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Phone Sex

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She was driving him crazy.
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I wanted to scream at her. Actually, killing her would be too nice a way to end the torture. Day after day she continued to drive me nuts and there wasn't anything that I could do about it. I couldn't take the problem to management because all that would do is make me the laughing stock of the office. The problem? Working in a cubicle next to a woman who couldn't be made to understand that cubicles are not sound proof and that I could hear every word she said - every fucking word! Why was that so bad? Because she had phone sex with her husband two or three times a day.

It has been going on for almost a month. For three months the cubicle next to mine had been empty and then one day I saw Jerry, our maintenance man, moving a desk into it. I asked him what was up and he told me that the company had hired a new engineer, "And I hear that she is one hot mama."

That was borne out the next day when a drop-dead gorgeous redhead started carrying boxes into the cubicle. I introduced myself and offered to help her move her stuff in. It took me two trips to her car before I noticed the wedding rings on her left hand. Just my luck; I was going to be sitting next to a stone fox all day, every day and she was spoken for. Her name was Belinda and she had just graduated from M.I.T and was excited about starting her new job. Enjoy the excitement while you can honey, I thought, they will grind you down soon enough. The bosses at our office might not be as bad as the 'pointy-haired' boss in the Dilbert cartoon, but most of them are pretty damned close.

The first week she was there went so-so. The food in the cafeteria sucks so I asked Belinda to lunch a couple of times and we exchanged vitals - me, single and not looking and she - married and no kids. Our hobbies were somewhat similar skin diving in the summer and skiing in the winter. Other miscellaneous stuff - I hated TV with a passion and only used it for watching football. She on the other hand was a slave to The King of Queens, Friends, Dharma and Gregg and two soap operas that she taped while she was at work.

I suppose that the only reason that I asked her to lunch was that she was so damned easy to look at. It was during the start of the second week that every thing started to go bad.


It was a Tuesday morning and I heard the phone ring in Belinda's cube. She answered it and the conversation went something like this:

" Oh hi. Glad you called. I missed kissing you goodbye this morning. Oh yeah baby, I would have kissed that too. Where are you? Can anyone see you? Take it out for me baby. Got it out? Stroke it for me baby. Slide your hand back and forth and think of my pussy lips, wet and puffy and waiting for you to slide it in me. Think of how hot I am sitting here and thinking about what that beautiful piece of meat could be doing to me right now. Oh you bet lover. The crotch of my panties is soaking wet. What? Don't be silly baby, you know what my favorite number is where you are concerned. Yeah, you got it baby, sixty-nine. Hey, got to go. Keep stroking it baby, I want it ready for me when I get home. Love you to, bye."

The first time I thought it was kinky and I envied the guy she was married to, but by Wednesday I had a totally different take on it. She had conversations with him at lunch and again at three on Tuesday and on Wednesday it was at nine-fifteen, eleven-thirty and two forty-five. If she was homely or barely good looking I probably could have tolerated it, if only for the humor involved. But Belinda was not ugly, homely, plain looking or in any other way a dog. To listen to her talk about sucking cock, eating pussy, making love and yes, even taking it in the ass while I sat there visualizing her doing those things was killing me. Thursday was more of the same, but it was Friday that destroyed me and ruined my entire weekend. Her phone rang at nine-fifteen:

"Hello? Oh hi baby. Thinking of me? Ooh, how naughty. Don't be silly. No. I just wish it was Christmas. Because there is mistletoe. Because I could run around kissing guys under it. Do you think they would notice the taste of your cum? I know baby, I can be so wicked at times. You must have shot a quart in my mouth this morning. It's too bad I don't have a boyfriend on the side here at work so I could kiss him and let him taste you. No silly, I wouldn't tell him. Would you like that? Would it turn you on to know that I was kissing a guy after you had cum in my mouth? I'll do it baby. I'll do some flirting here - some heavy necking- and let some guy slip his tongue into my cum soaked mouth. You bet. Just tell me when baby and I'll do it. Love you too baby, see you tonight."

I had sweat on my upper lip and it was all I could do to keep from running over to her cubicle and shouting, "Me, pick me!"


My weekend sucked! No matter where I went, no matter what I did I had a head full of images of Belinda catching me under the mistletoe. What really made it bad was that Christmas was only two weeks away and every fucking store I went to was decorated for the holidays and that kept the thought of Belinda alive in my mind.

Monday started off bad. By eight-thirty she was on the phone telling him how horny she still was, "I know you did me twice this morning baby, but it wasn't enough. Me too baby. I wish there were a motel or hotel close so we could meet for lunch. Yeah baby, I know. I won't get any work done today thinking about it. Okay lover, keep it hard for me. Love you, bye."

There was more of the same at eleven and three-thirty and I ended up going to the men's room and beating my meat. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were more of the same. I wasn't getting my work done, I was missing deadlines and I was a wreck when I went home. Friday was the absolute worst, but I can't complain too much about it because I did most of it to myself. The phone rang at eleven-twenty and Belinda answered it:

"Hello? Oh hi lover. Yes. Yes. Of course I'm thinking of you. You bet. Got the Polaroid's in my desk drawer. (a giggle) I'm looking at the one where you have your beautiful cock buried in my ass. What? Oh God no, I loved it. It did hurt to start with, but it felt real good at the end. (giggle giggle) I made a pun didn't I? Of course you can. Yes. As soon as I get home. Just have the KY ready baby."

Five minutes later she asked me if I wanted to go to lunch with her, but I begged off - I told her I had some errands to run.

As soon as she was gone I hurried into her cube and looked for the photos. I found them in an envelope in the bottom right drawer and as I looked at them my cock almost ripped through my pants. There were eight all together, one each of her with a cock in her mouth, ass and pussy; two of her fucking herself with a dildo, and three naked poses for the camera. I made a quick trip to the copy machine and made myself two copies of each picture - one for the office and one for home - and then I returned the originals to where I had found them. At three-forty as I listened to her tell her husband what she planned on doing to him over the weekend I looked at the photos and wished that cubicles had doors so I could beat myself off. I took the photos home with me and over the weekend I wore my poor cock out.

The next week was the week of Christmas and the holiday came on a Friday. When I got to work on Monday Belinda was already there and she was decorating her cube with ornaments and a small plastic tree. The she built an arch over the entrance to her cubicle, wrapped it with garland and put a sprig of mistletoe right in the center. I wondered what she would do if I went over there and kissed her under it. That day was as bad as any of the others had been, but the morning call was the worst:

"Hello? Oh hi lover. I had a great weekend, but I can hardly sit in my chair. What? I know, I know, but maybe we overdid it. Maybe we should leave my ass alone on Sundays. No baby, no. Honest, I loved it and I want to do it again - soon! What? Tell you what. Why don't you meet me for lunch and I'll give you a blow job in the car. You know how much I love the taste of your cum. Okay baby, see you then. I love you too, bye."

The entire time she was having her conversation I was looking at the photos and wishing I could haul out my cock and jack off. At lunchtime I asked her if she would like to have lunch with me just to see what she would say.

"Sorry, I can't. I have to meet my husband over lunch and take care of a personal problem. Maybe we can do it tomorrow."

The three o'clock call was the killer:

"Hello? Hi babe. Yes, I can still taste it. You must have had a quart saved up. What? What if I'm wearing nothing but heels and hose when you get home? No. No. I don't care how much I wore the poor thing out over the weekend, I bet I can I can still get it up tonight. Okay. Want to bet? Okay, if I can get you up I get to have my ass fucked, if not I have to go to bed hungry. (Laugh) Of course I loaded the bet my way. What did you expect from your cock crazy wife? Okay. Love you too, see you tonight."

I spent another night with the Polaroid's in one hand and my cock in the other.


Tuesday Belinda was already at work when I got there. I settled in and tried to get some work done before the distraction of the morning phone call. At nine-thirty the phone rang:

"Hello. Good morning you big cocked stud. Of course I do. Yes. Yes. I know baby, I know. I'm sitting here with your cum leaking out of my pussy. What? Baby, I'm so wet that it will probably soak through my panties, my skirt and stain the chair. (Giggle giggle) No, that doesn't count the load you put in my mouth just before I left."

While Belinda was talking I opened my desk drawer to get out my copy of her photos and I froze. There, on the photo of her with a cock in her ass, was a lipstick imprint and underneath were the words "I'll give you the originals if you want them."

In her cube Belinda was saying, "Don't you wish I could be swapping tongues with someone right now. Would that turn you on? Just imagine my cum coated tongue sliding into another man's mouth. Do you think it would make your dick hard baby?"

I lost it! I got up, left my cube and went over to Belinda's. She heard me coming and she turned in her chair. I pulled the sprig of mistletoe off her little arch and put it on my head and then I took the phone out of her hand and said into it, "Hang on, she'll be back in a minute." I set the phone down on her desk and then I kissed her. I forced my tongue into her mouth and I held her until she responded and let her tongue wrestle with mind and then I broke the kiss. I picked the phone back up, "She won't be lying to you" and I gave Belinda back her phone and went back to my desk.

I heard when she said, "Is your dick hard baby? Can you picture him with his tongue in my cum soaked mouth? Good baby, keep thinking about it and your dick will be nice and hard for me when I get home. What? (Giggle giggle) Maybe I'll bring you a surprise. See you tonight. Love you too."

I heard her hang up and a minute later she came into my cubicle. "Took you long enough. I was afraid I was going to have to come over here and spread myself on your desk. Is your cock hard?" and she bent over and touched the lump in my pants. "Ooh, that's good. Would you like a blow job at lunch baby, or would you rather fuck me? You have a van, right? I want to take my hubby a surprise tonight."

She took hubby a couple of surprises that night. We both got dirty looks from our supervisor when we came back from lunch late, but it's hard to get two fucks and a blow job out of the way in under an hour. While resting between bouts she told me the story. Her husband had a thing about her fucking another guy and she had finally agree to give it a try if she could find some one that she liked enough to do it with. She'd found a couple, but they had turned out to be obnoxious assholes so she had taken a pass on them. When I had helped her move into the cube next to mine she thought that I could possibly be the one. When I hadn't made any moves by the end of the first week she had hit on the idea of the phone calls to entice me. She wasn't going to be the one to make the first move, she would have felt like too much of a slut if she had made the approach. She hadn't expected me to be able to hold out for more than a few days, but I had surprised her. The longer I held out the more determined she was that I would be the one to fulfill her husbands fantasy. She was getting desperate; she wanted to give him his fantasy as a Christmas present, but I wasn't cooperating. The photos (they were a plant for me to find), the arch with the mistletoe, and the phone calls were all a desperation attempt to get me to make a move. Happily for me, they worked.

I've not met her husband, but we have settled into a curious relationship. He sends Belinda to me every morning freshly fucked and I eat her pussy at lunch, get a blow job and then I make a sperm deposit and send her back to him. According to Belinda he eats her pussy as soon as she gets home so I guess he is as big a cream pie junkie as I am.

Every other Friday after work Belinda and I check into a motel and she is very late getting home to her hubby, but she does go home to him full of what he wants. She says she wants to do the same for me - she will fuck him all night and come to see me on a Saturday or a Sunday. I told her to go ahead and set it up. Belinda says her husband is hinting at wanting to watch, "How do you feel about having him in the closet watching? I'm not going to tell him that I told you he'd be there, but I wouldn't feel right about doing it if you didn't know."

"I get to do everything? Including something that you haven't let me do yet - your ass?"

She laughed, "Why? You think you'll get your jollies listening to me grunt like a pig while you do it?"

I grinned at her, "No, but if I'm going to do that for him I want to get everything that he gets."

It was her turn to grin, "Next Monday work for you?"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

“I couldn't take the problem to management because all that would do is make me the laughing stock of the office.“

Really? That’s third party sexual harassment creating a hostile work environment. You don’t go to management, any office that has cubicles, also has a HR Department. The first time the woman does that, you report it. If she doesn’t stop, or if there’s any retaliation or direct harassment against you, then you file a lawsuit. Any company that doesn’t take it seriously will pay a large price.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This story was the GREATEST. I laugh like hell over the first two paragraphs. Does this really happen? It sure in the hell does. If you want to make a boyfriend / girlfriend jealous just do this as a joke, call a couple times and see what happens.

Great story JPB I wish you keep up the GOOD story telling

They are GREAT. 5/5 stars Thank you again

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

Crap says it all.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

This was nasty, even for JPB. Not good at all.

tazz317tazz317almost 7 years ago

should be ta-boo for all, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
It may sound like a good idea

But this is a "be careful of what you ask for" deal. He should have run in the opposite direction.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Anon has it right

Today's workplace environment would make this impossible. Everybody has an I-phone and she'd be up in front of HR in a heartbeat. No way he would follow up on her invitations. That's a sure way to end up fired with little possibility of finding a new job. And who wants to get involved with a crazy woman and her strange husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Funny but nutty

In today's workplace someone, probably him, would be recording everything on their I-phone, she'd be toast and the Company would be in deep shit. All the pictures would do is seal the deal on a Civil suit for sexual harrassment. Play his cards right and he might be retired. Big Companies especially pay to have this kind of thing swept under the rug as bad publicity can cost them millions.

fanfarefanfareover 10 years ago

JPB, I was working my way through your postings and I have to compliment you for creating a story that really disgusts me.

The funniest part of this is looking down the list of commentators and realizing how complimentary they are towards this choice of yours as a fictional subject. It is very interesting these are the same pathetic creatures, the perpetual adolescents who froth at the mouth with vicious infantile threats against fictional female characters in all your other LW stories.

You have finally written something that hmm, appeals? is tasty? whets their appetites? titillates their sordid fancies? of these childish goofs.

OverthefallsOverthefallsabout 11 years ago
Well that was interesting

An unusual and intriguing storyline. But the wife is still a slut for cheating on her husband. And the poor guy should have know immediately when she planted the photos that it was a setup. Nothing good is coming from this strange relationship.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
I think this story deserves a 1*.

However,I couldn't help it. I liked so I gave it 5*****s.

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