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Ponygirl Vacation

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A young woman gets the full ponygirl experience.
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The girls had a short flight from the mainland out to the island, then a short limousine ride. The hotel was a medieval castle on a hilltop converted to an elegant hotel.

A doorman held open the main door and the girls walked inside.

"Wow!" Felecia said as they walked inside.

"Oh my God!" Taylor said, looking around.

The lobby was spectacular. It had high ceilings, beautiful lighting and a gorgeous décor. Felecia had grown up in a billionaire family and had seen lots of nice places. She was impressed. Taylor's background was in a relatively more modest but comfortable upper middle-class home, the daughter of a successful lawyer who doted on her. The girls had been friends in high school, where they quickly bonded because they were both good students and both were runners on the cross country team.

"Hello ladies," said the man behind the front desk. "Are you checking with us today?"

"Yes, we have reservations," Felecia told him with a smile.

He looked their information. "It says one of you is here for a ponygirl experience, for a week. Is that right?" he asked.

"Oh yes," Felecia said with a big smile. "My friend here is going to be my ponygirl for the week!" she said cheerfully.

Taylor got a nervous smile and nodded.

"I'm sorry, Miss," he said to Taylor. "You're not allowed to be in the hotel," he said. "I can have someone take you to the stables right away," he added.

"Not allowed?" asked Taylor. "I'm not allowed to be here?"

"We have some important guidelines," he said with a nod.

A pretty young girl in a maid uniform was walking by at that time.

"Mademoiselle," the man said to her, "Do you have a minute to show our guest here to the ponygirl stables?"

"Of course!" she said with a big smile. "I'd love to! It's always so exciting when a new ponygirl is checking in," she added cheerfully. She turned to Taylor, "Would you like to come with me, Miss?"

Taylor nodded. "I guess," she said.

"Right this way," the young girl added with a gesture toward a door at the back of the lobby.

"Can I go with them?" Felecia asked the man.

"Of course!" he said. "I'll have your luggage sent to your room. Just come back to see me for your room key when you're ready."

Felecia turned to Taylor. "This is all so exciting!" she said. She took Taylor's hand in her own hands. "Let's go check out the stables," she said with a big smile. The three women set off on their walk.

The pretty young maid led the girls out the door and along a stone pathway. "It's not far," she told them. "It's about a 15 minute walk."

It was a beautiful day the girls soaked up the warm sun and cool breeze. They noticed that the landscaping all around them was immaculate.

As they walked a bit more Felecia noticed more about the maid walking with them. "I really like your dress," she said.

"Thanks!" the maid said with a big smile. At first glance her dress seemed to be a sexy maid outfit, made all of black, with a white little apron in front. On taking a second or third glance anyone could see the hemline was ridiculously short. Also the black fabric was quite sheer and really didn't hide any part of her body. She wore a very skimpy black thong and a tiny, lacy black bra that were clearly visible. "This is the best job I've ever had," she said. "I enjoy it more every day."

Finally they reached the barn and stables area. "Just step through that doorway," the maid said with a gesture. "They'll take great care of you."

"Thanks for your help," Felecia said. "I hope I'll see you around."

"Let me know if there's anything I can do to make you comfortable here, Mistress," she said with a curtsey.

Felecia looked at Taylor and got a grin. "Let's go check in, Sweetie!" she said.

Taylor gave a nervous nod.

The girls stepped through the door. "Hello!" said a woman behind a desk. "Welcome!" she said cheerfully.

She was dressed as a trainer of ponies, with tight trousers, leather riding boots, and a tight white blouse. "Are the two of you checking in?" she asked.

"Hi," Felecia said. "This is Taylor," she said with a gesture. "She's checking in for the week."

"Well that's very fun and exciting," the woman said. "My name is Lily. I'll help you get checked in," she said. "You're going to have a very busy and fun and exciting week," she said with a smile.

"Have you been with us before?" she asked Taylor.

Taylor shook her head.

"Oh my," Lily said. "Well you're really in for a treat. I think you'll have an amazing time here."

She turned to Felecia. "The whole check-in process takes about an hour. Then we'll get started on the training right away," she said. "You're welcome to go enjoy the hotel if you wish. Or we'd love to have you stay and watch as much as you want."

"Thanks," Felecia said. "I've love to stay and watch the process for awhile."

"Sweetie one of the first steps we need you to do is to get naked for me," Lily said sweetly to Taylor. "Then I have some paperwork I need to go over with you."

Taylor looked nervous.

"If you're worried then it's okay to do the paperwork first," Lily said. "You could get undressed after that. That way you'll get your clothes for an extra 10-15 minutes or so."

"She's not a bashful girl," Felecia said. "Well, she's a little bashful but she can also be bold and I know she wants to start off right as a ponygirl. She's glad to get undressed now."

Felecia turned to Taylor. "I know you want to do a great job as a pony, right?" she said with a smile. "And I know you want to make me very proud and happy, right?" she added.

Taylor paused a moment. She nodded.

"That's a good girl," Felecia cooed. "Now let's be brave. Go ahead and get undressed and you can start your big adventure."

Taylor took some breaths for courage. She nodded. With a sigh she started slipping off her clothing piece by piece.

"Let's see a smile, Sweetie," Felecia said.

Taylor nodded. She took a breath and managed a bit of a smile while she stripped down to her panties.

"We'll take good care of all of your things," Lily said. "You'll get it all back when you're done with your ponygirl adventure."

Taylor nodded. She stood there wearing only her panties and paused for a second.

"Oh can I do this part??" Felecia asked Lily.

"Of course," Lily said.

Felecia had a smile and turned to Taylor. "Why don't you let me do this part," she said. "It'll be fun."

Taylor nodded.

"Just put your hands on your head when you're ready and comfortable," Felecia said with a smile.

Taylor nodded. She paused. She took a breath. She put her hands on her head.

"Very good," Felecia said softly. "That's a good girl. You're being very brave," she said sweetly. "Now I'll just slip these off of you because you won't need them this week."

Taylor stood still. Felecia took her time kneeling down in front of her, then hooking her thumbs up into the waistband of the panties, then gently wiggling them downward with a smile.

When she got the panties all the way down she said sweetly, "Just step out of them, Sweetie."

Taylor stepped out of the panties and took a step back.

Taylor was waxed totally bare. Felecia took a look and smiled. "Oh my God you look so sweet and cute and pretty," she said with a cheerful tone. "You look amazing," she said. "You can put your hands down. And why don't you give me a kiss for happiness and good luck," she said, standing up

Taylor got a smile. In spite of being nervous she liked the compliments. She put her arms down. The two girls leaned in together for a fun, quick kiss.

After that there was a small stack of paperwork for Taylor to complete, showing consent for the ponygirl adventure.

"Why does the ponygirl need to be naked to fill out the forms?" Felecia asked, curious about the process.

Lily just shrugged. "I'm not sure," she said. "It's just how we do things here." She paused for a moment. "I guess it's easier for a ponygirl to sign the forms when she's already naked. I guess she feels like she's already started the process so it's harder to turn back," she said.

Next they fitted Taylor with some boots. They were comfortable and practical, with a somewhat raised heel and rubber soles for good traction. Lily explained that they put lots of thought and research into the best ponygirl boot -- it had to look good but also had to be a practical way to get good power and endurance from a ponygirl.

Lily smiled. "I think you'll like the next part," she said to Taylor.

Taylor got a nervous smile.

Lily took out two leather mittens. They had heavy stiffeners inside. Once they were buckled in place she wouldn't be able to bend her hands or fingers at all.

"How fun!" Felecia said.

"Give me one hand, Sweetie," Lily said to Taylor.

Taylor held out one hand. Lily helped her get her hand deep into the stiff mitten, then buckled it on snug around her wrist.

"Can I do the other one?" Felecia asked.

"Sure," Lily said, handing over the other mitten.

"Let's get you buckled in tight, Sweetie," she said with a smile.

Taylor nodded and held out her other hand. Lily worked with her to get the mitten on nice and snug, then Lily prompted her to buckle it on her wrist nice and snug.

"That looks good," Lily said. "Ponies don't need hands. This will help her have the full experience."

Lily picked up two tiny padlocks. "Do you want to lock those on her?" she asked.

"I'd love to!" Felecia said.

Lily handed over the locks.

"Give me a hand Sweetie," she said to Taylor.

Taylor politely held out one hand. Lily showed Felecia how to place the lock in the buckle so it couldn't come loose. Then she did the other hand.

"Do you unlock those mittens at night?" Felecia asked.

"Oh no," she said casually. "There's no need for that. She'll be fine this way."

"What about at meal time?" Felecia asked.

Lily shrugged. "She'll do fine," she said. "We put the food in a shallow bowl. She'll figure out how to eat it okay."

"How fun!" Felecia said with a smile. Turning to Taylor she said, "I guess you have many things to learn."

"What's the food like?" Felecia asked.

"Our head chef is amazing," Lily said. "He adores ponygirls. I think that's why he took the job here," she said. "Anyway he makes ponygirl food every day from the very best ingredients, a mix of vegetables and protein, cooked just right and seasoned to perfection. He makes it into a hash that's meant to look like animal food. But it's really the finest and freshest food on the planet."

"Interesting," Felecia said.

Lily pulled out another device. "That part was fun and this part is even better," she said cheerfully. "This will be your control collar."

Taylor's eyes got big with worry when she heard that. "Control collar?" she said with a wary voice.

"Yup," Lily said. "I'll get it on you nice and snug. Then your mistress can lock it in place."

Lily buckled it on the bare girl. It was a leather collar with a small black box in the front and a couple of blunt steel pins on the inside, to make contact with the skin.

"It's programmed to an app on my phone," Lily explained to Felecia. "Let me get it turned on and we'll try it out."

Felecia nodded. Taylor looked nervous. Lily tapped on her phone a few times, entering a logon code and a password. The black box on the collar came to life with a red LED light and a slight hum.

Lily seemed satisfied. She looked up at Taylor. "What is your favorite color Sweetheart?" she asked.

Taylor looked slightly confused. "Blue is my fav...." Then she said "OWWW!" Then she said "OWWW!" again. She quickly realized she had to stop talking.

Lily nodded. "That's very good, Sweetie." She continued, "Ponies don't need to speak. The collar will give you a shock every time you try to talk. As long as you're silent it won't go off. Do you understand how that works?"

Taylor's eyes were big with fright. She composed herself enough to nod.

Lily added, "It's at a pretty low power setting right now. I'll turn up the power soon. Do you want to try to speak again, to feel the effects? Do you want to say something?"

Taylor shook her head.

"Are you sure?" Lily asked nicely. "If you speak now and get a low-level shock it might help you remember in the future to be quiet. It might help with your training. You can speak now if you want to."

Taylor shook her head.

"Okay, I guess you're not eager for any more shocks," she said. "Just remember in the future what'll happen if you try to speak."

Taylor nodded.

Felecia was watching this the whole time with a smile. "How interesting," she said, almost as if speaking to herself. "Does the collar go off if I speak to her?" she asked Lily.

"On no," she said. "You can talk all you want. It'll only go off if she tries to make any sound."

"How fun," she said softly. She moved in close to Taylor. "I guess you won't be able to speak for awhile, Sweetie."

Taylor nodded.

"Don't you worry about a thing," she said gently. "These people have trained a lot of ponygirls. I think they know what they're doing. I think you're going to have a really good time. Just do what they tell you and it'll be a lot of fun."

Taylor looked nervous but she nodded. She took a moment with one of her gloved hands to touch the shock collar strapped onto her throat.

"That reminds me," Lily said. "She's uh ... not really supposed to touch the collar or mess with it." She rummaged around behind her desk and found what she was looking for -- a small padlock.

"Sweetie would you mind using this to lock her hands behind her back," she said, handing the padlock to Felecia.

"Oh that sounds fun," she said. With a grin she said to Taylor, "Turn around for me Sweetie. Face away from me." she said, obviously loving the moment. "Hands behind your back for me," she said with a sweet smile.

Taylor did what she was told. The bondage gloves on both of her hands had a small steel D-ring in the wrist area. It was simple for Felecia to slip the padlock through the D-ring on each wrist and snap it shut, locking her arms behind her back.

"That's a good girl," Felecia said. "Turn around to face me. Let me have a look at you."

Taylor turned back to face her. Felecia put her hands onto Taylor's bare shoulders and looker her up and down. "Oh my God you look so amazing and sweet and gorgeous," she said. "I think you are really going to turn a lot of heads when you do your ponygirl thing. Everybody is going to want to check you out," she said.

Felecia turned to Lily. "How long do you keep her arms locked behind her back? Does she get a break sometimes?"

Lily shrugged. "We can give her a break sometimes if that's what you want. But usually we like to keep the ponygirls locked like that full time, as long as she's here. Ponygirls don't need a break from the bondage."

"Isn't it awfully uncomfortable to keep her locked like that permanently?" Felecia asked.

"I don't know. I suppose it is," Lily said with another shrug. "She's not here to be comfortable. She's here to be a ponygirl. Ponygirls don't need to use their hands and arms. Being bound this way won't cause her any injury. She'll have to learn about the feelings. She'll have to get adjusted as best she can."

Felecia looked over Taylor. "Well, she does look really good that way," she said with a smile. "Let's keep her arms locked full time if that's what you recommend. I'm good with that!" she said with a smile and good cheer. "I'm sure she is too," she said with a gesture to Taylor.

Lily nodded.

Taylor looked a bit nervous. She opened her mouth as if she was going to speak. Then she decided not to.

"Where does she sleep at night?" Felecia asked.

"We've got a nice stall set up for her," Lily said. "It's real secure, with bricked up walls and a heavy wood door. We put down a thick layer of fresh straw every few days to help the ponygirl be as comfortable as possible while she's resting."

"No bed? No cot?" Felecia asked.

"That's not needed for a pony," Lily said. "It's one reason we try to train the ponygirls hard every day. If she's totally exhausted she'll figure out how to get some sleep."

"How interesting," Felecia said. "I guess that makes sense."

"When can I come back and take my pony out for a drive?" Felecia asked.

"We need a little time to start her training," Lily said. "Tomorrow after lunch would be best."

"I'll do that," Felecia said.

"Relax and enjoy the hotel while you're here," Lily said. "It has some amazing luxuries and amenities. I think you'll love it."

Felecia nodded. She turned to Taylor. She put one hand on the shoulder of the bare, helpless girl. "Well Sweetie," she said, "I'm going to step away now. I want to go check out the rest of the hotel and the grounds. And I think these people have a lot planned for you to do."

Lily nodded.

"It's all so exciting," Felecia said. "Now I want you to be very good. Do what they tell you. Give it your best effort. And keep a smile." She paused. "You look gorgeous and amazing. By tomorrow afternoon we'll go out for a drive. We'll go around the hotel a few times and everyone can get a good look at how pretty you are. You can show off your slim waist," she said, brushing her fingers lightly along Taylor's waist. "You can show off your pretty, girlish hips and your lovely cute ass," she said, brushing her fingers along Tayor's hips. "You can show off those, sweet, cute, perky bare tits for everyone to see," she said with a smile, brushing her fingertips along the side of Taylor's right breast. "Your slim legs and every single part of you will be totally on display," Felecia said. "Does that sound like a lot of fun?" she asked with a smile.

Taylor shook her head.

"No? No?" Felecia said with a smile, pretending to be shocked. "You're not looking forward to that?" she asked. "Oh I don't believe that for a second," she said sweetly. She leaned in close. "I know you're nervous. But I know the thoughts that go through your dirty, filthy little mind," she said softly. "Tomorrow we're going to drive around the hotel grounds and everyone can check you out while you're totally bare," she said. "I want you to smile. Keep your chin up. Keep your shoulders back. Keep your cute little titties up and out on display so everyone can see you're a happy, cheerful little pony who craves attention," she said. "You're going to look amazing. You're going to make me very proud. Does that sound like a lot of fun? What do you say?" she asked.

Taylor was breathing deep from some strong mix of emotions -- fear and nervousness and excitement. She paused for a moment to collect her thoughts. Then she nodded a couple of times.

"Yes, I thought you'd say that," Felecia said warmly with a smile. "You're going to look incredible. Everyone is going to love you. I think we're going to have a lot of fun. We're not going to be here forever. It's just a week or so. Enjoy all the interesting new challenges and experiences. It'll be all over soon. When you're back at your home then you can look back on this time and you'll have some very fun memories."

Taylor nodded.

Felecia leaned in and gave her a kiss on her cheek. Then she turned to Lily. "She's all yours!" she said with a big smile. "And don't let her try to trick you into thinking she some delicate flower," she added cheerfully. "We did sports together in high school. She may look slim and delicate but she's a tough chick. She can handle a lot."

"Don't worry about a thing," Lily said. "We'll take good care of your girlfriend. I hope you enjoy the hotel. They serve champagne and light snacks on the main patio each afternoon. The views over the water are spectacular. You definitely want to check that out. We'll see you back here tomorrow after lunch. Then we'll get your pony hitched up to a small cart and you can take her out for a drive anywhere you want to go."


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