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Prized Possession

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Spoiled, rich brat taught valuable lesson.
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"Still now girl, you're only making this more difficult for yourself..."

His words sunk through her like a shovel cutting soggy ground, the gears in her head turned frantically, though they didn't seem to be manufacturing much rational thought. Tussling against the leather that bound her to this place, his place.

"Why so jumpy Serena? You had so much confidence and spunk earlier, don't tell me that's faded already?!" the mocking words echoed. A plastic gag blocked any response she could hope to make, she looked up helplessly and watched as he walked around her, analyzing Serena as some sort of prize capture. As the black leather finger traced the freckles of her exposed bosom a stark and horrifying realization began to set in with the bound girl, a prize is precisely what she had become.

"Wait till I sell this place and all of you fucking trash will be on the street where you belong!" he knelled down and hissed in her ear "that's exactly what you said wasn't it?! Word for word." Serena shivered as she thought back to that morning only a few short days ago, storming into Richard's office and berated him for the shop's low profit margins, indeed she had promised to sell his store and make sure the new owners fired him and all his workers. Indeed, she had sworn to Richard that when next she saw him it would be when he was served his eviction notice, ruining him and taking everything he had away. She closed her watery eyes as the reality of what she had brought on herself sank in.

Richard pulled the rig that held her outstretched arms upward, Serena slowly stood as she was pulled to her feet, commanded as a farmer would a mule. The light from above rained down and radiated across her milky, toned body. Her flowing hair, a shade between a rose and a blush, trickled down the groups of accompanying blemishes on her shoulders and ample breasts. Her former employee, now captor, reached from behind and tugged on the charcoal colored clamps encasing her nipples. Her eyes shot open and she let a shriek out through her gag from the sudden sharpness that shot across her chest.

"My my" Richard remarked "Look at these sensitive little things! I barely tugged and you're jumping all over the place, kind of like you jumped into bed with that man you met at the seminar yes?" Serena hated thinking back on that moment, the moment that lost her everything, the moment that caused to now be naked and on display for a man she had thought so far beneath her. Her sky blue eyes widened further as Richard cruelly kept tugging away at her victimized nipples, struggling mightily against the tormenting squeezes, she backed up as far as she could and stretched to the tip of her recently pedicured toes to evade the sensations.

"That's the thing about the extra pretty ones you see" her tormenter commented as he tugged both clamps in opposite directions, producing a mighty shrill from her propped open ruby lips. "You think your sexy bodies are some kind of super-weapon, making men gawk and jump over themselves to fulfill your every desire..." Richard abruptly dropped the toys he was grasping, Serena let out a sigh of relief that hid her quickly building anxiety at the anticipation of his next few words.

Her captor stalked around her gently rubbing around her neck and under her earlobe as he encircled Serena's exposed body, a sensation shot through her causing a weakness in her knees. "My god" she thought, "there's no way this is turning me on..."

The shock burned through her body and she faded into her thoughts, she couldn't accept it, no matter how soaked she was becoming. There is no way she was actually enjoying this, a year as a sex slave was better than 10 years in prison, anyone with a single shred of sense would agree with that. The idea that deep down maybe she actually longed for this however? Desired it, dreamed of it? No chance. Men were her toys not the other way around, this was simply an error in judgement that had put her in a bind, a bind she would spend most of her immediate future paying for. To think in her heart she may of actually wanted this to happen though? That was not an idea she was willing to entertain, as of now.

She was abruptly brought back to reality from a searing crack across her beautiful, fair skinned rear, Serena pulled away to save her luscious skin more pain but was only met with another crack on the opposite side, causing her to shift back and let out a soft moan. She widened her eyes in horror, hoping Richard hadn't notice.

"You need to pay attention, slut" he said to her flatly "I don't have a lot of patience for repeating things, and part of our agreement entails you do your due diligence in being a good fuck toy, understand?". Serena nodded compliantly, simply happy that he had not noticed her arousal slip out, she struggled to keep her legs closed enough least the soak and scent of her genitals betray the attempt to fight her body and reveal what boiled inside of her.

Richard stalked over to back of the room which served as Serena's cage, as per their agreement she could leave after serving Richard for eight hours, having to work full time once in her life would be good for her, he had said. Even if the job was "sucking cock and getting fucked" as he had put it, reminding her that "at least it's something you're good at Serena".

She was certain all the men in the shop had heard about her night with Damien after the seminar, she could picture them roaring with laughter at the thing she had moaned, how aggressively she had deep throated him, asked to be choked and slapped. Down to even the most intimate of details, the shape of her breasts, the tightness and scent of her pussy, the way she always had her asshole bleached. She would never be able to face them again, at least not do so and be capable of giving off the aura of intimidation she had before, especially if they knew the most intimate detail of all.

Damien had sold her the idea he was a banker from an investment firm, which indeed he was, except she had not realized that before he was an investment banker he had worked at the shop for five years under Richard. He had left a year before Serena's family took control of the majority of the company and another year before she had convinced her parents to give her the job of regional manager.

So as Damien laid with Serena that passionate night in her upscale hotel room, she thought nothing of taking his suggestion and selling a high percentage of her stocks and buying stocks in the merging companies. You can imagine the look of horror on her face when an audio file showed up in her email that had recorded the entire conversation and proved what she had done.

"Insider trading is a naughty naughty thing young lady" the anonymous email read, "come to this address tomorrow morning at 8am, come alone, or every news station in eastern time zone will be breaking this at 9". She recalled how her mind was racing in those minutes that followed reading those words, surely an illegally recorded private conversation couldn't be used in court right? Even so the revelation of it alone would cost her immeasurably, her company's stock would plummet following the news, investors and other businesses would disassociate themselves from her family at fear of a government investigation, her parents would have no choice but to fire her and bar her from working with the company, she would be completely ruined. Assuming she could avoid the worst case scenario of being sent to prison, a prospect she hardly wanted to think about given the life of luxury she had always known.

Alas her she found herself here, totally naked, helpless, and on display for a man whose livelihood she was so sure she had gripped by the testicles. She had no choice, she'd never survive all that time in prison, she knew the things that would happen to her in there. The things she would miss, this new "job" of hers was a small price to pay for that.

"Are you spacing out again whore?" Richard, who was now sitting on an old steel chair a few feet in front of his newest toy, barked at her. Frantically Serena shook her head, a muffled the best "no" she could from behind her gag.

"Good because I'd hate to think...what's this?" suddenly to Serena's horror he forced her legs apart, taking his ring and index finger he reached between her legs spreading her dripping flower.

"Well i'll be damned!" he excitedly exclaimed, taking his middle finger and rubbing her swollen bead, which cause her knees to buckle beneath her.

"Mmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!" she shrieked out in desperation, doing all she could to fight her body's reaction as he toyed with her clit.

"I knew you were a horny little slut, but I never thought it was anything like this." Richard remarked with a venomous smile, her heart began racing as humiliation washed over her, betrayed by her body she was a helpless toy against his skilled fingers.

"This is going to be more fun than I realized" he laughed, Serena struggled as much as she could though she knew her fight was hopeless. The wiggling and squirming accomplished little more than giving Richard sadistic satisfaction, her clit throbbed and her knees buckled as the room filled with the sound of his laugher layered with her soft moans and dripping sex. She had never been more embarrassed in her life, or more aroused.

Her clitoris had always been her weak spot, but Richard worked it like a trained professional, like a man who truly possessed a comprehensive understanding of pussy. Serena fought to regain her composure, she would not allow herself to melt in his hands like this, she would not give in no matter what her body screamed at her.

She took her mind away from sex as much as she could, away from the burning arousal that possessed her, away from the man playing with her like a horny trinket. Her conflict of will did not go unnoticed by Richard, he relished in his victory. To think back on every time she had talked down to him, belittled him, or shot that damn smug stare at him and now see her like this. Moaning and sweating like a whore, fighting against the orgasm that was boiling its way to the surface, once so arrogant and sure of herself. Now a whimpering wet mess.

"You know what the problem is Serena?" he asked sarcastically, as though she was in any position or state of mind to give a coherent answer. She looked over into his eyes and exerted herself to try and keep a dignified demeanor, something her trembling clit was making almost impossible.

"A sexy thing like you grows used to getting what she wants" Richard said, speeding up the pace of his fingers, feeling the moment she would boil over approaching.

"Men give you anything you want" he stopped momentarily to deliver an abrupt slap across the woman's exposed loins, Serena shot her eyes open and let out a wail of ecstasy no longer able to maintain any illusion of composure. Without warning his gloved hand returned, choosing to ignore the trembling little bead at the top he took his fingers and pushed them upward, deep inside of her as they could go. She pushed herself far up as her toes would take her but there was no avoiding his proficient hand. Every drop of her wetness began trickling out onto his fingers, she was now completely exposed to him, in every single way.

"MMMMMMMMMMMM!!" she cried, no longer denying the lust washing over her, completely under the control of her vagina she arched her feet down and back up. Bouncing as much as she could on the two fingers curled up inside of her.

"Mommy and Daddy always give you anything you want" Richard berated as he flexed his fingers back and forth hastily, Serena couldn't do anything now but moan. She gave up fighting, gave up holding her strong demeanor in the face of his delicious torture, gave in to the truth. She was Richard's whore now, and good little whores moaned because they loved being played with. This was her life, this was where she belonged. His fingers continued their skilled work, flicking back and forth inside of her, she could feel an orgasm boiling to the surface. She was actually about to cum for him. Serena moaned as loud as she could and rolled her head back waiting for the upcoming release.

Without warning Richard pulled his hand out ending all stimulation, she stood there frozen unable to do anything but whimper as her hope for release faded. Richard gazed upon her smiling at her torment, licking her fluids off of his finger he shook his head.

"No slut, you don't get anything you want from me, in fact our first lesson is going to teach you just that" he turned away from her and walked past the chair he had left earlier, with all the light in the room being pointed on Serena it was very hard to see far in the back of it, for a brief time he faded into the darkness.

Serena sat lost in her thoughts awaiting his return to sight, she could hardly believe how she was thinking now, not only was she referring to herself as a "whore" like Richard had trained her, but the thought actually crossed her mind on how best to be a whore for him. She was not only accepting her servitude, but focusing on serving in the best manner she could, was this actually happening?

Her captor reappeared from the shadows carrying some items which fueled the fires of the bound woman's anxieties. In one hand he held this odd looking U-shaped object, the material appeared some sort of silicone type flushed in a vivid pink that stood in stark contrast to the devouring darkness of the room. Thick as braided rope, it swelled to the size of a large egg on one end sporting a slight upward curvature, it was clearly some sort of sex toy. In his other hand he held two odd looking straps, an unmarked plastic bottle filled with a clear jelly substance, and a cell phone charger.

"Lesson one Serena is your orgasms are no longer something that belong to you, they are something you get to experience only when I allow it" he authoritatively proclaimed. Serena raised her eyebrows a bit, what the hell was he saying? What the fuck was "when he allows it" supposed to mean?

Richard sat everything down on the chair save for the plastic bottle, removing his gloves he then smeared a few finger fulls of the clear substance on his hand he placed it back down and marched up to Serena, standing nose to nose with her looking deep into her eyes. So deep it was as if he was trying to look into her very soul, she thought to fight his gaze but her spirit to fight was gone. She was his now and all she could do was hold her breath at the year that was about to unfold.

Reaching down with his lubed up bare fingers, Richard drove them inside of her, a cool tingling sensation immediately ran through her. Serena squirmed at the cold and whimpered, a few short seconds later the cool abruptly turned warm, causing her whimpers to transform into lusty moans. The smoothness of his skin felt so much better inside of her than the material of his gloves had, coupled with Richard's immeasurably skilled hands she had found herself worked back to a frenzy all over again.

"It's going to be so nice getting to know this side of you Serena" he laughed extracting his fingers from inside his bound subject. Stalking back over to the chair where he had set his other tools down, Richard reached down and picked the pink colored toy up along with the straps.

"Any idea what this is whore?" he asked while taking a generously coating the larger end of the toy in lube, Serena shook her head no though she was quickly filling with anxiety over what the device was.

"Surprising" Richard continued "I figured you would know pretty much know every sex toy on the market, I guess you prefer the real thing mostly though". Walking over he crouched down and slowly inserted the egg shaped end of the toy into Serena, broken by lust she offered no resistence to him. She welcomed the feeling of being filled with this mystery toy at this point, her mind completely under her pussy's control, which technically made it completely under Richard's control.

After inserting the toy inside of her Richard adjusted it a bit so it would sit firmly in place, taking the straps and looping them around the top of her thighs he spoke.

"This is called a Lovense Lush my sweet little slut, it's a most helpful device for pussy taming, you see this allows me to control exactly how much stimulation that soaked little thing gets", she looked down to see he had taken the straps and formed an odd looking safety net of sort, when he had tied them as firmly as he could he yanked on them roughly, jolting Serena forward a little.

"Believe it or not, you're not the first bratty little bitch i've had to teach some manners to, you'll have the benefit of a very experienced teacher now. Lucky you." she stared blankly trying to absorb the full scale of his words. Control her from anywhere? She wasn't the first? He's done this before? Who the hell was he? How had she underestimated him so harshly?

"See I learned that eventually you whores become so soaked and crazy that the toy will have trouble staying in" he tugged on the spot he had rigged to catch the toy if this were to happen "it won't stay quite so deep unfortunately for you but it will always be in position to at least offer a fine tease!" Serena's eyes widened in horror, she wanted release so bad, she was almost dripping at this point. How much wetter would he want her to be before she was finally given the orgasm she so ferociously desired?

After he was confident that his torture device was properly set up and in place, he turned and wandered back into the blackness beyond the lights, emerging a few seconds later with a surge protector plugged into an extension cord and a tiny GoPro camera. Richard took the charger and plugged it into the camera, after what seemed like an eternity of him plugging devices in and starting apps on his phone he looked up and smiled at her.

"Round 1" he said, fiddling with the screen of his phone. Immediately the toy began buzzing inside of her, Serena let out screams of ecstasy that echoed across the walls, he had placed the toy so deep in her it was assaulting her already sensitive g-spot. The vibrations rumbled at a furious speed, then would slow down right when she began reaching sweet relief, only to be reactivated at its previous pace once she had lost any progress to the oh so close orgasm she craved.

She looked in terror now realizing the setup's purpose, he would keep taking her to the brink and stopping, only to rile her back up enough to take it away again, she thrashed and cried against her restraints. For she was unsure if this was a torment she would be able to withstand, her mind was already giving way to a waterfall of pleasure. How long would he play with her in this manner? A few minutes? Hours? Days?

"Well nice to see it works so well" Richard laughed, reaching down he hit a button on the back of the camera, then returned to fiddling with his phone.

"Now i'm going to be going out with some friends for a bit, normally this toy would only be usable while in my house, thankfully i'll be using your Mercedes for the evening and will make ample use of it's built in WiFi" he explained, Serena couldn't bear this humiliation. She had lost everything to this man and now he was going to parade around town in her car like it was some sort of trophy. Leaving her to endure hours of torture and humiliation on camera, what had she allowed herself to get caught in? Why had she been so arrogant? Richard flicked something on his screen, reactivating the toy and buckling Serena's legs. Causing her to let out a mighty shriek, one that held the intoxicating sounds of fear and arousal.

"I'll be controlling you all night young lady" he held his phone screen up so she could see a video of her bound self being streamed to it.

"Anytime I see you're about to cum..." he flicked down on his screen causing the stimulation inside her to once again cease.


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