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Poolside Fantasy

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Newly married couple get things rolling.
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I have sure been getting tired of living in apartments. Real estate prices here have completely priced us out of the market. I guess if I was willing to work more weekends , we could scrape up some funds to buy some small-ass house with a friggin' septic tank or something. Anyway, my wife and I found a nicer apartment complex, with a pool view. With summer coming up, I better get my money's worth out of the extra rent for said view.

Imagine my surprise when my wife and I run into one of our new neighbors at a local hockey game. We wave at each other, even say hello during a beer run. BTW, always follow man laws. Beer in the cup is okay at games... As great as hockey season is, pool season is even better. The pool view is well worth it. With my days off at odds with those of the wife, I get to spend a lot of time watching and studying the pool as the weather warms up. What is it about women at the pool? They go around the pool, and always sit where we can best view the goods. Coincidence? Probably not. So, I get off in the living room everyday watching several hotties sit around in bikinis. I love the varied suits, and how the girls just sit there and adjust their suits. Just seeing a string here or there untied, then retied, just sets me off. I'm just waiting for that one string to be inadvertently lost. Go ahead, search for that string... arch your back... move your arms... I just want to see the sides of your tits peaking out...

Even better is taking time out with the wife at the pool. I love to encourage her to get in the pool with me just to feel her soft skin next to mine. I love to loosen her top in the water and watch her get out of the pool and hold her top and tits so she doesn't fall out. Often, she'll go to lie down on her stomach and just let gravity take over. Usually, knowing what she's up to, I'll make sure to watch all the eyes on her when she does so. Doing that ensures lots of extra time in the water for me, if you know what I mean.

One day, my local neighborhood hockey fan and his wife were the only ones at the pool... Rather, I should say, my local neighborhood hockey fan and his hottie wife were at the pool. With my daily studies, it was easy to recognize her. You never know what will transpire during the weekday at an apartment complex pool. In college, topless girls were taken for granted. But, as adults, living near an office complex, that is not always the case. Hockey fan's wife was not the typical sun worshipper. The lack of suntan lines from her bikini top indicated early on that she was not afraid to untie her top when on her stomach. With my binoculars, I was able to see her crack begin to emerge from her bikini bottom. Obviously, she often arranged her suit to gain sunlight. It was my goal to see her do so. With the end of hockey season in sight, I knew my time was limited for movement on this front. It was going to take a bold move...

What I didn't realize was that it wouldn't necessarily be my move. My new neighbor, now known as Nick, and I agreed we should get together to grill and drink one afternoon in early Spring. We both met early to claim our poolside grill. Our wives met us at about the same time, and I realized my luck. They knew each other from poolside sunning during their days off. Ah, karma. And then, double karma. Nick also has to work odd hours, and he pointed to his apartment with it's pool view. I boldly asked him how his view was. This was about as close as I thought I would get to sharing my wife, but he answered my question honestly. Everyday, there seem to be major league babes hanging out at the pool on his days off. He always pretends to look the other way when he and the wife are at the pool. But, on certain days, he is alone, and life is good. I agree. Today will certainly turn into one of those days. We agree to see which of our favorite targets will show up today at the pool, realizing our favorite targets are already here.

Our wives settle down. Today is 'back' day for my wife, so I'll be getting my favorite view during most of the day. His wife does the same. You know how girls are when they're at the pool, talking and stuff. At that point, I recognized a favorite target of my binoculars. Nick's wife, Anna, has only been seen by me from behind from my apartment window. Nick is a little surprised when his wife lays on her stomach displaying her thong. He walks over to her and starts rubbing oil on her back. I see him whisper something to her. Anna leans up a little and asks me if her suit is okay. I say something lame like if it's okay with my wife, then it's okay with me and that I'll try not to stare too much. She smiles and lays back down.

My wife gives me that knowing look, and I return it. In response, without a word, she goes back to our apartment. My heart races as I hope she is getting her beach outfit on. Sure enough, she returns in my favorite suit. What I like about this suit is that it covers her ass, but at the beach she will have me roll the bottoms up into a thong look and remove her top from under her. This way, she is stuck in position unless she wants to expose herself. Normally, she only does so at the beach when the coast is clear. Anyway, she informs my neighbor of how her suit is about to morph and lays down. I start to get out our hamburger patties and watch her roll up her suit bottom...

My neighbor walks over and high fives me. We agree that hockey season is way too long although a seven game final was kind of nice. My wife asks me to come over and put on her tanning oil. Okay, I tell her, but only when I can get my hands cleaned of this hamburger meat. Then, like a pipe dream, Anna volunteers to take care of it for me. You know what, that would be fine with me. So, she sits up and starts applying oil on my wife's back. However, she stops at her bottom. Good, I think, and anticipate doing the rest of her. Only, Anna gets more oil and starts rubbing my wife's feet and working oil up her legs. You could hear a pin drop, or a beer open in space as her hands slowly and methodically inched their way up my wife's legs. The second to best part was when my wife slightly opened her legs to get the oil on her inner legs.

I notice my wife is a little white on her ass and mention it to her. She says to stop and asks me to go get the heavier sunscreen because she doesn't want to have trouble sitting down at work due to a burn. I head inside with a plan in mind. My plan takes mere seconds to hatch. I get inside the apartment, and head not to the sunscreen, but to my binoculars and video camera. I set up the video on a tripod and start recording the poolside scene. Then, I grab the sunscreen and head outside.

At the pool fence, I stop and toss the sunscreen to Nick and tell him the beer has already kicked in and that I'll be right back. I even do a little dance back to the apartment to sell it. I get back inside, lock the door, and strip out of my suit. I grab a small kitchen towel and head to the window. I know this will be great in slow-mo as I adjust the camera, then grab the binos to enjoy the show. Nick has just handed the sunscreen to his wife and heads back to the grill.

His wife shows my wife the bottle and I can see her saying something. She shrugs her shoulders and looks at our apartment. Oh man, can she see through the blinds? I forgot to check!! Smiling, she squeezes out some sunscreen and rubs it in her hands. Then, she slowly starts rubbing my wife's ass. I zoom in with the camera just in case her fingers go south, if you know what I mean. By this time, I'm pretty rock solid hard and start stroking myself... Unsure if I want to cum, I watch the application as time stands still.

I'm pretty dialed in on the scene when Anna's hands leave my wife's ass. Okay, I think I'll save this for later, but her hands then do something amazing. They head to her own breasts. Anna proceeds to slightly pull her top away from her tits and begins to rub the remaining oil on them. I practically drop the binoculars so I can adjust the camera. I zoom in on her tits just in time to catch a view of one of her nipples. Yep, this cannot wait any longer as I cum all over the towel.

I quickly pull on my suit and run outside. I head directly to the pool and jump in. My wife asks what took so long and I tell her it wasn't just the beer that kicked in and thanks for asking. Looking at my neighbor, I observe all man's laws and say something about it being nice being regular. Smirks all around, especially from his wife as she resumes her spot on the lounger...

Sufficiently cooled off, thinking the cold water will come in handy in more ways than one, I get out and head to my wife. I like the poolside loungers because they are kinda old style. My wife has to lie on a towel because these loungers have the plastic straps which can get sticky and uncomfortable. I sit down next to her and check out the oil job. I grab the oil and start putting more on. Nick sits beside his wife and does the same.

We both seem to know that we have two great pieces of ass lying right in front of us and give approving looks all around. I go ahead and go for the gold right there in a public apartment pool. I loosen the string on my wife's top at her neck and send my fingers to her back tie. Deftly, both are now undone, and I notice my neighbor has thoughtfully begun the same maneuvers. We hear sighs of approval from our wives, so I up the ante and begin the process of sliding her top out from under her. Well, inhibitions seem to be going to the curb. My wife puts her arms alongside her back, grabs her towel and stands up. Her back to me, I take in the sight of her wet, full ass. She lifts her towel away from her body for just a split second, long enough to allow her top to fall to her feet. I grab it and watch her move back into position. She has to roll around a bit to get comfortable and gives me a great view of the side of her breast then quickly hides her front side with her arms at her side. I just hope I set the camera back in the apartment to catch any of her future movements...

Anna looks a tad uncomfortable, and I'm not sure if it is due to the condition of my wife's suit. No, it seems not as she asks her husband for his towel because hers is not very thick. Okay, no problem he says. Her top totally untied, I eagerly await this exchange. Rather than retying her suit, she simply stands up while holding her towel like my wife had done. My neighbor looks quizzically at her. She takes the offensive and instructs him to bring his towel over and hold it up in front of her.

So, this fully oiled piece of ass turns her back to me, husband in front of her, and drops her towel, suit top and all. Just as quickly, his towel envelopes her and she begins the delicate re-positioning of her body. I'm pretty sure I'll be back in the cold water in just a minute. The soft side of the breast is a wonderful sight to behold, and she does not disappoint. But, not wanting to lose my perspective of these asses, I resume oiling my wife.

My next plan hatches almost immediately. The sun is working its way up their feet, so I spread my wife's legs just a bit to oil them, and my neighbor does the same to his wife. We agree the fire is just about right, and head to the grill. From there, we have great views of our wives from behind. We start cooking lunch and toast our good fortune with new beers..

Toasting the view, something begins to dawn on me. The air is starting to warm up, but the pool is still lacking of anyone but ourselves. We picked this complex because of the lack of kids, but this is ridiculous. Where are the usual customers? Ah, summer has arrived, and the nearby beach must be packed, leaving us with a great situation. I ask my neighbor if he thinks his wife will get into the pool, as is.

Hmmm, sounds like a worthy undertaking. I start the proceedings by suggesting to the girls that we make use of the outside pool kitchen to make frozen margaritas. They agree, so I go and fetch our blender and mixers. Inside, I go ahead and move the camera to our bedroom and continue the filming. I close the door in case our neighbors decide to use our bathroom instead of going upstairs. I return outside to the kitchen and discover our wives are in the water for the first time. Somehow, they got their tops on while I was moving the camera. It's all good, because they're still coming off at some point.

In the kitchen, I know it won't be long as I watch the office staff leave early like they always do on Saturdays. I go jump in the water and swim to my wife. As much as I'm looking forward to making frozen drinks while I'm soaking wet, I'm just as ready to feel her up so I start kissing her. Anna suddenly jumps up from under the water right next to us and splashes us and tells me to watch my hands. She gets close enough for me to feel her legs against mine, and my right elbow brushes her breasts. I tell her to watch something underwater. She goes under and I turn my wife's back to her and begin to untie her suit top. My wife urges caution and tells me to stop. Underwater, I feel 2 hands come to mine and start to retie the top, somehow knowing that my wife has nixed that idea. Okay, I agree to stop and watch her top get retied, only quite loosely. The hands leave her strings, and the body arises next to me and I'm told to stop by Anna or she'll enforce her own rules and suddenly she grabs me through my swimsuit and squeezes.

Well, it is definitely on now. We start to get out, and I notice my wife's top is very loose due to water and the poor tie job. Her tits almost fall out, but she catches them and arranges her suit long enough to sit down. I get out and sit next to her. I lean over and whisper to her that we are all alone at this deserted pool, and this is 'back' day, she needs to take off her top right now, then lay down. Obligingly, she does so without question. She pulls off her top without untying it, hands it to me, then lies down on her stomach.

My neighbor walks over, picks up his wife's towel and stands there for her to do the same. She must have gotten the hint because she pulls off her top, bends down to put it under her lounger and gives me a great view of her hanging tits. I really like her tan lines, but think there has to be ways to shrink them. So, she stands back up, gets the towel put on her by her husband, and lies down. We both start to re-oil our wives, and I begin looking around for signs of other people and maybe a more private place in the pool area. The pool is located just behind the offices. Actually, the offices are in a U shaped building, offices on one side, and clubhouse on the other. The bottom of the U is nothing but windows for an entryway, which leads to both sides of the building.

Since the office staff is gone for the day, it dawns upon me that we can eat our lunches on the office side in almost perfect privacy. My neighbor and I go and finish preparing the burgers, and I point to a table on the office side as a good spot for eating. I also point out that the trees on that side of the pool offer lots of cover from our apartment building. So, we take the plates to a table, and invite the girls to eat while I start the margaritas. My wife stares at me, and I tell her it would be easier for them to just eat in their towels. She agrees, scoops up her towel around her, and heads to the table. Anna follows suit, and it is a sight to see them walking with towels wrapped around themselves. Imagining them walking with just towels, and no bottoms is even better...

Lunch is quite the adventure. Our wives seem to have a contest to see who can tie her towel just right as to allow the most skin to be seen. The arranging, and re-arranging of towels is cool, and I remark how lucky we have been so far in that the pool is empty, and we have the best spots for sunning and eating. Anna squirms around in her chair, and I even notice that the plastic straps in my seat are really sticky. To solve this dilemma, she pulls off her towel, sits on it, and scoots her chair all the way up to the table, thus hiding her tits under the table. I nod affirmatively at my wife, but she is not taking the bait. With a little food, and margaritas starting to take effect, I know my time will come. Adventure over, I ask the wives if we should bring the loungers over here, but they quickly inform me they want to be near the water. My neighbor and his wife head back. I notice her grabbing her towel. In short order, she hangs her towel around her neck and drops his towel onto the lounger, and pulls up the back of it so as to sit up. With her towel still hanging, she sits down and begins to arrange her towel to just barely cover her breasts. Nice effect, I think. Not a bad idea since the rest of her towel can now act as a pillow of sorts.

I ask my wife to unwrap and walk back holding the towel with her arms wrapped around her chest so just she can feel the comfort of walking nude outside. I walk to the kitchen and watch her move around. Unsure of what she is up to, I accidentally make a fairly stronger set of drinks for them. Oh well, I need to see what she is up to. I see her sit down, and start back to her. When I get around to her front side, I see that she is reclined lower than Anna, is lying back-down on her towel, and is using her bikini top to cover her breasts. The strings are packed tightly under the material.

I drop off the drinks and head for water.In the water, I just need to chill out. My neighbor brings me a beer and heads to the kitchen for some more ice because the drinks need a little watering down. I'm now on the side of the pool just staring at my wife's head as she is faced away from me. I just start imagining what the next water break will bring for her. Well, it doesn't matter because certain body parts of mine inform me it will be good for both of us. I loosen my suit string and feel my cock and slowly lower my suit down so I can look down and feel the water against my free member. I figure I'm safe and just hang there in the water and drink my beer.

My neighbor comes back, so I pull up my suit, but leave it untied. I have complained about this suit before to my wife, so the loose strings will be easily explained. With my neighbor sitting next to his wife, I get out, pull my suit up, and head to my wife. I see she is starting to burn, so I grab the sunscreen and help her apply more. She just lies there, staring at me from under her sunglasses. I think she is watching me for signs of misbehavior. She would be right as I start at her shoulders and cover her soft skin right up to the suit.

I stop there and head to her feet. I work my hands up her legs, again taking the time to spread them, and then head to her stomach. I am able to get some serious circling motions going with my hands on her stomach, and I slowly work my hands outward from the center of her stomach. At her suit bottom, I slip a pinky under the material and linger ever so slightly. I continue upward and brush against the top covering her left breast. Covered like they were, I can't believe her nipples weren't already rock hard. But, I watch them rise up under the material as my hand heads south again. I slip two fingers under her suit bottom this time and head back up. I stop at the suit top. I open the sunscreen and get more on my hand. With my left hand on her leg, I begin applying the oil on the sides of her stomach and work up to just below her underarm. She lifts her arms outwardly, almost instinctively, and I send my fingers to her breast. Her tits are not small, so the material of the top almost covers my hand as it begins applying sunscreen to the white of her skin.

I see her close her eyes and roll her head back like she has had enough watching and just wants to feel. I lift the top off her left breast with the back of my hand and continue rubbing. Her left hand has stayed at her side, but is now moving up along my leg and grabbing my leg hairs. I stop, apply lotion to my other hand and use to start applying oil to her other breast. That done, I boldly put each hand under the material covering each breast, completely lift up her top and admire my application job.

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