents moved here after coming to America from Germany. I won't bore you with their life history. Needless to say, they did quite well for themselves. I inherited the home two years ago when my mother passed away. My brother and I reside here. He and his son Robin. Lawrence, my brother is away to Los Angeles on business. He too is a plastic surgeon. He consults with the rich and famous. He comes highly recommended by the Hollywood community. If not for our history here he really should just move there."

"You don't come highly recommended, Mister Frank?"

"Unlike my brother I prefer to keep my services closer to home. He leaves young Robin here with me, the lad like you is a tad bit shy and it gives Lawrence time to how shall I say it, enjoy the wealth." Namely, his clientele! Favors for favors!

"Robin?" She playfully dramatizes her next words, "Are you really, Bruce Wayne?"

"Adorable. No, my dear! I'm not Batman. Although my brother can be a bit Two-Faced."

She snorted, hiding her laugh at his villainy jest, catching on instantly. "You're such a Joker, Mister Frank."

"Harley my strong suit." He chuckled.

Paige couldn't stop smiling. Frank Martinbaum had turned out to be more charming than she imagined. She loved a good sense of humor. "Is your Butler named Alfred?"

He paused with a dumbfounded glare. "Strangely enough that is his name. Well, it's actually Alfredo. Quite close though."

"Whoa!" She sensed a connection. "Is there a Batcave beneath your home?"

"Not that I'm aware of. A dusty wine cellar. Although there could very well be a secret room from the Prohibition days. That can be turned into the Batcave if you like."

"Yay! Can we put a giant penis; I mean penny in there? And a T-Sex dinosaur?"

"Your youth simply amazes me."

"Old enough. Young in spirit." She confirms with a dramatic nod.

"You certainly bring out my own inner child."

"That's what I'm here for. Let's play, house. Or is that Bat Cave, I still think you're Brucie Wayne."

"Fair enough. Let's start off with getting cleaned up." He leaned over to emphasize a devilish grin, "Rough day chasing down, Pussy Woman."

"At least we didn't get chased by the mean ole' Scarecrow. We got the good straw guy this time." Scarecrow from Oz! Whew!

"Narrowly escaped his doppelgangers arrival I'd say."

"That was close." She wiped her brow and feigned discarding built up sweat.

Pulling his car inside a rather large garage she noted that he had multiple cars. Some classic from the 1930's. "Those belonged to my great, great grandfather. Bootleggers back in the days of Capone. There might even be some bullet holes from Tommy guns."

"Tommy must have been a big meanie."

"Ohhhh, yes! He most certainly was." He pulled out his cellphone then eyed her, "Why don't you show your father the cars. He's likely waiting for another call from you. I'll have my Butler Alfredo draw us a bubble bath."

"Okay, Mister Frank. You're lucky I'm Bathgirl not Pussy Woman. Cats hate water." She waited on him to open her door, hearing him tell Alfredo to fill the tub with lots and lots of bubbles. Climbing out she took a stroll about aimlessly with her teddy bear Fuzzy and her cell from his bag. Keeping Frank in her sights she called her father Lonnie.

Lonnie was at home, having just taken a shower, and now drying off. Snatching up his cell he answered. "Hey Princess! Still doing alright?"

"I'm having fun. We just got to Mister Frank's home. It's humongous. He told me to call you while he's arranging a bath for us. I'm going Facetime to show you his really old cars." Setting up the format she now faced her father. "Hi." A playful kiss over her cell screen, he chuckled at her giddiness. With a swift scan of the garage Lonnie puckered. "That's a Model-T Ford. Nice! Packard too. He certainly has good taste."

"Of course, he does. He wanted me, didn't he?" She giggled. "I still can't find the Bathmobile." Right over his head!

"I'm glad you're having fun, Sweetheart. I'm going to get online for a bit and try not to worry about you."

"Go on my Tender site. I'm curious if Dillon wrote me back."

"Comic Con guy, right?"

"Yep! After sending him my party video I worry he won't write me back."

"If he doesn't, he doesn't. After all that you're doing I'll still treat you to the Con."

"Yay!" Losing her excitement, she then whispered, "I think Mister Frank is Batman. He has a nephew named Robin, and a butler named Alfredo." Ah! That was the Bathmobile reference! Now he understood.

"As long as there's no Mrs. Batman hiding, you'll be fine."

"Ooooo! I wonder if Mister Frank likes cats? He did say he liked Pussy Woman." So precious!

"Pussy, I'm certain. Make sure he wears a condom."

"He did at the park."

"Good job! You go enjoy yourself. Text me later."

"Okay. Oh... Jeff."

"Second boy during Seven Minutes in Heaven?"

"Three minutes." More like ten!

"Right! Go take a bath." The order of boys remained correct.

"Bye, Daddy." With another kiss to her screen, she hung up. Frank stood patiently waiting by a door into the house.

"Ready for a tour?"

Skipping over to his side her tits bounced about. Reaching him she hugged Fuzzy to her chest and smiled up at him brightly. "Show me!" With that he opened the door, holding it open like the gentleman he had been raised to be. Stepping inside she took the lead. As he closed the door, he had to adjust his crotch, her dancing butt cheeks made his dick storm back to life. Taking a deep breath he followed her, letting her explore on her own.

"It's soooo Big, Mister Frank."

"Why yes, it is. "He stepped up behind her proudly, placing his hands on her shoulders with a tender squeeze. She tilted her head back to look up at him with a warm bubbly smile. She could feel his erection against her lower back. Bathgirl was hardly clueless. Commissioner Lonnie taught her well!

"Before you is the formal living room. There are two more for various occasions. One of which is a sound amplified home theater. I am a movie aficionado."

"Do you own, John Dick?" She recalled her goofy name of the movie John Wick; from the day her daddy first led her into this life of sensuality. Laughing Frank opted to pucker.

"I'll look into that one."

"It's killer. Except when the doggy dies."

"Poor thing. Come! Let's move onward. There are 8 bedrooms, 6 bathes, a lengthy dining room, and an updated kitchen. Lawrence and I love to cook. A greenhouse out back, with a swimming pool next to it. Let's see... oh, yes, a room dedicated to fitness and a billiard room."

"My friend Joshy works at a gym. He's built like the Hulk."

"I do hope he's not green."

"No. But his dick gets really purple like the Hulk's pants."

Hearing of another man he patted her left shoulder, expressing distaste. "Let's not discuss other men's body parts."

"Sowwy, Mister Frank."

"This is my time. Let's make a rule not to compare or discuss other men in your life."

"I'll zip it." She faked zipping her lips.

"Thank you, Dear." She nodded feverishly with her lips still compressed tightly together. It was beyond cute. Leading her up a staircase that creaked from age, they reached the second story. Showing off the various guest rooms, and who resided in them over the years, Frank came upon an emptied-out room. A good-sized room.

"What was in this room, Mister Frank?"

"This was my childhood playroom. My brother and I used to have many wonderful times in here. Coloring, drawing pictures, he far better than I on the artistic side. We used to have a train set in here that our father built, an entire community designed around it. It has since been relocated to the basement. I recently had an inspiration, since meeting you on Tender."

"I'm glad we met, Mister Frank."

"As am I." He palmed her chin lovingly. "Merely a consideration mind you... but how would you feel about this room being devoted to you?"


"Yes. Should you continue your monetary adventures with me, that is. You can design this room any way you wish. It can be our... playroom."

"Can I paint it bright pink?"

"Whatever you wish."

"A big canopy bed, like in Gone with the Wind?"

"If you like."

"I can call you Franky My Dear and you can give a darn?"

"I would enjoy that very much. You know the classic movies, I'm impressed."

"My grandma made me watch them. I grew to like the really old stuff. Even Westerns, grandpa got me into those. I love the Duke."

"We will get along fabulously."

"Can I build a dollhouse in that corner? I always wanted one of those, but my house was too small for one."

"Certainly! I do wood carving as a hobby. I'll find time to make some furniture." Careful with that scalpel, Surgeon Man!

"Yay!" She clapped her hands together, nearly dropping Fuzzy, and her cell.

"Anything else?"

"I'll make a list."

"Wonderful! Shall we adjourn to our bath? I'm certain it's ready by now."

"Mister Bubble. Mister Bubble." She hopped in step. "I think he was a Bathman bad guy. No wait! That was Mister Tease... I mean Freeze."

Escorting her toward his room, the bedroom door opened, an older gentleman of Spanish descent stepping out. His eyes bulged like saucers under a teacup at seeing young Paige nude. His gaze immediately lifted toward Frank.

"Forgive me, Sir. Your bath is drawn. Many bubbles as you requested."

"Hi, Mister Alfredo." Paige waved shyly, her forearm hoisting her tits higher for inspection. Showing her off Frank couldn't resist a chuckle.

"Relax, Old Friend."

"Bruce Wayne says that." Paige dropped her jaw connecting more dots. Frank knew, he was a fan of the Adam West series from the 60's. He had long decided to throw in those tiny memories when available.

"Good afternoon, Young Miss." Alfredo blushed slightly.

"I'm eighteen. Just barely." She whispers. "But I think Mister Wayne wants me to baby him."

"Of course, you are."

"I can show you ID."

"No need, Young Miss."

"Get used to our new guest, Alfredo. Paige here has agreed to visit every few weeks. I'll need you to arrange some painters to paint my old playroom. Hot pink from base board to ceiling. Purchase a Queen-sized canopy bed as well, for starters. Something reminiscent of the one Scarlett O'Hara slept upon in Gone with the Wind."

"As you wish, Sir."

"Mister Frank is going to build me a Dolly House."

Alfredo looked troubled, hiding his own erection at her cuteness factor. He needed to change the subject. "Will I be preparing lunch?"

"Grilled Cheese." Paige turns to Frank with a hopeful gaze. Alfredo now eying her bare backside. Puckering Frank looked to his Butler.

"Let's live dangerously, cut the crusts off."

"Yay! Just the way I like them." She bounced in step.

"Your bathwater is getting cold, Sir." Alfredo needed to escape. Taking his leave, he was forced to adjust his own erection. It had been a while since he had a healthy stir in his loins. A good thing his room was next to the kitchen, he was going to have to hide away, and jerk off. At 60, he still had it.

Guiding her into his room she admired the layout design of the room's crown molding. There were double doors opened up letting in a breeze that fanned the drapes. Her nipples grew hard at the chill. His bed was a king size with a large painting above the headboard. Everything else looked old, but well thought out. She approved of the décor. Hearing water bubbling outside, she flared her eyes.

"Hot tub?"

"The only way to have a bubble bath." He began removing his clothing. She giddily sat Fuzzy and her cell on the bed facing the open doors, ordering her stuffed friend to, "Stay! Don't watch porn." Frank trembled at her youthful demeanor. Watching her skip outside into the daylight to explore, he felt like a new man. He needed to have a sense of companionship. One that was not older, set in her ways, and only looking out for her own purse come rapid divorce. No matter what he spent on this young lady it was worth it in his mind. Thank God, for good investments. He and his brother were raking in millions in investments as well as occupation. She needn't know that part.

Joining her outdoors he stepped to a wet bar on his deck, there pouring himself a glass of wine. "Zinfandel?"

"Wine? I'll try it. Even if I'm not old enough."

"In my home you are of age, My Dear."

"Yay! Daddy won't let me put bubbles in our hot tub. He says it will ruin it."

Frank shifted his head from side to side, expressing doubt in its perspective damage by doing so, then finally shrugged. "It can always be replaced. Do crawl in and relax."

"Help me." She realized the height and no step to climb. Hands over her head she awaited him to sit their wine lutes on the edge. Lifting her by her waist, she flared her eyes at his tenderness. Feet submerging, she found the bottom slippery and lost balance. Submerging she found her footing amid several tries and surfaced covered in bubbles. Laughing, she wiped her face and removed her glasses. As Frank climbed in, he took her glasses while lovingly wiping the suds from her brow. Her green eyes were sparkling. Taking her glasses, he sat them on the ledge of the tub where the wine lutes stood. Claiming the lutes, he moved to sit on an underwater seat, waving her over. Wading over Paige joined him, sitting on his lap at an angle. Accepting her wine she sniffed it.

"Never had wine before?"

"Not really. Beer and Tequila." She took a sip then offered a delighted expression, "Mmm! This is yummy."

"You my Dear, are Yummy."

"Can I be your, Yummi Bear? Don't tell Fuzzy I said that he might get jealous. Bear and all!"

"You can be anything you desire to be. I will treat you like a Princess."

"Can I wear a tiara?"

"Next visit I'll take you shopping."

"I like being spoiled, Mister Frank...but..." She pouted slightly, "I don't want you to think I'm after your money."

"If I had any doubts about you, I would never offer to give you, my playroom."

"Daddy said I should get a part time job after graduation. I really don't want to flip burgers or be a cashier. Can this be my part time job?"

"Minus paying taxes? Absolutely." He chuckled savoring his wine. "Who would ever want to flip burgers for a living?"

"Exactly! Before my birthday I never considered this kind of thing. I just enjoyed taking care of my daddy. But I'm growing up and I don't really know what I want. I'm a straight A student, yet I don't even know if I want to go to college. Daddy can't afford it even if I got a grant."

"There are always junior colleges. Much cheaper than a university."

"I know. I think I want to take a year off to decide what I even want to study." She imbibes more wine, enjoying the taste.

"Well?" He questioned his next words, "You could always save the money I give you each visit. Stash it away for a year, then decide whether it should be put toward college."

"You're so smart, Mister Frank."

"Treat me extremely well, and I will return the favor. I don't mind increasing your visitation pay as long as it keeps my imagination flowing."

"Like this?" She moved her hand under the water stroking his erection, which resided next to her right hip.

"For starters." He winked.

"Make love to me like a Princess every time I visit?"

"In every way possible."

"Make it fairy tale?"

"We can have theme visits."

"I can be Princess Jasmine, and you can be the Genie? Give me a threesome wish?"

"Don't you mean three wishes?"

"Same thing." She kissed him on the lips tenderly. That led to her turning to straddle his lap. Lining his erection up she guided him inside her.

"No condom on my Dear." He interrupted her first gyration. Pouting she placed her arms around his neck, wine glass behind his head.

"We can enjoy the feel, just don't cum inside me until you take me to bed."

"You might want to ride very slowly then." He chuckled staring into her dreamy green eyes. "Too rough, we might have a problem."

"Okay, Mister Wayne." With a playful smirk she quickly moved her wine glass around for a final drink before he claimed it. From there he rested both lutes to his side on the ledge. Proceeding into a steamy kiss it took over their senses. Paige did all of the thrusting, trying to keep a slow rhythm but her G-spot was craving harder. His hands roamed her backside, left hand on her back, right squeezing her butt cheek, her perky nipples tickling amid his chest hair. Her own hands caressed his face, and the back of his scalp. Sensuality consumed them as Frank broke their kiss to roam his lips along her throat, then to the sides of her neck.

As she moaned, her eyes fluttered open looking around her. To her shock she spotted someone watching her from another room across the second story. It was obviously, Frank's nephew Robin. He was short, and lanky, wearing a green polo shirt, brown hair bushy and in need of cutting. It was easy to tell he was shy, yet Paige could also see that he had his hand down the front of his pants, fondling himself. Enjoying Frank's lips, she took the time to fondly flutter her fingers at Robin, without Frank's notice. Robin seeing this disappeared. In her mind she found this spy stimulating. That led her back to Frank.

No words spoken; she reeled backwards while Frank kept her from going under. Blowing bubbles from her nipples, Frank devoured them, one by one, Paige gasping at his hunger. "That feels good, Mister Frank."

While dangling back, her eyes searched toward the other side of the homes expanded design. From her angle she located young Robin in another window. This time he had his pants lowered and was jerking off. Hearing Frank's guttural hunger she knew his eyes were closed. She smiled up at Robin and again fluttered her fingers. This time he hesitantly waved back. Her hormones were screaming at her situation. She kept quiet about their onlooker, feeding emotions toward Frank via squeals. Lifting his mouth from her sternum, Frank sighed with a troubled look. "We must take this to bed before I explode."

"Okay." She whimpered rising forward, her backside covered by wandering suds. Standing up, holding her with his dick still inside her aching pussy he turned at an angle to carry her toward the side. Hugging him with her cheek to his shoulder she looked up at Robin, blowing him a hidden kiss. She would say it was bubbles on her palm if asked. Robin grinned at her and wagged his dick perversely. She wanted to giggle but bit her lower lip to prevent it.


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