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Politics Ch. 09


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Becky went off again as the blonde ate her. Erika felt her gasps tickle across her sex and thighs. She lowered herself on the brunette's face, smothering her as she slashed her tongue along the girl's wetness. She felt another orgasm on the verge of a boil, but was determined to devour Alistair's manjuice before she came.

Flopping back at the head of the bed, Erika let the sheen of sweat cool on her body. She couldn't remember the last time she ached from sex, and yet it seemed like Becky was still going strong.

She watched the girl pull herself to the edge of the bed, where Alistair was standing, semi-erect cock in hand. She needed no more instructions. The obedient young woman reached out, gripped the dark flesh at its base, and swallowed it into her mouth.

The blonde dragged her fingers along her flat stomach and gently toyed with her pussy as she watched. The girl knew what she was doing and flipped her long, damp hair out of her face, making sure Erika had an unobstructed view of the blowjob. Her deep brown eyes, however, never left Alistair's.

Erika watched as the girl's cheeks collapsed as she sucked. God, that must feel incredible, she thought. He was probably in her throat now, fully erect. Ready to fuck again.

Finding her reserves, Erika crawled up behind her new, female lover. She draped her body around her, pushing her tits into her back as she whispered, "I want to watch you fuck him… with these…" She reached around and collected the Brazilian's large breasts in her hands.

Becky slurped off Alistair's dick and turned her head. The girls met for a wet kiss, sharing the sinful cocktail of spit and semen. Erika squeezed the girls fleshy orbs together hard before releasing them to their owner.

Becky wasted no time. She sat up straighter, leaned forward, and wrapped her tits around his the cock. Lubricated by her own saliva, he began to glide through her cleavage.

Erika crawled into the space between Alistair and Becky's legs, nudging the girl's thighs apart. The girl's pussy presented the perfect target to slot her tongue.

Now this, Erika thought, was going to make for some hot viewing later on. She purred to herself before banishing the thought for later. Right now, she had some young pussy to eat.


Brian had presented Katie with a bottle of 1990 Pol Roger Brut Cuvee when she joined the practice. A short time ago, she'd thought of opening the champagne and taking it with her to her bath. Instead, she'd uncorked some Bollinger.

She had other plans for the bottle of Sir Winston Churchill's favourite bubbly.

The drink slid deliciously down her throat. Half the bottle had gone. She'd had more than she should, but so what? She was celebrating!

It was difficult to believe. She'd gone to the office to resign and walked away as a main Board Partner! Somehow, after all the heartache she'd experienced since last seeing Brian, he'd changed her life again. She owed that man so much...

Twisting in her long bath, she was careful to avoid the small candles circling the bathtub as she refilled her glass again. She didn't have that much time before she left for dinner, but it was long enough to savour the moment. She'd gone to the office to resign before she was sacked. And now this!

On reflection, there was no doubt in her mind—she deserved her good fortune. It was Brian who'd introduced Alistair Brinkley-Jones into her life. Had it not been for her Senior Partner, she wouldn't have gone through such hell. So it was only right and fair that he should redress his mistake. Wasn't it?

She rested her head back on the edge of the tub. God, didn't that champagne taste wonderful? It was already dulling the pain she'd been experiencing. Making her feel alive again. The thirty-year old psychiatrist had had enough alcohol over the last couple of days to last her a lifetime. But the gallons of black coffee she'd consumed had helped redress the impact. Or at least in seemed like gallons.

She'd need another coffee before Brian picked her up.


The Scot had hugged her after giving her the wonderful news. He'd held onto her for a few seconds longer than was necessary, too. And she'd felt a promising bulge in his groin when he'd pressed against her. Well, well, well…

The Senior Partner had insisted on collecting her up from her apartment tonight, too. That meant he'd take her home also. Her heart fluttered as she drained the flute. That left some wonderfully interesting possibilities.

Okay, he was nearing retirement age. But so what? And physically, with his slicked back thin grey hair, pencil moustache and Oxford accent, the Scotsman was the opposite of her normal type. Who cared? Maybe—just maybe—settling down might be exactly what she needed right now?

But marriage?

The thought hadn't occurred to Katie before. A blowjob—yes. She'd dreamt of sucking her Senior Partner's cock for a long time. She'd even enjoyed the occasional masturbatory fantasy fuck. But this time, it was much more than sex that was on her mind. Was marriage really an option?

She held the bottle up to the light as she considered another refill. Maybe two glasses worth were remaining? Perhaps she'd offer Brian one when he arrived? And maybe she'd open that 1990 Pol Roger when they returned later tonight. A nightcap, she could say. Then another. Soft lights. Music.

It had been a long time since she'd gone for a romantic seduction. It was much more fulfilling to find and suck off a stranger. Brian was different. He needed nurturing. She'd have his seed all right. But a softer, more loving approach would pay better dividends in the long term.

Katie reached for her razor, giggling at the thought of the Senior Partner's face when he discovered that she shaved herself bare. It was a good thought. The future suddenly seemed much clearer and brighter than she'd ever imagined.


Erika snuggled against Alistair's broad chest. One hand drew patterns on his smooth skin while the other casually stroked his black manhood. He grew in her hand with every soft caress. Both pairs of eyes were glued to the sight on the television at the far end of the bed.

The three sweaty bodies on screen were drunk with lust. Everything was sticky, hot and frantic. Becky was sitting beside the two lovers as Erika pushed Alistair onto his back and climbed into his lap. They could hear her gasp as the blonde sank down on him, the young South American woman was clearly enthralled.

"God, she looks so sexy," Erika sighed into Alistair's chest. "Look at her eyes."

"She's our sexiest yet," Alistair grunted, raising his hips as Erika curled her thumb and forefinger just under his crown and slowly began to jack him.

"Fuck, yes," Erika murmured as she watched the onscreen action. "See what you've been missing?" she asked, turning her face upwards on Alistair's chest. He leant down to kiss her but the blonde had other ideas. She slithered her body down his, sliding down the bed while her blue eyes promised everything.

His head flopped back on the pillow when she took him inside her mouth, his gaze alternating between the erotic site on the television screen and the blonde working between his legs. He reached down and touched Erika's soft, wavy hair.

He was happy to be back where he belonged.

Erika picked up the remote as she licked up and down the hard black tower, fast-forwarding the action on the screen. Why not? It only got hotter from there. With a random flick, she pressed 'play' and dropped the control beside her on the crumpled sheets.

Onscreen, Becky was now on her hands and knees. Her perfectly toned ass jutted high in the air as she licked out Erika's juices. Alistair was lining himself up behind her, his powerful thigh muscles glinting with sweat from their exertions. His cock slid in easily and Erika's hands on Becky's hair kept the woman's head in place between her legs.

The Brazilian woman's slurping sounds filled the bedroom. Alistair's groans intermingled with the recording, though they weren't onscreen. He was reacting to his sexy girlfriend's sucking mouth. Erika had him so close again...

The screen was blotted out as she rose from her position between his legs. Her body hid the action. Those sexy blue eyes met Alistair's dark ones. She smiled wickedly as she seductively licked her way back up his body.

"So," she murmured, leaning down and scraping her majestic swells across his smooth chest. "So you want to marry me, Prime Minister?" she asked. "When?"


Becky lay contentedly in Thomas's arms, hot and sweaty from their lovemaking. She hadn't been able to escape his amorous advances. What excuse could she have made? I'm exhausted from fucking your boss and his girlfriend?

Yet it had surprised her how quickly she'd gotten into it.

Her tiredness had soon been forgotten, overtaken by the adrenalin still running through her body. Being fucked by both Erika and Alistair had taken her to a sexual high she hadn't experienced before, even in Brazil, yet somehow, being with Thomas topped it all. Like the cherry on the top of a very sexy sundae.

"You okay?" he asked, softly stroking her dark silken locks.

"Mmm," she mumbled. She was so tired that even talking was difficult.

"I've been thinking about us," he continued, curling her hair between his fingers.

It was an effort to turn her head, the perspiration from her face mingling with that on his sweaty chest. She'd been thinking about the two of them, too. Her large brown eyes stared up into his, silently telling him to continue.

"We agreed I'd review the situation with my job after the election," he said, wiping away a bead of sweat as it ran down his forehead. "It hasn't been exactly fair to you, has it?

She flopped her head back down on his chest, her heart beating faster. She could hear it pounding against his side. She'd been debating whether to tell him. Whether to confess… "It's been tough, I know," she slowly told him. "But it's been necessary, Thomas. And you did it, baby. You got him elected."

He kissed the top of her head. "God, I love you." He took a deep breath. He was nervous about something, she could tell.

Becky didn't speak. She'd been confused ever since she'd returned home. She knew she didn't want to lose Thomas. He was a good man. But she wasn't sure that she was willing to sacrifice her newfound sexual liberation.

"Alistair wants me to stay on. I accepted."

Just like that. Without talking to her. Without consulting. The Brazilian felt her temper flare, right along with a lick of admiration. She'd heard stories about the fabulous Thomas Kincaid but had only seen glimmers of it in their personal lives. She'd always been the one in control.

"Thing is, I love you, Becky. We'll get to spend more time with each other than these past few weeks, but it's still going to be hellishly busy."

Despite his sex with Erika and his torrid affair with Sally, he did love this woman. He wanted a future with her. To spend the rest of his life with her. The problem was, things had changed. Britain had a black Prime Minister. Becky owned her own aerobics studio. And Thomas wasn't certain he could go back to a monogamous lifestyle again.

Deep breath. "I've been doing a lot of thinking, and you remember our conversations about having an open lifestyle…"

Becky's jaw dropped open, speechless. She hadn't expected him to open that door. He'd always said no whenever she'd tentatively suggested it.

"I know you're a liberated woman, Becky. I don't want to restrain you. I can't if what I'm about to propose will work."

About to propose? Her heart beat even faster.

"Becky, I think we need to try it. It will be good… for both of us… But it's on one condition."

She took his head in her hands and turned so she could look up at him—look him directly in the eyes. There was a something there. What was it? This certainly wasn't what she was expecting, even if it was something she'd toyed with proposing herself. Still, fantasies and realities were completely different things. But why was Thomas suggesting it?

And what was the condition?

"Becky, I love you. I want to marry you! And if having an open lifestyle is the way to keep us fresh and together, I'm prepared to go that way."

Prepared? Thomas felt a right heel, positioning things in such a way that it appeared he was only thinking of her. But he'd debated whether he should tell her about Sally and Erika and decided against it. It would only cause harm. From here on out, he'd be truthful. What was done was done.

"So… will you marry me?"

Stunned again, all she could do was blink her large, dark eyes. It took a lot to strike this woman speechless, and Thomas had done it twice within one minute. He laughed at her, nuzzling her nose with his. She was so beautiful.

"You want to… marry me?"

He nodded, unable to contain his broad grin.

"But you think we should have an open lifestyle?" She tried to sound flat, but his happy-go-lucky attitude about their future was infectious. Goddamn it, why was she smiling?

Again, he nodded. "It's what we've talked about before. And it may not even work. But I love you, and I know you love me, and I think we can make this work. Hell, if you're to become Mrs. Kincaid, it has to work!"

Silence filled the air. He'd said it!

Becky's heart was in overdrive. Marriage??? Mrs. Kincaid? And an open marriage, at that! A feeling of warmth suddenly flooded her body. She hadn't expected it, but it was there all the same. Marriage! That had a nice ring to it. Things became clearer. The perfect solution!! It wouldn't tie her down. It would secure their relationship… and provide a firm platform for her to explore her needs.

Batting her long lashes, she asked sweetly, "Are you sure you know what you're implying, Thomas?"

He reached down, stroking the hair that had matted to her forehead. "I've never been a jealous person, Becky. And I know how you tick. We wouldn't last more than a year if we continued on like this."

Thomas had indeed given this a lot of thought. It was an impossibly hard decision. The thought of his girlfriend with other men twisted his gut. But if he was to have his own flings, then it couldn't work any other way.

"But we always have to be honest with one another, okay?" he said, his eyes boring into hers. "Going forward, that is. It can't work any other way."

"Going forward?"

He nodded and for a moment they shared a look. There was something there in both their pasts but neither was prepared to admit it. It was better if they didn't. What was important was the future, not the past.

"Okay," she answered, as if agreeing to go to the cinema.

"Okay?" he asked. "Is that it? Just okay?"

The brunette nodded and dropped a hand to his lap. Hell, he was hard. Suggesting all of this had him excited. She was, too. Suddenly, she wasn't feeling so tired. Suddenly, the future seemed bright. She curled her fingers around his growing erection. "Well, there is one other thing," she said, swinging her legs over him. "I think we need to seal the deal, don't you?"

"Oh, yes," he groaned as he sank into her silky channel, feeling a surge of relief.

There was still a lot to talk about, but she'd accepted the idea far more quickly and easily than he's anticipated. She couldn't really have anything to hide, could she? It didn't matter, he decided, dismissing the thought. The past was the past. All that was important was that they were truthful from here on in.

"Fuck me, Thomas!" Becky moaned, drawing him to the present. "Show me how much you love the future Mrs. Kincaid!"


Erika picked up the phone and rearranged her fluffy hair in the mirror as she waited for Benni to answer. She'd left Alistair exhausted in bed—the wimp! Still, she had lots of ideas on how to get him back in peak condition again.

Wasn't it strange how things worked out?

Erika Brinkley-Jones. Soon to be wife to the Prime Minister. Spouse to the heir of the Brinkley-Jones fortune! With a Brazilian slut to call on and share whenever she wanted. Not to mention a multi-millionaire Dutchman who was deep in her debt and anxious to expand his sexual horizons.

Plus a million new sexual adventures for her and her husband-to-be to enjoy...

"Benni?" she said as the familiar voice answered. "I want you to cancel the distribution of those photographs. But keep them safe. You never know when they might come in useful. Understand?"


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
L OV E D it.

Peverse? Funny how some people still find inter-racial perverse. Wow. I found myself checking everyday for the new chapter. Loved it, didn't think twice of the inter-racial.

drdoom39drdoom39almost 15 years ago
Too short!

The series ended too soon, i feel that just as the characters were established and the story got underway the end came rather abrupt. The characters are too interesting to not use them again (although i would also like to see Grace, Lauren + Kay from The Strip again)!<br>

I like the "twisted and perverse" parts in your tales.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

Enjoyable series. How about a spinoff with the dutchman, Guus? His penchant for weilding financial power and bedding gorgeous women in his nc/reluctant style was quite entertaining. Hard to beleive he is finished with becky or erika and the cast of beautiful women is endless no? Do consider it and thanks for the read.

EasilyInLoveEasilyInLovealmost 15 years ago
On the contrary

I liked the twisted way this whole thing ended up. I like that Alistair and Erika end up together, I like that Katie gets away (kind of). I like that it's not a cliched, happily ever after sort of story. Nice job, and I WILL be coming back for more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

Good writing but the interracial and the fact there is no one to like in these stories makes it hard to read or enjoy. Your a good writer but I find your stories twisted and perverse, just not erotic. I'll skip the rest.

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