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Pool Boy Ch. 59


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I gave up and walked with the others inside with one hand covering my exposed cock. Alexis went straight to the bedroom pulling me with her. I excused ourselves and Alexis pulled me into the bathroom and shut the door. "What'll we do?" Alexis whispered. I just shrugged. She continued, "We have to keep them on the hook until Jarrod gets here." I just stared at Alexis, waiting. "What about a four-way? Right now." I didn't want to appear too eager so I hesitated a few moments and then just nodded." I pulled off my clothes and pulled my robe on. We returned to the living room.

George and Lina were still standing in the middle of the living room when we returned. Alexis walked to the kitchen and pulled four beers from the refrigerator, opened them and handed them out. She looked at George and said, "Hey. Don't I know you? You asked me to dance the other night at the disco." She turned to Lina and said, "You should have introduced us then." Lina just shrugged her shoulders and took a swig off the bottle. We all let Alexis' comment die on the vine as we took swigs from our bottles.

In polite conversation, I said, "So, how long have you guys been friends?"

George seemed content to let Lina carry the conversation. We finished our beers and Alexis retrieved four more and distributed them. Alexis pulled George over to a love seat and they sat down. Alexis' robe, accidentally on purpose, separated exposing her breasts. She didn't close her robe and a bulge grew in George's pants. Lina and I sat on a long three cushion sofa at a ninety degree angle to the love seat occupied by Alexis and George.

Alexis was driving George crazy as their conversation became animated and Alexis was touching George on the upper thigh. In spite of the air-conditioning, perspiration was forming on George's upper lip and forehead. Alexis had that sultry look on her face as she appeared oblivious to her robe completely separating exposing everything, including her glistening pussy, still wet from our sex.

Watching what was going on between George and Alexis made my cock hard and Lina didn't miss the movement under the robe. I reached down to adjust the position and Lina put her hand on mine and said, "Please, let me." She scooched herself closer to me and leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I returned her kiss. George watched every move. Lina put a hand on my crotch to feel my hardness. She sucked her lower lip between her teeth and slid off the sofa to her knees and opened my robe. My hard cock was pointing directly at her face.

Lina quickly glanced back across the room and then moved her position to my left forcing me to turn that way. She had obviously looked at the A/C vent high on the wall in the open kitchen. I assumed there was a camera in the vent and she was adjusting our position to take full advantage of the camera's view.

I was tempted to look at the camera but Lina was looking up at me as she pushed my rock hard cock to the corner of her lips and rotated her head forcing my knob between her lips. I let out a groan that got George's attention. Alexis was aware of what Lina and I were doing and she made her move by slowly unzipping George's fly as their eyes made contact. He let out a loud groan as Alexis' hand wrapped around his exposed cock. I wondered if he would survive first contact.

Lina was vigorously bobbing her head up and down over my knob. She furiously stroked my cock from the ridge to my balls with both hands as her lips and teeth worked on and off my glans. The feeling was sensational and I groaned as Lina's tongue lashed my velvety crown over and over again. I leaned back on the sofa to watch Lina's beautiful face work my cock.

Alexis slowly and gently worked George's cock in her hand. He was right on the edge of his climax and she knew it. She didn't want him to cum too quickly. Suddenly, George seemed to come to his senses as he glanced at the A/C vent and shifted his position on the love seat. Alexis accommodated his shift in position. She knew what he was doing. The realization that he was on-the-job seemed to pull him back from his orgasm and Alexis increased her pace and tightened her grip. He groaned again.

Alexis shrugged off her robe and bent down across George's lap and quickly drove her mouth down over his cock and flicked her tongue on his balls. I chuckled to myself as it looked like George's eyes would come right out of their sockets as he muttered, "Holy Jesus." He put his hands on the back of Alexis' head to hold her in place. After several seconds, she forced herself back to breathe and then began a ridge to balls throat-job/blow-job that had George in a constant groan. She felt his orgasm approaching again and she stopped her motion and just held his glans in her mouth as she looked over at me with a grin on her face.

I didn't know what Alexis was going to do. She was stringing him along for some reason. Neither of us had had intercourse with anyone else but us since the wedding. I didn't know if that was going to be a rule from now on or not. For the benefit of the camera, how far was she going to go? She was apparently thinking the same thing because she suddenly resumed her blowjob and George's head flew back with open mouth as his hips fired forward and he blew his load deep in Alexis' mouth. She could have easily handled his load but she pulled back after the first shot and aimed the rest of his cumshots all over his shirt and pants. He didn't seem to mind where his jizz was going as long as it was going. When he was done he looked down at Alexis and groaned out, "Jesus, you're hot."

Lina had her back to George and Alexis as she worked my cock. She knew that George had just blown his wad but didn't know that he was wearing it. She also knew that I was about to blow too and she increased the pace of her double hand-job and she was now drilling her tongue on my 'spot' at the base of my glans. My head rocked back against the sofa as cum surged up my shaft. She already knew that she'd have to be swallowing on the first shot but she didn't and the look on her face told me that she was rapidly being overwhelmed with cum. Her tear-filled eyes looked at me as if pleading for me to help her.

I reached down and grabbed my cock from her hands just as she was forced off the knob. Her lips were distended and her cheeks puffed out. There was no stopping now. I launched many long ropes of cum into her face and hair. She could have fallen back to avoid the onslaught but she didn't. She stayed right there struggling to swallow what was in her mouth.

Alexis had been watching and she scrambled off of George's lap to come to Lina's aid. She was on her hands and knees beside Lina watching closely as the last couple of shots splashed off her cheeks and drooled down her neck into her cleavage. Alexis started laughing at the horrified look on Lina's face. Alexis looked up at me and grinned as she waggled her ass.

George was watching us and he reacted to Alexis' ass movements by taking his spent cock in his hand and started jerking himself off trying to get his cock back up again. Alexis upped the ante by spreading her knees slightly. She was egging George on intentionally and he slid off the love-seat and moved up behind Alexis with his hand furiously trying to get himself hard again.

Alexis looked back over her shoulder as George approached on his knees. Alexis knew what he wanted to do with his cock but he was making no progress get himself up again. Alexis looked back at me and smiled as George put one hand on Alexis' hip with the other still flailing away on his cock. He pushed his limp dick to Alexis' sex using his fingers. Alexis smiled at me again as George tried again. After a few tries, he fell back on his heels and released his spent cock.

Lina hadn't paid any attention to George's failed attempts to fuck Alexis. She was wiping cum off her face and cleaning her fingers in her mouth. When Alexis was satisfied that George was done she pushed her naked tits up on my knee and unbuttoned Lina's blouse so she could lick cum from her cleavage. Lina let her and surged upward when Alexis used the opportunity to suckle her nipples.

To make matters even worse for George, Alexis grabbed my rock hard cock and pulled herself up into my lap and slid her pussy on with a loud exaggerated groan. George moved back to his seat where he could see the action better. As Alexis slid her pussy on and off my cock, George's cock began to harden. I thought, 'You had your chance and you blew it.'

Alexis was horny and she wanted an orgasm badly. She rocked herself forward and back on my cock until she got what she wanted. When her orgasm came in on her she had been angling herself so that my cock was working on her 'spot'. I knew right away what she was trying to do. There was no guarantee it would work though. She was groaning. I was groaning too as I fondled Alexis' tits.

George had gotten his cock back up and apparently he decided that Lina was a good surrogate to his original goal so he moved behind Lina and lifted her skirt and pulled her thong to the side. Lina knew that things had not gone according to plan but she was in heat watching Alexis drive herself on my cock. She moved into a doggy position to take George's cock.

Lina's mouth flew open when he plunged his cock deep in her sex. George didn't give her a second to adjust and he was instantly slamming his hips at Lina's ass. His momentum drove Lina forward and her face, sticky with cum, pressed against Alexis' ass. Alexis leaned into me exposing her anus to Lina who took advantage and drilled her tongue to Alexis' rose-bud. That was all Alexis needed as she pulled herself up my shaft, away from Lina's tongue and sat down hard on the cushion beside me with legs spread and her fingers drilling into her pussy. She was gritting her teeth and then her mouth flew open as she drove her hips forward. She pulled her fingers back to her clitoris and a powerful spray of 'squirt' launched from her pussy and soaked both George and Lina. Everything was soaked. It was Alexis' most powerful squirt yet.

The marble floor under Lina was soaked and it was a comedy routine after that: George, on his knees behind Lina, in mid-thrust suddenly slipped back on the wet marble floor and even though his hands were on Lina's hips he wasn't ready and his face crashed down hard on Lina's lower back as his cock pulled out of Lina's sex. George's head snapped back and his weight pulled Lina down too. Both of them just sprawled on the floor groaning from the impact. Alexis looked at me with a huge grin on her face and whisper, "That wasn't planned but I'll take it." I laughed and bent forward to see how Lina and George were doing. His upper lip was split and he was spitting blood on the floor. Lina was groaning, "What the fuck happened?" as she lay on her side trying to get up.

Alexis and I got up and feigned like we were concerned. We weren't concerned in the slightest. These two meant to do us harm and God only knew how many other people they had extorted over the years. Jarrod and his team would do surveillance on them in hopes of taking down the entire organization. I had no idea about how Jarrod got into this new business. I thought he was just a computer geek. To have this affiliation with Army Rangers and Delta suggested there was more to him than he let on.

Alexis got George cleaned up and they went out the door wondering what the fuck happened. We put on our robes and stood at the edge of the patio and road and watched them slowly walk up the slope to Lina's house. When they turned into her yard, Alexis giggled and said, "We're bad." I kissed her and reached into her robe and caressed her hard nipples. She swatted my hands away and pulled her robe together. We went toward the Villa but we didn't make it. Alexis dropped her robe and stepped into the pool. I did the same and we stood at the infinity wall and watched the stars twinkle above and the city lights twinkle below.

Alexis used the pool water to wash my sticky flaccid cock. I did the same for Alexis as she stood with her legs parted. We stood there in the water for a while luxuriating in the silence. Alexis wrapped her arms around her torso and I knew she was feeling a little cold. I moved in behind her and wrapped my arms over hers. She moved back to feel my warmth and I bent forward and kissed her right shoulder, then the back of her neck and then her left shoulder. She moaned and reached behind her and wrapped the fingers of both hands around my limp dick. It didn't remain limp for long. She didn't do anything with her hands accept hold my appendage.

We dried ourselves off with our robes and climbed into bed. I stared up at the ceiling fan knowing full well that we were on camera. The thought of Lina watching right then hardened my cock. I wrapped my fingers around it and aimed it up at the fan and stroked it a few times. Alexis rolled over and rested her hand on my chest as she kissed my arm. I whispered, "I love you babe." She kissed my arm again and mumbled, "I know."

The sun was high in the sky behind our Villa. I hardly ever overslept. Alexis made a pot of coffee and we sat outside under an umbrella in the nude. Our robes were still wet. We sipped our coffee and remained silent. I loved doing this; just sitting together in the quiet. I ran my fingers lightly down her arm from her shoulder to her wrist and then entwined my fingers in hers. Goosebumps rose on her forearm and her blonde hairs stood on end. She shuddered from the sensation. I moved my hand off the arm of the chair to her thigh and continued dragging my fingertips to her knee. She involuntarily shuddered again and let out a soft moan. She dropped her hand to mine and held it on her thigh.

Alexis broke her silence, "I made a hair appointment in Little Venice for later this morning. I didn't think we should meet Jarrod and his team here at our Villa. I'm sure he'll call your cell phone when they get here. We can meet down town. We should split up to make it harder for Lina and George to surveil us."

"I'll suggest that Jarrod meet you so if they are watching maybe they'll think that you're having a secret rendezvous with your lover." Alexis giggled and nodded.

We paid little attention to whether our watchers were on our tail as we rode our mopeds down the slope to the "Little Venice" coast line. The old Captain's mansions were amazing. Many of them backed right into the Aegean Sea; hence the name. Just as we were parking our mopeds, my cell phone rang. I answered and it was Jarrod. I didn't put the phone on speaker so Alexis pushed her head to mine to listen.

"We are here," said Jarrod. "We were able to rent a house just above Zeva's place. We look right down into her bedroom. We're setting up now. I have two of my team here with me. Where can we meet to discuss our plan? Not at your Villa."

I explained where we were and that we didn't know whether we were being surveilled or not. Jarrod said that he'd make sure before he made contact. We waited for nearly an hour at a sidewalk café and Alexis had to go to her appointment. It was ten minutes later when Jarrod walked up and sat down across from me like he had just teleported into the chair. I hadn't seen or heard him coming and he startled me.

Jarrod grinned at me and said, "Nice tan."

I smiled and said, "Jesus, you startled me. I'm glad you're here."

Jarrod smiled and motioned for the waiter's attention. He ordered a coffee and a chocolate croissant for both of us. "My team is installing our equipment. Our goal is to bring down this entire organization. They have been a thorn in Interpol's side for years. They have sent in a team as well. I haven't made contact with them yet. Zeva, aka Lina, is an Isreali working with Spiros, aka George, who is a Greek. They are on Interpol's radar but they just serve as the bait and collect the photos and data and are not directly involved in the extortion. Those are the people we are interested in. From what we can tell, in spite of their efforts to get you and Alexis in compromising positions, they have nothing they can use yet and they haven't even contacted their bosses other to say they've made contact. We picked up an argument between them this morning. We haven't discovered what their relationship is yet but they're both jealous of the other's infatuation with you two. You have to give them something interesting to send out electronically so we can track the bosses or they will move on to someone else and we'll lose our chance."

I said, "We'll do whatever is needed. I'm pretty sure we aren't in danger from Lina or George. Any ideas?"

Jarrod smiled and nodded. "One of my team members is a former Special Forces Operator and she's particularly attractive. Talk it over with Alexis but I want you to meet her in town and act like you and have been having an illicit relationship with her with enough sparks to keep Spiros and Zeva interested. I've already explained my plan with Eva and she's on board; especially when I showed her your photo. You two will have to decide how far you go to make it real."

I focused on the last part of Jarrod's statement and said, "Speaking of that. Let me shift gears for a moment. When you and Dee got married, did your sexual contact with others change?" Jarrod looked confused by my question. "Did you and Dee continue to have intercourse with others like before you were married? I'm only aware of the family sex, but I remember Dee fucking me cowgirl style in her wedding dress in front of everyone."

Jarrod smiled and said, "It's interesting that you mention that. We did have to have that conversation. Dee and Alexis had a similar conversation a month or so before you were married. We decided that we would continue as before within our sexual family. Outside of that we keep an open mind but generally speaking, intercourse is out. I guess Dee and Alexis subscribe to President Clinton's opinion that oral sex is not sex and anything goes there."

I had to chuckle; we seemed to be on the same course and I understood why if Alexis and Dee had already come up with the rules weeks ago. Jarrod picked up right away on the reason for my questions. If Alexis and I weren't actually fucking George and Lina on camera because of the rules, they had nothing steamy enough to forward.

Jarrod finished his coffee and croissant and stood up. He dropped a ten euro note on the table and said that he needed to get back. He started to leave and then turned around and said, "Meet Eva here at fourteen hundred. Have a drink or two and then get a room at the Hotel. It's up to you how far you want to go but I'm pretty sure Eva's in for anything and will follow your lead." He left me pondering the question.

Alexis appeared ten minutes later. She was stunning as always. I knew there was no way she was putting her moped helmet on for the ride home. I told her what Jarrod had said and left out nothing. She giggled when I brought up her conversation with her sister about post marriage sex rules. She only said that we needed to discuss these rules sometime soon.

It was just after noon when we returned to our Villa. Alexis was perspiring from the heat and humidity and wanted inside the air-conditioning ASAP. We ate some bread and cheese and drank a beer. Alexis whispered that I should take a shower before meeting Eva. She also whispered, "We should get into some argument so Lina and George will take notice when you stomp out."

I grinned at her and whispered back, "You're a genius." I checked my watch and went to take a shower. When I had dried off I yelled from the bathroom, "For Christ's sake Alexis. What did you do with my toothbrush?" As soon as I said this, I decided that I'm an idiot.

Alexis being the genius went with it and yelled back, "For Christ's sake right back. Who used it last? It's probably right where you left it dumb-ass."

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