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Pledging Tau Geta Delta Pt. 05

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Pledge week challenge #5 - Sorority sleepover.
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Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/30/2021
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The morning light made me shift in bed. It was that nasty little crack of light from right between the curtains that had to hit you right in the eyes. I always hated when that happened, and yet every night I would forget to fix the shades so it wouldn't happen again.

Today I just decided to move out of the way, at least that was the plan until I realized I was pressed up against someone. After a week of shocking mornings, I barely even flinched this time. I suppose I'd gotten used to having breasts, and this wasn't even the first time I'd woken up naked and rubbing against someone. It probably didn't hurt that the back I was squishing my boobs into belonged to my friend Max or that we'd just shared an evening of ravenous sex before collapsing together in bed.

I turned my head to get the light out of my eyes and snuggled up to him a bit more. It was always nice to snuggle up with someone the morning after a good fucking. I'd loved it as a guy, and I felt much the same way now. Now, I just basked in the feeling of warm closeness as I decided whether to drift back to sleep or start towards getting up.

The strange thing was thinking about Max. I'd gotten used to thinking as my girl self, and using the memories of my life as Alison over the last few days. It had been disconcerting at first after the fraternity spell turned me into a girl. My head was filled with two sets of memories, those of my old male self and the ones from me new feminine self. They were from the life I could have had as a girl, but the freaky part was just how complete they were. I could remember the tiniest detail from my childhood or experiences that only a girl had growing up.

It was pretty weird if I thought about it, but when I relaxed, I was just Alison and all those memories were just natural. So this morning as I felt Max breathing next to me, the whole notion of being naked in bed with a guy was as normal a thing as could be. The trouble was sorting through all the feelings.

The sex had been great, amazing even. As Alison, I'd been attracted to Max from the day we met in a chemistry lab during our freshman year. Since then we'd become good friends, but one of us was always in a relationship with someone else. If I was single, he wasn't or the opposite. That didn't cut into our friendship though, and we hung out as often as our studies and other commitments allowed.

As a guy, we'd been friends for just as long, having met in that same lab. I'd been straight before all this, and the notion of sleeping with guys at all, much less Max, was just not something I wasn't interested in. I hadn't even liked thinking about it. Since I'd become a girl that was completely turned on its head. Not only did I have the anatomy, I had the desires of a normal woman, and the memories of having been one.

That mix of feelings was just swirling up in me now. I'd slept with Max. As Alison, I reveled in it, as a long denied desire had been satisfied, and I couldn't deny just how well Max had fulfilled every fantasy. My guy self had come to grips with how good getting fucked by a big hard cock could feel, but I still felt a bit queasy at having chosen Max. At this point, I wasn't sure if I hadn't picked him because of Alison's feelings more than anything else.

How could I look at him the same way after he pushed me from one raging orgasm to another? Could I even let myself admit how wonderful it had been, not just the physical sensations, but the way being so close to him had filled me with joy? I wasn't sure there was a way to answer either of those questions, not now that I was draping my arm over his waist and had my hand over his firm chest.

I realized at that point that there was simply no hope of me getting any more sleep. I contented myself with laying next to Max and letting my mind race through all of the weirdness of the past few days. If anyone had told me that pledging for a fraternity would mean being turned into a girl, sexing up the town and ending up in my best friend's bed I would have laughed at them. Yet here I was.

The whole notion had seemed perfectly rational at the time. Fraternities had a bit of a bad rap in some ways, but they could help you get a job, and Tau Geta Delta had a good reputation with girls as well. I couldn't argue with either prospect, and despite the rumors of the Tau's having a crazy initiation ritual, I decided to sign up. No one had been lying about doing strange things to pledges, and I found out the hard way when I ended up in panties and a bra with all the anatomy to go with it. They had some kind of magic that let them transform people, and we had to go through a whole week as women.

That would have been hard enough, but they also gave us challenges, sexual tasks we had to complete if we wanted to be welcomed into the frat when the week was over. I'd ended up bound to a kinky professors bed and picking up guys in a bar. Now, the latest challenge was sleeping with a friend, and it had rattled me in a way that none of the other trials had. Everything else would just be a weird perverted memory, but winding up in Max's bed was an entirely different deal.

The thing about sorting things through like this was the way I couldn't deny what I really felt. Last night had truly effected me more than I expected. Alison's feelings had merged into my own, and despite my desire to keep the relationship at a purely sex buddy level when we started, it was different now. The spark we'd had before had burst into a flame, and for a moment last night I was ready for it to burn the two of us up together.

I hadn't planned on that, and had decided not to say anything to Max for now. I was only slated to be a girl for two more days, and after that everything would go back to the way it was and no one would remember the spunky little brunette girl called Alison. That saddened me a bit, even though I knew she'd live on in my memory. I wondered if any of the other pledges felt this way, but I didn't know if I'd ever be able to summon the courage to ask such a personal question.

Max started to stir and that short circuited my internal considerations. The only question I was left with was what I wanted to do with the naked guy who was starting to wake up. I really only had a few moments to decide before he'd get a chance to take charge, and despite any other misgivings, I didn't want to give him the opening to set the tone for today.

Now, there was one thing I remembered about being a guy in the morning. I slid my hand down from his chest and found his cock already hard for me. Max took in a raspy breath as I slid my hand over him and started to rub him. He squirmed and shook against me as the feeling of delicate fingers must have jolted him out of the morning sleepiness.

He turned towards me with a slightly confused look and half lidded eyes. "Hey..."

"Good morning." I chirped with a silly grin. He gasped again as I gave him a firm squeeze. I hadn't played around with another guys cock so much since becoming a girl, the few times I'd touched one was mostly to help get it into me, but it was actually kind of fun taunting him like this. I'd never had a girl be frisky in the morning with me, but I knew it would be a frustrating mix of hot and aggravating as I struggled to wake up.

"No fair... you can't tease me like this!" Max grumbled as my fingers kept up their work. I knew I'd pushed him past the casual morning wood into something a lot more intense.

"Who said anything about teasing?" I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the nose before I slid back and let him roll onto his back. It was a bit hard keeping under the covers, but I managed it while I slid on top of him. I could see the grogginess melting from his eyes as my bare breasts pressed into his chest.

"Damn girl." He smiled as I slid back and got up enough to help guide him towards my steaming pussy. All that thinking about sex and relationships, not to mention the hot stud next to me, had gotten my juices flowing, and I knew this would keep him off balance for days.

I shuddered as I rubbed him along my slit, getting his cock head get wet and ready before I pressed it up against my entrance. Feminine arousal still struck me as weird sometimes, the throbbing squishiness between my legs was so unlike the way my cock had used to feel, but the need to be fulfilled was just as strong.

"Unless you don't want to?" I looked down at him as I slid him around the gates of my pussy and squirmed a bit from the heat it stoked in me. I certainly wanted to have him screw my brains out again, and I doubted he was going to really object.

"Are you kidding?" He wrapped his hands around my waist and held me in place. I shuddered from the sudden containment and bent down to peck his nose again.

"Just checking." I smiled and then pressed down with my hips. I wanted to retain a bit of dignity, but I just couldn't stop a ragged moan of feminine lust from escaping as I slid my pussy around his hardness. That wicked feeling of being penetrated was still overwhelmingly hot, and I savored it as I pushed onto him.

Max groaned as well. There was simply no way to deny how good this felt, and I was glad Max liked it too. Not that I was surprised by it, what guy wouldn't like having a sexy minx climb on top and show him a good time? I'd have loved it back when I was a guy and now I had a chance to hand out the favor.

I wasn't in the mood for a long, careful fuck this morning, and I started working my hips just as soon as I felt him fill me. I panted as I pulled up and started to bounce my hips on top of him. Sex as a girl was always a different experience. When I was on the bottom, it was intense and submissive, no matter how I moved, the guy was really in charge, and there were moments when that was almost frustrating.

When I was on top, it was entirely different. I was in charge, but the feeling of a cock spearing me left me shuddering and moaning with pleasure in a way that made it hard to keep up a rhythm and enjoy it at the same time. It was also a lot more work than when I was a guy. Instead of just thrusting my hips I had to lift my whole body up and slide back down, all while retaining control. As good as it felt it was harder to fully savor the sensations and be in charge at the same time.

While I was busy working my hips up and down, Max was enjoying the show of a naked woman riding him. Given how much of his sex life he shared with me, I was reasonably certain he'd never had this experience before. I wasn't about to let him off without doing some work though. I grabbed his hands and pulled them up to my chest as I ground my pussy around him.

"Oh..." I moaned as he squeezed both of those round orbs at once. I'd really come to appreciate how the right touch could make my breasts just tingle, especially when I was in the middle of getting fucked. It was an entirely different kind of pleasure, and I wasn't going to be denied when I was doing all the work.

There was another thing I'd learned from all this sex, and I slipped a hand between my legs as I kept humping Max. I moaned again when I started to rub my clit. I nearly lost my balance from the rush of pleasure I provoked, and I backed off enough so that I could keep going and still be shuddering from the sensations. As good as a nice cock felt on its own, massaging my clit at the same time made it so much better.

From the way his hands trembled on my breasts I knew that Max was getting close as well. I was doing my best to join him, rubbing and humping while he squeezed my chest. Our breaths became ragged, and when my hand pressed a bit too hard against my sensitive nub I let out a ragged passionate moan as I felt my orgasm bursting out.

Max joined me a moment later when my pussy engulfed him and then squeezed him hard. The feeling of his cock pulsing inside me only made me moan louder. The rush of pleasure flowed out from between my legs and I collapsed on top of him as my whole body quaked.

Now, finally, I gave him a deep, hard kiss. The savagery of my orgasm flowed through my lips, assaulting his mouth as I basked in the pleasure. It was perfect, my hot flesh melting into his, our lips and tongues mashed together as he throbbed inside me. My whole body exploded with wonderful, insane ecstasy.

We rested like that for a while. The intensity of our kiss faded, but we traded pecks as we panted. It was crazy how good it felt. It was more than just the amazing feeling of having an orgasm, it was knowing that I'd made Max feel just as good. The sex I'd had as a girl until now had been almost anonymous. I'd barely known those guys and as nice as they were, there was no real emotional attachment. Max was different. I cared about him, and knowing how good he felt was almost as satisfying as my own pleasure.

Sadly, our little coupling had to come to an end. We both had classes, and I had to get back to the frat to get a change of clothes and find out my next challenge. I knew Max had classes as well. I didn't want to be the one disrupting his day. I didn't want anything to darken what we'd just shared.

"Thanks, hot stuff." I kissed him again before rolling off. I debated taking the sheets with me as I slid off the bed, but decided against it. I knew he'd enjoy the view and I wasn't embarrassed about my body. I knew my motives weren't really that pure though, the Alison part of me knew this could help snare him. As much as I wanted to keep him as a friend, the prospect of creating a deeper relationship was alluring.

I pushed down such thoughts as I gathered up my clothes. We'd gotten a bit crazy last night and it actually took me a minute to find my panties. I checked back and smiled as I noted that Max was on his side, just enjoying the show of my naked self hunting around the room.

"You know I'm just going to plant myself on your couch and watch you get dressed." I laughed as I started to pull on my skirt. I knew I was putting on a show for him and while I didn't make it obscene I could choose my order to maximize the benefit. Skirt, socks, shoes, then bra made for a wicked order.

Then I pulled on my shirt and looked down at my panties. The thing was, I didn't exactly like the idea of wearing them for a second day. I knew that would also tweak Max, and I made sure he saw me put them into my bag. Now, he'd spend all day thinking about how I was walking around with no panties on under my skirt.

Since I was dressed, Max finally made his way out of bed. I sat down and just watched, as I had promised. I wasn't going to be a liar. He wasn't some muscle bound jock, but he was reasonably fit. This was another thing that surprised me about being a girl more than I had expected. As much as I did appreciate looking at a naked guy, it didn't send my blood boiling in the same way I got when I looked at girls back when I was a guy. The visceral edge was almost gone. That didn't mean I didn't feel anything, but it didn't make me instantly dripping wet. Still, I was going to sit here and stare at him just to see how he reacted.

He tried to stay nonchalant, but I noticed that he was careful to keep his ass towards me as much as reasonably possible. That was okay by me, my girl half actually had a thing for male ass. It was different than looking at cocks, I mean they were kind of goofy in their soft state, and most of the fun in seeing a hard cock was a mix between the pride in making him hard and the anticipation of what I could do with a big thick dick.

"So, breakfast?" He asked after he finally got his pants on. He ran his fingers through his hair, straightening out the worst of the rough edges, but leaving a rather windswept look. I found it surprisingly attractive, but I wasn't going to let him know that or he'd never stop wearing that hair style.

"Sorry, I've got to get back and do the whole change clothes and clean up thing. Maybe I'll find you for lunch." I popped off the couch and stepped over to him so that we were close but not too close. "I do want to thank you for a great evening though. Let me know the next time you want to get frisky."

"No, thank you, I don't think I'd have ever had the courage to ask on my own, Ali and it was great. I'll always be ready anytime you want to go for another round." He slid his hand over my shoulder and I shuddered a bit. The twisted mix of feelings were just boiling inside me. Did he want me as a real girlfriend? Should I care? What did it mean if I was going to be a guy again anyway? There was one more question left, but I wasn't going to even let myself think it, not yet.

"All right then, hot stuff. Until next time." I got up on my tip toes to land a quick kiss on his cheek and then grabbed my bag and shot out of his room. I hated to drag out partings, and I was going to be late to my first class if I didn't hurry.

Leaving my panties off had been a casual thought, and a bit of a tease, but when I tried to race back to the frat, I realized it had a downside. First, the slight chill of morning air that slid up my thighs really set me shivering when it hit my exposed pussy. The second problem was that my skirt was pretty short, and if I didn't want to expose myself to pretty much everyone I had to keep myself to little more than a brisk walk.

By the time I'd arrived, I was dreaming of nothing other than a nice hot shower and a much longer skirt. I raced through this as well, undressing at record pace and donning my bath robe before finally reaching that wonderful steaming water. I couldn't linger here as long as I'd like, but I made sure to wash away the sweat and other remnants of my time with Max.

I'd had to trade that time in the shower for the time it took to dry my hair and do a little styling. This was another of those differences about being a girl. Even guys with long hair didn't spend much time on it, usually, but as a girl I couldn't go out without making sure I'd brushed and dried it and styled the edges a bit.

I donned a longer pleated skirt today, and a saucy T-shirt that would just tease any guy who read it. I was in a good mood, and didn't even mind that I'd be drawing a lot more attention to my boobs. It wasn't like they didn't draw stares anyway. Now, I had one last stop before heading out and hopefully I wasn't too late to hear what today's challenge would be.

The dining room was pretty quiet by now. Only a few students were left sitting around and enjoying breakfast or some morning studying. I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and snagged some juice from the fridge. It was a good eat and run kind of breakfast, and I noticed that the house president was still sitting in the corner and reading.

Hamilton Prescott, our erstwhile leader and the man who had cast the spell to turn me and all the other pledges into chicks. He was dressed as always in preppy fashion, with his hair neatly coifed and a sweater vest bearing the logo of the fraternity. He still gave me a bit of an odd vibe, not creepy, but not normal either. That didn't change the fact that I needed him to tell me the day's challenge.

"Good morning, you're looking well rested." He smiled as I walked over. I didn't detect any strong hint of irony in his voice despite the fact that he must have known what I'd done last night. He had been the one to tell me what to do after all.

"Morning." I nodded.

"I suppose you're here for the day's challenge." He held up his hand and a little blue spark of energy appeared. It was still strange seeing someone using magic in front of me. A week ago I'd have laughed at anyone who said magic was real. Of course back then I'd still had a cock so I'd adjusted my view of the subject. The little blue ball was some kind of tester that would tell him if I'd completed the last challenge. He'd used it on me several times before, but it was still strange to see it.

"And you've been doing well with things so far. I'm glad to see you've embraced this, Alison. Now for today we're going to switch things up a bit. You've been tasked with sharing carnal pleasures with men until now, but today you need to find another woman and share those same joys. The only stipulation is that it can't be another pledge. Okay?"

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