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Pixie Trixxx: Dirty Pig

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When Ruby accuses Trent of being a dirty pig things get real
2.7k words

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 05/13/2014
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"You are such a fucking pig!" Penny screamed at the top of her lungs. She could feel the eyes of every many woman and child in the food court turn towards her and her boyfriend. Taking a deep breath she wound way back and slapped him hard enough to nearly spin him around. "It's not enough that I dress up for you, you still can't keep from checking out every fucking skirt that skips by?"

The woman he'd been checking out, a young looking Asian girl, eyes widened and then she blushed.

"Baby I-"

"You didn't what? You weren't just looking at her ass when she skipped by?" Penny took a moment to adjust her thigh high black and white striped socks, and then pulled her just more than a handful bust up in her crop top.

Trevor hadn't noticed his hand move to the side of his face where she'd slapped him. He dropped his gaze to the floor then looked around. Any thought of screaming at her instantly went away. He could feel their eyes boring into him daring him to say or do anything. "I'm sorry."

"I you think sorry is good enough?" Penny stomped her foot.

Star Dust perked up slightly from her perch atop Mike's head. "Oh that sounds like fun. I'm gonna go take a look. Meet you back at home?"

Despite knowing that he couldn't possible see her Mike still tilted his head up rolled his eyes back trying to spot the fairy sitting on his head. "But what am I going to do without you?" Mike whispered in a hiss.

"The same thing you were going to do without me silly. She's already charmed, that's why we're here. She wants your opinion on some swimsuits and lingerie she's buying for your daddy." Star Dust sang. "If you need me just clap."

"That really works?" Mike gasped.

"What are you talking about?" Amy spun around to face her son.

"Nothing. Just thinking out loud. You're gonna look great for dad." Mike replied.

The forty three year old blonde bombshell stared at him for a second. Her expression was strange, somewhere between confused and aroused. In the end she curled her lips into a smile and she turned back. "And you're just the lucky man who's going to help me pick out my outfits. I've never taken a man shopping for these kinds of things before."

"And after this we should pick up some shoes." Amy nodded at the suggestion putting an extra bit of sway in her stop.

Star Dust let the humans talk for a moment before she fluttered down in front of Mike kissing him on the tip of the nose. "Of course it works. If you need me I'll be there, promise. Now go, have fun I want to see what this is all about." She didn't wait for him to respond, she just fluttered off over the crowd.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't-" Trent stopped himself mid sentence. Partially because he was certain he'd seen something flying through the air and land on Penny's shoulder. There was nothing there though, maybe a heat shimmer or one of those strange spots where you can see the AC but she wasn't standing near a vent. Then even after a full second or three of staring it faded away and he knew it was just his embarrassed mind playing tricks on him.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, you're always like this. Take me home." Penny snarled.

Trent remained still for a moment. "But I hav-"

"Don't care about your stupid video game! You're taking me home now!" She stomped her foot.

"You're right. Let's go." Trent put his head down avoiding the accusing and now mocking glares of the crowd. There was a taunting jeer coming from no where in particular. The embarrassment of being stared at by all those people made him hotter than the handprint on the side of his face.

"Well aren't you quite the little bitch?" Star Dust mused from her seat on Penny's shoulder. The petite Brunette couldn't see, hear or feel the pixie sitting on her but she perked at the words anyway holding her head a little higher than she had a moment ago. "Arrogant sow as well."

Star Dust looked back at Trent trailing behind her them like a beaten dog. His head held low, his shoulders slumped over and he was fumbling through is pockets for keys trying to avoid looking directly at anybody in the crowd while they walked out. "You really put up with a lot." She mused. Someone dumped a bag of popcorn and a soda on him as he walked past. For a moment Trent stood up like he was about to do something but Penny picking up her pace just slightly was enough to yank his attention back to her and continue walking out.

"I'm really sorry."

"Yeah, I don't want to hear it right now." Penny growled.

The trip back to her place was uncomfortably silent. Star Dust who could actually feel what the two humans were only imagining they felt, or could barely feel. The waves of righteous anger wafting off the woman like waves of stink off shit mingled with the dimness shame coming off Trent forming something combine that stank and lingered on Star Dust's skin like sour milk. She would have left but she'd already decided that this Penny woman needed to be punished.

"Okay, we're here." Trent said pulling up into the driveway.

"Aren't you going to walk me to the door?" Penny spat.

Trent shrank. "Of course." He barely touched the door getting out and walking around to help her out of the vehicle. There was still popcorn clinging to his hair and sticking to his shirt and pants pocket. He opened the door for Penny forcing himself to smile then closed the door behind her. He walked to the door. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah, whatever." Penny said unlocking the door to her house.

"Oh you're not getting away that easily." Star Dust said pointing to the car. Trent stepped into the car turned the key and something made a loud popping noise. IT was loud enough that Penny spun around to look back at Trent. He was already out of the car and thick billowy white smoke was rising out from the hood.

"Goddamnit!" Trent shouted lifting the hood. He tried to wave the smoke away but it was far too thick and after a second he gave up. "Do you mind if I come in? I'm gonna call a tow truck and then I'll be out of your way." Trent asked.

To Star Dust's amazement Penny actually had to think about it. The pause before she answered wasn't her teasing him. "Yeah, you can come in. But take a shower. You smell like a fucking pig." She opened the door left it open walking straight into the house.

Trent had barely closed the door behind him when Penny spun on her heels to face him. "You're dropping popcorn all over the fucking floor."


"Just shut up and go take a shower." Penny shook her head. Her cat darted out and snapped up the popcorn off the floor then followed Trent to the shower. "Fucking nasty ass pig. Hurry up with your shower so you can get the fuck out of my place!" She screamed.

Trent picked up the pace scurrying to get away from the accusatory glare of his girlfriend.

"Wow, we see who wears the pants in this relationship." Star Dust whispered. "Still he's a sweet boy, no balls but sweet." The idea forming in her mind was terrible. No good. Evil. Bad. Deplorable. A few more negative adjectives that all added up to Star Dust's two favorite words.

Deliciously sinful.

"Let's start with you." Star Dust snapped her fingers.

Penny shivered. It was like a fire had been lit in her belly. Not in her belly, a little lower, a little deeper. It was definitely a fire though, a fire that started an ache. "What? Why now?" Penny slumped down into a chair thrusting her hand down into her short shorts. Her fingers quickly sought out the sensitive nub of flesh and started furiously flicking back and forth across it stoking the flames the pixie had started. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Penny's entire body seemed to melt allowing her to ooze down off the chair to toe tiled floor. Her hips seemed to have a mind of their own forcing her to twist herself until she was upside down, one striped foot pressed against he wall over head, the other on the floor keeping her balanced while her fingers slid into her sopping wet slit. Penny's hips drove the rest of her body grinding her sensitive nipples against the bumpy tile floor. "Fucking God."

Ruby Heart watched with a smile on her lips. She was tempted to stay and watch, the nectar leaking clear down to her knees almost kept the pixie rooted but she wasn't here to enjoy herself. She was here to have fun and punish so she took to the air tracking down Trent who had convienently left a trail of popcorn to the bathroom and he hadn't even closed the door all the way leaving a very happy tabby munching popcorn.

"Oh my goddess." Ruby whispered to herself stopping when she caught sight of Trent. Her experience with human males was limited. She'd only seen Mike in the buff before and he was decidedly average, especially compared to the specimen in front of her. Where Mike had an undefined mass of flesh Trent had well defined soap covered abs that Ruby could see herself skating across. Unlike Mike's noodly appendages Mike had arms and thighs that resembled the men from Mike's cartoon and picture books. The biggest difference was where Mike had an until now monstrously large piece of flesh swinging between his thighs at around six inches the beast hanging from Trent appeared to be roughly the same size only it was still soft.

The nectar already pouring out of Ruby increased its flow until her greased thighs glided each other every time her leg so much as twitched. "You are wasted on that bitch. I'm really sorry about this." Ruby lied to herself before snapping her fingers."

Trent grunted, then doubled over hissing in pain. The bones in his body twisted, snapped and mended especially his skull as his mouth elongated into a snout. He fingers and toes twisted into cloven hooves, his ears stretched until they rose up over his skull then flopped over and a sort spiraled tail grew out of the base of his spine. Dark golden flesh grew black fur splotched with white spots. Finally he squealed in terror and came scrambling out of the shower.

Calm down! Ruby Heart shrieked mentally.

Her scream worked only slightly worse than she expected. He hesitated for an entire heartbeat before slipping on the wet tile and digging deep grouts down to the concrete trying to regain his hoofing. Ruby chuckled for a moment then reached out with her power stopping him in his tracks.

Calm down. She repeated a calmly this time.

I'm a pig! I'm a pig! Why am I pig. I'm a pig! Pigs go oink. Pigs go squeal. Pigs make bacon. I like bacon. I'm a piiiiiiiiiiig! Trent wailed.

Technically you're a Kubanocherus. Ruby calmly corrected. You have a really cool horn. Now calm down. I'm gonna turn you back.

Turn me back now. I wanna be humaaaaaaaan!

You will be, you just need to take care of something for me first.

I can't do anything for you. I'm a piiiiiiiiiig!

Kubanocherus. Way cooler. And you can do something for me. There's a very naughty girl who needs to be taught a lesson. Ruby Heart explained landing on the bathroom counter. I'm gonna let you go now and you're not gonna panic anymore, okay?


Ruby released her hold on him and collapsed to her bare bottom. Trent took slowly got to his feet, all four of them and turned to face Ruby Heart. He'd never seen a fairy before and the only reason he didn't break into a new round of blind panic was he the way she seemed to be staring through him holding in place with nothing but the sheer power of her will. Good Kubanocherus.

Trent shook his head violently then perked up slightly as some aroma tickled his nostrils. He didn't know what it was at all, it was salty, sour, sweet and sharp. So incredibly sharp that it cut through every other scene in the house and dug its tendrils directly into his brain and started tugging him forward. What is that? He queried.

That's her.

Those two words were enough to allow the scent that was already boring through his brain to reach down and grab a hold of his testicles and start pulling him down the hall.

Trent turned the corner and found Penny still contorted with her ass in the air and her fingers wriggling inside her. Her entire body was writhing and the most arousing sound Trent had ever heard was pouring out of her lips. The scent was stronger here, so strong that it made his dick ache and throb. It seemed to literally pull him forward like a dowsing rod towards moistness between her shapely thighs.

Best part if she noticed him she didn't seem to care. She only contorted her lithe form into an increasingly absurd position but Trent was beyond anything resembling rational thought as near foot long of cork screw shaped porcine penis glided its way out of it sheath light grazing the tile floor. The pig (It's not a pig it's a Kubanocherus. Far, far cooler.) mounted the human woman skewering her in a single brutal stoke that nearly toppled them both over. Her ability to hold that absurd balance a with rutting pig was nothing short of amazing.

Ruby was aware that she was being mounted by an animal. It just didn't bother her sex hazed brain. What mattered were the deep ridges all the way up the swirling organ were grinding against her swollen clitoris and the tip, the tip kept brushing right up against her hungry womb. The course hairs of its belly lightly scratched along her back drive her even farther. It wasn't long Trent the Kubanocherus wasn't the only one squealing like pig. He wasn't even the loudest thing in the room.

I'm porking this stupid whore and she loves it! Trent expressed through a series of grunts and squeals.

"Yes you are!" Star Dust shouted. She'd taken to straddling the kitchen faucet slowly grinding her hips back and forth against it loving the feel of the cool metal against her broiling quim. The tiny pixie's eyes were shut and her cries were added to the others in the room as they all (with a little pixie tricks) reached their climax at almost the same moment. Ruby's legs wouldn't quite hold her and she fell off the faucet and into the sink.

The strength in Ruby's legs completely gave way leaving her flat on the floor. Trent didn't stop. His cloven hooves dug into the tile leaving great gouts and her small frame was ground across the tile to the carpet. "Oh, fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!" Ruby started repeating over and over again like a sacred prayer. She could feel her womb flooding with pig jizz, it wasn't like what she was used to. This was almost like a warm gel that clung to her insides and there was so much of it. She thought for a moment she'd pop before the sheer pressure pushed Trent out.

Its energy spent Trent's cock retreated back into. . .where the fuck did it go? His mind was back enough that he was genuinely curious were a porker hid its pig sticker. More importantly why the fuck couldn't his normal human penis do retract to a safe location where nobody would think kick it?

Then the amusement wore off. "Wait." He grunted unhappily. "I'm a piiiiiiiiiiiig!"

"And you'll stay a pig if you don't stop whining!" Star Dust shouted climbing out of the sink and stomping her foot.

"This is all that bitch's fault isn't it?"

Trent couldn't see it from where he was standing but Star Dust was smiling when she snapped her fingers. The hairs on the back of his neck instantly stood up the moment he heard a loud angry bark.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Your names

You mix up Mike and Trent too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Ummm... You should really check your characters' names... Somehow both Stardust and Penny became Ruby...

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