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Paradise Isle - The Pony Pt. 02


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Charming? She thought.

But with more encouragement from the crop, she slowly developed that habit, too.

It was tedious work. Around and around the training area she went, always under his watchful eye. And constantly being encouraged both verbally and with the crop.

Until he was satisfied with her progress. "Okay, you're doing pretty well. We'll be practicing that prancing walk, and even a trot, every day. But now it's time for basic commands."

Then, one by one, he explained the verbal commands she'd have to learn and obey. The process gave Summer a thrill. During her studies about ponyplay she had encountered all of them, and fantasized about being required to perform them, as a pony. Now here she was, a real pony girl, being taught by a real trainer. It was her fetish dreams come true.

Over the next couple hours, Antonio worked on each command, and trained her in how she was expected to perform to each.

Throughout, the morning, he used his handy riding crop to encourage her. Tapping, poking and swatting her painfully on the ass when she didn't perform as he thought she should.

She wound up with a very sore ass. And she was sure that it was red and striped, for all to see.

Finally, Antonio began leading her back into the barn. "It's lunch time.

"If you continue doing so well with your training, you'll have your bells by the weekend." He said as they walked along. She made an effort to look at him questioningly. And he picked up on her confusion.

"Oh, the bells are a sign of a proud and well-trained pony. A status symbol. That's why Sally and Flower have theirs and Missy doesn't."

Bells. She'd have bells on her nipples. The thought both fascinated her, and frightened her.

In the barn, the daily feeding ritual was performed. The girls all received their bowl of pony mash, and with their bits removed, gobbled it down without a word, while standing side-by-side.

Summer was getting used to eating her meals like an animal, without utensils or hands. It was what ponies did. And she was a pony.

"We have two more ponies, joining us, tomorrow. Another filly and a fine, experienced stallion." One of the trainers said as the ponies were eating.

Summer felt Flower, standing next to her sigh. While Sally on her other side, moaned quietly. She wasn't sure what the reactions meant, until another trainer added, "yes, he should make a nice stud for our fillies."

Oh hell, she thought, breeding.

Finished with her feeding, Antonio cleaned Summer's messy mouth before reinserting her bit. Then he led her out through the pastern and into a larger, open pasture area. Where he released his hold on her. "Summer you're free to roam around this field. It's where we practice running, in hooves.

"It's also a good place for ponies to relieve themselves. So, I want you to take a minute and pee."

Here, now? She thought. Out in the open, where anyone can see?

When she didn't respond quickly enough, he gave her a swat.

"Summer this is another aspect of pony life you'll get used to. Ponies relieve themselves whenever and wherever they feel the need. So, after eating and drinking it's only natural for you to pee.

"Afterwards, if I'm around, or if your owner or a handler is around, they'll clean you up, as needed."

She stood looking at him. Unwilling to just squat and pee, in front of him, and out here in the open.

"Summer, do it now." He ordered and took his riding crop out of its holster on his belt and slapped his hand, meaningfully with it.

She didn't want to feel the sting again so she bucked up her resolve to be a good pony, and squatted, but Antonio immediately corrected her. "Don't squat, just spread your legs, and stand tall or you may pee on your tail."

She looked at him, for a moment, not thrilled by his command, but under threat of another whipping she assumed the position.

It took her a while to relax enough to release her bladder, but she finally succeeded, and her urine splattered onto the ground between her hooves.

When she had finished, she stepped back and allowed her trainer, to wipe her damp pussy with a baby wipe. That was perhaps the most humiliating occurrence of the day, so far.

"Good, now in future, you shouldn't need my suggestion or encouragement. When you need to pee, pony girl, just spread your legs and do it. Understand?"

Summer stomped a hoof, 'yes'.

"And when you need to shit. You will inform us by standing still and doing a double stomp, one with each hoof. You know, clip-clop. One of us will undo your straps and remove your plug. You can take your dump, and we'll clean you and relace your tail and straps. Understood?"

Summer stomped a hoof. But she was totally grossed out. Was she really expected to take a shit, in public, supervised by a trainer?

"So, do you need to relieve your bowels? Now would be a good time."

Summer couldn't. She just couldn't, so she stomped her hoof, twice,

"Alright, I warned you."

Shaking his head, he reached up and clipped her reins back on her bit and led her to a back corner of the barn, behind the stable portion.

There she saw a tiled area with shower heads and hoses mounted on the walls, and big drains in the floor.

"Now Summer, I don't expect any trouble from you during your washing. You have to be clean for your trip to the clinic. And, you don't want to get me wet, or make me angry. Understand?"

Hesitantly, Summer stomped her hoof, 'yes'.

For the next twenty minutes, or so, Summer was sprayed from the shower heads and the hose by Antonio, her groom.

She was hosed down, sprayed with soap, scrubbed with a long-handled brush, and then hosed down again. All while standing in her harness and hooves, twirling and bending to is commands.

Although the water was warm and the brush soft, it was still another uncomfortable and humiliating experience.

Finished with the washing, Antonio used several towels and a big hair drier to finish the process. Much to Summer's relief.

"Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" he asked.

Summer thought for a moment and then stomped her hoof, once; 'yes'?

"Yes, it was bad, or 'yes it wasn't that bad?" he said chuckling at her. Playing with her.

Frustrated she turned away, but she didn't get far, as Antonio had a hold on her reins.

"Come on, now, we need to get you loaded and over to the clinic."

'Loaded', she wondered.

He led her to a literal horse trailer, but one partitioned into telephone booth, sized cubicles, padded for the pony's comfort.

She was the only one to be transported so she was placed into the first slot on the left, with a small window at head height.

When the door was closed, she was secured in a standing position with her head in front of the open window.

Antonio then got into the pickup truck to which the trailer was attached and drove away.

Standing in her little prison, Summer stumbled and swayed as they drove down the road. When the truck stopped, she bumped the front wall and when it accelerated, she was bumped against the back. The thick padding saved her from injury.

The trip was short and the speeds on the island never exceeded 40kph. Thank heaven.

All the while, Summer's pony head was on display to everyone they encountered. Drivers and pedestrians. Mostly locals but some visitors, too. Many laughed and waved, and she did her best to simply ignore them.

Summer was unloaded in the Hospital's lot, in front of the clinic dedicated to serving guests, and she was unceremoniously led into the building's reception area.

The few people there, watched her intently. They too were guests, there for some other purpose or procedure.

After a quick check-in, a nurse led the pony and her trainer into an exam room.

A doctor soon showed up and without much discussion, Summer was perched upon an exam table and her nipples were cleaned, anesthetized, pierced and then anointed with some magical cream.

It went so quickly and painlessly; Summer was left dazed. How could it be that easy?

An hour later, after the ointment had supposedly done its job a body jeweler came in and inserted two large rings into the holes. And that was it!

As Antonio led her out of the building, he explained.

"Our clinic is the finest in the word, at least for what's required her by our guests, with the newest medicines on hand, or so they tell me. That's why your procedure was so easy. The holes, by the way are quire permeant. They'll never heal over. And the rings can never be opened and removed, they'll have to be cut. We'll do that, if your owner wishes, before you leave us."

Before she was loaded into the trailer for the return trip, Antonio produced a pair of chains and secured them to her new rings and then to her bridle's rings.

Testing the result, she found that, just as she'd suspected, too much movement of her head, meant a pull on her nipples. She was actually pleased that her collar held her head so stiffly. The thing prevented inadvertent yanking on her nips.

Back at the stables she felt the pulling on her breasts a she moved her head, but there was no real pain, only a dull ache. She could look down and see the things poking through her poor nipples; they looked huge! Unfortunately, ponies don't get mirrors in their stalls, so she didn't get a good look.

She could only imagine how difficult it would be to hide them beneath her clothes, if she decided to keep them in place when she went back to the real world.

Antonio took her out into the paddock, and they resumed her training regimen. Prancing practice, and commands, over and over. She saw the others doing much the same, under the watchful eyes of their trainers.

She saw Flower, who as one would expect, performing flawlessly and gracefully. She was indeed a perfect ponygirl. Summer wondered if she could ever look that grand.

While she moved, her nipples did ache, with the chains pulling one way and the weight of her breasts, the other. She tried to rub them but her hard hooves contacting her nips made hurt worse. She found she could use her smooth forearms to caress them. And that helped a little.

After a couple of tedious hours, Antonio walked her through a gate and into the large, empty pasture.

"Relax here for a while. Go for a run." Antonio said as he unclipped her reins, but left her bit in place.

When she only took a desultory step, he slapped her on the but with his hand, and she jumped as he hollered, "go!" So, she ran away and out into the big open space. But she didn't go far. With her tight corset, she couldn't draw enough breath to support her body's need for oxygen. She was panting in no time and had to stop to catch her breath.

After only a couple dozen yards, she slowed to a walk and settled down to catch her breath and enjoy the fresh air and the open views.

She also saw guests, in the distance, back by the main resort buildings, walking and talking, and looking her way.

While she wandered around the big open space, she felt a growing need to pee. And that was followed by a realization that she needed to poop, too. Damn!

When she looked around, she saw Antonio standing back by the barn, in conversation with another trainer.

Rather than pee in front of them, she squatted where she was and released her bladder.

Only afterward did she realize that there was no way to wipe herself. Damn! Where was Antonio when you needed him. She thought.

When she looked over in his direction, she saw both trainers watching her and smiling.

Humiliated, but needing a wipe she walked over in their direction.

"Well done pony." Antonio said, pleased, as she got close. "Here let me wipe you. We don't want any nasty smells or infections. And it's almost time to call it a day."

Summer was relieved when the other trainer left them to return into the barn. AS soon as he was out of sight she did the double-stomp that he'd told her about earlier.

"Oh, so now you need to relieve your bowels? Fine step away from the building a bit. So, your dung won't be in everyone's way."

Oh, God, how embarrassing.

Antonio then dug into his bag and removed a pair of rubber gloves and slid them on before turning her around so he could unbuckle the little straps that held her plug and its attached tail in place. With them out of the way he, gently pulled the plug out of her ass.

She held her breath until it was clear and then let out a sigh of relief. The thing was big and it hurt coming out, or going in.

Summer stood still for a moment unsure and unwilling to shit, right there in front of him, and anyone else.

"Well? Get it over with." He prodded her.

Summer sighed, and squatted and after a while she pushed out her 'dung'.

When she felt done, she stood up and bent forward a bit so Antonio could wipe her ass with a couple of wipes, before he lubed her and reinserted her plug and tail.

He wasn't as gentle as he could have been and she groaned as the thing finally bottomed out in her bottom.

With her crotch straps re-buckled, Antonio called "move out of the way," as he dropped the gloves and wipes onto the stinking pile, stepped over, grabbed a shovel and used it to pick it all up and deposit it in a filthy drum over in a corner.

"Alright Summer, that's enough for you, today. I'm sure you'd agree that you've been through a lot."

She stomped her hoof, once in reply, like a good pony.

Antonio smiled and pushed a candy into her mouth, "good girl."

She was pleased when he then led her out and back to the path that led to the resort, toward her stall and Scott.

"Remember your training!" Antonio scolded her and gave her a swat, as they began down the pathway. Excited to get home, she'd relaxed her posture and wasn't lifting her knees like a good pony should. She corrected herself and was soon drawing interested, and entertained stares from the numerous people walking by.

As they got closer to the particular building that included their suite, and her stable, Summer began getting self-conscious about her new jewelry. She knew that Scott had always loved her breasts, and she wondered, what he would think about her new nipple rings.

It had been a long day for pony Summer, her first full day as a ponygirl. And although much of it was as she'd anticipated, and hoped for, a lot of it was unexpected, and uncomfortably eye-opening -- to say the least.

To be continued...

From the Author: Please comment on my stories. All thoughts, positive or negative are welcome. If negative, please extend the courtesy of providing constructive criticism. Thanks.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

It's getting more and more interesting! Good boy. Write other that you are good at provoking interest

AviciaAviciaabout 2 years ago

Great continuation but please correct the spelling of ‘trough’ for what horses drink from. We have a lovely stone one outside our 200 year old cow barn.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Oops, sorry for the double post.

But she surely wants to stay. It has been a big transformation for her, it would be a pity to waste that after just 2 weeks. Would be better suited for 2 years. :D

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great start. Let's see if she wants to stay at the end. She could work for the government of the island. They surely want to build more holiday resort related stuff. She could plan part time and be a pony most of the time. To become a pony-architect. :D

I like the idea with the hollow butt plug in the comments. But that will be a messy affair. Perhaps one where she still has control of her bowels?

hugh58hugh58about 2 years ago

Well written and a joy to read

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