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Palm Springs Vacation Ch. 01

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High school graduate takes a trip to visit aunt and uncle.
13.4k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/12/2024
Created 10/01/2023
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All characters are 18 years or older



Sharon pressed her nose against the window of the airplane as it gradually lost altitude over the sere brown and gray terrain of the low desert of Southern California. Off the left side of the plane, the bright sun glinted off the smooth, mirror-like surface of the kidney bean-shaped Salton Sea. Ahead, stark in the clear air of late spring, she saw the abrupt, vertical, eastern face of the San Jacinto Mountains, still capped by a brilliant, white crown of snow. At the foot of those mountains, she saw the streets and buildings of her destination, Palm Springs.

Her heart pounded with nervous anticipation and excitement as the plane swooped down on the runway at the Palm Springs airport. This trip, her first on her own, was a graduation present from her parents. Freshly out of high school, eighteen-year old Sharon felt all grown up and proudly independent now, as the wheels touched down and she gathered up her things to prepare to exit the plane.


Sharon eagerly anticipated seeing her aunt, JoAnn, after have been apart for several years. JoAnn, while being a half-dozen years older than herself, was considerably younger than her sister, Sharon's mother. She had spent a great deal of time with Sharon's family as they were growing up, becoming more of an older sister to Sharon and her siblings, rather than the aunt which she actually was. They hadn't seen JoAnn for a number of years, however, because she had taken off for California, after her own graduation, to pursue a career in acting or modeling.

Apparently, JoAnn was doing very well for herself in that world, when she met Ed, a good-looking young man of about thirty. An up and coming young producer, he'd had a hand in several very successful projects for both the movies and TV. When first dating, JoAnn had not been fully aware of Ed's status, thinking that he was just a lower-level flunky in the business. Being leery of all the beautiful, young gold-diggers swarming around Hollywood, he had allowed her to think that of him until they got to know each other better. Already smitten with him, JoAnn readily forgave him this minor deception since she was well aware of the all the sharks in the industry, herself.

They had married and were apparently quite happy together. Now, although just twenty-four, JoAnn no longer had to hustle to get work. With Ed's connections she could take an occasional gig, just to keep her hand in the game, while enjoying their life out on the periphery, in Palm Springs.

Sharon was eager to meet and get to know her favorite aunt's husband. She was sure from what she had heard about him that she would like him as well.


WaIking down the boarding ramp into the terminal, Sharon easily spotted her aunt, waving to her from the crowd waiting at the gate. JoAnn was easy to spot since she would be a standout in any crowd. A bit more mature now than the girlish teenager that Sharon remembered, it was plain to see why JoAnn had been successful in Hollywood. She was strikingly beautiful, with medium-long, wavy, golden-blond hair. Dressed for the climate, JoAnn was wearing a pair of white, extremely short, shorts and a white halter-top, contrasting with, while leaving exposed, a considerable expanse of golden-tanned skin.

JoAnn threw her arms around her niece in a welcoming embrace and gave her a peck on the lips. Sharon, shorter than JoAnn, found herself peering down between her aunt's full, round breasts, barely restrained by her skimpy halter-top, as they hugged.

"Gosh, Aunt Jo, you really look beautiful!" said the girl as they started walking, hand-in-hand, down the concourse to the baggage claim area.

"Why, thank you, honey," JoAnn said, smiling, her even, white teeth flashing. "I have to work hard not to allow myself to turn into a fat old hausfrau, living a life of leisure!" she laughed. "You're looking pretty good yourself, Sharon, you're not the little girl that remember, anymore."

Sharon giggled at JoAnn's noticing, and complimenting, her own budding womanhood. "So how's married life treating you, Aunt Jo?" she asked.

"Oh, it's wonderful!" JoAnn exclaimed, "Eddie's're going to love him! He stayed home so that you and I would have a chance to talk and get reacquainted for a while before we all get together."

They retrieved Sharon's luggage at the baggage claim and went out to the parking lot. Putting her bag in the trunk of a flashy new BMW convertible, they got in and headed out of town.

The stark desert scenery they passed through on the way to JoAnn's home fascinated Sharon. The jumbled, rocky hills, rock-strewn dry washes, palm trees and cacti, as well as the snow-capped peaks in the distance were all so different from what she had been accustomed to all her life.

After a long stretch of uninhabited roadway, winding through a boulder-strewn valley, they arrived at an oasis-like stand of palm trees behind a high, natural-rock wall. JoAnn punched a button on the dashboard and the iron gate rolled open before them. They drove along a winding road through a beautifully landscaped grove of palm trees and flowering cacti, before rounding a large pool and fountain and pulling up in front of a large, hacienda-style, ranch house. The ten-foot, heavily carved, wooden double-doors opened up on an impressive marble and polished wood trimmed foyer. JoAnn led Sharon to her room to drop off her bags, then showed her niece around the house.

"Well, that's the tour," she said. "Now remember, you're family, so just relax and make yourself at home. Don't be afraid to wander around as you please." She paused for a moment, then said, "I guess Eddie must be out back. Let's go see."

They went out through a set of large, glass doors, opening onto a spacious flagstone patio. Before them was a large lawn area with thick, close-cropped grass. Beyond that, Sharon saw a stable and corral with several horses grazing inside. On the right was a huge, free-form swimming pool set amongst rock boulders, palms, and various tropical plants.

"Ahhh...there he is!" JoAnn said, pointing.

At the far end of the pool, Sharon saw a man standing on a diving board at the top of a twenty-foot high, natural rock outcropping. He ran forward and sprang from the end of the board, performing a forward one-and-a-half, before cutting cleanly into the clear, blue-green water below.

"Wow!" the young girl exclaimed, impressed.

"Oh, Eddie is such a show-off! He must have seen us coming out," JoAnn chuckled as they walked to the edge of the pool.

"Eddie!" she shouted when his head bobbed to the surface. "C'mon out and meet our lovely little niece."

Ed climbed out of the pool and smiled as he looked Sharon over. "Lovely, yes...but not so little!" he said. "She's certainly much more of a young woman than I was expecting."

"Oh, I know!" JoAnn laughed. "She sure surprised me, too! I was still picturing her in my mind as she was the last time I saw her."

Sharon's cheeks turned pink at their allusions to her maturing body. As they stood there chatting, Sharon surreptitiously eyed her uncle. She was impressed by his good looks and athletic build. His golden-brown, well-tanned skin rippled with muscles and the sunlight glinted on water droplets caught in the fine, light-brown hair on his chest and legs. He wore a bright red, very brief, nylon swimsuit stretched tightly across his firm buttocks. She tried not to be obvious, but her eyes were involuntarily drawn to the prominent bulge at his crotch.

"Well, why don't you go and get your swimsuit on, Sharon," JoAnn suggested. "You can take a dip in the pool or get a little sun while Eddie and I fix us something to eat."

"Okay, Aunt Jo," Sharon replied, looking out at the pool, "I'd like that!"

Sharon went back into the house, wandering around a bit in the sprawling ranch house until she located her own room. She shucked off her traveling clothes and put on the new, one-piece suit she had bought especially for this trip.

Her eyes opened wide as she checked herself out in the large wall mirror. The form-fitting swimsuit was very tight and clearly displayed the ripening body of the young woman she was becoming. The straight little figure she had been accustomed to all her life had now assumed a slight hourglass shape. However, it was the way the tiny mounds of her breasts with their taut, hard nipples poking out through the thin material of the suit that especially concerned her. She was hesitant to go back out and allow her uncle to see her like that.

Realizing that the longer she waited, the more likely it was that she would have come up with an explanation for why she was gone so long, she shrugged off her reluctance and headed back outside.

Before stepping through the glass patio-door, Sharon looked around. She didn't see JoAnn anywhere in the area, but Ed was standing beside the brick barbecue on the patio, preparing the coals. Sharon quietly slid the door open and tentatively stepped out onto the patio.

Ed looked up and smiled at her. His eyes scanned up and down his young niece's swim-suit-clad body and he let out with a wolf whistle.

Sharon's face flushed and she took off running for the pool and dove in.


Sharon had been swimming for about fifteen minutes when she noticed JoAnn standing at the edge of the pool.

"C'mon, honey, dinner's ready!" her aunt called out.

JoAnn had also changed clothes. She was now wearing a very tiny, florescent green bikini. She was breathtakingly beautiful, looking as if she had just stepped off a page from the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition.

They walked over to the patio and Sharon quickly sat down opposite Ed, trying to keep herself hidden below the edge of the table. She watched her aunt as JoAnn finished setting up, moving about with grace and confidence. Sharon was envious of her aunt's beauty and poise and she fervently hoped that she could someday be like that, although she felt tremendously out-classed at the moment.

They spent the remainder of the afternoon lounging about the pool, talking, sunning, and swimming. Her aunt and uncle made her feel so welcome and comfortable, Sharon gradually loosened up and relaxed, overcoming her self-consciousness.


The next day was Saturday and, after a couple of hours of pool time in the morning, JoAnn and Ed took Sharon out and showed her around town, went shopping in the exclusive shopping district in Palm Desert, and had dinner at a ritzy restaurant.

On Sunday, they took a drive through the desert then up into the cooler elevations of the local mountains. Upon their return to the low desert, it was still quite warm despite it being after dark, so they took a cooling plunge in the pool and then relaxed in the hot tub.


On Monday morning, Ed had to go to work, so Sharon and JoAnn were left to themselves. They got up early so they could go horseback riding through the desert while it was still cool.

Returning a few hours later, they wiped the horses down and turned them loose in the corral.

Walking back from the stable, Sharon eyed the swimming pool and gasped, "Gosh, Aunt Jo, I'm so hot! That pool sure looks inviting!"

"Whew... it sure does!" JoAnn agreed, wiping her hand across her forehead, leaving a dirty streak across her beautiful face. She looked down at herself and patted the front of her blouse, raising a cloud of dust. "I feel like I brought half the desert back with me. I guess we'd better take a shower first or we'll turn the pool into a mud bath!"

Sharon looked down at herself and patted her chest. Dust billowed upward. "I guess I must have brought back the other half!" she giggled.

They entered the poolside cabana and the older woman quickly and unselfconsciously stripped off her dusty clothes. She stepped under one of the three showerheads on the wall and turned it on. Sharon just stood there, watching, as JoAnn soaped down her exquisite young body. As JoAnn bent over to soap her legs, Sharon watched her full, round breasts dangle below her, jiggling and swaying as she moved her arms.

Straightening up, JoAnn looked over at her niece, standing there watching her, still fully dressed. A puzzled expression crossed her pretty face. "What are you waiting for, honey?" she asked. "You're not too shy to get naked around your old Aunt Jo, are you?"

"" Sharon stammered.

JoAnn chuckled. "You don't have to be shy around me...we're family, remember?" She returned her attention to her shower while Sharon began to hesitantly unbutton her shirt.

Entranced, Sharon continued to watch her aunt as the older woman washed her lush body, sliding her hands all around her flat, soapy belly and up and over and around the shapely mounds of her breasts. Picking up the bar of soap, she ran it back and forth across the neat little patch of blond fur at her crotch, then put it down and used both hands to thoroughly scrub her pussy and thighs.

Sharon slowly pulled her shirt off as her aunt stepped back under the showerhead. As she watched the cascading water sluice the soapy lather from her aunt's luscious body, Sharon said in a low voice, "You have beautiful breasts, Aunt Jo!"

JoAnn looked up at her niece, then down at her breasts. She slid her hands up her belly and cupped them to her titties, hefting them gently in her palms. "Why, thank you, honey. I'm rather proud of them," she said, gently massaging those lovely globes. "They're not too big, but I think they have a rather nice shape. I think shape is much more important than size, anyway, don't you?" She looked up at Sharon and smiled.

Sharon, shirtless now, looked down at her own tiny mounds and said, "Do you think mine will ever look like that, Aunt Jo?"

"Sure! Probably better!" JoAnn laughed. "Just look at your mother! I was always jealous of her titties. Even after thirty-five years and five kids, she's still got great boobs! With genes like ours, I don't think you have anything to worry about."

Sharon, her shyness alleviated by her aunt's matter-of-factness about their bodies, finished undressing and stepped under a showerhead. As she washed her own slim, young body, she continued to watch JoAnn. Finishing her shower, JoAnn turned off the water, grabbed a towel, and began patting herself dry.

"Uhhhhh... Aunt Jo?" Sharon said, her voice hesitant. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, honey, what do you want to know?" JoAnn replied.

" come you don't have any tan lines on your body from your swimming suit?"

JoAnn burst out laughing, turning her back to her niece and looking over her shoulder at the girl. She lightly stroked her fingertips across the smoothly, tanned skin of her shapely buttock.

"Ah-hah!" she said. "You certainly are observant!" She turned back and said, "Well...I could give you the excuse that, being in the business, I can't predict what I might be wearing for a project so I have to keep everything evenly tanned so anything I wear looks right."

"Oh, yeah..." Sharon nodded in understanding. "I guess that makes sense."

JoAnn smiled wickedly. "But, like I said, that would just be an excuse...because, you see, the real reason I don't have any tan lines is that when Eddie and I are here alone, we just don't bother to wear swimsuits."

Sharon gasped and her eyes opened wide as the image of her aunt and uncle, outdoors and naked, flashed through her head.

JoAnn smiled at the shocked look on her young niece's face. "After all," she said, "the purpose of lounging around the pool is to relax, have fun, and get a tan, isn't it?" JoAnn held up three fingers and ticked them off. "One: it's certainly more comfortable and relaxing to be naked than to wear a tight, wet swimming suit all the time. Two: it's definitely a lot more fun. And three..." she turned around again and patted her butt, "as you can see, there's no question you get a better tan!"

JoAnn laughed, caressing the smooth, golden-tanned skin of her shapely ass. "Besides," she continued, "Eddie and I both think the human body is beautiful and should be seen! Eddie likes to look at me, naked, and I just love to look at Eddie when he's naked...he's such a hunk! Don't you think so?"

Sharon started. "I...uhhh...well...I...uhhhh..." she nervously stammered.

JoAnn giggled. "You thought I didn't notice you checking out my Eddie? You seemed to be especially interested in that bulge in the front of his swimsuit!"

Sharon gasped, her face flushing red, and she cast her eyes downward in embarrassment.

JoAnn laughed again at her young niece's discomfort. "Oh, crap...I'm sorry if I embarrassed you, but it's OK, honey," she said, "I can certainly understand a woman wanting to get a look at my Eddie! I certainly enjoy doing it. And I don't mind if other girls want to look, too."

JoAnn smiled. "You know, Eddie and I are so used to running around here naked, I'll bet he was real uncomfortable having to wear his swimsuit all weekend," JoAnn laughed. "I know I was!"

Sharon giggled along with her aunt and continued washing as she thought about the things JoAnn had said. After a few moments she said, "You know, I guess you're right. It really doesn't make a lot of sense to try to get a tan while you're still partly covered up. It just leaves white marks on your body. And I can see by looking at you that it looks much nicer if you're tanned all over."

Sharon finished showering and JoAnn handed her a towel. As Sharon dried her naked body, JoAnn watched her silently. When her niece finished drying and picked up her swimsuit, she said, "Would you like to try it, honey?"

Sharon looked up questioningly. "Try what?" she asked.


Sharon's eyes opened wide. "What? Me? Oh...I...I don't know...I...uhhh..." she stammered.

"Why not, honey? We're here alone...and we've already seen each other naked! C'mon, give it a try! See how wonderful it feels to have the sun shine on places it's never shone on before. And how nice it feels to swim without anything on!" JoAnn urged enticingly.

"Well...I guess I could try it..." Sharon muttered uncertainly. "Since we've already seen each other anyway, I guess it doesn't really matter..."

"That's the spirit, sweetie! Let's go! I guarantee you'll enjoy it!" JoAnn assured her.

JoAnne confidently led the way back out to the pool and Sharon followed, somewhat hesitantly. The young girl felt strange, stepping out into the bright sunlight and feeling the sun's rays warming areas of her body it had never touched before. Her eyes followed the swaying of her aunt's firm, round buttocks as she walked ahead of her. Again, she envied her aunt's grace, beauty, and self-confidence. Sharon felt strange and awkward, herself, as she walked around the pool, naked. She had never realized how big a part clothes play in one's self-image. Seeing the casual ease with which her aunt carried herself, despite being nude, showed that JoAnn had no need for clothing to bolster her ego. She was entirely comfortable with herself without any artificial accoutrements.

"Go ahead and relax in the sun, honey, or go for a swim," JoAnn suggested. ''I'm going to get us some drinks. I'm really parched after that ride in the desert!"

JoAnn went on into the house while Sharon stood there undecided. After a few moments, she turned and stepped up to the edge of the pool and dove in. As her slim young body cut through the surface, she felt the cool, clear water coursing over her small, still-developing breasts and across her uncovered vagina. She smiled at this new and pleasant sensation which she had never experienced before. She swam back and forth across the pool, thoroughly enjoying the sense of freedom she felt without the encumbrance of a swimming suit.

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