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Pool Boy Ch. 26


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I flexed my cock. Nothing. I flexed it again and her grip tightened slightly. She stopped snoring and her breathing changed. I couldn't tell if she was awake or not. I flexed again and her grip tightened almost immediately. I looked down at her face and she was looking up at me with a huge smile on her face. She stroked my cock from the base to the tip and ran her palm across the glans. She ran the nail of her index finger around the ridge several times. My hips involuntarily lifted off the bed and Emma smiled at my reaction.

Jesus, I wanted her lips on my cock at that very moment and she must have been reading my mind as she slipped her head under the covers and kissed her way down my torso. She pushed the covers up with her head and slid her right tit onto my hip. Her hands were stroking slowly up and down my shaft as she got into position.

When her lips engulfed my glans my head drove down into my pillow and my hips rose to drive my cock into her mouth. She took it and then slowly pushed her lips down to my balls. When the glans entered her throat I let out a moan, "Oh fuck. That's amazing." I started fucking her throat and she stayed right there and let me do it. I could feel my cock pull back into her mouth and then push back into her throat. After a half-dozen strokes like that, Emma pulled back to breathe. She slurped up saliva and pushed her lips right back down again. I fucked her throat another half-dozen strokes and she pulled off again and slurped up more saliva. She kissed the outside of my shaft all the way down and sucked a testicle into her mouth and pushed it around with her tongue as she stroked the shaft with her hand.

My breathing had become very ragged as I could feel cum boiling in my balls. I was only seconds away and Emma pushed her lips down over the ridge and locked them there in anticipation of my climax. When it crested I drove my hips up hard into Emma's face and the air in my lungs exploded out of me. She rode my hips up and received stream after stream of cum. She swallowed it as she received the first three shots. Then she collected the remaining three shots in her mouth. I was done but she stayed right there dragging her tongue over the velvety crown. I shuddered hard and another rope of cum burst into her mouth. I could hear her giggle around my shaft as this last unexpected shot filled her up. She pulled back and pinched her lips together as she slid off my glans.

She slid back up my body and pushed her head out from under the covers and smiled up at me with her cheeks puffed out and her lips distended. She opened her mouth to show me her prize and some of it slid out the side of her mouth onto my bicep. She instantly closed her lips again so she wouldn't lose any more. She looked at the mixture of saliva and cum on my arm and stuck her tongue through her lips and licked it up. She couldn't figure out how to pull the mixture back into her mouth without opening her lips and risking losing even more. Her solution was to roll off my arm onto her back. Then she opened her mouth and pulled the collected mixture into her mouth.

Alexis startled us both when she lifted her torso onto Emma's and stuck her face down close to Emma's and kissed her on the lips. She ran her tongue around her lips and pushed her tongue into Emma's mouth. They were both swirling their tongues in the cocktail of cum and saliva and then Alexis pulled back and displayed her share of the cocktail to me. She closed her mouth and swirled her tongue some more and then swallowed in one loud gulp. Emma did the same and Alexis lowered her lips back to Emma's and they kissed passionately.

My cock, which had begun softening with my last blast of cum, was rising again from their sexy display. I glanced at the clock on the nightstand. I was disappointed that there wasn't enough time for another round with Alexis. We had things to do today as classes opened.

Emma and Alexis went to the bathroom. I could hear them jockeying for position at the sink trying to brush their teeth. I waited my turn with my hands behind my head on the pillow and watched as my cock bobbed its way down to my stomach and laid there in a flaccid state. I stretched every muscle as I lay there listening to Alexis and Emma giggling and squealing in the bathroom. Then the shower came on and Alexis walked into the bedroom alone. She climbed on top of me and kissed me deeply and gently. I kissed her back the same way. I wrapped my arms around her back and held her. She ground her hips down on my spent cock and giggled as it half-heartedly pushed back.

Alexis rolled her head to the side and rested it on my shoulder and snuggled into my neck. We made our plans for the day in that position. A few minutes later, Emma appeared in the doorway with a towel around her head. She said, "I left the shower on for the next customer." Alexis pushed herself up and rolled toward the edge of the bed. She noticed that my cock had firmed up considerably and she pinched the head and she got to her feet. She threw me an air-kiss and headed for the shower.

Emma came in and sat on the edge of the bed and ran the towel through her hair. I couldn't help but notice her tits jiggling as she vigorously worked the towel. Then she ran her fingers through to separate the tangles. She smiled when she saw my cock roll over and lift off my stomach. She said, "And the south shall rise again. Down boy. There isn't time." She couldn't take her eyes of it though. "I have to go when you guys leave. I hate to. I'm really going to miss him," as she pointed at my cock.

I laughed and said, "Well, he....ummm, I will miss you just as much. We'll be home when we can and I'm sure you'll come visit our humble abode." She smiled and headed back to the bathroom. Alexis had finished her shower and was wearing only an apron as she made breakfast. I finished my shower and did my sink stuff and slid into my kitchen chair. We were all still naked as we ate cereal and eggs and toast. There was a somber cloud in the room as we would miss Emma and she us. We dressed and headed for the door. Alexis and I had our backpacks of supplies, books and laptops.

Alexis kissed Emma and tears formed in her eyes which caused Alexis to tear-up as well. Emma kissed me and reached down and squeezed my cock in my pants. I smiled and she did too. We waved as she drove off and we piled into the Subaru to start our new life together.

The few days of registration went by fast. Alexis and I talked every night and I offered suggestions based on my experiences from last year. Tonight was our first football game of the year. It was an 'away game' at a college close by. The team and the Cheerleaders would be riding in a couple buses. Alexis had made a few friends already and they were hooking a ride to the game with Alexis in the Subaru.

Alexis made me a light meal before Dean picked me up. I had worked out a game day ritual last year and I didn't want to break it. Athletes are a superstitious lot. Alexis made fun of me about it. When there was a loud knocking on the back door I waited a moment to see if Dean would just walk in like before. The knock repeated and I assumed that he had got my message. Alexis opened the door and hugged and kissed Dean on the cheek. He looked over her shoulder at me as he hugged her back. He had a huge grin on his face. I knew Dean had a crush on Alexis. Who didn't? I grabbed my duffle bag and kissed Alexis and told her I'd see her after the game at the buses behind the stadium. She seemed as excited about the game as I was. Dean and I high-fived on the way down the back steps, jumped in his car and drove to the field house.

We played a hell of a game and won going away. I was primarily a defensive end and I played my best game ever. I had four sacks, on one of them I stripped the ball from the quarterback, picked it up and ran it in for a touchdown. I was one of two players on the team that played both offense and defense. As a tight end I had one reception for nineteen yards. I'm not generally a stats guy. All that really matters is winning. Tonight was unusual and the guys were all slapping me on the back and chanting, "MEAT. MEAT. MEAT." I showered quickly so I could get out to the bus to meet Alexis. She had gone to an all-girls school and had never gone to a football game before. I was anxious to see what she thought.

When I got to the buses, the baggage area under the seats was open and I threw my duffle-bag inside. I stood outside the bus and waited for Alexis. I heard a noise from inside the bus and two Cheerleaders stepped out to the pavement. They were both very pretty with great bodies. I didn't know their names but I had noticed them on the practice field. I introduced myself and they both giggled. The taller one of the two introduced herself as April and introduced the shorter one as Mindy. April said, "We know who you are Hunter. We know who all the players are."

Mindy interjected, "Well maybe not the freshmen. Go ahead April, tell him."

April looked at me and said, "You play defensive end and tight end. You're 6'5" tall and weigh 195 pounds. You're a sophomore Engineering student and your nickname is 'Meat'. She grinned at that.

Mindy jumped in and said, "Why do the guys call you 'Meat'?" I had no intention of telling them why but I inadvertently gave myself away when I glanced quickly down at my crotch. Mindy grinned and said, "That's what we figured." April and Mindy high-fived each other and Mindy stepped back up into the bus and yelled, "Nickname is confirmed." I turned all kinds of red with embarrassment as several voices began 'hooting' from the back of the bus.

April moved in close to me and pushed a hand against my crotch. My cock responded instantly and pushed back. She said, "It's getting a little cool out here. Come inside with us. We want to see for ourselves."

I stammered out, "I'm waiting for my girlfriend. She's supposed to meet me here soon." Mindy came in close and rubbed her palm across my crotch searching for the outline of my obvious erection. She gripped my cock through my pants. April was watching closely and audibly gasped when it became apparent that Mindy's fingers were not going to be even close to going around the circumference.

April croaked out, "Jesus Mindy. Can you get your hand around it?" Mindy looked back at April and just shook her head as her mouth hung open in awe.

Just then a Subaru rounded the corner of the building and drove up to the front of the bus. The headlights illuminated us and Mindy pulled her hand back from my crotch and both she and April stepped back. Alexis shut the engine off and opened the driver's door and stepped out. She slammed the door and ran the short distance to me and launched herself into my arms. She wrapped her legs around my ass and I grabbed her ass and lifted her up so we could kiss each other. She was so excited. She yelled out, "Oh my God. You were great." She kissed me with multiple little pecks all over my face and then capped those off with a hard, passionate kiss.

I had expected that April and Mindy would step back onto the bus but they stood right there like they were expecting an introduction. When our kiss ended, Alexis pulled back and looked at the two Cheerleaders standing behind me. She looked back at me and said, "Please introduce me to your friends." Then she whispered in my ear, "They're very pretty." I motioned to put her down and she released her legs and I lowered her to the pavement.

I introduced April and Mindy to Alexis and then introduced Alexis to them. Alexis stuck out her hand to shake theirs but they just stood there like statues with slack-jaws, gawking at Alexis. Alexis looked at me and pulled her hand back. Alexis said, "Well. It's nice to meet you." They didn't respond. They just stared at her. Alexis decided to take a different approach and said, "When I drove up you both had your hands on my fiancé's crotch. What do you think?" That got their attention and they both started 'hemming and hawing'. Alexis moved beside me and reached down and unzipped my pants. I started to object but she put the index finger of her free hand on my lips. She reached into my pants and pulled my erect cock out into the cool evening air. Both April's and Mindy's jaws fell open as Alexis wrapped her fingers almost around the circumference. Three more faces appeared in the windows on the bus. A chorus of "Holy Shits" drifted down the stairs behind me.

I reached down and pulled my cock from Alexis' hand and stuffed it back in my pants. I didn't even notice the three faces in the Subaru but they had as good a look as anyone. I zipped up my pants and said, "I'll see you at home. Okay?" She stretched up and kissed me and looked back at April and Mindy and said, "It was a pleasure meeting you. We'll have to get together sometime." Their heads just bobbed up and down as Alexis got back in the car and drove off. I watched as the three friends in the car were gawking at me.

I turned back to April and Mindy and said, "Well that was kind of rude. You guys just stared at her. WTF?" I adjusted my cock in my pants to get a more comfortable position.

April stammered, "Sorry. Fuck Hunter. She's way beyond gorgeous. She makes us all look like sixes. Did she say you're her fiancé?" She had subconsciously moved one hand to her breast. Her nipples were so hard they pushed out her bra and the nylon material of her uniform. She didn't even realize she was tweaking them with her fingers. Mindy did though and she licked her lower lip as she stared at April. Then her right hand slid up her thigh under her pleated skirt. I didn't bother with responding to April's questions and statements. Neither of them would have heard me anyway.

Just then several of my team mates rounded the front of the bus and heaved their bags into the storage area beside mine. April and Mindy regained their senses and dropped their hands as soon as they noticed the guys approaching. The guys looked at April and Mindy and then smiled at me. One of them said, "Go Meat," and then they all got on the bus and moved back to sit with the other Cheerleaders.

The rest of the team and the remaining Cheerleaders appeared. The guys stowed their gear and went to get on the bus. Everyone wanted to get on the bus with the Cheerleaders but there weren't enough seats so the rest got on the bus behind us. I was trying to lose April. She had that lustful look on her face. She wouldn't get lost though and she wound up sitting beside me for the ride home. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes. I could almost feel the heat emanating from her. Mindy didn't go far either. She and another Cheerleader sat right in front of us.

Mindy had turned in her seat so her back was against the side of the bus and was talking with April. I ignored their chatter and pretended to be asleep. We had been on the road only fifteen minutes before I felt a very light sensation on my crotch. I didn't react and continued to feign sleep. Either April or Mindy was very slowly pulling my zipper down. I had dressed commando and I could feel the cool air on my cock. I didn't move until a hand reached into my zipper and wrapped her fingers as far around the circumference as she could. Her fingers were ice cold and I jumped and looked down.

Mindy had dropped her hand over the back of her seat and had it in my pants. I glanced at April and she had her hand between us under her skirt. Her breathing had become very ragged as she watched Mindy's hand moving up and down my shaft.

It would have been a simple thing for me to stop everything right there but my cock was as hard as a granite pillar and my heart was pounding out of my chest. The sensation was fantastic. I glanced quickly around to see if anyone else was paying any attention and no one was. I reached down and unbuckled my pants to give Mindy easier access. She grinned at me in the illumination of passing street lights. She had my tacit approval and she started jerking me off at a steady pace. Mindy looked at April and whispered loud enough for April to hear, "This is the fattest cock I've ever seen even on porno websites." April just nodded. The other Cheerlead sitting beside Mindy obviously heard Mindy too and she turned around to look over the seat. She had to wait until the bus drove under a street light to get a good look.Her eyes were big as saucers. She whispered to Mindy, "Oh my God. Is that real? No fucking way that's real."

I could tell April was getting close to her climax. She was trying desperately to control her breathing so as not to give herself away. I was curious to see how she would handle that with all these people sitting around us. April pulled her hand from her sex and replaced it with her other hand. This was risky because now anyone who looked her way would know what she was doing. The hand closest to me moved across my hip and her slippery fingers wrapped around my shaft above Mindy's. They smiled at each other and got in a joint rhythm jacking up and down my shaft. That was the tipping point for April as she leaned her head against my shoulder and I could feel her body spasm and her hips rock forward and then back. She gasped out a breath of air with a soft "UUUNNGGGG" and sucked more in.

Mindy took over control of my cock as April's entire body heaved gently in spastic pulses for thirty seconds or more. I glanced around again to see if anyone noticed but everyone was engaged in conversations. Those nearest us were sleeping.

The Cheerleader sitting beside Mindy reached over the back of her seat and added her hand to Mindy's. She apparently just wanted to touch my cock to confirm it was real. She pulled her hand back as soon as she was satisfied.

Mindy introduced the other Cheerleader as Morgan and then whispered, "That's why they call him Meat." I was getting concerned that others would be alerted with Mindy and the other girl looking over the back of their seats and April's hand squishing around in her sex. I concentrated hard on Mindy's handjob trying to will my orgasm, which started to boil in my balls when April's body started gyrating around her head which she had pushed against my shoulder to serve as a pivot point. She moaned softly as her orgasm washed over her.

As April recovered, she grabbed my cock again and I softly groaned from her touch. My climax was only moments away and now I was concerned about where my jizz was going to go. April felt the growing hardness and she knew I was going to explode momentarily. She bent across me and pushed her lips onto the top of my glans and flicked her tongue around the velvety crown. That was it for me. With both Mindy's and April's hands going and April's tongue flicking, cum exploded up my shaft into April's mouth. She had no idea what she was in for. She tried to collect it all and then deal with it. My hips were involuntarily firing up into her face as she took two long ropes of cum. Then she moaned as she realized she was in trouble.

The third shot forced her off my shaft and it splattered up her face, through the air and hit Mindy in the face. For some strange reason, I was thinking, 'Touchdown and the extra point'. April was frantically trying to swallow the load in her mouth so she could catch more. She started gagging and coughing. Mindy, who still had a hand on my cock pushed it away from her and the fourth and fifth long rope of cum hit the Morgan right in the side of the face and up into her hair. She pulled away but caught the final shot of cum literally in her hand as she tried to block it.

April didn't know if that was the last one or not and she had swallowed much of her load so she pushed her lips back down on my glans to catch any more. There was no more so April dipped her tongue in the 'eye' and pulled back smacking her lips with her tongue. Mindy and Morgan were using their fingers to locate what they could find in the dark and pushed them into the other's mouth. The three of them wouldn't realize until they got off the bus and into the locker room that they were still covered from their hair to their chin.

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