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Professor De Luca

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Don't worry, you won't cum yet. I want to spank your hole.
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Hey there, friends! Excited to share this with you. Give it a look and drop your thoughts below. Should I write a sequel? 😉


Psychology has never been Allie's strong suit. The moment she thinks she has a good handle on a matter, a fresh scientific discovery comes along and disproves the theory.

"Cognitive dissonance occurs when individuals experience conflicting thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, leading to a state of psychological discomfort that motivates them to resolve the inconsistency." The professor explains it as if it makes perfect sense. Allie sighs and shakes her head in frustration, but jots it down in her notes anyway.

The only half-decent thing about this class is the huge crush she has on said professor. Professor De Luca. His faint Italian accent is enough to make most girls sign up for his class, regardless of their interest in psychology.

Of course, Allie is fully aware that her crush is completely unrequited. He barely acknowledges any of them. His lectures are precise and to the point, leaving no room for personal interactions. Allie, very frequently, finds herself daydreaming about him instead of paying attention.

She wonders if he's married. Does he have children? What are his hobbies? Is he really as interested in psychology as he seems?

A very naughty part of her imagines what he looks like while pleasuring himself. After all, everyone does it. She looks at his hands, and her core flutters as she pictures him jerking his dick. She'd die to know what his face looks like when he cums. Does he let his orgasm overwhelm him, causing his face to contort beautifully, or does he try to keep his composure? She hopes it's not the latter.

She clenches her pussy, already feeling deliciously moist. She hopes her roommate isn't home, so she can rub one out before her next class.

"Miss Johnson?"

Fuck. He's talking to her.

"Yes, sir?" She mumbles, nervously combing her thick brown locks back from her face.

"Are you aware of the main components of the DSM-5?"

Allie blinks rapidly for a second before answering. "Uhm, no, sir. Unfortunately, I'm not." Why did he have to ask her something she doesn't know? She studies hard to avoid these types of situations, for fuck's sake.

He gives her a rare smirk before continuing his lecture, leaving Allie feeling a little unsettled and, surprisingly, a lot turned on.

As soon as the bell sounds, she grabs her stuff and hurries back to her dorm. Thankfully, just as she'd hoped, her roommate is out. She doesn't even make it to the bed. She leans against the back of the door, slides her hand down her panties and frantically rubs her clit to orgasm.

The following week, she walks into the same auditorium and takes her usual seat. Professor De Luca begins his lecture. Allie tries to focus on what he's saying, but her mind wanders, envisioning his weight on top of her while pumping his cock deep inside of her and moaning in her ear.

His lecture is, as always, rather complex and leaves Allie feeling a little inadequate. Part of her would like to drop the class entirely, but she needs it for her degree. So she pushes through, trying not to let incessant thoughts of the gorgeous man in various sexual scenarios distract her too much.

As the lecture comes to an end, Professor De Luca drops a bombshell. "Next week, I will be conducting a mock oral exam," urging in his, oh, so sexy, Italian accent, "Make sure you come prepared." Allie turns to find him gazing at her, and she's almost certain that he smiles as she turns away.

Her poor clit is red raw as she indulges in her third orgasm that night. It burns, but she can't stop herself. She's never been so horny in her life. She's been watching porn for a good four hours now, when she should've been studying. He probably won't pick her anyway, will he?

"Miss Johnson?" He calls, peering around the room, until his eyes fall on her.

This cannot be happening, she thinks to herself.

She feels the warmth spread across her face while, as gracefully as she can, she makes her way down the aisle to join Professor De Luca. His impeccable suit is adorned with an acid green scarf today. God, his olive skin is absolutely flawless. She tries to focus on not tripping over her own feet, but her eyes keep drifting to his lips. This crush is becoming more than just a distraction from her studies.

"Take a seat," he says kindly, probably noticing her blush. She crosses one leg over the other while seated, eager to show off the cute ankle tattoo she got done just a few weeks prior. Everyone else, listen carefully." He gives her a wink before starting, "Can you please describe the stages of cognitive development according to Piaget's theory and discuss any criticisms or limitations of his model?"

Allie takes a deep breath, thoroughly grateful that he's asked her something she knows well, and begins, "Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development proposes that children progress through four stages of mental development, each characterised by distinct ways of thinking and understanding the world. These stages are..." She goes on to give an answer in great detail, and De Luca looks honestly impressed.

He turns to the class and says with a sigh, "At least, I can be sure that some of you pay attention in my class, eh?" The rasp of his voice is utterly intoxicating.

Allie blushes again and looks down at her fingernails.

"Well done, Miss Johnson," he says quietly, just to her, with a smile. "You can return to your seat now."

As she walks back to her seat, she can't help but feel a bit smug.

The weekend comes around, and some of her friends are going to a club as a change from the usual college house party. The place they choose has quite a particular reputation and is further than most students would venture, making the allure of a place where nobody knows who you are exhilarating to Allie. It's known to have many nudist beaches during the summer, plus tales of swinger's clubs and sex parties. No doubt they're just rumours, though.

She desperately wants a little adventure. All she does is study; occasionally she grabs a caffeinated beverage with fellow students between classes; and more often than not, she goes to bed embarrassingly early. She never gets any privacy, which results in her being forced to masturbate silently in her bed at night while her roommate sleeps across the room.

They cram into the old, rust-ridden corolla belonging to a girl in her English class and begin their little road trip towards the unknown.

"Girls," the designated driver, Jan, calls over a particularly upbeat song on the radio, trying to get their attention. "If we get separated tonight, which, I'm not gonna lie, I fucking hope we do," the girls all giggle. "We all meet back at the car before daylight, okay?"

Allie reels at the thought of having a whole twelve hours to be free and wreckless. She doesn't necessarily want a one-night stand per se, but a nice fingering in the corner of a dark booth would be terrific. Thank you very much.

Allie isn't overly impressed when they pull up to the club. The whole town looks as boring as any other place surrounding their university. Maybe four or five bars line the street they park on, and not even one looks particularly inviting.

They agree to meet by the car, which will be left unlocked, 'cause "Who the fuck is gonna steal this piece of crap anyway?" as Jan quite frankly put it.

They all walk in together to the closest bar. The lighting is so dim that it's hard to make out the faces of the people inside. The music is loud, and the atmosphere is rowdy. Allie's pleasantly surprised, if she's completely honest.

The hostess, with her crimson red lips and smoky gaze, welcomes them with a suggestive grin before leading them to a dimly lit booth. The glances from the other patrons are curious; some look downright astonished. Admittedly, the clientele isn't exactly bustling with university students. Most would feel uncomfortable with all the looks, but never college girls out for a good time.

They order the first round of drinks, and soon enough, they're laughing and chatting with nearby partygoers. Jan is the first to abandon the group, opting for a seat up at the bar, trying her best to chat up the handsome bartender and score some free shots.

A makeshift dance floor slowly forms at the far end, and gradually, they all end up making their way to join the dancing bodies. Allie's not a big drinker, but tonight she decides to let loose. She accepts free shots from the bartender, who is almost certainly going to hook up with Jan. Men and women all dance close together, not caring much for spatial boundaries. The crowd becomes a large body of moving limbs and swaying bodies, lost in the music and the moment. Allie finds herself caught up in the energy of the room, letting go of her inhibitions and dancing like no one is watching.

It's inevitable after several drinks that a bathroom break is needed. Allie wades through the sea of people, and after asking directions from at least three friendly waitresses, she manages to find the restroom.

As the door closes behind her, the music subsides into a hazy blur, and Allie takes a moment to gather her bearings. She makes a point of taking time to use the bathroom, reminding herself to wipe with intimate hygiene wipes, always in the hope of getting her cunt eaten out. Last of all, she looks in the mirror and adjusts her makeup before heading back to the group.

As she cautiously opens the door, the dimly lit corridor stretches out before her, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Somehow it looks longer than when she entered, and she notices other dim passages branching off in different directions. Confusion washes over her, and suddenly she can't remember the way back to her friends.

A girl stumbles out of the second passageway to the left and giggles when she sees Allie. "You're not lost, are you?"

Allie, stifling a sense of foolishness she'd much rather conceal, smiles and shakes her head. "No, just exploring."

The girl has a large tattoo of a compass on her arm, which seems oddly fitting for the situation. She arches an eyebrow and answers, "If you're looking to explore, you're on the right path." With a suspicious wink, she turns and walks away.

Allie is indeed lost, but now she's curious, too. What did she mean? Where did she come from? She takes a leap of faith and finds herself taking tentative steps towards the corridor where the mysterious girl came from.

It gets darker, and as she walks further into the unknown, the music fades, too, leaving just the bass line thumping up through her body. Venturing onward, she feels her stomach fluttering with excitement. Usually, she would feel more nervous than excited and worry about getting scolded for being somewhere she shouldn't be, but tonight, no. Tonight, her eyes feel lazy, and her tongue is too heavy for her mouth. It's almost like she's floating.

After who knows how many twists and turns, she comes face-to-face with two identical steel doors, one next to the other, like some strange crossroads. For a brief moment, she wonders if she's dreaming it all up. She remembers some sort of riddle in which one was supposed to choose a path in a similar scenario. She shakes her head, deciding to trust her instincts and choose the door on the left. The moment she pushes it open, a rush of fresh air hits her face, and she steps into a room filled with twinkling lights and soft music playing in the background. It almost feels like she's entered a magical dimension.

Pretty girls almost immediately come to greet her. "Hi there," one practically sings while flitting to her with the sweetest of smiles. "I'm Sadia."

Allie wonders if she looks as confused as she feels.

"Are you here to play?" she asks, tucking Allie's hair behind her ear. There is definitely something sensual about the girl and how she behaves.

Allie looks around, not understanding at all.

"It's nice here," the cute hostess cooes. "Come on, stay," she all but pouts.

"Wh--What exactly is the game?"

"Oh, you'll love it!" Sadia squeaks, tugging on her sleeve. "Come!"

She pulls her along to find a long, tunnel-like passage lined with booths on one side. The small stalls are divided and have steel doors, similar to the one at the entrance, with a little window.

"See?" She giggles, gesturing for Allie to peer into a particular booth. "Here, we all like to play."

Allie takes a glance and gasps when she sees a girl lying on her back, completely naked, with her arms bound down either side of her. All that can be seen, however, is the top half of her body. Her bottom half disappears into a hole in the wall. The booth must be 100% soundproof because she's writhing and squirming with her mouth hanging open, but all Allie can hear is the soft music.

Sadia hums softly. "She comes a lot," she says, pointing to the girl in the booth. Allie's heart begins to beat a mile a minute as the realisation of the true nature of the booth sinks in. The hostess offers a warm smile and says, "It's quite the popular attraction here."

Allie blinks rapidly at her. "Who's on the other side?"

The pixie-like girl leans in as if to tell her a secret and whispers, "That's the boys room." She scrunches her shoulders up and giggles, resembling a naughty school girl. "The boys like to play, too."

Allie's imagination runs wild. She pictures the other side of the wall: a lineup of girls' pussies where one is free to do as they please. A tingling wave ripples throughout her cunt--an intense sensation that makes her pussyhole quiver with want.

"Go on!" Sadia urges. "Try it; I promise it's lovely. I've already been in twice tonight," she adds, before pulling the elastic on her trousers and saying, "Feel!" Tugging on Allie's fingers to touch her.

"Oh...Uhm..." Allie stammers nervously. "I, uh.."

Before Allie can even fathom what's happening, the pretty girl slides her own hand into her trousers. She gasps quietly before pulling it back out and offering her fingers up for Allie to inspect.

The first thought is how hot that is. Allie's shocked. She's never had a thought like that before. Interesting. Secondly, she indeed notices that Sadia's long, slender fingers glisten, coated in the wetness from her pussy.

Almost without thinking, Allie reaches her hand out and lets the pretty girl slide it down her trousers. Allie has never felt so alive.

It feels surprisingly natural to slide her fingers between the slimy pussylips of another girl. She knows exactly where everything is and how to touch her. Sadia moans softly, holding on to Allie's arm and gently moving her hips to rub herself against Allie's hand.

"Oooh, I love this," she says, "feels so nice."

Allie's eyes blink lazily. She feels consumed with lust and an innate want for pleasure. With her other hand, she hooks a finger under Sadia's waistband and gently tugs so she can easily remove her hand. Sadia whines; it's cute. She slips the same hand into her own trousers and rubs Sadia's juices into her own cunt.

"Ugh, fuck," she groans. Sadia giggles at her, and for some odd reason, Allie likes it.

"I like you," she exclaims unabashedly. "I like to cum with girls."

Allie smiles at her, her hand still down her pants, gently teasing herself.

"Maybe next time, though," she says. "Booth number seven is ready now."

Allie is yanked back into the now. "Uh...oh. Uhm, okay," she mumbles.

"Don't worry, I told you it's really nice. The guys have a supervisor who makes sure that they behave."

Allie is so fucking horny, she doesn't really care. All she wants is to cum. That's it. Just cum. She wants that delicious cramping deep down inside. She wants to feel her orgasm trickle out of her and drip down to her knees.

"Come, I'll get you into place."

They walk side by side; Sadia occasionally looks sideways at her and giggles. She's almost pixie-like, and Allie has an unexpected desire to shove her face between her legs and make her scream.

"Here we are," Sadia says, stopping by the steel door with the number seven on it. Allie looks inside and takes a deep breath.

"Would you like to lay on your back or on your front?"

That's a no-brainer. "On my front."

Sadia helps her get up onto the platform and removes her trousers. She presses her nose to Allie's crotch and inhales her scent.

"Hmmm," she exhales loudly. "Next time."

Allie turns over, pokes her legs into the opening, and wriggles back until her hips are wedged through the hole in the wall.

She feels the cool breeze on her skin and can only wonder if someone is back there, or better yet, how many people are back there, looking at her. Will they see the damp splodge of arousal on her knickers? Will she simply remain like this until someone takes mercy on her and plays with her?

"This is for you," Sadia says, placing a device in front of her. "This is the "Stop" button, obviously." she explains, pointing to the very typical red button in the centre of the device. "Whenever you feel uncomfortable or simply want to stop, press this button, and the game will stop immediately. Your partner might place your legs in the holds, but as I said, you can speak to each other if you wish."

Allie likes the way this all feels very well organised. It gives her a sense of control and reassurance, knowing that she can stop at any moment.

"This is exactly what I need right now," she thinks to herself.

"I'm going to leave now. As you saw, the room is 100% soundproof with the exception of your partner; he will be able to hear you."

Nerves and excitement are pretty much on par with one another, filling Allie with something akin to stage fright.

"At the end, you will be able to request another blind encounter with your partner if you so wish to."

Allie doesn't dare to imagine who is standing on the other side of the wall; if she does, it becomes too real. All she wants to focus on is her cunt getting some well needed attention. The rest will be a problem for later.

"Ok," Sadia sighs, "I'll see you later. Relax and enjoy."

With the quiet click of the door, Allie is alone. Well, almost. A soft shuffling sound begins from the other side of the wall, and Allie clenches her pussy in anticipation. Just by listening to him move, she can almost feel the wind brush against her exposed bottom. She loves the idea that he is looking at her. She knows damn well that she's got a perfectly round bottom, and her pussy is clean shaven and probably glistening. She can't stop herself from subtly humping the air, trying to entice him.

Her clit feels heavy and unbearably hot. If only he could just--

Suddenly, large, warm hands engulf her butt cheeks and slowly pry them apart. Her asshole quivers as the cool air hits it. The man massages her ass with the perfect amount of pressure. He rubs in circles, opening and closing and making her hum at the subtle pleasure of being played with.

"You like?" He asks, startling Allie.

"Mmmm, it's nice," she slurs, trying to decifer if he has an accent or not.

He hums in return, adding a certain gravel to his voice that Allie finds extremely attractive.

For several minutes, he massages his way down her legs, pausing to run his fingers delicately over the tattoo on her ankle, before inching his fingers up, getting agonisingly close to her pussy. Allie moans and wriggles every time, hoping he'll take mercy on her. But he just chuckles and continues his teasing.

He unexpectedly drops a few kisses here and there. Starting from the inside of her knees, which is kind of random and really fucking hot, then gradually climbing up the backs of her legs until his pecks get dangerously close to her cunt. Allie whines pathetically.

Another chuckle echoes from the mystery guy before he opens up her ass wide and licks a long, decisive, yet somehow still gentle, swipe from the very start of her slit all the way up to her asshole. He presses his tongue over her twitching hole for a few seconds before pulling away and pushing her cheeks together again to create a tight seal.

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