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Prom Ch. 01: Old Habits


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This was fortunate as she had drunk quite a bit and was definitely feeling loose and free. Knowing that many eyes were on her combined with the fact that she secretly wasn't wearing any underwear had turned her on quite a bit. Had someone cornered her and gotten a little bold with her body or flirted suggestively about finding a place for her to get off her feet, she wasn't fully sure what would've happened. Thankfully, she didn't have to find out. Rachel had promised herself she wouldn't be playing with any random penises this weekend. For her own sake. It was not something she needed to be doing and it was sort of a personal test.

The party flew by and before she realized it, it was closer to morning than night. She was pretty drunk and it was only on the strength of her adrenaline that she was still awake and functioning. She and Kevin had been among the last people standing, but her valiant prom date had bowed out recently as well. Rachel had giggled as she watched him try desperately to keep from nodding off on the couch next to her as they joked and talked. It was a losing battle though, and before long, Kevin's eyes shut for good as exhaustion took him down.

Suddenly alone, Rachel glanced around to see who else was still up and ready to keep the party going. The house was quiet so she made her way across the kitchen to a sliding glass door which led to the backyard. She grinned as she saw a few boys outside grabbing a cigarette. Rachel only smoked cigarettes when she was drinking and never more than one per night. But it was that "one" that sounded really good to her right then.

She slipped through the door and approached the boys and began making some small talk. There were two of them, Rob and Jeff, and they appeared to be the only people still awake besides her. It was Jeff's house that they were at and Rob was an ex of hers in a sense. They'd dated for a short stretch about a year back. It wasn't anything too serious and it had been a good time.

The three of them were chatting and smoking their cigarettes when Rob nodded his head at Rachel inquisitively and gave her a funny grin.

"You still playing hockey and all that? You look like you've stayed in shape."

Rachel grinned back and raised her eyebrow at him sarcastically.

"I'm in shape enough to still kick your ass." She giggled at her taunt. She was definitely buzzed from the party.

Rob smirked and took another drag as he responded with a smile.

"Oh, I'm sure. You even got your uniform on. Still fits you, um, quite well."

Rachel followed his gaze to her chest and rolled her eyes. She knew what he was getting at. She looked away and shook her head with a laugh

"Whatever. I haven't worn it in a while. Don't be a jerk."

Rob grinned again and continued.

"Jerk? You're the one who just threatened to kick my ass. I was just giving you a compliment." He again let his gaze fall obviously across her chest.

Rachel watched with amusement as he ogled her so blatantly. They had history and it wasn't like Rob hadn't seen her naked before. The thought sent a mild shiver though her body as a few memories flashed in her mind. She swallowed and licked her lips as she responded with thick sarcasm.

"Compliment? Rob, you're such a sweetheart. Enjoying the view?"

Rob smirked and took another drag. He kept his eyes on hers for a few seconds before raising an eyebrow and nodding his head.

"It's not bad. Why don't you come a little closer?"

Rachel rolled her eyes. She was a little surprised he was being so bold. She'd chatted with him a few times during the night but he'd never made any truly forward comments. And now he was clearly eying her up. She felt a little weird about it but she was also in a bit of a flirty mood so she found herself complying. She took a few steps closer and stopped in front of him. She shot him another sarcastic smile and glanced down at her chest for effect.

"Is this better? You're such a weirdo."

Rob smiled brightly and nodded his head. He brought his eyes to her stretched shirt and glanced around like he was studying something. After a few moments, he nodded in satisfaction and looked back at her.

"Yup. Much better. I don't know, Rach. They look a little bigger than I remember." He paused with a grin as she rolled her eyes. He swallowed and continued.

"I wonder how they feel-."

Before Rachel could react, Rob reached forward and cupped her breast gently with his hand. He gave her a solid squeeze and was preparing to rub her more fully when she finally came back to the moment. She slapped his hand away playfully and shot him an incredulous smile.

"Rob! Oh my God! Seriously? What are you-?"

Rob interrupted her protests with a laugh.

"Fuck, Rach. Still nice as ever." He paused and winked at her. "You always did have the best rack."

Rachel blushed and bit her lip as they exchanged knowing grins. When they'd been together, Rob certainly had enjoyed her boobs. But that wasn't some sort of surprise. All guys loved them. And as enticing as they looked when hidden under a tight sweater or peeking out of a low cut tank, they were truly a vision when fully revealed. The lucky guys who had gotten a glimpse (or more) were always in for a treat. They were large and full and perfectly shaped. They hung in almost unnatural suspension from her chest and quivered ever so slightly when she laughed or breathed deeply.

Rachel swallowed and shook from her thoughts as she noticed Rob was still grinning at her. Her daydreaming had sent a few mild tingles through her body and she sucked in a breath; she was definitely a bit turned on. She felt her nipples stiffen ever so slightly and the realization sent a tickle of panic through her stomach. She flicked her eyes quickly downward, hoping she wouldn't see what she thought she'd see.

But there was no such luck. She blushed further and did her best to avoid Rob's gaze. As she'd feared, her nipples were making subtle indentations through the thin, stretched fabric of her yellow shirt. The early morning air was cool and while that could have been part of it, it wasn't the main reason. Her intoxication combined with the flirtatious nature of the moment between her and Rob had caused her arousal to climb a bit. And she knew Rob could tell.

Rob grinned to himself and sucked in a breath as he took in the increasingly excellent view. Whatever memories were dancing through Rachel's head, they were just as vivid inside his own. He let his eyes drop down her entire body before coming back to her face. She was definitely blushing a bit. He smirked and took a final drag of his cigarette before flicking it aside.

"And speaking of...how about a quick show? It's been way too long."

Rachel brought her diverted gaze back up Rob's face and raised her eyebrows with a surprised smile. She giggled nervously.

"Ummm, a quick show of what?"

Rob rolled his eyes as if she had asked a dumb question. He again let his gaze drop to the stretched front of her shirt.

"C'mon just give us a little face time with those incredible tits of yours." He paused and raised a playful eyebrow. "It looks like they're dying to get out anyway."

Rachel giggled again and tingled at his explicit request. And also at his mention of "us." She darted her eyes over to Jeff and smiled at him nervously. She'd been preoccupied with her thoughts about Rob and almost forgotten that there was a third person present. She laughed and shook her head dismissively as she looked back at Rob with a grin.

"Uhhhhhhh...no." She took another drag and rolled her eyes as she looked away. "You boys are crazy."

But Rob wasn't going to give up so easily. He laughed and looked at her again like she was the one being weird.

"Why not? We're all friends here. It's not like it's something we haven't seen before, right?"

Rachel tingled again at his words. It was obviously true that Rob had seen her naked multiple times in the past. The thought sent another shiver through her senses. She was firmly buzzing and feeling more and more excited by the moment. But she grinned curiously as she glanced over at Jeff again.

"Wait, what do you mean 'we'? Jeff, you haven't seen my boobs before, have you?"

She flinched as she realized that her voice came out a lot flirtier than she had intended. It also made her stomach flutter that she was admitting she couldn't accurately recall the list of boys who had seen her naked in the past. She tingled again. That wasn't the only list that she didn't dare to tally up with regards to boys either...

Before Jeff could answer, Rob jumped in with a bright smile.

"That doesn't matter. Either way, there's no time like the present! C'mon, Rach. It's not a big deal."

Rachel was about to retort again when she stopped and let out a breath. She flicked her eyes between the boys as excited butterflies erupted all through her stomach. All the suggestive talk and memories of being with Rob were starting to push her into a dangerous place. As her buzz coursed warmly through her veins, she realized that thinking about doing what he was asking was getting her a little excited. She actually did kinda want to do it. But was she sure?

"I-." She stopped and let out another breath as a wry smile crossed her lips. She was sure. It was pretty crazy but she was feeling so good in the moment.

"Oh my God, you guys are a mess. Okay...but just real quick, all right?"

With an excited tremble of disbelief, she bent over to snuff what was left of her cigarette into the grass. She then stood back up tall and ran her hands quickly through her hair. It was kind of a mess, all scrunched up and random from having it done up for prom. She glanced around the yard quickly to confirm that no one else was around before looking back at the excited smiles facing her. She rolled her eyes and let out a deep breath.

As Rob and Jeff looked on with anticipation, Rachel reached down and grabbed ahold of the corners of her shirt. With her arms crossed, she began to pull the thin yellow material upwards over her flat stomach. She tingled as she felt the cotton begin to scrunch up her back and slide over the lower parts of her ribs. She paused momentarily before exhaling and taking the plunge. With a firm tug, she pulled her shirt up over her chest. She swallowed as she felt her heavy breasts pop free from the fabric and drop gently into the cool morning air. A shockwave rippled between her legs and her cheeks got warm. And the reactions made her surge.

Jeff muttered a curse under his breath and Rob's eyes widened with familiar excitement. Rachel's impressive chest wrapped tightly in a thin t-shirt had been quite the view all night long. But it didn't compare to what the boys were seeing now. They stared hungrily at her almost perfect breasts as they hung magically just a few feet away. They were full and round yet almost unnaturally perky. Her nipples were firmly hard and every curve seemed to be designed flawlessly. Her skin was smooth and deliciously soft looking. The image was simply incomparable.

Rachel swallowed again as she slowly dropped her hands from her bunched up shirt and placed them awkwardly at her sides. Part of her felt a little ridiculous standing there with her boobs just hanging out. But a bigger part of her was swarming with excitement. She recognized Rob's approving grin and Jeff's eyes were filled with lust. She did a mental check through and realized that she was pretty sure he'd never seen them before. He was definitely looking at her like that anyway. Oh well. The genie was out of the bottle now.

Rob finally broke the silence with a laugh and impressed shake of his head.

"Damn, Rach. Just as nice as ever. You sure have been missed around these parts."

Rachel rolled her eyes and grinned but another tremor sliced through her. Rob wasn't kidding. Her transfer had surely been mourned by a number of boys who had experienced her "friendly ways" over the years. But Rachel's friendliness was a zero-sum game. It hadn't taken her long to fall into old habits, and what was her old classmates' loss became the boys at Pine Valley Prep's gain. And then some. Rachel willingness to please was quite well known and she'd found herself at eye-level with more zippers over the past year than she cared to admit. Especially lately...

She swallowed away the thought and shook her head at Rob's compliment. She was about to make a joke about him drooling when he spoke again.

"Give 'em a little shake real quick."

Rachel coughed out a laugh and cocked her head at him incredulously. A "little shake" real quick? She rolled her eyes again and pursed her lips. But without really knowing why, she complied. She twisted her torso back and forth gently and giggled as her heavy breasts swayed subtly to the rhythm. The jiggled ever so slightly before coming back to rest in their perky state.

Jeff grinned widely and shook his head. "Fuck, that's hot."

Rob nodded in agreement before narrowing his eyes quizzically at Rachel.

"No shit. I swear, I still can't believe they're not fake. Rach, did you get some work done since you've been gone-?"

As he spoke, Rob brought his hand up and reached out casually for her chest. Rachel's eyes widened and she moved quickly to counter his obvious intentions. With surprising speed, she pulled her shirt back down and swatted away Rob's curious hand as she stepped back. She giggled again and shook her head at him.

"Hey, hands to yourself, buddy. You can look with your eyes."

Rob laughed and flashed his eyes at her. Without hesitating, he stepped into her body and pulled her towards him in a friendly hug. Before she could react, he slipped his hands behind her and rested them on her lower back. He looked down at her surprised but giggling face with a playful smile of his own.

"You're such a tease. Just like you were back when."

Rachel smirked and looked up into his eyes. She hadn't expected him to hug her in like he had but as soon as their bodies made contact she'd decided not to fight him back. She felt a strong surge of exciting familiarity as his chest pushed into hers and his hand circled around her back. She rolled her eyes and shot back sarcastically.

"Oh yeah. I was a real tease. Sure made you work hard."

Rob smirked as well. They were both half-right. Before they'd dated, Rob had pursued her for a bit but she'd playfully kept him at arm's length. But once they gotten together, she'd hardly left him deprived. Far from it. Rob felt a tingle of excitement of his own as he thought about it. Sensing that she wasn't going to push him away, he decided to get a bit bolder.

"Yeah, well. Either way, it's nice to have you back around."

As he spoke, he slid his hands down from the small of her back and slipped them underneath the waistband of her shorts. As his fingers moved playfully downward, his eyes suddenly widened and he surged at what he was feeling. Or more accurately, what he wasn't feeling.

He didn't even get the chance to verbalize the thought before Rachel sprang into action. She'd barely registered when Rob had started to slide his hands down to her shorts. She'd been caught up in the sensation of their bodies touching and her brain had lagged behind the implication of what was about to unfold. But as she felt his cool fingers make contact with the bare skin of her ass, her heart skipped a beat. She shot him a wild look and tried to pull back. But it was too late. He didn't have to say it. He knew.

With a startled squeal, Rachel laughed and pulled away from Rob's grip. Instinctively, she moved in the opposite direction of his hands so she ended up awkwardly sitting herself down onto the grass. With her eyes wide, she looked up at him and tried to speak first. But he beat her to the punch.

"Holy shit! Rach, you're not wearing fucking underwear??"

Rachel's face turned deep red and she stifled an embarrassed cough. She thought about denying and arguing but there was no point in trying. Rob had clearly uncovered her little secret. She remembered how she'd cursed herself in the car ride over for forgetting to bring a spare pair with her. She'd just assumed that no one would ever know. She flicked her eyes between the boys and swallowed at their stunned expressions. She tingled with excited arousal.

"Oh my God, that's none of your-. I forgot to pack a-. What were you doing grabbing my ass anyway??"

Rob simply ignored her questions as his grin grew wider. In Rachel's awkward sitting position, her legs were slightly bowed out and facing him. Her black athletic shorts were pretty short and they were twisted up by her thighs. He leaned his head over and laughed as he tried to get a better look up them.

"Fuck. This I gotta see!"

He laughed and reached down playfully for her leg. As his hands approached her knee, Rachel reacted exactly as he'd hoped she would. With shriek of laugher, she instinctively extended her leg out to kick him away. Rob was ready for it and he grabbed her foot and held on. The movement threw her off balance and she fell to her back as her leg swung wide, stretching her shorts even further. With her legs now spread, Rob cursed happily as the image he'd wanted flashed quickly before his eyes. It was brief, but he clearly got a momentary view of her thin, neatly shaved landing strip of light brown hair.

His triumph was short-lived however as Rachel's powerful kick caught him off balance, too. He stumbled, and in a moment of quick thinking, made the decision to "accidentally" fall forward. Rachel shrieked again as she watched his body tumble forward and crash down on top of her. She squealed with laughter.

"You asshole! Get off me!"

Rob laughed back and released her leg. He brought his hands to her waist and slipped his fingers up the underneath the bottom of her shirt. He began tickling her stomach and he grinned brightly as she thrashed around with hysterical laughter.

Rachel could barely breathe through her giggling but she summoned the strength to put both hands on his chest and shove him off her. He didn't resist and they both laughed loudly as he rolled off and crashed onto the grass beside her. Rachel's head was swimming. She was drunk and now completely wound up, both by Rob's bold touches and her accidental exposure. She panted a few times before catching her breath and bringing her hands to her head.

"You're such a dick! I swear I should kick your ass!"

Rob turned towards her and smiled as his own laughter died down. He looked at her face, flushed with excitement, and her wild, dancing eyes. He knew Rachel well enough to know when she was turned on. A tremor passed through him as he felt himself stir in his shorts. Seeing her and touching her had been awesome. But maybe there could be more...

"Stop it. You love it." He grinned and propped himself up on an elbow. He narrowed his eyes and looked at her playfully before shooting her a quick wink.

"And the no-underwear decision was pretty hot. I'm thinking maybe we should get it on for old time's sake."

Rachel's ears tingled as she widened her eyes at him in disbelief. He was giving her a stupid grin, one that he'd used on her many times in the past. But she couldn't believe she was actually hearing him correctly. She cocked her head and scoffed at him with an incredulous smile.

"Ummm...for 'old time's sake'? We never 'got it on'..."

It was true, in a sense. They had dated for a few months but they'd never had sex. At least in the literal sense of the word. But she'd definitely sucked his dick. Plenty of times and in plenty of places. He was cute and fun and they were very compatible socially. It had been a fun time those few months. And giving head was something Rachel had always been down for.

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