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Pick on Someone Your Own Size Pt. 01

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Thea is part of someone's devious plan, but whose plan is it.
12.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/09/2018
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Thea is part of someone's devious plan, but whose plan is it?

This is the first part of a two-part follow-on story from Girl on a Hot Tin Roof, predominantly featuring Thea. They can be read standalone, but for back story and completeness I'd recommend reading 'GoaHTR' first.



It's always a bit nerve-racking starting a new job. I loved where I was working but it was a great step up for me and I couldn't turn it down. I would be moving from a small, provincial agency to a well-renowned international one. It would be hard work, but the money was good and the accounts I would be working on were much bigger and more prestigious than the local stuff I had been doing for the past couple of years.

Still, it was a wrench to leave the agency. I had made some good friends there and I couldn't thank Mairie enough for what she had done for me. Part of the deal when I fucked up royally and got expelled from school for dealing pills was that she would take me on as an office junior if I sorted myself out. Somehow I managed it and did well in my final year at a boarding school in the Scottish borders my parents belatedly sent me to. Mairie is my aunt - my mum's sister - and owns a small advertising agency in Edinburgh. I didn't want to go to University having hated school, so I reluctantly agreed. At least it saved looking for a job or working supermarket checkouts. I was resentful at first, feeling that it was a way for the family to keep an eye on me but I soon came to enjoy the buzzy, creative atmosphere. It suited me down to the ground and I quickly went from tea-girl and general gopher to being an integral part of the creative process. I learned fast - as I do most things - and was soon running a couple of small campaigns.

Mairie put her trust in me and I hope I repaid her in full. I was moving on with her full blessing and I think she was proud that I had come so far in such a short time.

At my leaving party, she had made me cry with her kind words and afterwards she took me to one side. "We'll miss you, Thea McLeod but I think you're destined for bigger things than our wee agency can offer you. It will be hard work, but I know you can manage it. Just watch out for Kyrstyna Nielsen - she's got a bit of a rep for being a hard-nosed bitch. I've met her a few times and she can be a right old c-word if she feels like it, but I've always got on ok with her."

Krystyna Nielsen - the CEO of the company that bore her name; Nielsen Associates or NA for short. I had been interviewed by a couple of the Associates so had not yet met the woman, but I already knew of her formidable reputation. I wasn't overly bothered. I may be only be four feet eleven and a half and just twenty-two years old, but as many of my like-minded friends can attest to, I punch well above my weight. I had looked her up on the internet for good measure - there were plenty of articles about her and her awards. European Businesswoman of the Year, Advertising Campaign of this that and the other. She was formidable looking, no doubt. Norwegian, forty-something, twice divorced and at over six feet tall she was quite a sight. A well coiffed, short silver blonde hairdo with an elaborate quiff and a steely penetrating gaze behind her expensive designer glasses. All in all she looked like the sort of person I'd like to get to know in a very intimate way.

But whatever her reputation, I've stood up to many formidable women over the last few years and usually come out best. Just ask the nasty little trio of girls that attacked me at boarding school for a reference.

That last year at boarding school changed me in a lot of ways. I had grown up fast and thanks to that pretty violent and brutal assault at the hands of those three particularly unpleasant schoolmates, I had come to realise with something mixing elation with sheer terror that I rather enjoyed the rougher end of the sexual spectrum.

I also discovered that I preferred the intimate company of my own sex. My brief unexciting, uninspiring dalliances with boys became a thing of the past. I hooked up with a girl called Laura during that last year and we took ourselves to some places very few sweet little eighteen year-olds would dream of going.

I had plucked up the courage to come out to my friends and family and they were surprised but cool with it. It also kept at bay the questions as to why a pretty blonde girl of my age didn't have a boyfriend. I kept the other little revelations to myself and a very close-knit group of like-minded people.

After one liaison with an older woman, she told me about the Russell Arms - the Russ, a local pub near where I live. I went one night on my own and I got laid. I have gotten laid as a result of going there most nights ever since. I've met some wonderful people there and let's just say I am now part of the furniture. The owners Tom and Andy get the benefit of my advertising skills whenever an event is in the offing. Well, it gets me a bit of kudos and a fair few free drinks.

The Russ also got me my girlfriend. It was there that I met the glorious red-headed Jessica Hale. At thirty-two she had recently been divorced. She had stumbled in by accident one night and run like hell when I came on to her. Then she came back the next night determined to re-ignite her adventurous side from years earlier. This time she didn't run.

I am so glad she didn't.

I introduced her as gently as I could to our world. It was an amazing night and much as I like the rough stuff, I also like it slow and gentle. Oh God, was this slow and gentle?

Then she saw me hanging from a wall in a warehouse being tortured by a statuesque blonde woman in front of thirty or so people who are in to that sort of thing. I thought that would be the end of it and I'd never see her again.

Three months later, Jess was squirting all over my face as I knelt before her as the same woman did the same things to her and a Sybian wrenched orgasm after orgasm from her shackled body and she screamed the place down in ecstasy.

We had been together for nine months when I got my new job and we were constantly pushing each other's limits. Our sex life was wonderful, but I was detecting that maybe for Jess, something was missing. Not long after I'd started the job, I had the chance to broach the subject delicately.

We were in a post coital bliss, buzzing from electrically induced orgasms, buttocks and thighs tingling from an earlier bout of paddling and spanking. I was lying in her arms, idly scrolling through a few movie options on my tablet to get us all nicely worked up for a second bout. I selected what I thought would be a raunchy little number with two nubile babes getting it on. I began stroking her in a way she loves and she began to respond to my tender ministrations. Just as was about to go down on her, a guy entered the Sapphic scene and one of the girls started going down on him. Almost inadvertently, Jess let out a little groan as the on-screen babe took him in her mouth.

I looked up at her. "Do you miss that, Jess?" Since we had been together she had never once mentioned anything to me, but I was beginning to suspect.

She sighed. "It's a bit like giving up smoking or something. Once you've done it, there's always a little craving there." She stroked my hair gently. "I'd be lying if I said it didn't still turn me on." She wriggled round to look at me properly, stroking my lips. "I'd love to see you do it, Thea. I keep having these fantasies about us having a threesome. I mean... I love the stuff we do with the girls, but I'd really love to see your lovely little mouth working on a big hard cock - to get down and lick your clit as another slides in and out - watch your gorgeous little pink puss stretch and quiver!"

As she said it, she slid a finger inside me. "Yes, I do miss it, Thea. Does that bother you?"

I kissed her. "No - not at all. Just because I have no inclination doesn't mean you shouldn't. I wouldn't mind - when you're away on business you know? It's barely been part of my life, but it's been part of yours. I'd be doing it with Bex, Moira, Gabby, so why not? I just want us both to be happy so if that's what you want, then I'm cool with it."

I reached over and picked up a nice fat dildo. "Now get that inside me and pretend it's attached to a young fit stud and show me just what you'd be doing to me if I ever do succumb..."

Three weeks later, Jess came back from a business trip and regaled me with a nice little story of a guy she had met in her hotel. The previous couple of times she had done it after her divorce and before we met it was all a bit vanilla. This time she went to town on him.

She lay in my arms purring. "Oh Thea, it was wonderful. First time in over ten years a guy has come in my mouth. I just wish you'd been there to share it with me."

I managed to shut down a tiny sliver of jealously and tried to imagine her with her mouth full. I giggled. "Did ye swallie it?"

She looked puzzled. She still couldn't understand all of my strange Scots words at times. "Swallie it? You know..." I mimed a big swallow and slurped my lips, wiping them with the back of my hand.

She giggled back. "Yep, every drop. Sucked him dry and swallied the lot!"

"Ya wee hussy! Did it taste as good as me?"

She kissed me. "Nothing tastes as good as Thea McLeod."

"Did he lick ye?"

"Yes and before you ask, no-one licks as good as Theodora Tanith McLeod!"

I laughed. "Ok, prove it to me then and I won't have to beat the shit out of you for fucking a bloke and swallowing his jizz."

In response, she slipped out of my grasp and presented her lovely smooth buttocks to me. She looked over her shoulder at me. "Oh you will Thea - I've been a very naughty wee lassie and I deserve whatever punishment you think fit."

That was Wednesday night. By the time we hit Girl on a Hot Tin Roof on the Friday, she was still finding it hard to sit for too long.

Well, she did ask!


My first couple of months at the new job were going well. I settled in nicely and got assigned to a pretty decent sized campaign. We were pitching against a couple of big rivals, so it was all hands to the pump and my feet didn't touch the ground. It was a great way to get into things and the time flew by. They were by and large a great bunch - competitive and driven, but friendly and supportive and I felt like I was part of the team in no time.

There was only one slight stumbling block - a girl called Inge Kaerlsen. Like our CEO Krystyna she was Norwegian - unsurprisingly there were a few of them in the office given that the Head Office was in Oslo. But while the others were all just part of the team, Inge thought she was something else. Whilst I had become friendly with most of the rest of the team, Inge seemed to take offence at me being there. She was in her late twenties, maybe thirty with a hard face and white-blonde shoulder length hair. Her mouth was always set as if she had a bad smell under her nose and her icy blue eyes should have sparkled with life they were such a beautiful colour. However she seemed to walk around with her own little Linus-cloud over her head that precluded any light from escaping its radius.

She had been abrasive from the off and as the campaign came to its conclusion and my input became more and more influential, she became downright hostile. It came to a head the day the announcement was made as to whether we had got the contract or not.

The day I first met Krystyna Nielsen and got called some nasty names in Norwegian.

The morning of the announcement was purgatory. Everyone was on edge and the impending presence of Krystyna seemed to have the whole office in a state of panic. As we filtered into the conference room, Inge turned to Rob, one of the campaign team and a generally all-round nice guy. She poked a thumb in my direction. "I reckon we've lost it and it's her fucking fault, useless..."

I didn't catch the last three words as they were presumably in Norwegian, but I guessed it was not pleasant. Rob snapped back at her, gaining my admiration. "Leave it out, Inge. We're no' going to lose it, and if we do, we go down as a team. Jess has been great, so shut the eff up."

I nodded my thanks to him and sat well away from her malign presence in the conference room as she scowled at him and sat elsewhere herself, radiating bad vibes. The proverbial mood-hoover.

The general hubbub subsided as Mac, the campaign manager stood at the front. "OK guys and girls, big day, big announcement. It's a pleasure to welcome Krys to Scotland again." He held out his hand and a door to the front of the conference room opened and in stepped the statuesque figure of our CEO. She was every bit as impressive as her pictures showed her to be. She oozed charm, confidence and power. A small ripple of applause went round the thirty or so of us in the room before an almost embarrassed silence descended.

Her English was of course perfect and almost accent less. Her voice was perfectly modulated to command attention and respect. "Thanks, Mac. Good to be back - it's been too long and I'm sorry I've not been here much recently, but there's been a fair bit going on."

She paused for effect and then threw out the next sentence with such nonchalance that some people almost missed the import of it. "Like... well, it takes a bit or organising to get thirty people on flights to Norway for a big weekend bash to thank you all for winning the Helstrom account..."

There was a stunned silence then the place exploded. You'd have thought Scotland had just won the World Cup. Fifteen minutes later we were back in the main office, all thoughts of work postponed for the day as champagne corks flew and everyone hugged everyone else. It felt great to be a part of even if I had only come in at the latter stages, but no-one seemed to mind and I received as many congratulations as everyone who had been with it from the start.

At least no-one minded but Inge.

Aware of her staring daggers at me I extricated myself from the throng and walked out onto the small rooftop area that was used as a smoking area for the few of us that partook. I was trying to be good - Jess had quit again - but I was having a little more trouble especially with the stress of the new job. I leaned on the rail with a fine view of the city and the castle and inhaled deeply. My heart sank as I heard an icy voice behind me.

"Proud of your success eh?" I turned and there she was - the black hole. "Proud of your... 'hard work?'" She mimed the quotation marks as she spoke. Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun on top of her head, her prominent cheekbones accentuating the hardness of her face. Almost pushing me out of the way she moved past me. She lit her own cigarette and pointed it at me. "Fucking does my head in. We work our fucking asses off for months and some little..." again, words I didn't understand, "comes in and thinks she's the fucking bees-knees."

I looked at her open-mouthed. "What's your fucking problem, Inge? I've fitted in and worked hard - only you seem to have an issue with me."

She swore again in her native language. "So we do all the fucking work and you swan in and get all the glory - the prissy little new girl getting her fucking huge bonus and free trip to the most fucking beautiful country on Earth for doing the square-root of fuck all. Makes my fucking blood boil."

I shook my head. "A few of wrong assumptions there, Inge." I thought about slinging in a few Gaelic insults I knew but thought I'd stay above her level. "Firstly, I'm still in my six month probation period, so you'll be pleased to know that there won't be a bonus - either fucking huge or pissing tiny. Secondly, I did work fucking hard; and thirdly, I'm already standing in the most beautiful country on earth. Anywhere that produces a fucking piece of work like you can't be up to much, can it?"

Inge was about to come back at me when I saw her eyes go wide and stare off over my left shoulder. I heard another voice behind me. It was soft and slightly mocking. "So, the first time we meet, you're dissing my lovely native land!"

I snapped my head around and our CEO was standing behind me, a huge intimidating presence in her two-piece blue power-suit, her trademark quiff and dark rimmed glasses. Before I had time to speak, Krystyna moved in on Inge. She towered over her and the girl looked aghast. "Don't give anyone shit about hard work, Inge. It's what we pay you for. We all work hard here - it's our ethos. Our way of survival in this fucking cut-throat world." She narrowed her eyes and put her face close to Inge's. "Have you lost two marriages because of fucking hard work?"

The girl swallowed hard and shook her head. "Sorry... point taken, Krys."

Krystyna backed off. "Good girl. Now go inside and have some bubbles and chill. It's a day for celebration."

Celebration looked the last thing on Inge's mind as she sucked the last from her cigarette and disposed of it. She pushed past me sulkily and muttered something under her breath as she stormed back inside.

Krystyna looked at me. "Sorry, not the way I'd have hoped to meet you Thea. I'm Krystyna Nielsen - as you may know I somehow seem to be the one in charge of this little madhouse. Sorry it's taken me so long to welcome you, but it seems a good day to do it."

She held out a huge hand with long, elegant fingers and it engulfed my tiny paw. "Nice to meet you at last as well. Sorry about that..." I nodded towards the door. "Just feel a bit embarrassed that our first meeting was in the middle of that little outburst."

She smiled, still holding onto my hand. "Please don't judge us all on a small sample - it really is a spectacular country, as you will find out soon."

I smiled back as she finally released her gentle but insistent grip. "Yes, a wonderful surprise - really looking forward to it."

She reached into her bag and pulled out a vape pen. "I was coming out to use this, but I think I could do with something a little more fulfilling. I don't suppose?"

I took a moment to realise what she meant. "Oh sorry!" I fumbled in my bag and handed her the packet.

She took one and smiled as she beckoned for my lighter.

"Oops!" I held it up to her and she took my hand in hers again as I clicked it for her.

She inhaled deeply and sighed. "Thank you - what must you think of me? Bumming a smoke off you at our first meeting!"

I laughed, immediately feeling at home with her despite having already seen her feisty side. "Better than the slanging match with Inge. Sorry again - we just don't seem to get on. I've tried, but..."

She nodded. "I know - she's ambitious and a little insecure. Probably sees you as a threat. I don't mind rivalry in the office - keeps people on their toes, but word of advice. No back-stabbing, yeah?"

My turn to nod. "Don't worry, Ms. Nielsen - not my style."

She took a long pull on the cigarette and deposited it into the disposal bin. "Good - glad to hear it... and it's Krys, ok? We're all in this together." She turned to go. "Nice to meet you, Thea and thanks for the cig."

I was about to say something back when she stopped and looked at me. "Oh, by the way... what Inge said? Is it true?"

I shook my head. "Sorry, what she said?"

"Mmm - as she left. What she muttered in our native tongue. 'Jævla liten lesbisk.' I'm afraid she called you a fucking little lesbian."

I laughed out loud. "So that's what she keeps calling me!" I stubbed out my cigarette. "You seem to be the sort of person that likes plain talking, so I'll tell you straight. Every word of it is true. I'm a tidge under five feet tall, so 'little' seems appropriate. I'm in a same sex relationship, so 'lesbian' is undoubtedly true. And as for the first word - well, as we say in these parts, 'Wha' disnae like a guid fuck?"

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