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Payback Pt. 09


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"She is handling her tragedy very well Daniel, I think she will do well here."

"Keeping her busy is helping and sorting out the problem of her gift to the girls was tricky but came at an opportune moment, which I used to persuade Conchita to accept the money, all of the company's products are now owned by all of us," I explained, "So far in nine months we have recouped about fifty percent of our investment, not counting the cost of the patents and company costs."

Monday morning I said goodbye to all of them and went straight to work and packed orders and thought about Caroline's 'Double-double' vibe, it needed two battery packs but less material than the 'Triple' maybe as a semi-regular customer, I could get a discount. I decided to enquire about the cost in a few months when the profits allowed and our taxes if any, had been paid.

Alicia told me on skype that she had sold three of the paintings from the gallery for between $1,000 and $2,000 each as well as the four limited editions for $5,000 each netting her $24,000 and was so excited.

"Anton has invited all of us to see his stud farm near Christmas, somewhere east of the city next Sunday.

I'm so looking forward to getting some photos to paint."

"It'll make a change for all the family to do something together," I said, I didn't quite trust his reasons for his offer, is he after her potential money or her or is he just a nice guy, cultivating a talented artist and am I just a little jealous...?

I arrived on Friday and paid a visit to Conchita that night for a nice time in her bed and Carmen on Saturday night for a much more energetic couple of hours. Sunday morning Maddy and I went for a run and a rather chilly fuck but it was still good to be alone together.

After lunch we all rode in the Lincoln to Anton Lazarenko's stud farm, it was not a big farm, maybe forty or fifty acres with thirty or more horses, some in paddocks and some in the big stable block. Anton met us and introduce his charge hand Gary.

He was one of the ten staff employed by the farm, he escorted us around and gave us information on the animals and the farm's objectives. I noticed that Alicia had wandered off towards a corral containing a large horse, who was snorting and stamping his front foot. As she approached him he snapped at her and she pulled back, then moved in closer.

"HEY MISS! Get away from Rebel, he's dangerous!" Gary shouted as she put out a hand and he started running towards her, followed by me. Meanwhile she was patting the horse's nose and talking to him and he was just standing there letting her do it with his ears forward. Gary pulled up and grabbed her hand and started pulling her away.

"You can't go near him, he bites and kicks anyone who gets close, he's never even had a bridle put on him, I think the boss is going to get rid of him as being too dangerous," Gary told her. I arrived and walked with them back towards the group, then the horse neighed loudly.

We stopped and turned and Alicia waved at him and he started galloping around the corral and suddenly jumped over the fence and galloped towards us.

"RUN!!" Gary screamed and we started but I realised that Ali hadn't and was standing still as the horse charged towards her.

I thought she was going to be trampled before I could move but he skidded to a halt a couple of feet in front of her and put his head down to be petted again. She put out her hand and rubbed his nose and talked to him while we all stared, Ali stroked his cheek as men with lassoes converged.

"Get away Miss and we'll catch him," Gary said.

"No need for that, just open the gate please, I'll put him back in there," she said quietly and stroked his neck and gripped a handful of his mane and led him back to his corral, where a man opened the gate and she led him through and spoke to him before walking back out and round to where she was before.

He walked parallel to her but on the inside and stopped when she did and put his head over the fence and she stroked and talked to him again. With a final pat she turned and walked past Gary and me, back to the rest of the dumbstruck group.

"How-how did you do that?" Anton cried, dumbfounded. "I bought him at an auction with a couple of mares a few weeks ago and he has been trouble ever since, no one could get near him except Talia but she couldn't do anything with him. I was getting to the point where I was going to get rid of him as untameable... and you just did that!"

"I got all of that on film, Boss," one of the stable hands said.

"Excellent Ralph, download it onto the computer and put in on a flash drive for me please," Anton asked.

"Sure thing Boss," and he walked off towards the house where the office was to make the copy.

"I would like a copy of that film too, for Alicia, I don't think she realises what she has just done," I said.

The girls and Stella were clustered around Alicia asking her about what she had done and why she had done it.

"He was upset about being away from his mares, I think... I just talked to him and he calmed down but didn't like it when you pulled me away and came to my rescue. I calmed him down and took him back to his corral but I think you might get a better response from him if you bring his mares back, Anton," she said firmly.

"Gary, send a couple of the boys to bring them here and we'll see what happens," Anton ordered and five minutes later, two mares were led to the stallions corral, Rebel saw them coming and pricked up his ears and neighed and the mares looked up too.

The gate was opened and the mares led inside and released, and they trotted over to Rebel and they greeted each other. Alicia had walked back over and Rebel met her at the fence and she stroke him again and took a couple of photos of him, then he trotted back to his mares.

"That was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen in the thirty odd years I have been dealing with horses," Gary said, "Well done young lady."

"You are welcome to come back and see him any time you like Alicia," Anton said, grinning "He will make an excellent subject for your paintings."

We drove home, Ali was embarrassed that they were still talking about it. I went home the next morning but when Maddy and Alicia took the next batch of the horse to Anton's gallery, he gave her a flash drive with the incident on it, Maddy made a copy for me and when I watched it, I thought it was really scary but Ali was so calm although she came close to being trampled by a ton of rampaging horse.

I paid the fees for the full patent for the 'Plus Ones' and 'Plus Twos' in May and Alicia found time to paint Carmen in the nude lying sideways on, showing plenty of ass and with her upper half turned to the viewer, showing a lot of breast and with a very sexy expression on her face.

The company's AGM had Conchita giving the figures this time as treasurer/accountant, in the last four months we had sold - 144 x 2's (412 total), 800 x 1's (3139 total), 1260 x T's (2295total for seven months) = $69,214 divided by 5 which equalled $13,842 each before expenses and taxes which would probably be zero as it was below the tax threshold.

I told them about the patent fees and the possible figures if the 'Triple' had been on sale for the whole year which would have added another four thousand each.

Conchita said that the 'Plus One' had more than paid for itself and the 'Triple' was only $16,000 short of doing the same, only the 'Plus Twos were not selling very well but that was expected.

At this point I brought up the subject of Caroline's 'Double-double', estimating the cost to be about $30 to produce, times five thousand equalled $150,000 which was $50,000 each. Conchita asked for it to be put on hold until the New Year when finances could be reviewed again, we all agreed.

I decide to buy two of the vibes myself and see if I could make a hybrid for the girls to try out when I got home and I put in the order before going to bed.

I trained with the girls as usual and watched Maddy instructing Alicia on baton technique using the light wooden training batons, slowly at first and then a bit faster. She was a quick learner and was soon keeping up with Maddy until I stopped them and asked Conchita to take over from Maddy.

This presented the girl with different problems because Conchita was a lot shorter than her previous trainer and a lot shorter than me.

She was also a lot stronger and used her legs more to sweep and strike low down and use the baton against the groin. She had taken a couple of hits by the time they had finished but I was sure she learnt a lot and would be better next time. We all swam for a while and played around as usual before getting out to shower and dress in our own rooms.

I received my delivery and played with the two vibes for a couple of days, cutting off the cocks and gluing four long nails into the cut sections to strengthen them before gluing the two pieces together. It looked a bit odd like a small aeroplane steering yoke but both vibes worked, the test would come when I was at Duncellin next time.


On the twenty-seventh Maddy told me that she drove Alicia to the stud farm again, as soon as Rebel saw her he neighed loudly and she waved at him. He waited patiently for her to walk over to him and his two girls and she talked and petted him but the mares moved a few steps away.

Maddy watched her step back with her arms forward and palms up and swing them from her thighs up above her head, the mares skittered away but rebel just stood still. Alicia did it again and he lifted his front legs a couple of feet off the ground, she praised him and she did it again and he copied her, but higher.

On the third attempt he was almost vertical and pawing the air as she took photos and when she came down she hugged him around his neck and kissed his nose, she let go and he trotted back to his mares.

The staff had stopped work to watch her and one filmed it on his camera and Gary told Maddy that Rebel would still not let anyone else touch him, although he did allow the mares to be trained. Alicia loved the big horse and wanted to go back every week but settled for once a fortnight while she still had so much work to do.

Anton had arranged to have some of Alicia's work shown in another exhibition, only ten pieces but it was in a top notch gallery on the twenty-ninth. Talia had come and collected all the completed ones, another twenty-five of horse done since the last exhibition, making forty-five in total and about thirty of the prints of Caroline, not needing any of the horses this time.

She had heard about Alicia getting Rebel to stand on his back legs and asked to see the photos, Ali was happy to show her and promised to send her a copy.

Another thing that Alicia had told me was that she had been asked to give an interview to a regional art magazine at Anton's gallery on the fourth, the editor had seen her work at City Hall and was impressed. I was very pleased but told her to be careful what she told the interviewer about her history.

I arrived at Duncellin at lunch time on the Friday, three days before the interview and after seeing everyone to say hello and telling the girls about the 'Double-double' which they could see at The Haven at about six thirty after dinner had been prepped, I sat down with Alicia to talk about the interview.

"First take Stella with you for support, she will not let you be persuaded to say what you don't want to say," I explained, "He or she will want to find out as much as they can about you and you don't want a lot of that to be made public, do you?"

"No I don't but what should I tell them?"

"Keep it simple, where you were born, the move to New Orleans, you could mention the car accident and your injuries but maybe not Rosie."

"No, definitely not that!"

"Maybe the treatment at the clinic but not how you got the money to go there. Say you met Maddy in a chat room, do not mention Conchita or Carmen but of course mention Stella, Konrad and maybe me but not too much.

You will have to talk about your mother but just give the bare bones of it, then Stella's offer for you to come to live here but don't say where and talk about your art which is the main reason for the interview, give Lazarenko some credit, he will be pleased for any promotion you give him."

At six-thirty we all (except Stella) assembled in The Haven for a conference,

"This is not official company business but may be in the future," I started, "You remember Caroline's idea for a double ended vibrator that could be fitted into two girls who then can lie face to face to kiss and cuddle on their own and quietly vibrate themselves to an orgasm without a lot of frantic humping and bumping."

"Come on Danno, let's see it," Conchita said, smiling.

"In a minute Honey, here is the painting that Alicia made at the time, using two 'Triples' as a base, I had a slightly different idea and Caroline agreed with it but it is all down to you four. Remember the pink vibe with the beads, well I bought two and modified them and fitted them together like this..."

I picked up a bag from under the table and pulled out the 'Double-double' and held it up. There was quite a bit of laughter "I know it looks like an aircraft steering yoke but it's only a prototype, girls," and I passed it to Maddy who checked it out and passed it on.

"Who wants to try it with me?" Carmen offered first as usual.

"Me, you sex mad little bitch!" Maddy said. We all adjourned to Carmen's bedroom where both girls stripped, out came the KY and Carmen inserted the first two beads in her ass and then the plug in her pussy, turned on the vibe and lay on the bed. It was a bit tricky for Maddy to hover over her so Conchita guided the beads in and Maddy fed in the plug and laid on Carmen, turning her vibe on too.

They discussed the angles and shapes and positions, having fun for five minutes before getting up extracting themselves and cleaning it with antiseptic wipes before passing it to Conchita who did the same process with Alicia.

They all redressed and went back to the table to discuss it and the conclusion was to remove one anal bead and have the shaft below the bulge of the plug a bit fatter but the angles were good and the vibrations were a lot less than the 'Triple', this was for loving gentle sex not pussy pounding.

I would leave it here for them to test drive it for a couple of weeks, as we were in no hurry to get it made, but use it carefully as it was glued together and I warned them about the reinforcing nails.

Alicia drove Stella to Anton's gallery for the interview, which went well. They had brought a photographer who took some photos of her with her pictures and some relaxed ones during the interview.

Two weeks later and Maddy and Carmen had submitted their last course precis and reports, now it was time to revise hard for the next three weeks before the final two exams.

We had a little party to celebrate the fact, I lit the bar-b-que and cooked, playing the part that Konrad had done for so many years, we even said a prayer for him and Caroline and then raised glassed to both of them.

Alicia also had a call from Anton to say that he had sold six more of the 'Horse' paintings totalling ten now.

A few days later Maddy skyped me.

"You and your 'Only if you do one of Maddy too' promise, has got Alicia and Carmen on my back to pose naked for her!" Maddy snapped on skype.

"And?" I said grinning.

"Well it's all right for Carmen, she's got all the curves and is beautiful, but I..."

"You're treading on dangerous ground Maddy," I cut in firmly.

"Okay Danno! But you know what I mean..."

"You are beautiful and slim with nice tits and a tight firm ass, you have a good tan now and I love you."

"I know you do and if that's what you want then okay, I'll do it for you," she sighed.

"Thank you Maddy."

I was at Duncellin on fifteenth of June for a quick meeting with the girls for the report on the 'Double-double', Maddy handed me a list of suggestions or likes and dislikes, including the removal of the top bead and the thickening of the plug shaft. They decided on dark blue as the colour and a similar vibration to the 'Plus's vibes not the 'Triple' as that was deemed to be too strong. As it would be months until it was needed, I let them keep it in The Haven for them all to share.

There were plenty of orders to be packed while I was at the warehouse to keep my mornings busy, with training and the hot tub in the afternoons and keeping up with Alicia's enterprise on skype in the evenings.

The next time I drove to Duncellin I collected Alicia's painting of Maddy.

She was posed semi reclining on cushions on a bed with a strategically placed bottle of wine and two glasses covering her pussy, one hand was placed near the wine and the other draped away from her head, across a cushion her fingers slightly closed, more so than the middle one, her one defiant gesture to me, which made me really laugh, the cheeky minx.

I also took the one of Carmen, which I hung next to the painting of Maddy on the opposite wall from my bed, after moving the mirrored wardrobe to another wall.

Maddy had her exams on the fifth of July, because of the national holiday the day before and Carmen had her's on the sixth in Tampa. She actually drove herself and Conchita there in Alicia's car to give it a good run and after the two exams they went shopping, knowing that Maddy and Alicia had the preparations for dinner covered.

The monthly art magazine was published on the tenth and I got a copy on my way to work and sat and read the article over a coffee.

The interviewer had been very good with the nervous girl and made her feel easier before she started asking questions, Stella had told me. She gave some basic history as I had advised her and talked a lot about her love of drawing and painting and horses in particular. There were a few photos of some of her pictures including the 'Horse' and 'Mother' and she also praised Anton for helping her to get her art seen by the public.

I was at Duncellin on the thirteenth and again on the twenty-seventh, for training, maintenance and some very nice liaisons with the girls.

On the eighth of August the examinees received their results, both had passed with flying colours, well in to the ninety percent's. Both were ecstatic and called me immediately with the news, I was going to be there in a couple of days and there would be another party.

I arrived and got mobbed by Maddy and Carmen in the garage, they both hugged and kissed me thoroughly and wanted some night-time entertainment.

"Hopefully, Stella will let us celebrate together tonight," I told Maddy, "And I'll come and see you tomorrow night Carmen."

The bar-b-que/party went well and everyone had a couple of drinks with the food, we all danced, regularly changing partners and while I was dancing with Stella to a slow one she said,

"You and Maddy can celebrate tonight, I think she deserves it."

"Thanks Mom," I replied happily.

"You can celebrate with Carmen tomorrow night," and she laughed heartily at my shocked expression. "You didn't think I didn't know what was going on in my own home, did you Daniel?"

"I-I, um... I thought we were being discrete..."

"You were, from everyone, but I'm your mother and I know how much you love those girls and how much they love you, just don't hurt them," she said quietly. I kissed her cheek and said,

"I won't, they all know and accept the situation; Maddy is and always was, my number one."

"Good, I want to see a wedding before I die, if not grandchildren," she said wistfully.

"We haven't decided anything yet, but you'll be the first to know when we do Mom. I do have to organise something with Maddy and maybe you can help too," and I whispered in her ear for a minute.


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