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Prom Ch. 01: Old Habits

Story Info
Rachel gets in trouble at an afterprom party.
15.7k words

Part 1 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/08/2015
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

One final note before I frustrate you to the point of wishing you'd never clicked here. These tales are my first attempt at story writing of any kind. I welcome all comments, suggestions, and criticism but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*



Kevin's eyes fluttered open and he awoke with a slight smile. Momentarily disoriented, he flicked his gaze around the room while his brain caught up to his vision. He smiled again and began to sit up as familiarity slowly returned.

He didn't remember nodding off on the couch but a quick glance to his watch indicated that he couldn't have been asleep long. Fifteen minutes? Twenty? He yawned and ran a hand through his hair as he took stock of his surroundings.

The house was completely quiet, save the rhythmic breathing sounds of a half dozen people who had passed out in various positions throughout the living room. The lights were on and it was so late (or perhaps early) that the first rays of morning sun were beginning to add further illumination from the outside. There were beer cans and red solo cups scattered on tables and counter tops in the kitchen. He smirked and yawned again. It had been a fun party.

And a fun prom, too. With the thought in mind, curiosity flashed through Kevin's brain. Where was his date?

Where was Rachel?

He stood up slowly, careful to avoid stepping on anyone or losing his balance. His head swam and he realized he was still pretty drunk. As he made his way through the living room, he smiled again. It had been so good to see Rachel. It really had been way too long.

His heart fluttered a bit as he did a mental recap of the night. She'd seemed to have really enjoyed herself with him. And maybe it was just his hopeful thinking, but he swore she'd been a little flirty, too. His stomach flipped a little and his face twisted into a sheepish grin. Maybe this little prom thing might lead to something else...

He entered the kitchen and paused momentarily to listen for any sounds. The last thing he remembered was chatting with Rachel on the couch, and since she hadn't been passed out next to him, he assumed she must be awake somewhere. They had been among the last people still up and Rachel certainly wasn't one to leave any fun on the table.

Hearing nothing, Kevin squinted curiously and looked around the kitchen; she obviously wasn't around there. He took a few steps and opened the door to the basement and tilted his head into the stairwell to listen. Silence.

He shut the door carefully and turned back towards the kitchen. He was beginning to feel stumped. Where could she have gone in such a short-?

Kevin snapped his fingers and smiled as the answer popped into his head. The backyard. They'd been out there earlier in the night. People had gathered to smoke cigarettes (or other things). Maybe someone was still up and she was out there chatting.

With a renewed smile, Kevin turned and crossed the kitchen to approach a sliding glass door. As he moved, his elbow clipped a red cup on the counter and sent it sprawling. He lunged forward and grabbed it quickly and he sighed with relief as he realized it was empty. He laughed at his clumsiness as he reached for the door handle and glanced out into the yard.

The cup fell from his hand.

His stomach lurched and dropped like a roller coaster. The silly smile on this face vanished as he felt his throat go dry. The breath left his lungs and his chest felt suddenly tight. His face got hot and shivery tingles shot up to his scalp. And he felt himself stir inside his jeans.

He could feel his heart beating all the way up to his temples. For a split-second, he was sure he was either hallucinating from being drunk or that he was still asleep and dreaming. But as his eyes focused and his breath stayed trapped inside his lungs, he knew neither of those hopeful possibilities were real.

Out in the yard, not more than twenty feet away, were three people he recognized instantly; his two buddies, Rob and Jeff, and his long-time friend and beautiful prom date, Rachel. But it wasn't the "who" so much as the "what" that was making Kevin's stomach twist painfully like a python.

Jeff was standing by himself, his body turned slightly away from the house. He had a cigarette in his hand but it was clear he wasn't interested in smoking it. He was staring ahead intently at something a few feet from him. His body language appeared to convey the same sense of frozen excitement that was coursing through Kevin at the moment. They were looking at the same thing.

Just nearby, Rob was standing straight up, like an arrow. His hands were on his hips and a pair of dark aviator shades rested on top of his messy brown hair. His shirt was off and his stomach muscles were tight and flexed. But while his body displayed tension, his face was in a very different place. His eyes were squinted pleasurably and his lips were spread into a wide smile. He was facing Kevin and the house directly, but there was no chance that he'd notice his friend. His chin was angled straight downward. And his attention was fully focused.

Kevin swallowed hard again and let his eyes trace downward to the target of all three boys' gazes. His stomach was in knots but his pants were tightening rapidly in a state of confusing arousal. On her knees, directly in front of Rob, was Rachel. She was kneeling casually in the soft, green grass, her face squarely in line with Rob's waist. She had one hand on his thigh and the other up in front of her, blocked from Kevin's view by back of her head. He didn't have an explicit view of what was happening from his angle and distance, but it couldn't have been more obvious. He watched as her messy pony tail shook gently to the rhythm of her bobbing head and neck. She was sliding her face in and out in front of Rob as he looked down on her with pure satisfaction.

Kevin's swallowed a final time before his voice came out cracked as he whispered to himself in disbelief.

"I can't believe-..."


"I can't believe I'm back here," she breathed to herself as she adjusted her prom dress and stepped through the double doors of the gymnasium. "Life is so weird."

Rachel hadn't set foot on campus at Taylor Reed Academy since she'd changed schools under a cloud of mystery almost one year prior. Senior year transfers were rare and Rachel's sudden departure and subsequent enrollment in nearby Pine Valley Prep had left nothing but questions.

While there were rumors about her joining Pine Valley's powerhouse field hockey team, the true impetus behind the move had been Rachel's parents; they'd wanted to give her a fresh start. They had watched their bright and energetic daughter slip into a dark, aimless fog as she lost focus and began to forsake everything important around her. Rachel was a good person and she meant well, but she had a habit of losing her grip. She looked for rushes and pushed the envelope in certain areas until she inevitably got burnt. And such a burn had opened the door for her sudden transfer.

Rachel had gone to Taylor Reed since her middle school days, and for most of those years, things had been great. She was outgoing and popular and never wanted for friends or attention. But as her high school career progressed, Rachel had begun to make things more and more complicated. She was very active socially, which led her to her being very involved on the party scene.

And then there was that other thing:

Rachel was more than easy to look at.

She had soft, attractive features with a slim but toned body. Her green eyes were bright and inviting and sandy-blonde hair fell below her shoulders. She had smooth, glowing skin with a nice tight ass that gave way to the well-formed legs of an athlete. And it was her chest that attracted the most attention.

Her boobs weren't huge, but they were an honest "D" and they looked even more bountiful on her slim frame. They sat high on her chest and stuck out with incredible firmness no matter how revealing or modest her outfit was. Even when she was playing field hockey and had the "girls" tightly contained in a thick sports bra, watching them bounce with a fury was a favorite pastime of the high school boys who attended the games for pretty much only that reason.

All in all, she easily attracted the eye of many boys (and probably some girls, too). She was confident and flirty and definitely didn't shy away from hooking up. She also had a hard time saying "no" so she often found herself in compromising situations even when she wasn't necessarily into the person in question. She didn't have a lot of sex (outside of one or two steady boyfriends) but not much else was off limits.

She thoroughly enjoyed giving head and she put this desire to practice with more guys than she probably cared to admit. Her willingness in that arena made it so that most parties (depending on her mood and on how "relaxed" she had gotten) would find her on her knees at some point. It wasn't like anyone could just come get it but she loved doing it and her arousal could switch on very quickly. So if a boy was somewhat cute and was confident enough to approach and assert himself, there was at least a decent chance she could be talked into sucking some dick.

Rachel didn't consider herself a slut and she resented the label being applied to her and the way she lived her life. She hated the double standard given to girls who dared to enjoy their sexuality. Boys were high-fived and cheered the more they hooked up but girls like Rachel received sideways glances and whispered insults. It had initially driven her nuts, but she'd quickly developed a very Zen attitude about it all. She wanted to be liked but she simply didn't have time for people who looked down on her for such close-minded reasons.

But as confident as Rachel was in her choices, she also went overboard sometimes. She hurt people and she hurt herself. It was rarely intentional, but it never mattered in the end. She was a pleaser and a thrill-seeker and she often didn't realize how deep she was into something until it was too late. She got into bad situations and allowed herself to be used. And when this happened, the free-flowing, airy lightness of her sexual adventures took on a dark and ugly demeanor.

It was with these thoughts that Rachel felt a small pit form in her stomach as she stepped onto the floor of the gym for Taylor Reed's Senior Prom. She became aware of the many eyes all around as a number of people slowly recognized her and whispered to their friends. She'd probably hooked up with a decent amount of guys in attendance. She tried not to stare or to actively think about it and as she glanced around, she didn't see any definitively familiar faces in terms of past hookups. But whether she saw them or not, it wasn't really important. They were there. Somewhere. At least a handful of penises in the room had been in her mouth at some point in the past.

With one glaring exception:


"You okay?"

Rachel was shook from her momentary daze as Kevin spoke and touched her gently on the arm. She turned quickly and shot him a disarming smile before nodding in the affirmative. She looked into his warm eyes and tingled a bit as the nervous knot in her stomach began to loosen. She felt safe with him. She was glad he was there.

Kevin was her prom date and a senior at Taylor Reed. He and Rachel had been close since early on in high school and there was a time when Rachel might have considered him her best friend. He was a really nice guy and a lot of fun to hang out with. The two of them had always had a good vibe and talking to Kevin was easy and effortless. They'd stayed in pretty good touch early on in the year after Rachel had changed schools, but they'd drifted apart a bit more lately. It hadn't been Kevin's doing; it was Rachel and her hectic lifestyle. She always seemed to be going somewhere and doing something during the past few months. Kevin had barely even gotten her on the phone.

But even though they'd lost contact a bit, Kevin had still heard a few stories about her as well as other whispers of her troubles at Pine Valley (it was rumored she would be transferring again and likely repeating her senior year at yet another place). So since he was single and hadn't really strongly considered asking any of the girls in his class to prom, he'd reached out to Rachel. It seemed to be a win-win; Rachel could have a fun night out and see a few old friends (ones that she didn't have drama with) and Kevin would have a smoking hot prom date who happened to be a great friend to hang with.

Of course there was something else, too. Kevin definitely had on and off feelings for her awhile, as was usually the case with boy-girl friendships. He would've jumped at the chance to date her any number of times but he'd never felt that the interest was mutual. He had simply stood by in the background and watched as Rachel hooked up with guy after guy. Her rampant promiscuity both hurt him and aroused him as he had fantasized about the two of them getting together many times. So there was obviously a small thought in the back of his head that maybe something would happen at prom. But he definitely wasn't going to act on it. It was just a simple, exciting fantasy.

"Yeah I'm all good." Rachel let out a deep breath as she replied. "It's just weird, ya know? But it will be a fun night. Looking forward to it!"

And it was a fun night. They danced and joked and hung out with everyone. Rachel caught up with old friends as well as exchanged a few awkward "Hellos" with some guys she had hooked up with. She felt plenty of eyes on her most of the night. A few judgmental looks rom the girls and a few lustful ones from the guys. She couldn't erase her reputation and she did look pretty stunning. Her hair was up and done wonderfully and she was wearing a sexy red strapless dress that showed off her toned shoulders, and obviously, her impressive cleavage.

The hours flew by and soon the prom came to a close. Many of the students were heading to an afterprom party and Kevin and Rachel were no exception. The party was at a friend of Kevin's whose parents were pretty laid back and unlikely to interfere with some partygoer shenanigans.

Not wanting to return to Kevin's house and be grilled about the evening, the pair had had the good foresight to pack a change of clothes and instead head straight to the party. So within minutes of saying their goodbyes, they were in Kevin's car and headed off to the main event.

Rachel was aching to get out of her dress and into the simple outfit she had brought and she didn't really feel like waiting in line to change at the bathroom at the house so she asked Kevin if it was cool if she changed while he was driving. She realized it was a little awkward but she really wanted to get out of her formal attire and she was actually slightly buzzed from a flask they had passed around so the idea of getting naked in front of her friend was just a bit exciting.

She realized Kevin was thinking the same thing as she watched his eyes flick nervously over to her as he swallowed a lump in his throat. He hadn't been prepared for the idea that his hot friend would be undressing in the seat next to him.

"Um, yeah sure. Of course." His voice came out in a bit of stammer as he tried to sound calm and casual.

Rachel grinned to herself. Kevin was cute. And he was such a gentleman. He probably wouldn't even sneak a peek. With a silly giggle she reached into her duffle bag and pulled out some black athletic shorts. They seemed a bit small now that she was holding them but she had honestly picked them because they weren't sexy. She knew she'd be drinking at the party and the last thing she needed to be doing was leading some guy on and getting herself into a dangerous place. Especially since she came to the prom with someone else.

She'd just started to slide the shorts on under her dress when she realized she wasn't wearing any underwear. She cursed herself. She hadn't worn underwear because it would've been visible with her dress but she hadn't thought to pack an extra pair. She rolled her eyes at her brain fart. Oh well, she thought. It wasn't like anyone would know.

She carefully slid her shorts up under the dress and reached down to grab her shirt. It was a yellow t-shirt that had "Taylor Reed" printed across the chest and #9 on the back. It was her field hockey practice tee from freshman year. Rachel had thought it would be nostalgically appropriate to wear it given that she was back at her old school. And it was a simple t-shirt. Nothing sexy about it.

Of course, holding it up she again realized this wasn't the case. She hadn't worn the shirt in a few years and she could've sworn it had been larger or looser. She realized her boobs had probably gotten bigger since and it was possible she had grown everywhere in general. And she again cursed herself for not thinking of bringing a bra. What had been intended to be a non-sexy, t-shirt and shorts outfit now looked like it was going to attract some unneeded attention. She sighed and shrugged her shoulders again. Oh well. Not much she could do at this point.

Rachel deftly unhooked the back of her dress and slid the zipper down enough so that she could pull it over her head. Right before she did, she glanced at Kevin mischievously. Poor guy, she thought. He was staring straight ahead at the road in front of him, trying with all his might not to glance over at her body. She felt another little tingle as her warm buzz danced through her head. She was his prom date after all. Maybe she should at least give him a quick look at her boobs or something. Her stomach fluttered at the thought and she caught herself with a smirk. No! What was she thinking? She wasn't going to tease him with a peek. Why would that thought even cross her mind??

She smiled with a shake of her head and looked back to what she was doing. In a quick motion, she yanked the dress over her head and pulled the t-shirt back over. Her boobs swung free for a brief moment and she realized the shirt was in fact a little small as she stretched the front over her full chest. Her breasts strained against the fabric and the word "Taylor" became a bit distorted. She glanced back at Kevin and realized he definitely hadn't looked. She shook her head again.

The afterparty proved to be a pretty decent affair. A lot of the senior class was there, as well as a few people Rachel didn't recognize. As predicted, her "plain" outfit drew more attention than she had wanted, both positive and negative. A few times as she had walked through a crowd to grab a drink or say hi to someone she felt a stray hand brush her chest or her ass. However, no one had gone any further and thankfully not a single boy attempted to test her old reputation with any suggestive comments. The most she got was a few winks and thumbs ups and some obvious long stares at her rack.

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