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Pool Boy Ch. 52


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I lost my battle and flung my hips up hard into Alexis as cum boiled up from my balls. I launched at least eight long powerful bursts of cum into Alexis and she groaned on each one. I looked up at her as she was driving her hips down. I chuckled to myself at the determined look on her face. She opened her eyes when I chuckled and grinned for a moment before her face morphed into a grimace as I felt her pussy grab my cock signaling her orgasm. I was down to a few weak shots when she screeched into her climax. I was glad that at least I got her off. Her pussy clenched on my spent cock for more than a minute before she started to relax and wallow in the joy of the moment.

With both of us in random after-shocks she dropped her torso onto mine and kissed my shoulder. I kissed her forehead. I draped my hands across her ass and pulled her to me on each after-shock pulse or clench and she moaned each time. We lay there like that until dawn's light made its way around the edge of the curtains. Then we got up and took another shower, which consisted of water, soap, shampoo and some minor grab-assing. Then she coiled up her towel and snapped me on the ass while I wasn't looking. She burst out laughing because it was a good one and then she ran into the bedroom to avoid my retaliation. She was laughing hard in her Julia Robert's Pretty Woman laugh. I only half heartedly attempted to snap her back with my towel as I chased her around the bed and she jumped up on our pillows and ran across the bed to the other side. She had her towel and was holding it like a matador fending off a bull each time I wound up my towel. She would block the half-hearted attempt and burst out laughing again.

I dropped my towel and chased her around the bed again and caught her just as she leaped up on the bed again. I tackled her onto the bed and crawled on top of her as she laughed and laughed. I tickled her ribs just to make her laugh some more as she writhed around under me. The mood changed from fun to sensual and we kissed each other hard for many seconds. When we broke our embrace we both simultaneously said, "I love you." We laughed and kissed each other passionately again.

Alexis pushed me to the side and I rolled off her pulling her with me until she was on top of me again. She was sitting on my stomach and she sat up straight as she looked down at me. She put her hands down on my pectoral muscles and then dragged her finger tips down over my oblique muscles and then my ripped abdominal. She had a mischievous look on her face and I braced myself for whatever she was thinking of doing to me. She ran her fingers back up to my pectorals and pinched both erect nipples hard enough to elicit an "OOOWWWWW," from me. I instantly reached up for her erect nipples but she quickly rolled off me and I let her go.

Alexis stood on the side of the bed looking down at me as I massaged my tweaked nipples and said, "We had better pack. We only have an hour before we are meeting the others in the breakfast buffet restaurant." I rolled off the bed and pulled her in for another kiss and as we separated I swatted her lightly on the butt and it was her turn to say, "OOOWWW," as she faked a scowl at me. Her face quickly turned into a grin and she pulled out our suitcases and placed them on the bottom of the bed.

We finished packing and getting ready in time to leave to meet the others. Alexis wasn't a big make up person and this morning she wore none in anticipation of facials and massages in the spa. She was gorgeous as always. She did fix her hair which was a mess from the bed, our rambunctious sex and the shower. I did my bathroom stuff and pulled on my bathing suit and a pair of cargo shorts along with a loose tank top and flip-flops.

Alexis pulled on her micro-bikini and then shorts and off the shoulder tube-top and her high-heeled sandals. She took her beach bag containing 'God knows what' and we left our packed bags by the door and actually met Jan and Yu-Gin in the hall waiting for the elevator. As we all piled inside the elevator and the doors were closing we heard Nina yelling, "Hold the elevator." I stuck my hand between the doors just as they came together. The ever grinning Nina pushed between the opening doors. She was wearing her bikini top with nothing over it. The bikini top was way too small to contain her massive breasts. On the trip to the lobby, Nina noticed Alexis and me gawking at her nearly unrestrained tits and she grinned and shook them at us. Her tits went everywhere and she giggled at the looks on our faces. I was more than familiar with the lascivious look on Alexis' face as she sucked her lower lip between her teeth as her face flushed red.

Thankfully, the elevator doors opened in the lobby and we all filed out. We made our way to the buffet to find Dean and Josie just sitting down at a table. As always, Dean's plate was piled high with food and Josie had a small bowl of various fruits and a yogurt. The same scene played out for the rest of us. The girls all pretty much followed Josie's lead and I had a plate full of eggs and bacon and sausage and toast. The girls were all buzzing over their spa sessions. Neither Dean nor I had ever been on a jet-ski before so we were excited and nervous at the same time. Our Hotel didn't cater to power water sports so they didn't have jet-skis to rent. Ramon had made arrangements to have two jet-skis brought down the beach from a resort that made them available to their clientele.

After breakfast Dean and I kissed our ladies and went our separate ways. We had agreed to meet by the DJ's platform when we were done. I reminded everyone that we would be checking out after lunch. I called Julio, the limo driver, to remind him we would be leaving for the airport today.

Dean and I had a blast on the jet-skis after a short warm-up period to get used to the power and maneuverability. We zoomed by a good sized yacht with three very attractive topless babes. They were waving for us to come aboard. We were tempted and circled the yacht a couple times. Then a couple guys dressed in suit coats appeared topside carrying what looked like automatic weapons. We got the hell out of there in a hurry.

Two hours later, we were exhausted and we drove the jet-skis up on the sand. The two guys that brought them down the beach ran over and asked if we were done. We nodded and they pushed the jet-skis back into the surf, climbed on and shot off to the south where they had come from. We watched them until they were out of sight and Dean said, "Jesus. I'm going to be some lame tomorrow. I found muscles that I didn't know I had." I chuckled and nodded and we headed up the beach. I carried my tank top and flip flops. Dean didn't often go topless because of his huge gut. He pulled his tee shirt on and carried his flip flops. It was low tide and we couldn't even hear the blaring music over the surf and the light breeze. We could see the thousands of gyrating teens on the pool deck and we headed that way.

We maneuvered through the crowd looking for the girls. We found a spot and stayed put as we scanned the throng of bobbing teens. I felt a pair of hands at my waist pushing around to the front. I was sure it was Alexis fooling around. The hands traced through my abdominal and oblique muscles before moving up to my pectorals. The fingers began twirling on my nipples as I looked down. The left hand didn't have the huge diamond engagement ring that I bought in Las Vegas and I grabbed the hands and spun around to see a gorgeous red head grinning up at me. She yelled to be heard, "Sorry. I just couldn't help myself," as she pulled her hands from my grasp. She gave me a sultry look and then moved back into the crowd. I watched her go and she turned around once to see if I was following her. She frowned and pouted her lower lip when she saw that I wasn't.

Then I saw Alexis dancing with the guy from last night. It was a fast dance and they weren't touching. She was obviously enjoying herself as I could see her laughing. The guy wasn't putting much into his moves. He was basically just watching Alexis in her micro-bikini gyrating to the beat. Then I saw Josie dancing with Jan and Yu-Gin dirty dancing with Nina. They were both laughing but the throbbing blare of music drowned them out. The guy dancing with Alexis was the first to notice me and he suddenly looked nervous. Alexis notice that he was looking elsewhere and she looked over at me and grinned and waved and kept on dancing. When the song was over the guy shook Alexis' hand and said something and then disappeared into the throng. Alexis watched him go and then turned and ran to me and jumped up into my arms.

Her arms wrapped around my neck and she pushed her mouth to my ear and yelled, "The Spa session was amazing. We'll be talking about that for a long time. Thank you Baby." I held her weight with my hands on her ass. She pulled her legs up and wrapped them around behind me. That caught a few jealous stares from about a hundred guys standing around us. One big guy came over with an angry look on his face and yelled, "Hey buddy. Wait your turn. Can't you see there's a line?" I glanced around at the guys staring at us again and realized that they were waiting for their chance to dance with Alexis.

Alexis heard what the big guy said and she flashed her left hand from behind my neck and flashed her ring at him and then pointed her index finger at me. It took him a few seconds to realize her meaning but the other guys standing behind him got it right away and started moving away. Then I could see his face morph into a begrudging understanding. He smiled and yelled, "Sorry," as he turned and disappeared into the crowd.

Josie spotted Dean and broke off her dancing with Jan. They both moved in our direction. Jan tapped Nina on the shoulder as she passed her. Nina grinned wide when she saw Dean and me. She and Yu-Gin kept right on dancing but they were moving in our direction. The music never stopped as the DJ overlapped the start of a new song over the end of the current one. I motioned for us all to head into the lobby so we could hear each other.

Once inside, I let Alexis drop to the floor and Jan immediately took her place as she kissed me all over my face as she excitedly explained how awesome the Spa session was. Nina and Yu-Gin were beaming broad smiles at me until they got their chance to take Jan's place. Josie had her arm around Dean's wide body and beamed her grin at me but she didn't try to jump into my arms like the others did. She just mouthed the words 'Thank- You' and then glanced at Alexis to see if she was in trouble for saying 'Thank you' again. Alexis just grinned at Josie.

I checked my watch and announced that we should get some lunch before we headed to the airport. Everyone agreed to meet back in the lobby in a half hour as they sprinted to the elevator. I put my arm around Alexis' shoulder and she put her hand on my waist. I led her toward the concierge desk to thank Ramon for all his attention. He beamed a gapped white-toothed smile when I handed him a hundred dollar bill. I asked him to have our limo out front in ninety minutes. Ramon smiled and said, "No problem." We shook hands and Alexis broke away from me and kissed Ramon on the lips. He was startled by Alexis' kiss and then he broke into a huge grin and he kissed her back. Alexis thanked him too and Ramon said, "It was my absolute pleasure. You and your lady friends really brightened up the place." We waved and headed for the elevator.

We had laid out our traveling clothes when we packed, along with a zip-lock bag to put our wet bathing suits in. Alexis stripped out of her bikini and dropped it into the bag. I did the same and we were standing in the living room naked just looking at each other. I had seen Alexis naked a thousand times but right there right then I could feel that tingle. She giggled when she saw me flaccid dangling cock start to harden and steadily lift to horizontal and then beyond. She looked up at my face and grinned at me. She came in close to me and cradled my throbbing cock in her hand as she stretched up and kissed me on the lips. Her nipples were as hard as nails as she led me by the cock out to the balcony and pushed me down in a cushioned chair. She grabbed another cushion and dropped it on the floor at my feet.

Alexis dropped to her knees on the cushion and wrapped both hands around my cock and leaned down and spit on the knob. She stroked her hands up and down my shaft distributing the lubrication. She was looking up at me and said, "We have enough time for a blow-job, don't you think?" I eagerly nodded my head and smiled down at her as she pushed her lips to my glans and kissed it twice before lashing around the ridge with her tongue. My cock surged even harder and she wiggled her lips over the glans and down my shaft as she gazed up at my face. I lifted my face to break eye contact and let out a groan as I felt my knob move into Alexis' throat. When I looked back down, Alexis' eyes were smiling back at me. She varied her attack with her hands and mouth and throat and tongue as I frantically tried to stave off my orgasm as long as possible. I knew I would lose the battle. I desperately wanted to lose the battle but I was enjoying it so much I never wanted it to end.

Alexis knew I was probably counting backwards from a hundred by threes trying to delay the inevitable. She seemed to be enjoying it as much as me. When she started drilling her curled tongue on my 'spot', that was it for me and I let out a loud and long groan as my hips started pulsing like they were pumping the cum up my cock into her mouth. She prepared for the usual onslaught and swallowed each salvo as it arrived. With her lips locked around the ridge she could actually smile up at me. I groaned hard with every surge of cum. She took it all and didn't lose a drop.

When Alexis was sure that I was done she pulled her lips off the crown and showed me her mouthful of cum. She swirled the pearly white cum with her tongue and some pushed out on her lips. She sucked it back in her mouth and swallowed with a gulp. She grinned at me and then dipped her face forward again and licked the last of the cum from the 'eye' and kissed my glans. She pushed herself back and stood up. "We'd better get dressed or we'll be late," she said.

I just sat there for a few more minutes reliving my orgasm. My cock was steadily softening and finally it just hung down over the edge of the cushion between my thighs. Alexis came out with my clothes and tossed them to me. She was dressed. I laughed when I saw a big glob of cum on her cheek near the corner of her mouth. I pointed to my mouth indicating that she had something on her face. She stuck her tongue to the side of her lips but she couldn't reach it. I pointed to me lip again indicating it was still there. She wiped a finger from the lip toward her ear and felt the gooey texture. She flicked her finger through it and without even looking to see what it was; she pushed her index finger between her lips and moaned as she said, "Mmm. Yummy."

I dressed and we stashed the zip-lock bag containing our bathing suits into a zippered pouch on the outside of my suitcase. We joined the others at the buffet. After lunch I went to the check-in desk and paid the bill in cash. By my pre-lottery standards, the bill was enormous and my eyes must have gone wide as I counted it out. I chuckled at my reaction and then decided that it was appropriate and that I should always appreciate where I came from. I asked the desk to have someone collect our luggage from the five different rooms and deliver it to Julio, the limo driver. He stared at the pile of cash on the counter and said, "Certainly Sir," as he gathered it up and stuffed in a drawer under the counter.

Everyone seemed subdued on the ride back to the airport. We just watched the beautiful resorts go by. The cloudless azure sky was incredible. We never saw a sky this color at home. The swaying green palm trees contrasted the blue sky. We caught glimpses of the various colors of the ocean until we turned inland toward the airport.

Julio drove the limo through a gate right up to a beautiful, sleek, gleaming white Gulfstream jet. The stairs were down waiting for us. Julio retrieved the luggage from the trunk and Dean easily handled the few bags resting on the floor inside the limo. We were sorry to be going home. Our short stay had been amazing and I was so glad we had done it. The sight of the jet seemed to lift the melancholy pall that hung over us. While the others eagerly headed to the plane, I thanked Julio for his service and handed him a hundred dollar tip. He eagerly snatched it from my fingers and beamed a bright smile at me. It was close to three weeks wages for him. We shook hands and I headed for the plane as he drove off the tarmac. The pilot and co-pilot met me at the top of the stairs and we shook hands. The pilot explained that we were fueled and ready to go whenever we were ready. I said, "We're ready to go." I found my seat and the pilots retreated to the cockpit. Ten minutes later we were pressed back in our seats as we rapidly accelerated down the runway. It felt like the plane just leaped into the air as the low pitched roar of the engines became a high pitched whine as we banked to our left. I could hear the wheels pulling back into the fuselage followed by a loud 'thunk'. I was looking down on the entire Cancun strip. I tried to locate our resort but it was lost in a sea of resorts. What a beautiful sight.

Alexis was leaning over me so she could see too. As we leveled out, she looked up at me and pushed in for a long passionate kiss. She lightly nibbled on my lower lip and then eased back and said, "I had an amazing time. The others did too." The seat belt display went off and Josie practically leaped out of her chair and pulled on Dean's arm to help him up. They both moved back to the couch along the aft bulkhead. I watched them go to see what they were up to but Alexis grabbed my chin and turned my head back to her. She kissed me again and then said, "Don't worry about what they're up to. They just want to join the 'Mile-High Club'. I tried to look back again but Alexis prevented me from turning my head.

Alexis released her seatbelt and then released mine. She got up from her seat and pulled me up beside her. She guided me to a plush leather captain's chair in the middle of the plane. She pushed me down firmly and she was on her knees between mine before I settled in the chair. I heard the clicking of seat belts and looked up from Alexis' sultry face to see Jan drop to her knees to the left of Alexis and Nina and Yu-Gin did the same on her right side. I knew right away what they were up to and I sat back and lifted my ass off the chair so Alexis could pull my shorts down my legs and off my feet. My cock was already hard and it was caught by the descending shorts until it came free and snapped back to slap on my stomach. Yu-Gin grabbed it before it could go anywhere else. Nina grabbed the upper half and they both choreographed a joint hand-job while Alexis and Jan were stripping each other. They were both flushed with sexual anticipation as their lips came together in a very erotic kiss. I was watching them as Nina and Yu-Gin were both leaning in to put their lips on my cock.

Nina went for the glans while Yu-Gin ran her pursed lips down the length of my shaft displacing their hands. She tried to get to my balls but there wasn't enough room so she licked her way back up my cock as Nina had successfully got her lips over the knob and they met half way. I heard the familiar sound of "GGGAAAWWWKKK AAWWWKKK AWWWK" from the back of the plane and I didn't have to see it to know that Josie was attempting to deep-throat Dean's cock.

Alexis and Jan broke their embrace and Alexis looked at my face and grinned. She looked to see what Nina and Yu-Gin were doing to cause the look of joy on my face. Nina was giving me a blow-job as deep as she could until she gagged and pulled off to gasp for air. Then Yu-Gin took her place and continued the blow-job as Nina watched until she couldn't stand it anymore and she eased Yu-Gin off and resumed her blow-job. Jan and Alexis maneuvered into a sixty-nine position off the left side of my seat.

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