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Pool Boy Ch. 25

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Erin & Sam interrogate Hunter and Alexis moves in.
13.1k words

Part 25 of the 61 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/16/2015
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My last day cleaning pools for the summer was the same as every other day. Alexis and I cleaned the town pool and the second pool and went to lunch like always. I had picked her up at her house because Emma needed her car. Alexis had told her mother about what had happened at Olivia's when she got home yesterday afternoon. Emma called Olivia later that evening but Olivia couldn't talk because the Police were still there. Emma told her she would come over to visit today. She was sure that Olivia could use the distraction.

Today would have been an Olivia pool cleaning day but we were staying far away from there for a while. After lunch, I drove Alexis back home. I had a ton of things to do and pack before I left for college in the morning. I would have to leave the van behind so Noah could continue cleaning pools as my employee. Mom and Dad were going to drive me, so I could only take whatever would fit in their car. When classes started, I would come home and collect the rest of my stuff along with Alexis and her stuff.

As we drove by Olivia's house, a van marked "CSI" was in the driveway. Emma and Olivia were just coming down the driveway. I stopped the van and Alexis got out and headed for Emma's car. Emma dropped her window and the two talked for a minute before she got back in the van and I drove off. Alexis turned to me and said, "There may be some problems. Olivia thinks the Police don't believe her story. They brought in the Forensic guys. She's pretty shook up. Mom's taking her to lunch."

I muttered, "Fuck. I was afraid of this. If the Police tripped her up on any part of her story, the whole thing would tumble down like a house of cards. Fuck." I punched the steering wheel in frustration.

Alexis said, "You've got shit to do. I'll keep tabs on what's going on with Olivia and let you know. We'll talk on the phone every night so you'll know too." I pulled into Alexis' driveway and she got out of her seat and came over and sat in my lap behind the steering wheel. She kissed me passionately and then said, "I'll be fine. I'll miss you terribly. Call me when you can." She kissed me again and slid out of my lap and back into the passenger seat to open her door. She stood in the driveway as I backed around and we waved and threw each other air-kisses as I drove off.

I dropped the van off at Noah's house and walked back to my parent's home. I smiled as I walked. I had done this about ten thousand times in my life. I thought back to the old-days when Noah and I were five. Parents today probably wouldn't even think about their kids walking the few blocks alone at age five.

At home, I packed my clothes in one suitcase and several boxes of other stuff and put them in the trunk. One box wouldn't fit and it went into the back passenger seat. I was ready to leave.

The next morning, we were pulling out of the driveway at 7:30 AM. We had a three hour drive and I was supposed to be on the practice field sans pads by noon. We talked some but mostly watched the scenery scroll by. It was a perfect day. The temperature was markedly cooler; signs of the changing season.

We found the apartment that Alexis and I would be renting without incident. I hadn't been there before. I was a cute little place. Dad helped me carry the boxes in from the trunk. I had marked them with the room they were going to, not that there were many. There was a kitchen with a very small bathroom. It had a shower stall, a toilet and a sink and not much room if both were in there at the same time. I pulled the curtain back on the shower and envisioned Alexis and me in there together. We'd figure it out. There was a big room that was to be a combination bedroom and living room. Entertaining would be interesting. By the time everything was unloaded, it was past 11:00 AM.

Mom did her mom thing as she began to tear up. Her baby boy was in his own apartment. I hugged her and kissed her on the cheek and she did the same. Dad came over and shook my hand and I pulled him into a man-hug. He didn't fight it. He was getting used to it. He patted me firmly on the back and pulled back. His eyes were glistening too so he turned and headed for the door. He said, "Come on Mom. Our boy has things to do and we have a long drive home." She followed him out the door but turned back and threw me an air-kiss. She closed the door behind her.

I had made arrangements for Dean, one of my team mates, to pick me up and he was already sitting in his car in the driveway. I grabbed my duffle bag and surveyed the room before I bounded down the back stairs and slid into the passenger seat. We slapped hands and punched fists and he drove off toward campus.

On the way, Dean asked about Alexis. I told him she was great. I hadn't seen Dean since the wild graduation orgy at Emma's house earlier this summer. I caught him up on the details. I thought his massive neck would snap off when I told him we were engaged. He laughed and said, "Good move 'Meat'. She is about as fine a lady as you'll ever meet." I smiled and nodded my agreement.

I said, "She'll be moving in when classes start." Dean looked a little confused based on previous knowledge. "I know. I thought she would be going to some Ivy League college but that was her dad's plan. She's going to study "Retail Merchandising" here at State. Dean grinned broadly and lifted his fist for me to punch again.

Dean said, "You lucky bastard. Alexis will be the most beautiful woman on campus and she's sleeping in your bed." I grinned at that thought. Dean parked and we went into the locker room. Other than the graduating seniors, all my old teammates were scurrying around. Most were naked. There was a jockstrap here and there but nothing more than that.

I found my locker from last year and emptied my duffle bag into it. From somewhere across the room, I heard, "MEAT. HOW THE FUCK WAS YOUR SUMMER." I turned to see who it was. I just waved at no one in particular and got dressed. The coach appeared and yelled for us to get our asses out on the field. I smiled and thought, 'Boot camp is starting again." At least I knew what to expect this year. We all piled through the locker room door together. The cleats on the concrete floor sounded like a symphony of crickets.

Two and a half hours later my ass was dragging from calisthenics and wind-sprints and whatever other insane things the coach hand thought up during the summer. We all lined up and he told us to be back on the field at 5:00 PM so we could do it all over again. We all groaned in unison.

After changing, Dean drove me back to the apartment. We only had a couple hours before we were back at it so Dean stayed and we visited. Dean told me he had dated Divia, one of Alexis' friends from 'the party', a few times. Then he told me that she was definitely going east to college and there was no point in pursuing it anymore. He smiled wistfully when he told me they had got it on again.

I had nothing to eat in the apartment so we went to a fast-food place and I scarfed down a cheese-burger, fries and a coke. I was feeling better already. Dean had two and went back for more fries after that. He said he had to maintain his girlish figure.

Back on the field, after the calisthenics, we played some seven on seven which was fun. I hated the calisthenics but I understood their purpose. Two hours later Dean dropped me off and we agreed to do it all again tomorrow, except we started at 9:00 AM for three hours and then from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. I was too tired to do anything except crawl into bed. I would go out early in the morning and get a cab to go grocery shopping. Not having a car was a pain in the ass and I decided to do something about that too.

As I laid there in bed looking at the ceiling I called Alexis' cell phone. She answered on the first ring. She screamed into her phone, "I miss you. I love you." I smiled to myself and told her the same. We talked for nearly an hour. She was talking a 'mile-a-minute' and I started drifting off. I apologized when my small part of the conversation turned into dead-air. She just kissed me through the phone and said that we'd talk again tomorrow. She hung up before I could do the same. I clicked the end button on the phone and I was instantly asleep.

The practices went on for days unending. I must have been getting into shape because I wasn't feeling so exhausted all the time. I even went out after the second session of day seven to eat and buy a car. Christ, buying a car is one major pain in the ass and it takes for flipping ever. Three hours later, I drove a six year old Subaru Outback off the lot. I had twenty days to register it which I would do when I went home to get the rest of my stuff. Classes started in two day and football practice would drop to the afternoon sessions only.

On the way back to the apartment I called Alexis to tell her the news. The second she answered she was talking in a blur. I asked her to slow down and she took a breath and started over. She said, "We're in big trouble. The Police have arrested Olivia for not cooperating with them. They don't believe her account of what happened with Ron. They think she's harboring him and intentionally deceiving them. They have some kind of proof. Fuck Baby, I don't know what to do. We can't let her sit in jail to protect us."

My mind was in warp speed. I was afraid this would happen. When Alexis stopped talking to take a breath of air I interrupted her, "Alexis. Alexis. Stop. We won't let Olivia down. I'm amazed she hadn't broken down before all this. Shit Baby! I hate to tell the whole story. It's so embarrassing for you. For me too because I just laid there and let it happen."

Alexis said, "Oh stop it. You've nothing to be embarrassed about. You couldn't do a thing with a gun in your balls. I don't care about my embarrassment. Olivia is sitting in jail to save me some embarrassment. That's stupid. I'm going to call Erin and tell her the truth."

I thought about that for a moment and said, "That's probably the best option. I can't think of anything better. Do it. Let me know how it goes. Shit. I hope you're not sitting in jail next to Olivia."

Alexis giggled and said, "Well, if we are, we'll figure out something to entertain ourselves."

I laughed at that thought and said, "Well, if they arrest you then they will come get me too. I wouldn't want to miss out on the fun. Wouldn't that be something to put in our memoirs?"

Alexis laughed and said, "I'm going to call her first thing in the morning. I'll call you after your morning practice. I love you. I miss you." I kissed her through the cell phone and she hung up. My mind was reeling as I pulled into my prescribed apartment parking spot. I went straight to bed but I couldn't get to sleep as I rolled around in the bed for hours.

The next day, after practice, I was back in the apartment making myself a sandwich when my phone rang. I chuckled to myself when I heard the familiar bars from the B-52's "A monster in my pants". It had become our theme song and Alexis had set it up as her distinctive ring tone. I answered it on the first ring. Before I could even say "Hello" Alexis was talking too fast again. I urged her to breath and she got the message and started over.

"I talked to Erin this morning. She's been promoted to Detective and she is working this case. She asked me to come in to the station and Mom drove us there. I told Erin the whole story and explained that Olivia was only protecting the fact that we were even there because you asked her to. Erin was very professional and she asked a million questions. I answered them all with the absolute truth. I didn't want to get caught in more lies. She said she will need to interview you too. I told her where you were and gave her the address. She's driving there this afternoon so you may miss PM practice. I hope that's not a big problem."

I said, "I'll work it out with Coach. You did good Alexis. It must have been hard for you to admit to a virtual stranger what you were forced to do. I assume you told your mom. How's Olivia doing?"

"Olivia was released on her own recognizance this morning. She's back home. I haven't talked to her. I'm going there after we hang up to tell her that we confessed to the Police and she doesn't need to protect us anymore. I told Mom everything; even the puking part. She thought that was great. Well, I have to go. Let me know how things go with Erin. I love you. I miss you. Only two more days." The phone went dead. I pressed 'END' and went back to my sandwich.

I called Coach and told him I would miss the PM practice and why. He said that it would go down as an excused absence for "family related reasons".

There was a knock on my front door at 3:10 PM. 'She made good time,' I thought. I answered the door and was surprised to see Erin in a dress with high heels on. I had never seen Erin in anything but her uniform, her bikini or nothing at all. I had never seen her with makeup on before either. Her flowing red hair had always been pinned up on her head or under her 'lid' as she called her hat. She was stunning. I stepped back to invite her in. She turned to look behind her as Samantha came up the stairs. She was dressed similarly. It was clear that their uniforms did nothing for them. They were acting very professional. There wasn't a hint of our past dalliances in their demeanor. I just stood in the doorway staring at them.

Samantha smiled and said, "Good afternoon Sir. May we come in? I stepped back out of the doorway and motioned them to come in. Erin closed the door and Samantha continued, "We talked with Alexis about the day Olivia's husband, Ron showed up at her house. She told us what happened and we need to confirm since she said you were there too." I just nodded. They walked through the kitchen and looked around the combination living room/bedroom and I realized there was only one chair. I went to the kitchen and dragged in a straight back chair. They sat down and I sat on the edge of the bed. They asked me to tell my story which I did. I didn't leave out any details. They asked many questions after and I answered them all.

Afterward, Erin relaxed her detective façade and said, "I'm sorry Alexis had to endure that. I'm sure she was terrified." She chuckled and continued, "I confess, I liked the puking part."

Samantha chuckled too and said, "That was a very brave and very stupid thing to do. Thankfully, it worked out okay." I just nodded. She asked, "Is there anything else you can remember? He's a very arrogant guy. He may have slipped up and said something or done something."

I thought for a few moments and said, "You know what? Olivia's best friend, Sophia came over earlier that day to tell us about her husband Paul, Ron's best friend, making contact about divorce papers and confirming that he was in Brazil and he wouldn't be back. We figured Ron would do the same thing. It's odd that this all went down on the same day." Both Erin and Sam were writing in their notebooks.

Erin looked up and said, "Anything else?" I shook my head. She looked at Samantha and said, "Any more questions?"

Samantha shook her head and said, "I think we're good. Don't worry about Olivia. We knew there had been someone else in the bedroom that day. The CSI guys found semen all over the bedding. At first we thought it would turn out to be Ron's and Olivia's. You know; the husband comes home to bang the wife and skip town again. He slaps her around a little to make it look like she wasn't complicit. The DNA results showed two different semen samples and one different saliva sample. We had Ron's DNA from his office but the other two were unknown. I guess they're not unknown anymore." I wasn't sure how I felt about being in the "system".

Erin and Samantha gave each other an odd look and they stuffed their notebooks in their purses. Erin took off her jacket and hung it on the back of the kitchen chair. She reached for the buttons on her blouse and released them one at a time as she stared into my eyes. Her breathing had become ragged and her face and exposed neck and chest revealed that her heart rate had ramped up. I couldn't take my eyes of Erin but my peripheral vision noted that Samantha was unbuttoning her blouse too. My cock surged in my gym shorts.

Erin noticed the movement in my shorts and she sucked her lower lip between her teeth and bit down gently. An unmistakable sultry look washed across her face. I couldn't take my eyes off her even when it became apparent that Samantha was stripping off her blouse even before Erin got to the bottom button. When Samantha's bra fell to the floor I switched my gaze from Erin to her. Her nipples were hard. Her chest was flushed with blood coursing through her. She was breathing hard from anticipation. I was too. My gym shorts kept my cock in place but it was pushing hard to get out.

Samantha was slithering out of her skirt when Erin's bra fell to the floor. Samantha kicked off the skirt and moved behind Erin to unzip her skirt. She said, "Come on girl. We don't have all day." Erin's skirt fell to her feet. Samantha pulled down Erin's thong and then removed her own. Other than their high heels, they stood before me totally naked.

Erin said, "Before you get all panicky, Alexis knows we are here and what we're doing. She gave us her blessing but said we really didn't need it." I stood up from the bed and both Erin and Sam each grabbed a side of my tee shirt and yanked it up over my head. I assisted their efforts. Then they each grabbed a leg of my shorts and yanked them to the floor. My stiff cock caught in the fabric and when the shorts pulled free my cock slapped back up against my stomach before settling at a steep upward incline. Erin got her hands on it first and Sam went for my balls as she crawled between my spread legs and turned around facing Erin. She tipped her head back a little and sucked one of my testicles between her lips and poked at it with her tongue. Erin was already giving me a two fisted hand-job. I groaned and bent forward from their two pronged attack.

Erin went down on her knees and stretched her lips over my glans and after a moment moved down the shaft until my balls rested on her chin. My glans was in her throat. She pulled off and spit a copious amount of saliva on my cock and pushed her mouth back on again. I knew I wasn't going to last long with what they were doing. Sam switched up and sucked my other testicle in and repeated her previous ministrations.

Sam pulled her mouth off my balls and said, "Don't let him get off too soon. We have plans." Erin pulled her mouth off and pushed against my thighs forcing me back down on the bed. Sam ducked as I dropped past her head. She scrambled up on the bed and pulled me toward the middle of the bed. I had to do the moving myself. With her small stature, she wasn't about to pull me anywhere. She was just letting me know where she wanted me and I obliged.

This time it was Samantha who was in position first and she straddled me with her feet on the bed by my waist and sat down on my crotch with my shaft splitting her labia and glans bobbing near her navel. She giggled when she looked down. She said, "From here it looks like my cock. I always wondered what it would look like if I had one." She lifted her body with her legs as my velvety helmet slid down the length of her pussy. She groaned hard was it dragged along her clitoris. At the bottom of her pussy, she guided me in with her fingertips as she dropped herself slowly. She mumbled, "Oh fuck. Yeah. I've missed this fatty," as the thickest part pushed into her.

Erin watched Samantha taking her position. She had four fingers strumming up and down her own pussy lips. She muttered one long groan as all four fingers flicked one at a time across her clitoris. Her hips fired forward and snapped back hard. Her other hand went to her tits and she pinched her right nipple harder than I ever would. Her head slowly tilted back as her mouth formed an "O". As Samantha was settling onto my cock, Erin repeated her four finger manipulation on her clitoris several times.

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