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Pregnancy and Impregnation


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She wanted to push limits, arching her back at just the right angle for it to sink home - for she already knew Xigfeldo's body intimately. He, after all, had been the first to mate with her properly, though she had played around and experimented with other gryphons too, the dragon the only one in any world that could lay claim to her virginity. Her pussy closed around him, tightening her muscles even as she let her scent pour out and out, her eyes unfocused and hazy, the oily essence of the dragons too combating her musk.

Ah, so they had started...

It was not for feral Nalu to worry about, but the anthro amongst them already knew the power of it. With a whimper on her beak, she leaned into the coils of the slender dragon enjoying the hot tub with her, comfortable with him even though she did not know quite what she was doing. There were memories wrapped up with the tease of the noodle-dragon, though she had never hung around with him all that much after...well, that one time. He'd been such a flighty soul that had always wanted to be out and about, leaving and going off on adventures that even Nalu could not keep up on. She hadn't been as adventurous before, but had found another penchant in exploring places that no one had been to in many years, unravelling mysteries and drama to uncover treasures. Of course, those were what sustained her but something had been missing in recent months.

Not everything, after all, could remain the same forever.

She whimpered, noodle-Xig curling around and around, gently entwining her, drawing her in.

"You don't have to do anything... Just relax and I'll take care of you. You liked being pregnant?"

There was a hopeful note in his voice but he still fanned away the thick aroma of draconic essence and skunk musk with one of his wings. He cared for her, though it had been some time, not wanting her to be swayed too much by the luscious proceedings around, delight coursing through his scales merely from having her soft, wet body pressed up against him. It was a gentle feeling, a light feeling, but one that he did not realise how much he had missed. Scales were one thing but his adventures had taken him far and wide, bonding with so very many souls, one after the other, that delights undertaken came with memories and reunions.

He shivered, curling around her, nuzzling her cheek, trembling with need. Although his twin shafts pushed out of his cloaca, he did not grind them against her out of respect. Yet it was the gryphoness who surprised him, turning to him with hunger in his eyes, a growl on her beak and her paws sliding up and around his neck.

"Maybe you don't have to be so held back anymore..."

For she was changed, having grown more than anyone else could have with her feral half, her counterpart in a beautiful way, delight coming through as her body pressed up against his. He grunted thickly, surprised at her forwardness, but he was not one to complain, allowing her to take the lead role, a smirk in her expression that he could not have honestly have said he'd seen before. It left him hungry in a new way, a strange way, wanting to see just what she could bring to him, her life and loves changing over time. He groaned out loud, rolling his curves so that she could "sit" on him, his shafts just behind her buttocks but not quite touching her yet. That would be there if she wanted it but the musk of the feral gryphoness to the side, getting pounded by Xigfeldo, swamped his sentences, getting under his lip and into his system more quickly than he could have imagined possible. But it had been a while since he'd been with a creature like them...

Xigfeldo hissed, releasing his oily essence from his cloaca, striving to combat the skunk's musk, a battle of the scents raging. The air was warm enough to carry their combined scents more lusciously than ever, infiltrating their nostrils so that every breath came with a heady gasp and grunt over and over again. He didn't care for the sounds that he made, rolling his hips, taking her smoothly and sweetly, not needing more power in his hindquarters to give the feral Nalu all that she craved and more. Her pussy had barely just been used to laid her clutch and yet the swing of her hips back to him came with a challenge in it, grunting and hissing, her eyes intense as she did her best to press her back up against him.

"Unff... I thought you could go harder than that..."

Xigfeldo, however, was not trying to be rough with her, his long, driving breeding strokes coursing through her. The real, playful battle between them was in their scents, feral Nalu shuddering bodily as her flanks titled. She grunted and groaned, barely able to get words out even as she taunted and goaded him on, tail flicking, all to spread her scent around all the more. Dimly, she was aware of anthro Nalu kissing the noodle-dragon that she did not yet know as well, proud of her for "getting out there" even if her own lusts could have done with learning just a little from her softer half. The delight of it would be the same in the end, however, grunting thickly, her own musk affecting her even if her senses wanted to latch onto the other scent in there. It was a mating scent, an aroma that drew her in more and more, even though she was right where she wanted to be.

She could give in to it, if she wanted to. Or not. It was entirely up to the gryphoness, despite just how her body ached all over again to be bred. The last to fuck her had been the anthro and still she wanted more, moaning and yearning for it, howling out her pleasure as he fucked her strongly and smoothly into a flowing orgasm. There was no need to be coarse and rough, no digging in of any claws, but he was in control all the same, taking even her strength and muscle for a ride while he filled her.

Anthro Nalu groaned up against the noodle-dragon. She was surprised to be even that close to him, whimpering and holding him tight, though kissing him was an experience in itself. Her tail tried to flip up and she was sure that she was striving to release her musk in that moment, though it could not be smelled as it was. That would come, however, the potency increasing moment by moment, all to come, yes.

But she had to take things just a little bit in hand, moaning as she ground onto him, sliding down his scales, riding him even as his shafts probed at her backside. She did not know from just where such daring had come from as she leaned into the lust of it all, letting her body carry her forward even though she was usually one to think things through, to take them slowly. She was changing even if she did not understand that, her cock thick and full already, though the dragon's lengths were the ones that she wanted in the moment.

Xig grunted and bubbled a whine, pushing up against her as she sank onto him, taking his shaft into her pussy and, somehow, managing to just about position his second one so that it ground into her tail-star at the same time. He could not have said how experienced she was in anal penetration but his head spun with lust, huffing and panting, letting the scents mixing in the air affect him in the best of ways. His coils wound around her, drawing her in close, so that she didn't have to even brush her hind paws against the floor of the hot tub. The warm jets massaged them all over in the best of ways as she moaned out loud and he leaned into her, thrusting up into her holes, deeper and deeper, easing them in without pushing her too far.

To his surprise, she didn't take it easy. She didn't take it easy at all as she cried out his name and rocked and bucked her hips on his cocks, climaxing already, her tail swishing through the water, wings flapping. The feathers, so crisp and clean, remained where they were supposed to be, yet she spread them wide, appearing larger and more imposing than she naturally was. Her body knew just how to move with his coils to help her, resting on his scales, so full and so tight around him, wanting it all, yet she already had it.

And feral Nalu had taught her that she could have anything that she ever wanted.

Xigfeldo groaned, drawing out of feral Nalu as she climaxed, spearing instead into her softening, relaxing tail hole. It was ripe and ready for him and he didn't want to make her too sore either by fucking her pussy so much after her egg laying. It was a strenuous thing, even if he wanted to see if he could seed her again quickly, pounding her tight ring, letting her take his thrusts as she let out a grunt with every stroke that ploughed into her sex.

"Mmmph... Yes..."

But his seed could not be wasted, as much as he wanted to spend all day shoved up under her tail. He drove in hard and deep, swapping every few strokes back and forth from her pussy to her under-tail, need rising, throbbing up thick and fast. He had to cum, even though the moment shifted and changed around him, desire as lustful as the moment of climax itself. He moaned out loud, not caring to be quiet or if anyone else was there to see them, only that he could what he needed as his scales shuddered and rippled in ecstasy. He needed it, the spill of his seed in orgasm only the beginning of so much more.

His cream oozed from her with his continued strokes, not needing to stop right then and there, the lightly damp floor of the spa easy to brace on with the rougher tiles. Xigfeldo's smirk could not be held back as he hissed through it, tongue lashing out to lap along his muzzle. Yet there was one other there that he had not had his fun with as yet and it was about time that they became acquainted with one another in a more intimate fashion.

Though the gryphoness, seemingly was not done with him yet, twisting around to shove her backside in his face, though his attention was not on her drooling pussy, while he got to enjoy the sight of the anthro riding his slenderer type of dragon. He hissed his delight, tongue wrapping around Nalu's cock, dragging it down into his paw, gently pulling and tugging it back as much as was comfortable for her. She couldn't quite decide where to look as her beak twisted back and forth, though the pleasure mounting as his slender tongue wrapped around her shaft, pleasing it, teasing it, giving her everything that she could have wanted and more.

Anthro Nalu threw her head back, her paws shaking, hardly able to believe that she was doing what she was doing, moaning and groaning. She craved it all, delight pounding through the pit of her stomach, tail twitching back and forth. And no longer did she have to turn away from what she wanted and say that she didn't really want or need it at all, anything to get out of going for what truly made her heart leap and pound. She whimpered and twisted on top of him, so very full, both holes filled, though that perhaps had been a little over ambitious to start off with. It was too late to turn back though when it simply felt so damn good.

Her partner seemed to like it too, she thought through a haze of lust, though she was still not quite one to wipe the amusement from her beak. For she too wanted to make him feel good, moaning softly, taking her time as the moments washed over her. The tightness inside, how she wanted to clench down around him even more, despite that not making sense with how wonderfully he stretched her out.

The dragon under her groaned and panted open-mouthed, her nose pressed up to his muzzle, letting the moment claim them, though they both knew that there was only one end that could come from that time. His cocks drove home again and again and he groaned against her fur, her muzzle so soft against his, a hint of skunk whiskers tickling him. That was a new sensation, a very strange sensation indeed, but one that he wanted to feel more of as he ground in, his cocks tapered at the tip and the glans a little thicker, the head more defined. It was sensitive, so very sensitive, and he had to give her his seed as he ploughed in deep, following her lead, arching and humping, aching for it all the more than ever.

He had to do it, had to cum, wanting to hold off but simply unable to with the gryphoness riding him. Her head flew back in orgasm as she cried out again and again, pussy rippling around him, her tail hole squeezing, though it was all erratic and she could not have said that she was at all in control of the contractions in the slightest. There was too much going on, all together, all at once, as he grunted and pressed up to her, delighting only in the moment. For that was all that anyone could hope for at any time, the change that was life afoot around every corner or turn.

"Mmmph... I didn't think... Oh... You're different..."

His tongue hung out over the edge of his muzzle in a fashion that some may have called "goofy" - but they were not the ones lucky enough to spend such time with a gryphoness as stunning as Nalu, after all. He was fortunate and he knew and understood that too, taking nothing for granted as he leaned whole-heartedly into life, groaning as his cum flowed forth, spilling out more and more, spurt after spurt. Not only her pussy, of course, was seeded as it flowed forth, easily impregnating her all over again, though the proof of that would only be seen in the coming weeks when her belly grew again, swelling with eggs that were not just gryphons but a hybrid of two species.

They had to take it all, need rising, the gryphons grinding, Nalu panting heavily as she took his seed, her lower abdomen bloating out lightly as she took plenty of it. For noodle-Xig did not solely have one orgasm for her as he filled her with pump after pump of cum, letting his cock remain deep inside her as her clenching sex milked him of climax after climax. Every throb and twitch of her needy pussy had him grunting and leaning into her all the more fervently, the massaging pulse of the hot tub jets simply another nuance to enjoy in the heat of a moment that, even then, could not warm his cooler-blooded body all the way through.

Still, there was more to come as feral Nalu moaned and shook as Xigfeldo slurped loudly on her cock. He did not care that they were, technically in public, only that they got every last bit of pleasure that they could possibly take for themselves, everything coming together perfectly, exactly as it was all supposed to in the end or the beginning. He played both ways and taking a cock into his maw was just the same to him, not submissive and not dominant either but doing all that he did for the divinity of mutual pleasure.

Was that what being the dragon princess of the breeding ceremony was all about? He could do as he wanted, tongue swirling and wrapping around her cock, massaging the knot at the base of the feral's length, Nalu bucking and grinding, losing herself in the moment. She didn't have to hold onto dominance or fight to claim herself as she moaned, the sultry sweet scent of the gryphon wrapping around her like a tangible force that she could feel holding her there. She wanted him, so very much, need rising, his tongue rippling around her cock, her nuts begging the same attention.

"Unff... Feathers..." She gasped, fighting with the urge to curse, for some reason, though not even Nalu could tell just why she was holding back in that moment. "More... Deeper..."

She didn't know why she was saying that but Xigfeldo, somehow managed to work out just what it was that she wanted as his tongue wriggled down, leaving her cock deep inside his maw and the slippery appendage tingling around her balls. It flicked and lapped as if there was more at play there than she gave it credit for, some dim part of Nalu that was not swamped in pleasure wishing too that she had a tongue like that. Oh, the things she could do with it!

But she could not resist the pleasure even as she watched her anthro half rise from noodle-Xig's shafts, dripping with cum, great, fat globules of his seed dripping into the hot tub. That surely could not have been good for it but she sat back on the rim, allowing his nose to quest under her balls as he licked and dug his tongue into her, not at all bothered that it was his own cum that he was lapping out of her. It was all in good fun and pleasure and he hissed as he got a more direct shot of her musk, her essence lingering in a thick oil that clung to the base of her skunk tail.

"Mmmph, this..."

Feral Nalu, however, was the one that cut through the peaceful laps and slurps as she squealed out her climax, rocking and bucking her hips as if she had no control left at all over her own body. Her cock shot its load straight down the dragon's throat as he took his liberty and pleasure from her, the swirl and lap of his tongue scooping up more and more of her scent straight from the source. When taken in such a manner, it was a taste as well as a scent and one that cloyed and clung to the roof of his mouth, making the dragon's lips want to ripple and twitch with a strange sort of lustful glee. Scent play was one thing that he craved and yearned for, as greedy as coarser, cruder sorts of dragons that sat on hoards of treasures for no real reason at all, seeking it out and openly relishing in it whenever the opportunity presented itself to him.

Gripping onto the slender Xigfeldo's horns, anthro Nalu moaned and let her head fall back, her breasts on show even as the tiniest flush of shyness prickled at her neck. It was easily swept away by pleasure, however, that wriggling tongue doing wonderful, wonderful things to her. It drove deep up inside her, tickling against her innermost barrier, though she thought that he could have pushed past that for even deeper penetration, if he so chose. His head twisted back and forth, rubbing his nose into her clit, balls resting on top, her breath catching while she clenched around him.

Oh, she didn't want to climax again so quickly, wanting to savour every last tiny detail that came her way, but she could not hold back when there was something so delightful there, seemingly, for her to take as she pleased. She joined her feral sister in her cries, though she was no longer the simply submissive one letting her larger sister lead her in ecstasy and lust but one who took control and the lead of things for herself. After all, she had learned, even as noodle-Xig moaned against her and slurped up every last drop of her juices and the thicker short of her musk that he could.

The skunk-gryphon's musk clouded the air, the dragons hissing and writhing, slipping from the water and pacing around the pools. At some point, the door to the steam room had fallen open, perhaps by an errant swing of a tail, and let the steam filter out, further dispersing their heady, alluring scents. Without the water to wash it away and merely disperse it all the more aptly, infusing the air. It was better than a diffuser, regardless of what had been pumped into the steam rooms and even set aside in the sauna for further scent play and more, though that was of a far less kinky kind than anyone setting up the spa for lustful creatures like them could have imagined it to be used for.

They hardly knew what they were doing, giving in willingly to feral instincts, whether they were anthro or feral: it was a different way of being. It was a desperate need, a snarl and a rise of heat, whether they were cold or warm blooded, everything coming together exactly in the moment that it was supposed to.

They came together in a bundle, Nalu suddenly finding herself shivering under a much larger partner. Though Xigfeldo was much larger than her anthro form, he would not hurt her, drawing her into the water and floating on his back with the rise of his stomach and cock begging attention. She nuzzled around his shaft curiously, exploring him lightly, though his oily essence stained and marked his cloaca in such a way that he could not possibly hope to let the water wash it away. Not that anyone wanted that, of course, but she investigated it all the same, slipping her fingers into his cloaca where his genitalia and his anal sphincter were all held.

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