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Photoshoot for Bobby's Fiancée

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Cassy gets naked for the camera for the first time, and --
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Cassy always loved the way her fiancé, Bobby, looked at her – like he could never get enough. Cassy knew she was pretty – she was a part-time model – but Bobby's intense, adoring gaze always made her feel smoking hot.

She knew Bobby liked having a model as a girlfriend. He liked reading the admiring comments about her looks on her online modeling profile page. He encouraged her to dress in a sexy way. He enjoyed catching other men staring at his hot girlfriend. Cassy liked that, too. She liked being sexy and she liked getting attention from other men. It made her happy that her boyfriend and fiancé wasn't jealous, and that he enjoyed the attention she got.

So far, though, Cassy had only gone so far in putting herself on display. She had never posed nude as a model. Plenty of other men had admired her, even ogled her, but for as long as Cassy and Bobby had been going out together, no other man, other than her doctor, had touched her in an intimate place, or seen her naked.

That's why Cassy was surprised at the direction the conversation turned as she and Bobby were having drinks one evening at a favorite restaurant. They sat in a small booth against the wall, across from the restaurant bar. The bar area was noisy and brightly colored, with mirrors covering the walls here and there to make the room look bigger. Two empty plates and two half empty beer glasses perched atop the table in front of them.

Bobby stared intently at one of the mirrors, and a smirk broke over his face.

"Cassy, guess what?" he asked her.

"I give up," she said. "What?"

"There's a guy checking you out. Two tables away. I think he's trying to look up your skirt."

They sat side by side with their backs against the wall, so it wasn't difficult for Cassy to crane her neck to look in the same mirror Bobby did. It took her no time to see her admirer's reflection. He looked like he was in his early-20s, and he was seated at a table with three other guys who looked the same age. They were talking, but he wasn't participating much in the conversation, distracted as he was by the sight of Cassy's legs. She was wearing a miniskirt, and it revealed a lot of thigh when she sat down. Cassy guessed he wanted to see more than just her thighs and was hoping to get a peek up her skirt, to her panties.

"How do you feel about your fiancée being checked out?" Cassy asked.

"You know I like it. I think it's hot. You're hot, and I like that other guys think so too."

"I think he wants to see my panties."

"Which ones are you wearing?"

"Pale blue thong, lacy, kind of see through."

"Mmmmm. I like those. How about if you give him a peek?"

Cassy was surprised. Lately, she and Bobby had talked about showing her off more, but they hadn't followed through with it.

"What do you want me to do?" she asked.

"Keep looking at me, like you're deep in conversation, so he doesn't know you're aware of him. Then slowly let your legs drift apart so he can see up your skirt."

"You really want me to do that?"

"I really do."

"If you say so."

Bobby was in a frisky mood, and Cassy liked it. She wasn't sure how to do it so it wouldn't be obvious. She kept up a steady conversation with Bobby, her torso twisted slightly toward him, but she barely knew what words were coming out of her mouth. She concentrated instead on her legs, which she started swaying back and forth together, slowly letting them begin to drift apart.

"O.K., I'm starting to spread my legs."

"Good. Keep doing that and keep talking, and keep looking at me, and I'll check out his reaction in the mirror. I'll let you know if he reacts."

Cassy let one of her legs swing wide as she talked to Bobby, and she brought it back to the other one slowly.

"You must have done something. He sat up and his eyes are wider. And he is not talking to his friends at all now."

A tingle ran though Cassy's whole body. She shivered with excitement. She swung a leg wide again. It was very difficult to avoid looking at the man she knew was staring up her skirt, but she didn't want him to know she knew, so she kept starting at Bobby's face. Her legs were spread apart enough, and her skirt was short enough, that she had no doubt the guy could see all the way up to her filmy blue panties. She liked showing off, and she knew Bobby liked it too.

"He is definitely into your panties," Bobby said. "He's stalking you with his eyes."

"Good thing you're not the jealous type," she said.

"It's a great thing," he said, with his widest grin.

"How about if we show him a little more?" he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't stop looking at me. Keep talking. React like I've just proposed something outrageous. Which I am. And then, slowly, take your panties off. Pull them down your legs, pick them off the floor, and give them to me. Then we'll show him your pussy."

It wasn't hard for Cassy to act surprised. She was surprised. She put a hand to her mouth.

"Bobby! I can't do that. We're in a public place. I might get arrested."

Bobby looked up from the booth and scanned the area with his eyes, taking care not to look directly at Cassie's voyeur.

"No, you won't. That's the only table with a good view under our table. Nobody else can see up your skirt. The bartender's too far away, and he's standing up, so he can't see under the table anyway. Go ahead. Take them off."

She and Bobby had never gone that far. But he was having so much fun with it, and he sounded so insistent. She felt the rush not just of exposing herself but of submitting to Bobby's instructions.

She hitched her skirt up her thighs a bit more. She knew that would put on quite a show for her admirer. Looking up from the table to make sure no waitress was coming, she reached under her skirt, hooked her thumbs on the string sides of the thong, and pulled down her thighs and calves. She stepped out of the thong.

"Oh, you have his attention now. His mouth is open."

"This is so embarrassing," Cassy said. It was embarrassing, but it was thrilling, too.

"Now," Bobby said, "Go ahead and pick them off the floor and hand them to me. Don't rush it. Hand them over with your palm open and the thong sitting on top of it."

Bobby's requests were getting closer to the edges of Cassy's comfort zone, but she didn't want to say no. She reached under the table, picked up the thong, and held it out to Bobby in her hand. She looked up again to see if any waitresses were coming. There was one, a few booths away, taking an order, and it looked like she'd be headed Cassy's way soon.

Bobby didn't take the panties from her right away. The delay made Cassy nervous. She didn't want the waitress, or anyone else, to see her holding the panties as brazenly in her hand as she did. But Bobby was in no hurry.

He poked at the panties with his index finger, moving them around until he seemed to find what he was looking for.

"Wet," he said, tapping a spot on the gusset where the fabric was darker. "I knew you'd be turned on."

"Bobby, there's a waitress coming."

Bobby enclosed the blue thong in his hand and put it under the table.

"You two want any dessert?" the waitress asked.

Bobby skimmed the menu.

"Yeah. We'll split a piece of pie. Cherry pie."

He grinned at his fiancée.

"You're bad," she said.

"You're the one who just took her panties off in a restaurant."

"Only because my horny, perverted boyfriend told me to."

"You didn't resist. You like it, don't you?"

Cassy paused.

"Yeah, I do. I like it. I can't see him, but I can feel his eyes on me."

Cassy felt Bobby's hand on her thigh, firmly squeezing it. It moved up, to the edge of her skirt, and it began pushing her skirt back.

"Open your legs," Bobby said. "Wide."

Cassy did as he told her. She parted her legs. She kept looking at Bobby. She knew that her admirer must be looking at her, and it was hard not to look back at him.

"I'm going to finger you," Bobby said. His hand moved up her thigh, toward the junction between her legs.

"You can't do that here!" Cassy said.

"Watch me," he said. Cassy felt the hand simultaneously pulling her left leg wide and moving in, between her thighs. Bobby wasted no time. When his hand reached his destination, he extended his index finger and touched the hood of her shaved pussy.

Cassy let out a little gasp.


"I can see his face in the mirror, Cassy," Bobby said. "The guy looks like he died and went to heaven. He's looking at your pussy now. You're showing off your pussy to a stranger in the bar. I'm going to show him some more."

Cassy felt Bobby's fingers trail down from her clit over the nub of her clit and then down into the folds of her pussy. Nobody besides Bobby had seen her pussy in a long time. But someone she didn't even know stared at it now, and Cassy felt Bobby's fingers hook onto and then pull back her lips. Bobby was opening her pussy up to the strange man at the table. Bobby leaned toward her ear as he did so.

"I can feel your wetness," he said. "You like this."

Cassy wasn't sure if she should like it, but she did. She made no effort to resist Bobby's hand or to close her legs. Instead, she pushed her right leg back even farther. She was as exposed to the strange man as she possibly could be.

Cassy couldn't help it. She looked away from Bobby, toward the strange young man staring at her. His gaze caught hers, and in an instant, he looked away. Cassy kept staring at his face. It was a nondescript face, a 20-something man with short dark hair. Cassy kept looking at him. Eventually, he looked back, too. Cassy maintained her stare, until her point was made. She wanted him to know she wanted him to look.

Cassy knew he understood when he stopped staring at her face, and focused his gaze below the table, to Cassy's pussy. Her legs were spread wide, and her skirt was pulled back, so everything was on display. She felt Bobby's finger gently massaging her clit from above, leaving the pussy below exposed. With her right hand she reached down and pulled her right lip back to open herself to the stranger. She felt the wetness in her.

Cassy saw her admirer nudge the guy next to him at the table, and a moment later all four of the guys at the table looked her way. She saw the mouths of two of them drop open in astonishment. Now four men, not one, starred at her bare pussy under the table.

One of them picked a cell phone off the table top. Another fished a phone out of a pocket. They held them up. They were going to take pictures of her.

Cassy snapped her legs shut. It was one thing to show off, but it was another thing to offer free pictures, which could end up anywhere. She wanted to exhibit herself, but she wasn't ready for her exposed pussy to show up on the Internet.

"They're trying to take pictures of me," she said to Bobby. "I don't want to let that happen."

The four guys sitting at the table, staring at her, looked disappointed.

"It's O.K.," Bobby said. "Let's finish our dessert and talk about this later."

The cherry pie arrived a few minutes later, and Bobby and Cassy took their time eating it off the plate they shared. As they ate, Cassy snuck occasional glances at the four men at the table. They snuck glances back at her from time to time, and Cassy got the feeling they hoped she'd resume her show for them. But she didn't. A few minutes later, they finished the pie. Bobby paid the bill and he and Cassy left the restaurant.

An hour later, Cassy lay naked on her bed, on her back, with her legs high in the air. Bobby, also naked, lay on top of her, fucking her with quick, hard strokes.

"So, did you like showing off like that in the bar?" Bobby asked her, the words coming out choppy while he fucked her.

"I did," she said.

"Tell me about it."

"What do you want me to say?"

"I want to hear you talk about how you felt when you showed off."

"It turns you on?" she asked, squealing in response to a hard thrust.

"You want me to tell you how I felt when I showed off my pussy?"

"Oh yes."

"I liked it when I spread my legs and he looked at me. I knew he could see everything. He got a great view because I was completely shaved. He saw my lips, my little button."

"Oh, Cassy."

"But I wanted him to see more. You couldn't see me do it because it was under the table, but I reached down and pulled my lips apart, so he could see inside me. I wanted him to see deep inside me where you put your cock when you fuck me. It felt so good to do that. I was so turned in."

"Cassy, you're driving me crazy." Bobby sped up. He put his mouth over her tit and sucked on it as he fucked her.

"Oh, baby, I love that. It feels so good. It was even better when all the guy's friends saw me too. All of them were staring at my open pussy. I touched myself with my finger and could tell I was wet. I spread my legs even wider and pulled my cunt open even farther so all of them could get a good view. Oh, Bobby, it felt so good knowing they could all see my pussy. I love showing off my pussy. Do you like that, baby? Knowing you're going to marry a girl who likes showing her pussy off to strange men?"

"Oh, god, Cassy, I can't hold back any more."

With one more furious push Bobby let go and splashed the inside of her pussy with his cum. He held his cock in her, to the hilt, as his cock pumped and spasmed.

A few minutes later they lay side by side thinking about what Cassy had done. Cassy reached a finger lazily into her pussy and pulled it out and put it in her mouth, absent-mindedly tasting and swallowing Bobby's cum.

"So, you really liked that?" Bobby asked. "You weren't just doing that for me?"

"Yeah, I did like it," she said. "It was exciting. A huge rush. How do you feel about that? Are you OK with it?"

"I'm better than O.K. I love it. It's such a turn on to think about you doing that."

"You don't think it's too –." She paused.


"I don't know. Slutty, I guess. It doesn't bother you? You don't think I'm slutty?"

Cassy saw Bobby pause before answering.

"Well, I guess, yeah, I think maybe you are a little bit slutty. It's kind of a slutty thing to do. But I like it. I like you being a little slutty."


"Yeah, really." He grinned. "As long as you're my slut."

"Oh, baby, I'll be your slut. Anytime."

They kissed, and she caressed his cock, which was soft but responded to her touch.

I'll bet he'll be ready again soon, she thought.

"So, do you want to do it again?" Bobby asked her.

"What, show off at the restaurant again?"

"No, not that. Show off, yes. But not there. Like something else, where you go a little further."

Cassy's eyes widened.

"What do you have in mind?" she asked. Bobby looked deep in concentration and she wondered what was going on in his brain.

"I've got an idea. Let me think about it. We'll talk about it tomorrow."

"Now I'm curious what plan you've got cooking for me. You can't tell me?"

"Not right now. I have to think about it. Tomorrow. Definitely."


Bobby and Cassy cuddled in the bed, lightly kissing each other. They turned the lights out and at last they went to sleep.

The next day was Saturday, and Bobby had errands to run. After breakfast, he left in the car and Cassy didn't seem him for several hours. When he came home, he kissed Cassy briefly, but he left for another room to make phone calls. Cassy left to visit a friend, and she and Bobby didn't see each other again until dinner.

At the dinner table, they dug into their meals – spaghetti with a light buttery dressing and a mix of spices. It smelled heavenly. They ate it with white wine and hot bread slices. They ate quietly, until Bobby broke the silence.

"Cassy, I was thinking about yesterday. What we did and what we talked about."

"You mean about me showing off?"

"Yeah. I've got an idea, and I talked to a friend of mine about it. You want to hear it?"

Cassy felt goosebumps on her arms. She did want to hear about it, but she was nervous about Bobby having talked to a friend about it.

"Who's the friend?" she asked.

"You haven't met him. I've known him a little while, casually. He's a photographer. His name's Richard. He does a lot of different types of photographs – weddings, portraits, sporting events, some fashion, and ads for local magazines. He's a pro, very reliable. He also does glamour photography. Nude photography. I talked to him about an idea I had for a shoot with you, and he was interested."

"Bobby, you know I haven't done any nude modeling. I've done lingerie and glamour, but nothing nude. I don't think I'm ready to have nude photos of me circulating in public."

"I know that, and that's not what I've got planned. This is what I talked to him about. Like I said, he's a professional, and he teaches photography classes. He does private workshops at his studio where newbie photographers pay him to learn how to photograph models. He's always looking for models to help out. So, I talked to him about you, and he had an idea. He could schedule a private modeling session for you, with him teaching a class to some new photographers. They would take pictures of you –in the nude. But he'd have everybody sign contracts ahead of time, so the photos would be private, and couldn't be put online or in public. That way you would get to expose yourself, but in a private setting. You could have fun getting naked, but there'd be no risk."

Cassy was unsure.

"How would you know? How could he control what they do?"

"Richard knows what he's doing. He draws up tight contracts. They'd face some serious lawsuits if they broke the contracts. And he tells me he's careful about who he picks, too. With you as a model, he'll only work with photographers who he's taught in previous classes. No first-timers."

Cassy had thought about nude modeling for years. She'd posed many times in skimpy, sexy outfits, and she'd wondered what it would be like to peel the clothing off and the let the camera linger over her nude body. It made her almost flush to think about it. But she'd never taken that step. She worried too much about family, friends, and co-workers seeing her, and what they would think of her if they saw nude photos of her.

A few days earlier, she might have said "no" to the idea right away. But the exposure at the restaurant left her feeling excited and wanting more. She imagined herself standing, nude, in a photo studio, with men surrounding her and taking photos of her. The idea excited her. It aroused her. Without thinking she touched a finger to her nipple, and it was hardening.

Bobby smiled.

"You like the idea, huh?"

"Oh, Bobby, I don't know. Yes, part of me gets excited thinking about posing nude. But it's a big step. It's risky."

"It's no riskier than what you did yesterday, Cassy. It's less. If someone else had seen you yesterday, you could have been asked to leave. Or arrested for indecent exposure. There's no chance of that with Richard. You'll be in a controlled environment. Richard will be in control. I trust him, and you can too. How about it?"

"Well, I guess. I can give it a try and see how it goes and if I don't like it I can stop."

"That sounds great! I'll call Richard later today."

They finished dinner without talking about it further. After dinner they cleaned up the dishes. When they were done Bobby disappeared into another room. Cassy assumed he was on the phone with his friend, Richard. Half an hour later, Bobby returned.

"I talked to Richard. It's all arranged. Next Saturday." He smiled kindly and lovingly at his fiancée.

Cassy gulped. "What do I have to do?"

"Very simple. You show up at his studio. Follow his instructions. Trust him. I've talked it through with him. He'll take good care of you. Just let him call the shots. Can you do that?"

"I guess so," she said. Cassy wasn't sure. She had never done anything like this, and she didn't know Richard at all.

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