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Penal Slavery Pt. 01

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Three young people are sentenced to slavery for their crimes.
7.6k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/23/2018
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"The Court understands that the State and the defendants have come to the following agreement. In exchange for a misdemeanor plea of guilty to defacement of public property, the State will dismiss the felony charges against the defendants under the following conditions. Defendants will be subject to 11 months, 29 days of penal servitude with resultant loss of all citizenship rights for the same period, commencing upon acceptance of the plea and after the administration of five lashes each to the back and buttocks only. Defendants will not be subjected to public sale, felony branding, or lashing, but will otherwise be dealt with as if they had been convicted of a felony enslavement offense. Upon corporal punishment and processing, defendants will be transported to the Hidden Hills Correctional Workhouse to serve their terms as property of the State to be used in whatever way the State sees fit, except that the defendants shall suffer no permanent markings or disfigurement."

The judge said a bunch more, but it came down to the fact that if we didn't accept the offer we would go to trial and if found guilty, which would be a forgone conclusion since our drunken stupidity was recorded on HD3D, we would be enslaved for at least 5 years as felons, publicly whipped and sold to the highest bidder for at least 60 months. Our parents would be publicly shamed and would lose social and business opportunities. By taking the plea deal we avoided all that. Plus, at the end of our sentence, the entire affair would be expunged and we would get a fresh start.

Thanks to the prominence of our families, we are standing in a closed courtroom after having entered via a private entrance, with just our lawyers, the District Attorney, two court bailiffs, and the Judge approximately an hour before court normally starts. As far as our friends and the public were concerned we were taking a gap year trekking wilderness areas and forgoing technology and social media to "find ourselves" We had all turned 19 within a few days of each other and were inseparable, so the cover story was believable.

My lawyer nudged me and whispered "tell the judge you accept the plea. I repeated what I have been instructed to say.

"I Brooke Ashcroft accept the plea as stated, free of coercion and with full understanding of the consequences."

My friends Mark Thompson and his twin sister Beth repeated the words. Our parents were not present, supposedly in aid of the cover story, but I suspect to avoid embarrassment in front of their friends, the judge and the District Attorney.

The judge continued, "The court, having taken the guilty pleas of the defendants do hereby hold publication of conviction in abeyance pending the successful completion of penal servitude. From this moment for the next 11 months, 29 days you are hereby enslaved to the State, deprived of all the rights and privileges of free citizens. Bailiff strip the slaves. Counsel, please insure their personal items and clothing are returned to their families "

Brooke understood that newly enslaved criminals were stripped in open court upon pronouncement of sentence. Her lawyer had already collected her purse and wrist comp before court, but she didn't expect it to happen to her. She figured that they would be discreetly directed to the jail in back to disrobe. The judge and the DA had eaten across the table from her and her parents on their frequent visits to her home. To see her naked... The lawyers told all of them that once sentence was passed, to say nothing at all to anyone unless asked a question, so Brooke bit back her complaints.

One of the bailiffs whispered in her ear, "Strip missy or I cut them off." Brooke complied, lowering the straps to her summer dress and letting it pool at her feet.

"Underwear and shoes too." The court officer unclasped her bra her lush DD breasts and long nipples coming free. At least her body was attractive, Brooke was proud of her trim body with wide hips and the trace of abs on her belly. The rest of her was firm and filled out thanks to daily exercise. As she as she shimmied out of her panties, she let the world know that the carpet did indeed match the drapes.

"Now the hair clasp" She removed it and her luxuriant red hair fell almost to her butt.

Brooke glanced to her right and saw the nude profiles of Mark and Beth. Beth, she has seen nude changing clothes, and her perky breasts and bubble butt were well known to her growing up. Her shoulder length chestnut brown hair was hanging down as she stepped out of her own panties. Beth preferred a bald look, claiming to Brooke she like the way her swimsuit fit. Mark was six foot two and looked like a Greek god with the same hair as his twin He was even more endowed than she had suspected from furtive glances to his crotch over the years. Brooke looked at the judge and was shocked to see her lick her lips. Brock was mortified and blushing to her toes

"Bailiffs, remove the slaves from the courtroom"

The officer ordered, "Hands behind your back"

Brooke felt cold handcuffs snapped on her wrists and heard similar clicking sounds beside her. She was firmly turned and walked to the side entrance she had entered the courtroom from earlier. Instead of turning left toward the exit to the justice center, she was turned to the right, her bare feet slapping on the cold tile once she left the carpeted courtroom.

She was halted almost immediately at a metal door. The bailiff directing her spoke into her wrist comp.

"Door 12, three for slave processing" A loud click came from the door and the officer opened it and the three along with the court officers entered a short hallway with another door at the end.

As the door shut behind them with a click, the other officer said "Release Door 11" Another click and the far door was opened.

Brooke passed through and was immediately turned to the right and entered a room with a open normal door. Along one wall was four areas with shackles at the top and bottom that would force the person secured into a x position. On the other side of the room were four stations, one of which had a naked woman strapped in. Her ass was pointed up and her head and hands were locked into slots and straps held her thighs apart. Her feet were shackled far apart form each other, exposing her pussy and ass to view. Her tits hung down and a little forward. Unlike the pillories of old, this was a stainless-steel affair with padded wrist and head slots along with an additional area which, from looking at the woman, the person restrained was expected to kneel. An anal plug was inserted in her ass and in turn attached to a metal arm. The reason for the probe was apparently to hold the woman still. Her left butt cheek had a 4-inch-tall "F" in black that looks like it had been freshly marked from the reddened skin around it. A machine was applying a similar sized barcode and numbers on her right cheek. In view of the woman and all the stations was a huge HD3D screen that showed an image of the court house punishment square and auction block. A crowd was gathering. The woman was sobbing quietly.

"Slaves will move to each flogging station and face the wall, legs spread apart and hands on the wall above your heads."

The trio compiled, and Brooke's legs were shackled and spread even further apart. Her handcuffs were released and her arms stretched up and apart to be shackled in turn. From the sound, Mark and Beth were also being secured to the wall. There was a whirring sound and the chains retracted, stretching her arms and feet out and pressing her tits against the concrete wall.

She heard a voice behind her "Pursuant to sentence, corporal punishment shall commence."

The first lash fell across her shoulders and Brooke cried out in pain, echoed by her two friends. By the fifth stroke, Brooke and Beth were sobbing and Mark was grunting through gritted teeth. Her back and ass were on fire.

Before Brooke was taken down, a gloved hand liberally applied a lotion to her burning back and butt. The wrist and leg cuffs were released and she was directed to the station next to the woman, whose barcode had been completed and the arms holding the anal probe and body printer retracted. Firm hands guided Brooke's head in to the large slot and her hands into the slots on either side of her head and a top piece lowered and secured with a click. What she had thought was padding expanded tightly gripping her head and wrists. Brooke could not move her head in any direction. The molding around her neck forced her to face the video monitor. Her wrists felt like they were in concrete. Since she was forced to see the screen in front of the devices anyway, she noted that the crowd had swelled since the first time she entered the room while she was being flogged with her friends.

The angle of the head and wrist restraint combined with the positioning of her knees while her thighs were strapped down forced her ass up in the air. As her legs were spread wide and shackled at the lower thigh and ankles Brooke felt a cool breeze across her private parts and was mortified to realize that she was as exposed as the woman beside her.

Someone else entered the room and a male voice spoke "Come on darling, your public awaits. Has she been chipped? "

Brooke heard another voice, that she recognized as the bailiff that had stripped and directed her, "No, take the gun and have her bend and spread. Let all her former friends and coworkers see what they will be getting a piece of shortly." At that, the woman sobbed again and Brooke head a slap against flesh. "Enough of that you bitch! You should have thought of that before you embezzled and squandered your company's retirement fund. You're lucky you only got a five-year enslavement. As it is you aren't likely to bring enough to make good your thieving, even with the tri-vid sales of your victim atonement. We had so many sign up we had to draw straws for the ten lucky people. "

The woman spoke for the first time, "What, video? What do you mean?" She cried out as a shocker sounded.

The bailiff barked, "Slave, were you given permission to speak?

"No mam. Unnnngggh" Another shock.

"You are a slave. You address a free man as "dominus", a free woman as "domina", and a group of free people as "domini". You have no identity, since you are slave meat. If you are asked a question, you shall always respond with "this slave". If you want to risk asking a question, because I can shock your thieving ass all day, you will say "may this slave ask a question" or may this slave speak". Try again bitch."

"Domina, this slave was not given permission to speak and begs forgiveness"

The bailiff responded, " Since you didn't know, let me be the first to tell you about your video debut. The judge signed an order authorizing your former employer to market a copy of your public punishment and victim atonement with the proceeds going to a restitution fund."

The woman started crying hysterically at the news, causing the bailiff to sigh, "It's not worth the electricity, gag the cunt." Shortly thereafter the crying ceased.

"Damm, and I wanted to get sucked off before we took her out, " the new voice spoke up.

The bailiff responded, "Poor baby, I hear she is a rug muncher and I wanted some of that mouth too, particularly since my sister can't retire now because of that bitch. "

"Well, her ass and cunt are just sitting there... We have time? "

"No, we need to get her out there." Brooke could just see an officer in from of the embezzler, releasing her and pulling her up. "On your feet slave! Let's go, you have a date with a whip. And then a ten car train to pull."

The door shut, Another new voice. Male. He sounded powerful and sexy. Under other circumstances, Brooke would have been intrigued by the speaker, "And then there were three. Let's start with your slave registration."

Brooke heard a whirring sound and a cold pressure on her anus and a liquid sensation leading to more pressure, then a sharp pain followed by a feeling of fullness in her ass. She had never had anything there before and she had to admit it was not as bad as she thought it would be. She could hear Mark curse under his breath, and to her surprise Beth seemed to sigh at the invasion.

The voice continued, "You will not be receiving felon brands, but you will each be marked with your slave registration barcode, which will be removed at the end of your term. Felons wear both marks for life."

Brooke felt what seemed like continuous pinpricks on her right ass cheek. Not painful exactly, but uncomfortable. She would have twitched and figited, but the anal probe kept her ass firmly in place so as to not to mar the printing.

"Pay close attention to the screen. But for your ages and your families, you would be watching this screen with both ass cheeks tingling with felon brands and barcodes awaiting your turns for 10 lashes. You would have been rotated in a flogging frame like a rotisserie chicken to make sure that your back, ass, cunt, tits and asshole would have been kissed by the whip. Pretty boy in the middle here would have found a different way to get his meat flogged as well. Trust me, the bailiffs and I really held back...ah, the star has arrived. "

Brooke saw her face for the first time. She was not unattractive, although her face was splotchy with tears and partially obscured by long blond hair. The two deputies seemed to be carrying her rather than escorting her. A bailiff read out her conviction, and sentencing to five years enslavement after ten lashes and victim atonement with ten individuals selected by lottery, due to the high number of applicants. The auction would be taking place after the atonement session.

Brooke was amazed that the woman could stay on her feet as she was commanded to spread her legs and bend over with her back to the crowd. She managed to grab her ankles as directed and had a large tube pressed against her left butt cheek. There was a "pop" sound and the blond visibly flinched but held her position. The crowd hooted, and jeered the new slave.

"That is what we call 'chipping;' it's a tracking device, coupled with your slave information and history, along with a long-term contraceptive inserted under your skin. The chip exchanges information when scanned. The position that she assumed is called "bend and spread" . You will be doing that a lot since you are being remanded to a state sponsored facility for the term of your enslavement. It is designed for ease of scanning your barcode and chip. It also has other uses such as...Ok here is one of the two best reasons to never find yourselves in your current positions ever again."

Looking at the screen Brooke saw the woman has been shackled and stretched into an x shape on a frame instead of a wall like Broke had been for her whipping. The other difference is the frame slowly rotated the woman. The first stroke of the whip across her tits brought a bloodcurdling scream for the bound blond. The second flicked her ass. By the eighth, she was screaming continuously. Looking at her striped body, Brooke had no doubt they had gotten off easy by comparison. The officer confirmed her thoughts. "Felons may be whipped hard enough to raise welts, y'all were barely touched. And we lotioned your backs. The only cream she is going to get anytime soon is if someone cums on her. She is going to spend the next hour strapped to a concrete slab and gang fucked. Think about how you would like to be in her position.

"Being a fucktoy is actually not the worst she has to look forward to. She will be sold. Her family can't buy her, even if they had the money. She could be sold to a former co worker, a neighbor, a brothel, a factory or even a farmer. She could spend the next five years doing stoop labor, ass burning in the sun and nights having that same ass pounded by the farmer. The thing is you have no control, no say. Look at yourselves; yoked to a machine, a plug in your ass and being marked. In a couple of minutes, I am going to shoot a chip in your other asscheek that among other things, pinpoint your location within three meters. There is no getting away from it all when you are a slave."

Brooke felt the pin pricks stop. The plug retracted from her butthole. She heard the door open and the officer that had been lecturing to them said "Perfect timing. They are almost ready." Brooke felt a cold pipe on her left ass cheek and a sharp sting and "pop" sound occurred at once. Two more pops followed.

The officer continued, "For the record, the slaves formerly known as Brooke Ashcroft, Mark Thompson, and Beth Thompson having been duly convicted, flogged, and registered as slaves are now subject to victim atonement."

Victim atonement? Brooke was confused. Individuals who personally suffered injury or loss because of criminal activity could receive atonement from the convict. Often that consisted of sexual service, usually public, but not always. The three of them had vandalized some monuments they didn't hurt....oh. The police officers. Mark hit a couple of them and both Beth and Brooke bit the two female deputies when they were trying get them handcuffed. Looking at the video screen, the embezzler had a woman sitting on her face and two guys pounding her cunt and ass. Brooke has a sinking feeling she was about to relate to her experience as the sound of zippers and clothes rustling filled the room.

"I see that they are still showing their assess." , Brooke heard one vaguely familiar voice remark.

As the laughter died down, another female voice said, "Jack, we have five of us and eight holes. We could use the help."

" Well, it's lunch time...why not? ", Apparently the officer processing them is named Jack, thought Brooke. " Just a suggestion, their backsides are pretty well lubed. I call dibs on this one." Brooke felt a sharp slap on her ass.

Brooke almost said something when a clean-shaven pussy was pushed in her face. "Get to work slave! You bite me again, and I will ram my shocker up your cunt on full."

Brooke's protests were reduced to a yelp as Jack slammed his cock into her previously virgin asshole. Finding her mouth full of intimate female flesh for the first time in her young life, Brooke started licking. While the aroma was pungent, the taste was not bad at all. In fact, it tasted pretty good.

"Step it up cunt. As much as your tongue was wagging that night you were arrested, I know you can do better than that!" Brooke licked harder, the increasingly intoxicating flavor spurring her in seeking out the tasty nectar in the cop's folds.

"Hey wait, I'm not gay. I don't suck. ... ahhhhhh! " The sound of a shocker going off cut Mark's protests off .

"Slave, you lost the right to decide how your holes are used about an hour ago. With your pretty face and tight ass, by the end of your enslavement you're going to have had enough cock in your ass and mouth to stretch to the moon and back.! Suck my cock and swallow my jizz or suck my shocker. Which is it going to be?"

"Please fuck this slaves mouth with your cock dominus"

Another voice, "Man his ass is tight, you have to try it."

Brooke was surprised to find the pain in her own ass giving way to pleasure as Jack pumped his dick in and out of her nether hole. She could feel her pussy, no, as her mother said a while back, " Ladies have vaginas, or pussies if one is common. Sluts and slaves have cunts. "

Brooke was eating a police officer's pussy, and liking it. She was taking it up the ass and about to have her first anal orgasm. That's about as slutty as it gets. Her still tingling barcode proclaims her slavery. So, to be honest with herself, her slutty slave cunt is dripping and aching to be filled. She almost envied the bitch on screen, whose own slave cunt was at least getting attention.

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