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Click hereWith the kids at summer camp for two weeks, my wife and I decided to spend some time at our summer home in Northern Wisconsin. It's on a lake near a fairly small town.
After being on the lake and completely alone for a few days, we decided to go out for dinner and drinks. There are a couple of decent restaurants, and we went to our favorite casual place where we didn't feel compelled to change from what we had been wearing on the boat and dock.
With no kids to return to, we took our time and finished a bottle of champagne. That, along with the drinks we had on the boat earlier in the day, put my wife a good deal more drunk than usual for a Saturday evening.
She's only 5'1 and about 100 lbs. At 40, she's as beautiful as she was at 20. A petite brown haired, brown eyed stunner. Tiny boobs, a tight body, and a regular waxing keeps my attention to her constant.
As we drove home we were about to pass a bar overlooking a river that runs through town. It doubles as a canoe rental outfitter for river trips, so off the back of the building and below a deck, it has a large grassy area with a sand volleyball court that runs down to the river along which there's a bunch of canoe racks.
The front of the bar has a large dirt parking lot that I pulled into and said,
"Hey let's grab another drink before heading back".
She said, "Here? Are you sure"?
The place has a reputation as a respectable bar and outfitter during the day, but is known to be a pretty rowdy place for locals to party in the evenings.
With a dance floor, DJs, a pool table, the large deck out back, and yard area, it draws in a crowd of locals and group vacationers like the girls' or guys' weekend crews who come up to the area.
The parking lot was jammed. Much more than usual.
"Must be an event," I said.
"Are you sure we should be here? Didn't you say they do some raunchy stuff on weekends?" she asked.
"Only heard rumors, baby, and I hope they are all true!"
After an eye roll and an "ugh," she smiled as I found a spot in the far corner of the lot.
Sliding out of the seats, I got a great look at her inner thigh. It was a warm late June evening and she had worn a short, tight cotton navy blue and white striped dress with skinny shoulder straps. It was actually something she generally wore as a beach cover-up, but since we were up north where things are fairly casual, she was ok wearing it to dinner.
Normally she's a more conservative dresser, so getting a look at her tanned upper thigh as she got out of the car was a thrill.
The tiny shoulder straps showed off her petite frame, especially her little collar bones. It was clear she wasn't wearing a bra, but it wasn't necessary with her small tits. Small, but fun to see outlined.
As we walked across the dirt parking lot she said, "I'm not sure we're going to blend with this crowd."
Looking at her and smiling, I said, "Let's not be snobby, there are probably people we know in there. We met a couple bartenders here last summer when we went canoeing, and there's plenty of people we've hired in town who could be here. Maybe even some vacationers we know from the city."
When we got to the door there was a guy sitting outside at a folding table with a small metal cash box and a cardboard box at his feet.
"Welcome, it's $10 per person and as you probably know, it's NPS at the Riverside!"
"NPS?" I asked.
"NPS means No Pantie Saturday!" he said with near glee, "If the ladies come wearing panties, they have to drop them here in this box before entering. Most locals know not to come with them on, but some do because later on there's a surprise drawing for those that leave them here, and don't worry, we'll get them back to you at the end of the evening."
Eyes wide, she looked at me with a questioning look.
Without returning the glare, I said to him, "Sounds awesome, we're in!"
Hands on hips and eyebrows raised, she looked at me and said, "Ok, you asked for it."
She then turned to the guy at the table and lifted her tight dress just enough so she could grab her panties and pull them down. As she was pulling them down she gave the table guy a glimpse at her bare little pussy lips.
Behind us, a small line had formed. A group of men and women. When she bent over to take her panties down, she gave them a brief flash of the bottom of her ass.
When she got the panties down to her sandals. I noticed she was pulling off her tiny pink g-string. She rarely wears that pair, and if so, it's because she was doing it for me and was signaling a more-fun-than-usual kind of evening for the two of us. She looked me in the eye as she stepped out of them.
"Here you go," she said handing her pink g-string to him.
He held them up, pulling the waist wide and revealing how little material there was. Just a pink lace triangle in front and string down the back. The group behind us let out a bunch of hoots and cat calls.
The guy at the table then held the little crotch section of the panties to his nose and sniffed,
"Best part of the job!" before placing them in the cardboard box at his feet where I saw several other panties as we walked past and into the bar.
Once in the door, the pool table room was to the left where a game was underway with a decent crowd surrounding. To the right was the bar, dance floor, and a small raised stage. The main bar room had a long glass wall looking out on the deck with the lawn and river beyond. All areas were fairly crowded and the "no panties" theme had clearly put everyone in a mood - you could almost feel the sex in the air.
We zigzagged to the bar and I angled into position to wave for drinks. As we stood there, I noticed way more intense eye contact than usual with everyone looking up and down to see who had arrived.
My wife got a lot of attention with her tight little dress/coverup and everyone knowing she had nothing on underneath. That, is of course, what was on my mind also as I scanned the room. Every female in here was wearing nothing underneath! What a genius idea. The bar manager who had come up with this concept deserves a Nobel Prize, I thought.
It was a good mix of males and females, and I find the possibility of any potentially exposed vajayjay intriguing, so my attempted x-ray vision must have been obvious.
"You're thinking about every vagina in this room, aren't you?" She asked with a grin, as she sipped on the margarita which had arrived.
She wasn't judging and knew me too well for me to deny so I said, "Absolutely!"
Our sex life is great, but it's not adventurous. It's just us and fairly frequent, but not much that anyone would consider "kinky", so the comment was notable and fun.
We wandered out to the deck with our drinks and watched the rowdy crowd enjoy themselves. The sun was beginning to set and we could see two young women down by the riverside be taunted by a smallish crowd into shedding what appeared to be bikini tops, so there was a sense that things were getting interesting. "Whoa - great view!" I joked.
With a fun conversation and long eye contact and my hand on her ass while standing on the deck, I was about to suggest we get out of there and get it on at home. Just then the DJ announced that the "Pantie Raffle" was about I begin. There was a good amount of enthusiasm and people headed into the dance floor area. We shrugged and went along curiously.
The cardboard box from the front door with the surrendered panties was on the DJ stand and the announcer was saying,
"You all know the rules; we pull four pairs of panties. The first two pairs will determine who is in the couples dance off on the stage where the losing couple strips and does a final dance naked. The other two pair determines which two couples plays a game of strip pool."
Everyone hooted as the ceremony got underway. My wife looked at me and said, "What? No way. We are out of here - my panties are in that box!"
Indeed they were. We could have left right then, but I couldn't. I had to see this and some part of me wanted my wife to be exposed to this risk.
The first two panties were pulled and held high with the owners identified to a roaring and encouraging crowd so the couples were selected and led toward the stage. Both couples were young, pretty cute, and looked familiar. Probably local folks we'd seen in town.
The next drawing was for the strip pool match. The first pair pulled and held up was a black pair of panties. The owner, a 30-something blonde yelled, "Oh my god, that's us!"
She was cute and her boyfriend or husband looked wide eyed.
Before we could take it in what we had heard, the DJ shouted "and here's our last contender's panties- aren't they cute!"
We looked up, and sure enough, there was my wife's pink thong being held up to a drunken and rowdy crowd. They all hooted and demanded to know to whom they belonged.
With my wife's hand across her mouth looking shocked and the door guy yelling and pointing at her, "That's her!" we knew that an unnoticed departure was no longer possible.
With everyone slapping us on the back and pushing us towards the pool room. We just went with the flow. Once in the pool room, someone handed us tequila shots. We and the other couple threw them back.
My wife looked at me and said while half smiling, "I could kill you for this."
No doubt she would have, or at least would have been long gone if not for all the drinks, but she went with it. The rules were explained and were simple. For every ball the other team knocks in, the other team loses an item of clothing each.
As the rules were explained it hit me that after dropping her panties at the door, my wife was only wearing ONE thing. The dress.
I was safer at three items, as was the blonde's boyfriend. The blonde was slightly safer than my wife as she was wearing two items - a skirt and a halter top. What was clear was that my petite, beautiful, and innocent wife would soon be completely naked in front of an entire drunken bar.
As we were selecting pool cues and racking the balls with a crowd of maybe 30 forming around the table, we could hear the noise from the other room chanting "pants off dance off!", so at least we weren't the total focus of the night.
After me breaking and sinking a ball, the blonde's top was off. Much to the enjoyment of everyone, she pulled off her halter top with a smile and we all saw an amazing pair of tits. She was a little embarrassed, and stood behind her now also shirtless boyfriend for a little cover.
I missed the next shot and then he sank his first one. That was it. I took off my golf shirt and everyone was looking at my wife. Waiting.
There was no option. She looked at me and mouthed, "Oh. My. God."
The next thing I knew she was pulling that little navy blue and white striped dress over her head.
There she was. Completely naked. In front of everyone. The cheers and hooting of the pool table room crowd must have drawn in some more people from the dance floor because you could feel the room pressing in to get a look at my naked and tiny wife.
Petite is the word and since she tans like crazy, her little boobs and bikini area (which is meticulously waxed) were on full display and stood out in the overhead light.
There were still many balls on the table and after he missed it was my wife's turn.
Completely naked, she took her pool cue and walked over to take her shot. I had no idea how my normally quite private wife was doing this with a huge portion of an entire crowded bar watching and many starting to and snap photos and vids on their phones.
She bent over to take the shot, but she's short and the ball was towards the middle of the table. She had to stand on her toes and raise her butt to try and make the shot. Her little pussy and asshole were on full display for everyone that was behind her.
I saw some guys bend down to get a more direct look and pics of her full backside. The other side of the table saw her little tits slightly rub the felt of the table as she made the shot. To everyone's pleasure, she made it - which meant she would continue to be bending and displaying her most private parts at least a bit more.
At this point many had been turned on enough that they started to reach out and caress my wife as she bent over trying to figure out the next shot. Two were feeling along the inside of her toned, tan legs. Both guys soon had their hands all the way up, and definitely had reached her pussy.
She kind of wiggled, as if to shake off the hands, but it wasn't much of a protest. They were now caressing her along the inside of her ass down to her pussy. Another tried to rub her left nipple as she attempted to shoot righty.
With a beer in hand, I became less concerned and more intrigued by what she would do and how far show would go. I faded a bit into the first row of the crowd who, in turn, stepped forward.
As she finished the shot, one of the guys rubbing her pulled her ass cheeks apart, fully-displaying her asshole and pussy to everyone.
Given the state of the crowd and the status of my wife, a few dicks appeared. She moved another side of the table and bent over. One guy grabbed her by the hips as she was leaning and positioned himself for entering her little cunt. "Do it!" rang out, and I didn't disagree.
She paused, dropped the pool cue, put her hands on the felt and raised her hips. She wanted it.
Once the first guy entered her pussy from behind as she leaned over the pool table, everything changed. I wanted to see her fucked by everyone and she clearly wanted it also.
"Oh my god, they're fucking her -- that's so hot!" yelled the blonde with the tits out.
The first guy pumped away as many filmed and snapped pics. Others began disrobing in preparation.
I noticed that the blonde had leaned back on a chair and was preparing to be eaten out by a guy who was not her husband while two others held her legs. I guess we weren't the only ones indulging.
The first guy finished in my wife and he was quickly replaced. This went on four more times with her bent over the pool table and getting fucked in the pussy from behind. Cum was starting to ooze out of her and down her legs with each push in. After the last guy finished, someone from the other room shouted, "Let's compare their asses!"
Apparently the girl/woman from the "losing" dance-off couple was in a similar situation in the other room. After losing the dance off, she was down to no clothes and was being willfully and publicly groped and fucked to her and her boyfriend's encouragement. She was local and in her late 20's with long black hair and pretty darn hot.
At this point the participants in both the pool table room and the dance floor room decided to converged around these two fully-naked women.
The picnic table on the outdoor deck facing the yard overlooking the river was determined to be ideal for whatever was happening next.
Both my wife and the other woman were carried over and placed with their knees on the bench and their asses to the crowd. Before anyone did anything, the DJ asked that I and the dance off-losing boyfriend prepare our women for what was next.
With cum still dripping from their pussies, we knew what was next. We both went forward and spread their cheeks and went to work, mostly in preparation for them. I began licking and swirling my tongue on her anus. She protested a bit even in front of everyone, but either realized what was next or started enjoying it and became quiet.
I've never fucked my wife's ass, no one has, but I always dreamed of it. A line began to form behind us. The boyfriend and I both stepped aside, and watched as someone else's dick aimed at their little, now tongue-lubed assholes.
My wife's asshole is tiny, so it took a while for the guy to enter her. She was grimacing a bit. Once the first was in and he began slowly pumping his dick in her tiny little brown hole, I could hear her enjoyment pick up. He finished in her ass, and when the next guy lined-up, she pushed back to help him enter.
She then took control and started pushing back and he just stood there as she gave him a ride. In total, five guys fucked and finished in her ass.
When she was done being on full-display, and her knees started to hurt. I helped her up. She was a bit wobbly, but smiling and cum-filled and cum-covered.
I found her dress in the pool room and pulled it over her.
She held my hand and said, "That was for both me and you, but you're cleaning up."
When we got home, I carried her into our bed and probed and licked her pussy and ass clean with my tongue for a very long time.
Definately somewhere my wife and i would go to would love to watch her exposed her sweet naked body and like the lady in this story she has little pert tits and the best shaped smooth love holes iv ever been inside she always draws attention when we are out and a lot more when i am not with her and that is what i love to having her come home after being taken by other men who lust for her. But to have a line of men fondle grope then fuck her in a crowded bar in every love hole i know she would enjoy it and so would i there should be more bars and clubs with this theme
Great to see that other husbands want to see their wife enjoy life and getting fucked then licking their cum filled pussy. I love kissing my wife after she has sucked cock and have licked cum from her pussy many times. This has even led to me letting a guy slip his cock in my mouth and I really got into sucking him off. What a great feeling to have a cock in your mouth, now I see why woman love sucking cock. I do too!!O