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Papa and I Ch. 03

Story Info
Papa and Erin's relationship begins to develop.
4.2k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 01/24/2014
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Author's Note: I wanted to thank Becca, my wonderful new editor, who helped make this chapter read so much better! To the readers who expressed their enjoyment of my story and continue to read, thank you so much! Please enjoy!


My Papa let me sleep for a few hours before he woke me again and fucked me twice. The first time there was no finesse, just dirty, hard, exquisitely brutal fucking that had me clutching the sheets and fucking back to meet his thrusts. When I came, screaming with his big hand fisted tightly around my cock, I saw stars. Then when HE spilled his hot semen inside of me, I arched my back and preened like a delighted cat.

The second time, he rolled me onto my back and forbid me from touching him or myself. Then he proceeded to worship my body with skilled deliberate touches that worked me up to such a fever pitch. I could do little more than gulp in hitched breaths. He then hooked my ankles over his shoulders and fucked me so slowly that I was sobbing and begging for mercy.

But Papa knew what he was doing as he hit my prostate again and again with his excruciatingly tender thrusts. He literally fucked my orgasm from me without ever touching my cock, making me shoot so hard I painted my own chin and throat with my cum. Then I embarrassingly passed out; no debate about it that time. I woke a long minute later with him shaking my shoulder and laughing at me. That had been little over an hour ago.

He was sleeping soundly now, lying half atop me and half-suffocating me, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Especially, when I could feel his soft breath against the skin of my throat where his face was buried. His soft but still large cock was pressing against my thigh.

The torchlights were out. So, I opened the curtains with a lazy wave of my hand from where we lay, wanting to let the light of the moon in. Then I stroked his long wavy hair from his face so that I could stare for a while at his perfectly chiseled, ruggedly handsome face. My chest ached with want again as I took in his features. With my heart thrumming uncomfortably, I averted my attention to the silver moon, and absentmindedly rubbed my hand up and down his bare back.

Oddly, I had finally gotten to fuck my father, but I was no closer to being sated now than when I had started this hours ago. In fact, I wanted him more. I felt needy and possessive of him, but even I knew he was not the monogamous sort. Hell, I never thought myself to be THAT sort either. I thought he was just a depraved fantasy I wanted to act out...

Who am I trying to convince? I saved my anal virginity for him. What fucking guy does that? Who in the damned 21st century still did that? I felt morose at that line of thought.

I hugged him tightly to myself, unreasonably feeling that the moment he goes from this bed, this thing between would be gone too.

I felt his cock start to swell against my thigh. Seconds later, he was burrowing his face deeper into my neck until his nostrils were pressed against the sensitive skin there. He took a deep inhalation and sighed.

"Good evening." He greeted with a light kiss to my neck.

And I? Well I turned to mush inside and my body felt heated all over.

"Good evening." I said, feeling uncommonly shy.

He lifted his head and squinted sleep-bleared eyes at me. I let out a soft laugh at how adorable he looked and couldn't stop myself from reaching my hands up to rub carefully at his eyes.


Papa shifted until he was lying fully on top of me, him between my legs, and our hardened cocks pressed together. He grinned boyishly and said, "Much better."

I laughed. I never knew he could be like this. Playful, and so endearingly sweet.

He lowered his head and kissed me. There was no rush or fervor, just an unhurried mating of lips. When he started rocking his hips so our cocks slid divinely together, I kissed him just a little harder and raised my knees to bracket his waist, toes curling.

The room was noticeably quiet, except for the soft sounds of rustling sheets and kisses, but it was a good kind of quiet. It made me feel more in tune to the physical sensations. My skin felt more sensitive and tingly where our bare bodies were rubbing. I was especially delighted by the sensations caused by his big, warm hands. One of them slid slowly from my ankle, to bent knee, to thigh and ass, then back down to my ankle again. Over and over he slid, with firm squeezes along the way. His other hand was cupped at my nape with his fingers gently massaging me.

I was left feeling treasured and pampered and like I was the luckiest man in the world. I hugged him tightly to me, my hands exploring the huge expanse of smooth sinewy muscles at his shoulders and back.

I rocked my hips to match his rhythm and, unsurprisingly, I was soon moaning and panting.

"You close?" He asked, rocking his hips harder and more insistently.

I swallowed with difficulty and nodded a silent "yes".

He resumed kissing me then, and the hand that was rubbing at my legs found its way between us. He took both of our cocks in his large hand and tightened. Then, he was rocking and his hand was pumping. We both came to shuddering climaxes moments later, him growling, and me crying out a keening noise into his mouth.

Papa peppered kisses from the side of my mouth to my throat. He lapped and kissed lightly before he finally took my flesh into his mouth and sucked hard. I lay boneless under him with a dazed smile until he finished his sucking and popped his head back up to examine his handiwork. He grinned proudly at his hickey and said, "Now THAT is even better!"

A sudden territorial and naughty thought occurred to me then. I nudged him to indicate that I wanted him to roll onto his back. He indulged me with an amused smile. I slid down his body under the cover of the duvet. My hands touched every inch of skin I encountered and my mouth traced along after. When I saw his still hard cock wet with our cum, I couldn't resist taking it into my mouth and cleaning it. I moaned. It seemed I had been moaning in humiliating abundance in the last eight hours or so, but who wouldn't with the taste of us on his throbbing, thick cock?

"Oh sshhiit, Erin. You are so good with your mouth." I heard him sigh above me.

Giving him a blowjob was not my objective, however much I was rethinking that now with my mouth wrapped tight around his cock. Nonetheless, when I was sure the last visage of our jizz was lapped up with my tongue, I forced myself to get back to my initial business and made him spread his legs. I rubbed his inner thighs lightly as I debated where to place my hickey. In the end, I decided it really didn't matter which, because I was so gonna do it again.

I grazed my lips from his furred balls to the tender skin at the junction of his left thigh. Then, I took a mouthful of that skin between my front teeth, biting down with the lightest pressure before licking it and letting it slip away. I did that a few more times before he tossed the bedcovers from us so he could watch me at it. I winked up at him and then took the wet flesh in my mouth again. Then I began to suck, every once in a while letting my tongue bathe the tortured skin. After a few sucks, I had a tantalizing close taste of the blood just below the surface of his thin skin and I sucked harder. For a teeth-aching moment I wanted to break that skin, just so I could get another mouthful of his enriching blood, but somehow resisted.

I was jarred from my feverish sucking when his cock gave an enthusiastic jump and slapped against my cheek. I broke out in light laughter and took the huge, turgid cock in hand and gave it a few appeasing strokes. Papa looked anything but amused as he gazed down at me with heat in his eyes.

"It'll be gone in just an hour." He said, and I thought I heard bitter regret in his words. "Yours will take longer, but it'll be gone a few hours."

He was referring to our vampiric abilities to regenerate and heal ourselves. So long as we had blood to replenish us, we could remain as we were forever. It was the reason my tiny pussyhole will always go back to its virginal tightness. Unless I remained forever impaled on his thick cock, which I actually have no objections to...but back to the point.

Due to the fact that I am much younger and half human, my abilities to heal and regenerate worked more slowly than father's. Plus, since I wasn't quite done maturing and hadn't turned immortal yet, and probably would not for another few years, I was to a degree, vulnerable. For instance, if I were to ever get into a scuffle that resulted in minor bruising and cuts, they would be noticeably gone in just a few hours. If, however, I were ever staked through the heart or another vital organ, I would very likely die. In that situation, only ancient blood like Papa's, could save me. Even then, only if it was readily available seconds after the blow was delivered. Recovery would still not come quickly and there would be definite scarring.

That is why Papa had let me feed only from his rich blood as a child. He was old, even for a vampire, and powerful to a fearful degree. If Papa was staked through the heart, he would take it back out, shove it down his attacker's throat, and an hour later the wound would have healed without a trace of it ever having been there.

Still, I learned today that Papa wasn't without scars. He had quite of few of them, but I knew that they were all from long ago during his time as the Viking warrior, Eirik Grimsson, or as he was known then, Eirik the Berserker. That was before our Queen had turned him.

Sometimes, like when he looked troubled at the fact that our hickeys would fade too quickly, I wondered if he regretted not being human. I loved being a vampire, but I was born one. Papa was MADE into one. I only realized now that he never told me how it came to be.

I looked down at the huge purple mark I left on his thigh feeling the pride he must have felt when he gave me mine and pressed my lips to it. Then, I made my way slowly up over his body, peppering kisses along the way and never breaking our eye contact. With every kiss, I was happy to see his somber expression melting away.

He laughed amusedly when I straddled his hips, took his face in my hands, and with exuberant "muahing" ardor, kissed his chin, his jaws, his nose, his brows, his closed eyelids and cheeks. When I was sure I had kissed every part of his face, I planted my mouth over his, beginning a leisurely, open-mouthed, probing kiss that I hoped would convey my deep desire for him.

After a long while and a few gyrations later, I ended the kiss with a nip at his top lip.

"I will put it back on, every hour, on the hour." I promised him in an overly bright voice.

Papa didn't say anything, just looked at me with a heart-melting half smile, eyes shining with unconcealed...adoration, But I mustn't get my hopes up, I mentally cautioned myself. After all, Papa had loved my mother too...and that had not lasted more than a few weeks!

I ducked my head, suddenly unable to look him in the eyes, but his warm palm came up to one side of my face and guided my gaze back to him.

"Yeah." He acquiesced simply.

He brought my face down to his and he kissed me with such a heated, heart-rending passion that I actually ached to the point that I had to squeeze my eyes shut against tears. I feared that the shaking sob that was wrenched from my throat and the desperate way that I was clutching to his skin gave me away though.

My heart was pounding when I felt him reach behind me for his cock. I raised my ass wordlessly following his lead. The head of his pre-cum slick cock found my significantly shrunken and rejuvenated hole and pressed up firmly. Just as I was lowering myself over its tip a loud, GUUHRRRRLLL, resounded between us. We both froze.

Just like that, the moment was shattered and then stomped to fine granules by the hungry growl my stomach made in an inopportune protest to being starved.

I was mortified like I have NEVER been in my entire 18 years. I was sure I was blushing an obvious red all over as well.

And Papa? Well, at first he had looked quite as stunned as I did, but now he was roaring in uncontained laughter. It was the first that I had heard of it, in several years now. This laugh consisted of deep, rumbling, HAR-HAR-HARs, his head thrown back in unbidden hilarity and his body shaking from it.

His amusement was so infectious that I chuckled a bit too before I smacked his arm and gave a complained, "Papaah!" But my failed attempt to hide my smile made it easy for him to see that there was no malice in it.

"Erin..." He paused a moment in order to suck in a few breaths and to let out a few last ebbing chuckles. Then, eyes shining with mirth, he took my face in his hands, pressing our foreheads and noses together. "My delicate love. Forgive me. Sometimes I forget you need more than just blood."

"Don't remind me!" I cried, partly in jest. "I would have you pounding inside me now if I didn't have this revolting need to eat."

"No, don't say that," He said, instantly sobered. He took my chin and made me look into his eyes. "I love that you eat. I remember how much I enjoyed eating back when I was still human." He broke in with a laugh, "And food could be a bit revolting back then, not like the four star cuisine available nowadays."

He paused looking far away as if he was recalling it. With an outward shake of his head, he broke out of his reverie a few seconds later and he blew out a tired breath.

"Sweetheart," he continued, bringing a warm hand to press flat over my heart, palm against my chest. "It is another thing that makes you different...just like your heartbeat." He tapped a finger of that hand on my chest to the rhythm of my heartbeat. At his words and his actions, my heart raced faster. In synchronicity, his finger tapped faster, and he looked into my eyes as if he understood.

"I learned yours within a few hours of your birth. I would know it in a room filled with a thousand others." He admitted. "I used to sit with you when you were a babe, and listen to it for hours, telling myself that you needed me to feel safe, but it was the other way around. Hearing the drumming of your heart made ME feel safe."

He paused again, and I don't know if he wanted for me to respond, but I didn't know what to say.

"You ARE my heart. You are all that remains human of me. All that is HUMANE of me."

Papa was frowning again, too somber and too serious. "The moment that this heartbeat stops," his finger stilled on my chest, "it will mean only one of two things. One, you have died. Two, you have become completely like me, wholly vampire." He made number two sound like a worse sentence than death.

"If you die, I will follow you by walking into the sun." I knew from the way he said it, that this was a fact he was stating and not just his wishes. "If you become like me..."

Papa swallowed hard and then quite suddenly squeezed me hard to his chest.

"I will kill you and then I will embrace the sun."

I was struck by the knowledge then, that I never knew my Papa at all. He was intense, and I liked it. In spite of his revelation, I wanted to learn more. I was even more attracted to the man he is, than I had been to my idea of him.

I curled my legs and arms around him, returning the breath-constricting hug in an attempt to soothe or reassure him. We stayed motionless, like that for a while, until my stomach made a second less-deafening call for attention.

Papa laughed again, but less enthusiastically.

He swatted my butt, something I noticed he liked to do, and said, "Go shower, I'll call downstairs for food to be prepared."

The erotic sting that remained from his swat and the image of us in the shower had my softened cock refilling. I batted my lashes at him and asked, "Join me?"

Smiling, Papa shook his head "no".

"Go on ahead. If we shower together we won't make downstairs for a WHI-le," he dragged out that last word. "And that just won't do because I need to feed my baby." With that, he gave me a chaste kiss on my forehead and set me off of him like I weighed no more than a feather.

I turned on my hands and knees as if crawling to the foot of the bed, but stopped when I knew he had a good view of my ass. I pretended to yawn and stretch spreading my knees wide apart I slid my hands out in front of me on the bed so that my face and upper body were low and nearly touching the bed.

Flexing my back in a way that made my pink hole appear and disappear, I said in the sexiest 'come-fuck-me' voice I could manage, "So feed me, Daddy."

He gave a pained groan and, before I could react, his hand smacked down on my one of my cheeks so hard I screeched out in pain.

When the real pain had gone and my ass was warm and smarting, I realized my cock was leaking and that my hips were still rolling. Then, a second blow came down just as hard on my other cheek and a strangled, "Nnnguuhh!" was ripped from me.

"Papa!" Fuck! It was madness how he could pull me in so different extremes of emotion, in such a short amount of time. "Please? Please, just put it in. You don't have to fuck me. I just want to feel you slide into my ass, just once more."

We both knew I was lying. I NEEDED him to fuck me.

His voice was hoarse and unsteady when he replied. "The faster you shower and eat, the sooner your gorgeous hole will be jammed full of my cock and cum."

Painfully aroused, I gave a heated, frustrated groan. I looked back at him in anger for the first time, but seeing the determined expression on his face and the way he ignored his stiff, bobbing shaft to slip off the side of the bed away from me, I sighed in defeat.

"Fine!" I hopped of the bed and hurried to his private bathroom to take a quick, cold shower.

With a wet, soapy bath towel, I roughly, and with as much indifference as I could muster, set to thoroughly cleaning myself of sex and musk from our heady activities. When I got to my ass, though, which was caked with dried cum as well as leaking my father's fresh cum, I used the towel to clean it with slow, less indifferent rubs.

I was so horned up, I started fucking my asspussy with one and then two soapy fingers, trying to convince myself I was only making sure I was thoroughly clean. I barely stifled my moans. It was only when I had almost collapsed to the tiled floor on trembling legs that I forced myself to cease finger fucking my hungry hole. With stiffened limbs, I let the water rinse off the soap and all evidence of my father's essence from me. Then, I shut off the water and stepped from the shower.

When I re-entered his bedroom, modestly covered in his huge fluffy, bathrobe, I saw him sitting naked at the love seat. He looked pensive with his elbows on his knees and his fisted hands pressed against his mouth. His attention was immediately diverted to me, however, when I took another careful step into the room.

Before I could say a word, he stood facing me and the breath was knocked from me. He. Was. Magnificent. And still noticeably hard. I took a deep breath in order to calm myself, and instead got a lung full of the scents of our mingled fluids and sex wafting off of him. What little control I had over my libido slipped.

I managed to yank the robe ties from around my waist, but in a blur of movement he was right in front of me, clasping the loosened robe closed.

"Be...have!" He ground out with difficulty, his eyes flashing black. He took a deep breath and his eyes fluttered shut, his nostrils flaring. He stopped breathing then and we stood at an impasse until he seemed to regain some composure. His voice was not quite steady, when he pleaded, "Please, my heart. Get dressed in what I have laid out for you, and head downstairs to dine a short while without me. I will join you soon."


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