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Play Testers Wanted Pt. 09

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Ghost, Thor, and the gang romp around the 9 realms.
53.4k words

Part 9 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/29/2019
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Here is another long one for you to enjoy. A few things to say before we plunge into the story. I wanted to explore and try a few different ideas, styles, and elements. I hope they don't throw you for a loop. They were done for fun and try to stretch the horizon a little. If something bothers you give me a holler. I am always open to suggestions. If I left something vague tell me and I'll touch on it either in the comments or in the next installment. Happy Holidays and without anymore delay... part nine. Oh yeah, vote and comment please. It helps out a lot. Thanks!


We quite literally fought bad guys across the nine realms. All the while I began pondering things I would have to deal with when I left the Marvel side of things to train the smexy Aoki in the ways of the Force. My main concern was the professional players now being inserted into that game. I felt protective and that non-pros would suffer. I wanted to create an alternative persona so that I could have fun yet travel unseen across the galaxy. I wanted something different that would challenge me and with my shapeshifting abilities I could easily perpetrate my little strategy. It was my time with Mystique that inspired the idea. I'd play a female gunslinger type, maybe a bounty hunter or just a smuggler. I wanted something that would fit into the Star Wars universe but something uniquely me. I pondered mimicking her after an existing Marvel, Disney, or Star Wars character.

"I got it!" I declared amid a battle on the realm of Vanaheim, home of the Vanir. "Ha-ha! Die motherfuckers!"

"Language!" Doctor Strange reminded me since Gwen was back on Midgard.

"Behind you!" Thor roared.

I spun and hurled the dark elf dagger as hard as I could at the lumbering frost giant. It struck it mid mass with a sickening yet satisfying crunch. It teleported back to my hand and I joined Thor as he took on a trio of giants. I thrust Death Kiss into the chest of one of them while the thunder god smashed another with Mjolnir. I followed the giant down to the ground as my rune sword drank its life essence to the very last drop. Between Mjolnir and Death Kiss the rest of the giants broke and fled through the portal back to Jotunheim. The battle won it was time to celebrate.

"Heimdall! Bring us home." Thor roared towards the sky.

I will repeat, transport via the Bifrost is freaking awesome! I did my best to hide my awe of the Great Hall of Asgard. I failed miserably. The interior was monstrously huge with dozens of heavy oaken tables, a towering vaulted ceiling, and everywhere the cunning carvings of runes and knotwork. The men of Asgard were warriors born, and the women, oh the women came in all shapes and sizes. We sat at the high table sharing war stories. The Asgardians hung on Thor's every word as I drank from a wooden cup. He regaled the crowd with his booming voice, the wild gesticulations, and extreme facial expression. He was a born storyteller that one.

"...and the dragon's head tumbled off its neck while it stared at Mjolnir!" The Lord of Thunder laughed.

"Thor?" A busty brunette called out from the crowd. "If you didn't kill the dragon, who did?"

"Why my friend Ghost did!" Thor said with a generous smile. "He snuck up and lopped it off with one swing."

"I know," Sif added drunkenly. "He even took the time to spit on his hands before he swung." The crowd roared at that one and I wasn't sure if I should take a bow or slink off in shame.

"Both hands Lady Sif," the same brunette crooned. "He must be mightily blessed!"

"OOH!" The audience exclaimed.

"Aye!" Sif purred. "He'd give any Valkyrie a run for her coin!"

The crowd took up my name in a chant just as Odin the All-father made an appearance. It was time to see if the Helm of Anubis could fool the likes of the King of Asgard. I glanced at Thor and he at me. Odin poured himself a mug of mead and joined the revelries.

"Pray tell us Thunderer, where is this dragon head your companion severed so expertly?" Odin asked.

"It is being mounted as we speak. The Heroes Three demanded it for our first outing." He replied as he clanked mugs together and I spied Odin's one good eye on the gloves I was wearing. The dwarf made gloves that once belonged to Thor. Shit! Rookie mistake. Too late to change them out now.

"A princely gift Odinson," the All father replied addressing my error. "Was not another dragon responsible for you receiving those from the dwarven folk?"

"Aye, they are father," Thor replied as the Asgardians looked at me in a whole new light. "Friend Ghost and I helped drive one of the Many Angled One back to their home dimension."

The hall fell silent as Odin pondered this news. The citizens wisely waited to see how their monarch reacted to such tidings. Odin ordered his mug refilled and raised it in honor of the defeat of such foul things.

"Demon dire defeated deftly," Odin praised. "Dragon slayer and demon foe, welcome thee to the Halls of Asgard friend Ghost!"

"Thank you, Odin King," I said watching him try to puzzle me out. "The hospitality of your house is without equal."

"Too true!" Odin roared. "Are we not Asgard! I name thee Demon Queller and Dragon Slayer!"

I thanked him as I raised my mug and the busty brunette plopped in my lap and refilled it. She chewed on my ear lobe and ground her ass against my groin. Odin watched me intently as my arm slipped around the woman's waist. Horns sounded and I nearly choked when a familiar looking redhead strode into the hall with her wicked looking spear in hand. The brunette cheered and it was only then that I learned the woman's name.

"Angela! Angela!" The crowd cheered as the ribbons decorating her weapon and armor shifted in an unfelt breeze.

"She is sister to Thor," the woman in my lap explained. "You've seen her before!"

"Aye... I mean yes, I have. She visited Midgard and I saw her from afar." I admitted.

"She's coming over!" The brunette bounced in my lap. "Lady Angela... Assassin of Asgard!" She cried out and I gasped when I heard the title of assassin.

"So, you are the famed Ghost Fire!" Angela growled. "Loki speaks quite highly of you."

"Aw shit!" I cursed before I could stop myself. "It is a pleasure to meet you Lady Angela."

"Greet the Dragon Slayer kindly daughter of mine." Odin chuckled at my obvious discomfort. "Aye and Demon Queller also!" His voice booming as he continued to drink.

"And one of Loki's lovers!" Angela announced.

"Jealous kinder child?" Odin asked stirring the pot further. Angela shot her father such a look as if to say, 'fuck you old man'. "A challenge then? Aye! First blood and to the victor a token from my treasury."

"I accept!" Angela roared and the crowd cheered her.

"Aw fuck, I accept!" I replied. "What will the weapons be?"

"Ghost... be wary." Thor urged softly. "She isn't called the assassin for naught."

"No sorcery or spells," Angela demanded.

"Does that include yelling?" I asked and she laughed. "What weapon will you use?"

"My spear of course." She said clutching the shaft of it tightly.

"I will use my staff," I replied knowing that Death Kiss would be a bad idea.

The hall was cleared as the tables were drug to the side walls and we were given the center to duel in. I took out Shuri's Pride and extended it to its full length. I wore my Vibranium Predator armor since it had the highest armor rating. I disabled the shoulder cannon since this was an honorable battle. I took up a defensive position and was glad I had the gloves that doubled my strength. I almost wished they doubled my speed instead. A soldier took out a battle horn and brought it to his lips.

"First blood!" Odin roared and the horn sounded.

I dodged her thrust. If I wondered if she were as fast as she were strong there was no doubt. I remained on the defensive while I worked out her combat style. I recognized the moves but how she put them together was both unorthodox and elegant. I also kept a keen eye out on the strange ribbons that moved on their own. We circled each other as she tested out my speed and reaction time. She forced me into crossing weapons, and I batted her spear out of the way and went for her feet. Angela stabbed down after she leapt up twelve feet and aimed for my back. I rolled and if I hoped to find the tip of her weapon stuck in the floor, I was disappointed.

"I don't believe it." Sif declared loudly. "He is still standing."

"She is testing him," Thor replied. "Cat and prey."

Angela took the offensive again and I was batting the head of her spear away or rolling to the side. Thor was right. Angela was toying with me. I let her push me back against the hall's archway. Instead of letting my back touch the wall I walked up it as if it were the floor. My spider climb ability took her off guard for just a moment. I struck out with the butt of my staff towards her nose to bloody it but one of those damn ribbons intervened and wrapped around my weapon and slowed it enough for her to duck my attack.

"I fucking knew it." I growled as I tugged my staff free of the ribbons grip.

"Is that the sound of a yield?" She taunted as she continued the offensive.

"Nope. Just bitching out loud." I joked and the audience chuckled.

I sought out a strategy to win this conflict. She had reach on me that was for sure. Her spear was a good foot longer than my staff. Angela herself was as tall as Thor with those long ass legs of hers that gave her a stable base to attack from. It was time to change things up. I went on the offensive. I vaulted over her and while she spun, I got the staff moving in an ever-changing arc. She let me have it and went on the defensive for the first time since we began. I pondered using the stealth feature on my armor, but they might find that unfair or dishonorable. So, I switched to my voice. I began singing softly listening carefully.

"You carry a tune as well as a deaf frost giant!" She laughed.

"Uh oh!" Thor exclaimed.

"I will have your blood and my prize!" Angela demanded as her spear began to vibrate and give off a soft keening sound. "What sorcery is this?"

"Not sorcery dear sister, his voice. You agreed to it under the terms of the duel." Thor chuckled now.

"I will..." She began as a shrill sound came from her weapon now. I invoked a single syllable and her weapons shattered in her hands a shard flying backward and slashing her cheek. Unfortunately, another one gouged my leg and I bled as well. "Damn it all!" She cursed. "You won and fairly, if unorthodox. I will be doubly on my guard when next we cross paths."

I was about to explain about my leg when Odin gestured, and I approached the high table. I plucked the bit of metal from the scratch and looked at the cloth covered object. I lifted the cloth and gasped.

"I understand you are fond of the color black." Odin declared with a smile. "I found it during my travels."

"Thank you," I said as I lifted the helmet and looked at it. The bulk of it was indeed black, as was the T-shaped visor with dark grey and silver highlights. "Where did you find this?"

"Perhaps I will share that story, but for now let it guide you." Odin said as he left the celebration and the sense of urgency to leave was imparted.

"Time to go," I said, and Thor clapped my on the shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Angela asked and I mentioned Midgard, specifically the Sanctum Sanctorum. "I've never been there."

"Um..." I said and glanced at Steph. She gave me the look of 'really, you need my approval for this?' "Would you like to join us?"

"Since you asked." Angela laughed.

Where in the Universe is the Shi'Ar Home World?

We arrived on the roof of the Sanctum Sanctorum. Angela seemed out of her depths. There were no enemies to fight and no evil to vanquish. Steph talked about soaking after all the fighting and drinking we had done. Angela and I followed her inside and to the room housing the hot tub. Steph stripped down and I followed suit. Angela barely hesitated before joining us. She good naturedly endured my gaze.

"I am not ashamed of my body." Angela declared proudly.

"Neither am I." I shared.

"Nor should you be, for a mere mortal." She complimented me.

"So sure, are you," Steph growled still tipsy on Asgardian wine.

"Damn it Steph!" I cursed.

"What does that mean?" Angela demanded standing up in all her naked glory.

"Oh damn," I whimpered.

"If you do it, I'll make it worth your while." Steph purred her eyes glittering with lust. "Stand up Ghost." She directed and I did so. "That's a good boy. Now... show her... all of it."

I reverted to my dark elf form and called up the double dragon at the same time. Angela's reaction was funny. Her first instinct was to reach for a weapon and then her eyes settle on both my erections. Steph waited for the inevitable as she quietly intoned the lust charm. Angela approached me and squatted down so that her face was right over my cocks. The spell hit the Asgardian right between her legs. Angela let out a guttural moan.

"Do they both work?" She asked her breath ticking me. "Ooh, they twitched."

"Go crazy girlfriend," Steph urged. "I am here to just soak and watch."

I moaned when Angela wrapped a hand around either shaft. She double fisted me at two different paces. The upper one she stroked faster than the lower. It was like a kid with a new toy or two. Steph watched from her comfy spot and enjoyed every second. The Sorceress Supreme while outside her sanctorum was prim proper and professional. Inside of it, she could be as lusty and carnal as any woman. Now she was slavishly feeding her desire to be in control.

"Suck it," Steph whispered to Angela. "Come on, suck his cocks."

The Assassin of Asgard plunged her head downward and took the head of my upper cock between her lips while she continued to stroke the lower. Steph directed her every move with barely a word or gesture. I leaned against the side of the hot tub as Angela had her way with me.

"More," Steph urged with a wicked smile. "I know you don't have a gag reflex. Take it all down that divine throat of yours."

"MMMMM!!" Angela whimpered and pushed her head forward slowly and inexorably.

"Think of it as conquering the Midgard Serpent," Steph giggled as she summoned a fresh glass of wine. "I can't wait to see your ass transfixed by one of his cocks."

Angela thrust forward and back on the upper erection while her hands weren't idle and stroked and squeezed the lower. She was getting close to pushing me over the edge. I was panting and gasping that just urged Angela on more.

"Swallow!" Steph whispered and I watched as the Asgardian's throat muscles worked and drank my cock milk.

"Ha! I did it!" Angela basked in the glory of triumph, but it was short lived.

"Well done, now... bend over Angela. Grab the side of the hot tub and thrust out that gorgeous ass of yours. It is time for you to feel Ghost's tongues at work."

I knelt and used serpent tongue on both her offerings. I lashed her clit and labia with one tongue and worked the other into her ass. The redhead let out a bellow like a battle cry. Steph pointed above the Asgardian's head and I felt my eyes widen in surprise. Virgin? No way! This was dangerous territory, but I knew better than to thwart Steph when this mood was upon her. I buried both tongues into Angela. They snaked their way deep and then I swelled their thickness to a decent girth.

"By Odin's beard!" Angela cursed. "I've never... more! I want more!"

"You heard her. Give it to her!" Steph purred watching as her voyeuristic side was fed.

"Relax," I said as I stood and that seemed to insult her.

"I am a warrior of Asgard! Am I not worthy of your full measure of passion?" She growled the lust spell overwhelming her completely.

"A full measure you shall have then," I replied as I took aim. I pushed and in one long steady thrust I buried both into her and she howled in pleasure. I cupped my hand and slapped her ass as hard as I could. The look she gave me would have inspired the entire male host of Asgard to battle. I pounded her from the beginning. She didn't ask for love play she wanted to be fucked and by Anackire I was going to pound her into the ground!

It didn't take her long to figure out the mechanics. Soon she was thrusting backward as Steph hovered and masturbated to us. The harder I thrust the more Angela liked it. With the simplest of gestures Steph teleported us outside the tub since we were creating some serious waves. Angela latched onto the side and clutched it in a vice like grip. I felt her begin to quiver as she began clenching me repeatedly.

"What is going on?" Angela asked. "What is this feeling?"

"It is called an orgasm," I told her as I thickened both cocks a bit and that was all it took. She howled as she climaxed and ripped two of the wooden beams forming the wall of the hot tub. A wave of water escaped drenching the area.

"That was amazing! Do it again!" Angela demanded.

"Sure, hold on and I'll... oh no." I said as I heard footsteps splashing behind us.

"What in the hell is going on?" Steph, the real Steph snapped.

"Oops, looks like I have overstayed my welcome again!" Loki declared as she dropped her disguise.

"Oh no you don't," Steph growled as she entangled a half-naked Loki in the Crimson Bands of Cytorrak. "Why are you here Loki?" She demanded and Loki whispered something, and the bands flared bright around the trickster.

"I was jealous of Angela. I knew what would happen and..."

"And. And what?" I asked watching her squirm.

"I liked our time together and missed you." Loki admitted.

"Ever here about calling, dropping a note," Steph began listing off suggestions.

"I would never do anything so mundane. Besides, where is the fun in that?" Loki purred.

"I am beginning to see why Natasha got so bent out of shape with Mystique." Steph laughed. "Go on, I have a Sanctum to clean up." She said as she gestured and used the time stone to return the water back into the hot tub and fix it. "There. Okay demon queller... you've got three to quell here."

"Yes... please!" Angela declared as she swooped me off my feet. That had never happened before. Steph led the way to the bedroom and one of the more unusual times of making love in my entire life occurred. I had never been the submissive one the entire time. Angela was a dominant personality. "I needed that." She declared once she was satisfied. "I want to fight by your side."

"He can use all the help he can get." Steph joked.

"Oh hey, speaking of help. I wanted to know about a spell, if it exists or not." I brought up now that I was untied, and the gag and blindfold removed. I'll give her this Loki knew how to tie a knot.

"We got tons of spells Ghost. What are you looking for?" The sorceress asked eager to be of help.

"Extracting minerals from rock or other materials," I said watching her brow furrow. "Basically, I am looking for a mining spell."

"Let's wash up and go see the Great Library." Steph said clearly happy to be at work.

One shower later, we dressed, and Steph opened a portal to Kamar-Taj. We made our way to the Library and its keeper Wong. Wong was a willowy version of the cinematic character. She had a fierceness around the eyes when it came to her protective nature of her domain, namely the Great Library. She wore blue sorcerous robes that were a blend of navy blue, sky blue, with silver trim. Wong snapped to attention when Steph entered.

"How may I be of help Sorceress Supreme?" She asked.

"Ghost has a request," Steph said taking a seat nearby. I explained what I wanted, and Wong closed her eyes and a moment later a book appeared out of thin air and plopped onto the desk she was standing in front of.

"Interesting. I've never read this one. Annur-Kai's Minerals and Mysticism, it is a very rare tome. It doesn't leave the library. You must read it here." Wong demanded. "I will brew some tea."

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