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Prelude To My Birthday

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Erotic Events surrounding her 19th B-Day.
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It is just one month till my 19th birthday. My name is Rebecca and I am one of two children born to my parents. We are pretty fortunate in that we were born to a very loving couple who have worked hard and have been justly rewarded for their labors. We are, I suppose, an upper middle class family. My brother is 2 years older than I, and attends a local University and is doing quite well. I am presently attending a local community college in preparation for the University. My brother, Jeramy, and I are really best friends. Of course, we weren't always. There was a time when we couldn't be in the same room together without aggravating each other. But we have gotten past that. This was just about the time that Mom and Dad bought me my first car, and I didn't have to bother Jeramy for rides anymore. We did, over the next year or so, become very close. We got to the point that we totally trusted each other, and we could talk to each other about anything at all.

I also have a couple of best friends at school. One is a female and one is a male. I also have three cousins who live close by and are about the same ages as Eric and I. We are very close with our cousins too. We are all close and spend a lot of time together.

A few days ago, everyone started asking me what I wanted for my birthday. That got me to thinking. What do I really want for my birthday? I have no real serious boyfriend, just off and on dating. So there was no "Dinner and Roses" expected. But what do I want?

My cousin Andrea, my best female friend Lauren, and I went out the other night and we got to talking about our upcoming birthdays. Mine is only a month away, but both of them will be having one within the next 3 months. Lauren said that she was thinking that for her birthday, she would like to have Josh (her boyfriend of about 2 years now) get a motel room, a really nice one, have some wine and flowers, and then she would let him make love to her for the first time. We all laughed, but I really think she was being serious.

Andrea, on the other hand, wanted to go shopping in Atlanta; Just the three of us. And each of us have $200.00 to $300.00 each to spend. I thought that would be cool too. We could drive down there on Friday night, get a room, shop all day Saturday, party Saturday night, and then drive home on Sunday. But would this do for me for a birthday gift too?

I ask Andrea and Lauren both for suggestions for me for my birthday. Lauren came up first. She said "How about a guy, maybe one of Jeramy's friends from the university, in a motel room, tied to a bed, and blindfolded; for a weekend? Then you could make him do anything you wanted him to, whether he would like to or not." We all got a good laugh out of that one! I finally caught my breath and said "I'd probably just spend the whole weekend sitting on his face and making him lick me! Then I'd still be a ‘virgin' on Monday morning." We all laughed again.

Finally we decided that between the three of us, we would go out and have a private dinner at the Outback Steakhouse. No gifts, just dinner between best friends.

Jeramy also asked me what I wanted. I told him, with as serious a face as I could hold, that "a few of his college buddies naked in my bedroom" would do me for a while. Then I couldn't hold it anymore and laughed. He laughed with me and said "Honey, you will lose that cherry to some great guy soon enough, just don't rush it, OK?"

Mom and dad were asking too. I kept telling them that I was trying to think of something they could afford on their salaries. They both laughed and said, almost in unison, "We sure hope so!" They also asked if I wanted to have a party. I said "I'd like to have some friends over, if Dad will grill-out for us."

My birthday was coming up in 6 days, on Friday. This was Saturday night and Andrea, Lauren and I were out ‘cruisin', and teasing the boys, and just generally having some fun. I was driving, as I did most of the time ‘cause my car was the biggest of the three. We finally gave it up and I took everyone home and then went home myself.

Mom and Dad were still up watching some movie on Cinemax. Jeramy was still out. Me being the daddy's girl that I am, I went to the Kitchen and got a glass of Mello-Yello and came back to the living room and plopped down on my daddy's lap. In just a couple of minutes, Dad was moving, trying to get more comfortable with me on his lap. So I shifted my weight and almost slid off him and grabbed him with my left hand to keep from falling. I grabbed him on the thigh. No big deal, right?

Well, the movie was some beach scene in Brazil or some place where all the women go topless and Dad was really getting into this movie! Just a little of that and I felt Dad's cock pressing up against my leg. I paid it no attention. Then there was another scene in a nightclub on then beach and more topless women. Dad's cock was pressing hard against my leg. I just eased my hand down on top of it and let it rest there for a minute and then moved it a little. It jumped against my hand so I moved my hand some more. I had never felt a man's cock before. And the movie was getting me hot too. I don't know what made me do it, but I did. I had never tried anything with Dad, had never even thought about it! I sat there a few more minutes and finished my drink, then I turned and kissed dad on the lips quickly and said "Nite Dad, I love you." And then went over to Mom and kissed her on the cheek and said "Nite Mom, I love you too." And I was off to my bedroom.

I got completely undressed before getting into bed. I was hot from looking at all the topless women and the hot guys that were around them. So I knew I would probably end up fingering my self to sleep. I tried to go to sleep without it, but the thought of all those hot guys and girls kept running across my mind and knowing that there was going to be a whole lot of sex going on there after sundown! (In the movie). Then it crossed my mind about my putting my hand on Dad's cock, then I really had to finger myself! I had grabbed a washcloth as I came to bed ‘cause I just knew I was going to finger my pussy good tonight. I was working it pretty good with two fingers from my right hand pumping in and out of me, dripping my juices onto the cloth, and my left hand massaging my tits and pinching my nipples. It was getting really good and I wanted to make some noise, but knew I couldn't so I bit my lip and tongue and kept going for that orgasm that loomed just ahead. My ass started itching really bad so since my right hand was right there, I slipped my fingers out of my pussy to go down a scratch the itching asshole. But my fingers were so wet that when I started scratching my ass, my fingers slipped inside! Oh my god! Instantly I shoved them in as far as I could!!! It felt incredible! I pumped them in and out for a minute and then I blasted my hand full of juices as I cum so hard! I went to sleep knowing that I was going to be in trouble if Dad noticed that I had done that to him. And I'm sure he would HAVE to know it!!

I am no "goody-two-shoes" understand, but I have never let a guy get his hand into my panties or even on top of them, never below my waist. And I had never felt a man's dick out side of his pants. I had rubbed a couple through their pants, but never took one out. I was very determined that I was going to be a virgin on my wedding night, unless someone REALLY special got me so hot I couldn't think straight. But I've been getting pretty horny lately! I fell asleep with my hand covering my pussy.

Sunday morning Mom, Dad, and I got ready and went to church. When we got home, Mom said she really needed to go shopping and asked if we wanted to go. Jeramy was left to his own devices on Sunday. Sometimes he would go with us, most times not.

Dad said he had some things he had to get done around the house, so No, he wouldn't go. I said that I was going to pick up Andrea and Lauren and go to the mall too. So we would probably see her there.

Dad went off to his room to change clothes, as did I. Then Jessica, a good friend and classmate called and we chatted for a few minutes. I heard Mom leave while we talked. We hung up after agreeing to look for each other in the mall. I finished dressing and headed out through the garage to say ‘bye' to Daddy. He was still in the garage, getting some tools together.

He stopped me and came over and took me by the wrist. He had a strange look on his face. I said "What's up Dad?" smiling at him. I do love my Dad.

"I think we need to talk Rebecca!" he said, very sternly.

"Sure Dad, about what?" I said.

"We need to talk about last night little girl!" he said, again very sternly.

"Can it wait till later Dad, I need to go pick up the girls." I asked.

"NO, it won't wait Rebecca. We will talk right now. Now I want to know what you thought you were doing last night!" Dad said.

"What do you mean Dad? Have I done something wrong?" I asked innocently.

Dad had not turned loose of my wrist and pulled me as he went over to sit down at his work bench. He said "Rebecca, don't play that innocent crap with me now, you know perfectly well what you did last night! And now we are going to discuss that little incident."

"Dad, are you talking about when I was sitting on your lap and all those topless girls were on the TV? And the fact that I accidentally put my hand on……well, you know. It was an accident Dad, but then I didn't know what to do because it jumped when I touched it. Then I wanted to make it jump again. I was so excited by all the bodies on the TV! I'm really so sorry Dad, I just wasn't thinking about what I was doing. Please understand. I didn't do it on purpose. Dad, please, forgive me. I love you Dad." I rambled on.

"I don't know what you were thinking girl, but you can't go grabbing my private parts, any more than I can yours! It is just not done! Where was your head honey? He was raising his voice now. And that scared me. He hadn't done that to me in years!

I started crying and said "I'm sorry Daddy. I love you Daddy. I don't know what I was thinking Daddy. I just don't know! Please Daddy, you are hurting my wrist Daddy. Daddy, please let me go. I promise I will stop sitting on your lap, and I promise I will never touch you anywhere close to that area again, Please Daddy, I love you!"

"I love you too, but your ‘I love you' s will not get you out of this one sweetheart! This is way too serious!" Dad said, still holding my wrist, just not as tight. "There has to be a punishment exacted for this offense, because it is too serious to pass up."

"I know Daddy, it is serious, I just wasn't thinking when I did it. I had no intentions of doing anything wrong Daddy, really I didn't! Punish me if you must Daddy, just please don't ground me. I promised the girls I would pick them up in a few minutes. How can I get out of that? I can't say I am grounded, they would want to know why and then I would have to lie to them. Daddy, come on Daddy, I promise I'll be more careful from now on." I begged, tears still running down my face. My make-up was surly a mess by now.

Dad was quiet for a minute and then he said "You're right, I can't ground you, I would have to explain that to your Mom, and then I'd have to lie to her too. So I guess the only thing left to do is give you a spanking, and I know you haven't had one of those in years.

"No Daddy, Oh God No Please Daddy, I remember the last time you used your belt on me. I could barely walk for two days! Daddy! Oh Daddy, please, anything …anything, just don't use your belt again! It hurts too much! Please Daddy!" I was crying even harder now, and fell down on my knees in front of him.

He pulled me back up and said "Stand right there, don't move!" then he walked around the garage looking everywhere for something. Then he spotted it. My old Ping-Pong set

He pulled a paddle out of it and came back over to me.

"OK Daddy, I have begged and pleaded and cried and it hasn't changed your mind, so do whatever you are going to do and let me get it over with." I cried.

Dad sat back down in his chair and said "Come over here now!"

I was scared, but I moved over to him.

He took my wrist and pulled on it and said "Lie down across my lap little girl, and let's get this over with, like you said."

As I leaned over to lay on his lap, I said "Daddy, please don't bruise me or make blisters, Please? I'm begging you Daddy, please don't hurt me too bad!"

Dad put his hand in the middle of my back and pushed me down till my head was almost touching the floor. Then I remembered that I was wearing my hip hugging jeans, and they were really tight on my butt. This was not good!! Dad drew his right arm back and I braced myself for the pain and then he slapped my ass with that paddle and I screamed out in pain and he hit me again and I was bawling like a baby and he hit me again, and again and again. Then he paused for a minute and I started to raise up with what little strength I had left, but Dad held me down,

He rubbed my ass for me and I looked up and a tear was in his eye. I reached back to get his leg to pull my self up, but he wouldn't let me. He just kept rubbing my ass. Then his hand went between my legs a little. It was feeling good, so I spread my legs and he rubbed deeper between my legs.

I sniffled and said "Oh god Daddy that feels so good, please do it some more. The rubbing I mean. It feels good Daddy." I relaxed and he continued to rub all over my ass and down between my legs.

Then Daddy said, in his stern voice again, "Stand up little girl, now!"

I jumped up and stood in front of him. Tears running down my face like a stream.

Daddy said "Now take those jeans loose and drop them to your knees, Now"

I said "No Daddy, I can't undress in front of you, you are my Dad, I can't do that!"

He reached up and grabbed the front of my jeans and took them loose and shoved them down to my knees. I screamed "Dad!!! What are you doing? Dad!"

Then he grabbed my wrist and jerked me back down across his lap and grabbed his paddle. I saw that and started begging again, "Oh Daddy no, please, not on my naked ass, Please Daddy!'

He hit me twice with the paddle and it hurt so badly that I thought I would faint. Then his hand was on my ass again, and I immediately spread my legs. I was only wearing a thong. His fingers went down my crack and over my now wet thong and rubbed my mound. And then he started back up and his finger slipped under the edge of my thong and touched my bare shaved pussy lip.

"Oh god Daddy, that feels so good. Please don't stop, please finger me Daddy. I promise I will never say a word about it to anyone, please make me cum Daddy. Oh god I need to cum so badly!!"

I hadn't paid any attention to it before, but now I felt Dad's cock against my hip, it was hard and stiff. I reached back and took hold of it and started rubbing it. I knew I was taking a chance, but he was rubbing my pussy, so I was going to take that chance.

"Little girl of mine, what is the meaning of all this that I feel? A very wet pussy, a wet thong, and now your hand on my cock and you begging me to make you cum! What am I to think, that you are some little whore?" Daddy asked.

"No Daddy, I am not a whore. I am a virgin, I swear on a bible! And I shave because it feels better to me, and I am wet down there because you have excited me Daddy. Now please make me cum Daddy, Please oh please, I need to cum, I am so hott Daddy!!" I said, begging him to relieve me.

He got me by the shoulder and pulled me up and he was looking down at the floor as I stood virtually naked in front of him. Then I saw a tear drop from his face! My Dad was crying! I said "Dad, what's wrong Dad?" I reached and got his face and pulled it up so he was looking at me.

"Daddy what's wrong. I love you Daddy, talk to me please." I said.

He reached out and took me by the hips and pulled me to him and laid his head against my belly and just held me for a minute. Then he said "Rebecca baby, I am so sorry. I promise, I will never touch you again, Please forgive me. I got carried away with your beauty and just lost it. Please forgive me and don't hate me please. I will never touch you again , I am so sorry!"

I was really touched. I pushed him back away from me, leaned down and kissed him on the lips like I always do, and then stood up and said "Dad, look at me. I will be 19 years old in a few days. Look at this body (I pulled my shirt up so he could see my bra covered tits) and said do I look like a little girl to you? I certainly don't think that I am!"

He said "No baby, you are not a little girl anymore. That's what's so amazing, I didn't see you grow into this gorgeous woman!!"

I ran my hands down over my hips and back up my thighs between my legs, rubbing my wet thong with my hands. I spread my legs and stepped forward and straddled his lap and sat down on it. I took his right hand and put it on my thong right over my pussy and said "Dad I swear to you by everything is important to me, that I am a virgin, but when I leave this garage, I don't want to be one anymore. Do you understand that Daddy?" I reached down and took hold of his cock again through his pants. And then I leaned in and kissed him, but this time I pushed my tongue out against his lips.

Dad broke the kiss immediately and said "Baby, what are you saying? That you want me, your Daddy, to take your virginity? Have you gone nuts or something? He asked.

"Daddy, I know you love me and would never do anything to hurt me ever. And I trust you completely. So yes, I want you to take my virginity. I know you will do it right and not hurt me. I love you and I would love for you to take that one precious gift from me, Please Daddy. I want you to make love to me right here, and right now, Daddy. I'm yours, make love to me, make me Daddy's little whore."

Dad stood up and kissed me on the lips and his tongue came out and we played tongues for a minute and I knew that I was going to make love to a man, finally! And I was ready!! I could feel my juices seeping out of my thong onto my leg. I was hot and ready if Dad would take me. I reached down again and got hold of his big cock and said "Daddy, I want it in me Please, I am so hott!"

But Daddy pushed me away from him and said "Sweetheart I have to think about this. This is extremely serious. I can't just jump on you and never think anything more about it. We have to be real sure because this is against nature, against the law, against what we believe in! Put your clothes back on and go to the mall and let me think. Can you live with having had sex with your father? Can I live with having had sex with my daughter? I don't know! You think about it too! If you decide not to, nothing more will ever be said about this, ever, I promise. Now get dressed before I spank that sexy ass of yours with my bare hand!"

"Daddy, if you decide to do it, please spank me with your hand and rub me like you did a while ago. I almost creamed right then as much as I was hurting!" And you can spank me anytime you want to with your hand, if you make me cum too!

I quickly jerked on my clothes and ran back in the house to fix my make-up and then I dashed out to pick up the girls.

When I got back home, Mom was home, so I knew talking to him was out for today. I would just have to wait.

Mom and Dad started again at dinner about what I wanted for my birthday, so I told them a gift certificate so I could go buy me some new clothes. ( I had in mind some new sexy undies.)

Lauren had told me at the mall, during another of our birthday discussions that I could get her a date with Jeramy! I was stunned and asked why! She said he is such a nice guy, smart, handsome and sexy and she would like to give him the chance to take her cherry, if he wanted her. And she said that she would love to do a 69 with him. I was shocked, and so was Andrea. I had never thought of my brother as being sexy. Neither had Andrea. Of course we were related so we weren't supposed to be thinking like that.


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