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Prom Ch. 01: Old Habits


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Rachel smiled and closed her eyes. Rob's reaction made her tingle pleasurably. She began bobbing her head into a steady, automatic motion as she worked him smoothly between her lips. It had been over a year since she'd seen him, let alone had his dick in her mouth, but it was coming back to her with familiarity. She smiled again as continued to suck on it firmly. It was like seeing an old friend.

Truth be told, she'd always enjoyed giving him head. They'd dated for maybe two months, but she had probably gone down on him close to a dozen times during that span. She smirked to herself as a specific memory darted unexpectedly into her mind. Rob had been driving her to school one morning and the pair decided to stop off and get some breakfast to go. Rachel had been feeling a little frisky so she'd suggested that he park at the far end of the lot so they could have a little fun before they got to school.

Within seconds, she was leaned across the center console, eagerly bobbing her head into Rob's lap. She'd been at it for a minute or so when she'd heard loud music suddenly start blaring nearby. In a panic, she'd shot up quickly only to see a friend of Rob's, Eddie, had pulled his car up next to theirs to say hi. He'd coincidentally stopped to get some food as well and recognized Rob's car at the far end of the lot. He'd figured Rob was smoking a bowl or something so he'd decided to pull up and surprise him. He'd had no idea that Rachel was even in the car as all he could see was Rob seemingly sitting by himself.

Of course, Rachel popping up and looking directly at him had made the picture clear. She had turned bright red and Eddie could only let out a loud roar of a laugh. Rob fist-bumped him through the window and told him he'd see him at school. As Eddie drove off, he'd given Rachel a long lustful look that made her ears tingle.

After she and Rob had stopped dating, Eddie had stayed on her constantly. He'd subtly drop a hint in the hall about helping him study for an oral exam or asking her if she wanted to carpool in the future to save gas. She would laugh and brush him off. Eddie was kind of an idiot and she wasn't attracted to him at all. She had no real desire to do anything physical with him, let alone give him a blowjob.

But Eddie had been persistent and one night he had cornered her at a party. He pleaded with her incessantly, telling her how hot it was seeing her in mid-act and how horny it made him ever since. He gave her the standard lines about how she was the hottest girl in school and he would leave her alone if she just did this one thing. He was kind of an imposing guy and he had been drinking a lot so backing him down or dismissing him hadn't been very easy.

She'd been trying to go to the bathroom when he'd begun his full-court press. His clumsy "sweet talking" had been going on forever and he kept playfully touching her body or trying to lean in and kiss her. It was ridiculous. However, whether it was her buzzed state, her irritation at having to pee, her slight feeling of being trapped, or a combination of all three, like an out of body experience, she'd heard herself finally cave and agree.

She'd spent the next several minutes kneeling in an upstairs bedroom, listening to Eddie groan wildly as she sucked his dick. She'd really had to pee and she'd done everything in her power to get him off as quickly as possible so that she could get on with her night. She'd sucked on him skillfully and also let him slide his hands down into her shirt and feel up her boobs as she bobbed away. She'd even licked his balls a little. Rachel didn't mind doing that, she even enjoyed it. But it wasn't something she normally did for a guy like Eddie. It was crazy enough that she'd agreed to give him head at all.

To say that Eddie had been worked up to get with her would be a colossal understatement. So between his wild anticipation and Rachel's considerable skill, it hadn't taken long to make him cum. But the event hadn't ended as smoothly as she'd liked. In his rush to get her on her knees, Eddie had forgotten to close one of the doors to the room. And in Rachel's eagerness to simply get the job done (and with her focus mainly on having to pee), she hadn't noticed either. A group of boys had walked by and cheered wildly as they caught her squarely in the middle of the act, knelt over a sofa chair, Eddie's dick fully in her mouth.

She'd been mortified but Eddie had been about to cum so as soon the boys passed by, she'd finished the job. By the time she'd gotten him on his way, peed, and finally made it back down to the main area of the party, word had already gotten around. It became another "Rachel Story" and something that added to her already severe reputation. But it wasn't anything she could be mad about. It was actually a quintessential moment for her and how she operated. She liked hooking up and she rarely said no, even when the guy asking had no business getting with her. It was who she was.

She was shaken from her thoughts as she heard Rob groan again and move a hand to the top of her head. His fingers slipped playfully through her messy hair and began to dance around her scalp. She glanced up at him and smiled as she continued so suck on him smoothly. Her memories had helped to up her arousal and she was now truly into what she was doing. She surged as she heard Rob mumble pleasurably down at her.

"My Goddddd how I've missed this."

Rob almost felt his knees buckle as he watched his dick disappear in and out between Rachel's firmly gripping lips. The girl sucked dick like a vacuum and he couldn't believe he had forgotten just how mind-blowing she could be.

In all honesty, his head was completely spinning. He knew first-hand just how easily Rachel could be talked into things, but it was still pretty surreal. Just ten minutes prior he'd been smoking a cigarette and checking out her rack, thinking there had to be a way to see those incredible tits again. He had been staring at them all night in that t-shirt and he knew she was drinking a bit and that she might get playful. So getting a quick flash or feel didn't seem like it would be out of the question. The idea of hooking up with her had obviously crossed his mind, but he hadn't assumed that it was realistic. Especially with Kevin there as her date.

A slight pang of guilt sliced through him as he thought about his friend. He had to admit that it was a little fucked up that he had gotten Rachel to suck his dick when it was Kevin who had brought her as a date. He knew they were just friends but it was still pretty shady. He tore his gaze from the intoxicating view between his legs and glanced around the yard. He'd obviously done everything in his power to convince Rachel otherwise, but it was true that they were being pretty reckless out in the open like this. He was pretty sure that they were the only ones up but if someone were to wake up and wander outside...

He looked back down at Rachel and made a decision. He brought his hand around to the side of her face and gently stopped her motion.

Rachel had been in auto-pilot, expertly sucking in and out, when she felt Rob pull back. Her eyes opened and she instinctively mouthed at his dick as it moved away from her face. Why had he stopped her? She glanced up at him with a puzzled look as he smiled at her breathlessly.

"Girl, I can't take this standing up. You're too powerful for these old knees. Come on."

Rachel rolled her eyes and watched him curiously as he reached down and stepped out of his shorts and underwear. Now completely naked and rock hard, he walked over to a patio chair that was set out on the grass a few feet away. It was a nice cushioned chair. The kind that could recline a bit.

He plopped down and tossed his shorts onto a nearby table. The chair was in a bit more secluded part of the yard. He looked back at Rachel and motioned for her to come over. She wasn't that far away, so rather than stand up, just to get back down, she leaned forward and crawled to him. She realized she looked a little silly doing so, but she figured it wasn't the really a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

As Rachel approached, Rob spread his legs wide so that she could scoot in close. She edged up to him, the front of her shirt grazing his penis. She smiled and began to resume her task when, again, her stopped her. He glanced over at Jeff and nodded his chin.

"Dude, just go check to make sure no one is up. Definitely don't want any interruptions, ya know?"

Jeff hesitated, but nodded back. He didn't want to stop watching what had been one of the hottest things he'd ever seen, but his friend was right. A quick check wouldn't hurt. He smiled and flicked his cigarette away as he turned toward the house.

Rob smiled as he watched his friend disappear across the yard. He did want to make sure they weren't interrupted, but he'd also been happy for an excuse to get a little privacy. He didn't mind having Jeff watch, but he'd wondered if his friend's presence was making Rachel hold back. He surely wanted her full efforts.

With a satisfied smile, he reached back and reclined the chair slightly. He then slipped his hands behind his head and grinned at Rachel expectantly. He watched her roll her eyes and he sucked in an excited breath. As he felt the warm, wetness of her mouth envelop him once again, he closed his eyes and relaxed.


Kevin hadn't moved a muscle for what seemed like an eternity. He'd simply stood deathly still by the sliding door and watched as gorgeous his prom date continued to bob her face in front of his friend. Time had lost meaning and he had no idea how long she'd been sucking his dick. All he could do was watch.

He was feeling so many things, from all ends of the spectrum. He was stunned and jealous and hurt. But he was also excited and turned on. He knew better than anyone how Rachel was and he'd been in more situations than he cared to recall where he'd known that she was about to get with some random guy (or that she'd just finished being with one). He'd catch a glimpse of her from across the room at a party and see her getting flirty and chatty. He'd see the guy touch her subtly or make a suggestive comment. And he'd know. He'd know that soon she'd be sucking his dick. Maybe within a few minutes. It always hit him like a gut-punch while simultaneously making him stir.

But none of those many implicit moments compared in the slightest to actually watching her do it as he was right then. His unblinking eyes burned as he took in the entire image. She had her back to him but he sighed as he watched her messy pony tail bounce to the rhythm of her motions. Her tight yellow shirt hugged the outline of her straight back and torso. Her gorgeous toned legs rested in a kneeled position on the grass and her tight ass looked great in her short black athletic shorts.

Kevin's arousal gave way to a bit of anger as he again considered the situation. He hadn't invited Rachel to the prom with any expectations attached whatsoever. They were just friends and it wasn't like she owed him anything. But this seemed a slap in the face. Even if it was unintentional.

She was out there giving a blowjob and letting another guy watch. And these weren't random guys either. They were his friends. Two guys he saw every day. He knew Rachel had dated Rob, but that was ancient history and this was the first they'd seen each other in ages. And Jeff? She wasn't doing him but she was letting him watch? That seemed crazy. He knew Rachel knew Jeff had a girlfriend. Didn't this cross some kind of line?

Kevin was finally snapped from his thoughts as he watched her suddenly stop what she was doing. He watched Rob walk around to a different part of the yard and disappear from view. And soon enough, he looked on as Rachel followed. He felt his heart beat fast as he suddenly needed to see where they were going? He started to look around wildly when he froze in a panic. Jeff was coming towards the house. Towards him.

He wasn't sure if Jeff had seen him but he finally found his legs and sprang into action. He moved gracefully back through the kitchen. He hopped back onto the couch and closed his eyes, feigning sleep. His heart pounded in his chest.


Jeff smiled as he closed the sliding door softly and stepped back out into the backyard. He'd only been inside for a minute or two; he certainly didn't want to miss more of the show than necessary.

He kicked a beer can out of the way as he began making his way back to where he'd left Rob and Rachel. The house was a mess and he'd certainly have a bit of a cleanup job to do later. Oh well. Jessie would help him out with that. A mild pang of guilt tickled his senses but it passed quickly. It was pretty messed up that he was trying to get Rachel to blow him while Jessie was passed out inside. But he didn't care. He'd wanted to get some head from Rachel for years. He wasn't going to pass up the chance now.

As he turned towards the table and chairs along the side of the yard, he raised his eyebrows and smiled in surprise. He felt his dick twitch again. Things had progressed since he'd gone inside. He pulled up a chair and watched the scene with excitement.

Rob was reclined on the other chair, his eyes closed and his hands behind his head. Rachel was still on her knees and her face as buried deep into his lap. She was sucking his dick at a good, solid pace and her hair was beginning to bounce a bit more wildly. But that wasn't all that was bouncing.

Jeff swallowed as he traced his eyes down and away from her face, towards her body. The tight yellow shirt she'd been wearing all night was now in a scrunched heap on the grass beside her. She was topless.

His dick jumped again as he watched her perfect, heavy breasts jiggle and shake gently from the side as she bobbed her head. They were hanging downward in her position and while they were partially blocked by Rob's legs, Jeff was getting more than an adequate eyeful. He thought back to how she'd flashed them earlier. It seemed like so long ago. Things had progressed, indeed...

Rachel whimpered gently as she twisted her lips over the tip of Rob's dick and plunged them back downward. She wasn't sure how long it had been since they'd moved the party to the chairs, but she was firmly enjoying her little trip down memory lane. Her head was swimming with arousal and she even felt herself getting a little wet. She realized that she kind of missed Rob. She wondered if she'd see him again after that morning. All things being equal, she would probably blow him again if he asked. It was just a matter of the right place or circumstance.

She smiled dryly at the thought. Yeah right. Who was she kidding? Was this the "right circumstance"? Probably couldn't be further from it. Yet her she was, consenting to his every request. She'd even taken off her shirt for him again after he pleaded teasingly.

Rob groaned and spread his legs out further. In Rachel's experience, when a guy spread his legs out while she was down on him, it was usually a subtle way of telling her that we wanted more than just his shaft worked on. She was no stranger to providing some extracurricular action and a few times she'd even gone places she wouldn't admit out loud. She tingled at the thought and glanced up at Rob with a grin. She was already down there so why not make it worth his while?

With a devious smile, she slipped Rob's dick out of her mouth and grabbed a hold of his shaft. She gently jerked him while letting her boobs rub roughly along his thighs. He looked at her with a subtle look of unspoken communication. She winked at him and made her move.

Rachel lowered herself down and spread Rob's legs even wider with her elbows. She cocked her head and gently pulled his sac up to reveal its underside. She extended her tongue and slid it generously over his balls. After several rounds of licking, she slipped each one in her mouth individually and sucked on them with vigor. She could feel his legs shaking and his groans of pleasure were coming fast and loud. She continued to lick and suck all over every inch of his balls. It was a wet, hot mess and it was making her heart race.

And if her heart was racing, Rob's was beating out of his chest. He couldn't believe how his luck was still getting better. What had started as a playful flashing of her tits had now led to her sucking him off with the kind of enthusiasm she'd done when they were still dating. He had to concentrate so that he didn't lose control and get off too quickly. He was going to enjoy this for as long as he could. She was doing everything he'd asked and in this moment life was pretty fucking good.

He groaned as she licked up the inside of his thigh all around the underside of his shaft and then back down again. He almost lost it a second time when she unexpectedly slid back up and began bobbing again. She was a damn pro. One of the many secrets to Rachel's blowjobs was the way she actually sucked her cheeks in forcefully while sliding the dick in and out of her mouth. Too many girls seemed to forget the "sucking" part of sucking dick and just moved their mouths in and out weakly. Gripping a dick with tight suction and working it skillfully like a wet glove was a whole different story. And Rachel could've written the book.

As Rachel expertly sucked away and Rob mumbled in ecstasy, Jeff watched intently from his seat a few feet away. He had an excellent side view of the whole scene and was close to losing it himself watching Rachel skillfully work her way around a cock. He clutched his own package through his shorts trying to remain in control as he lusted after Rachel's incredible body. Watching her suck dick was one of the hottest things he'd ever seen but seeing her do it topless was indescribable. Getting an eyeful of her ample jugs jiggling and swaying rhythmically from side to side and knowing that he'd soon be in Rob's place enjoying her talents was almost too much to handle. He was absolutely beside himself.

And when he'd seen her get lower and begin to suck Rob's balls with enthusiasm, Jeff had stirred further. His girlfriend was a sweet girl but she'd never gone that far. Truth be told, Jeff had a pretty good thing with Jessie. She'd had a crush on him before they'd dated and she absolutely doted on him. She satisfied him sexually with blowjobs and sex pretty much whenever he wanted. She had even done a few threesomes with him and another girl because she knew he wanted it. Despite that, she was kind of a good girl and outside of briefly tonguing his balls while giving head, she hadn't ever shown much interest down there. Jeff watched Rachel work with desire. He couldn't wait to get some well needed attention on his nuts as soon as she wrapped up round one.

But round one wasn't quite over yet. Back over at the reclined chair, Rachel was in high gear. She had refocused on Rob's dick and was smoothly sucking it in and out. Her eyes were shut and she was concentrating fully on the task in front of her. She'd been blowing Rob for a while now and she wondered how close he was to finishing. Not that she was in a huge rush. She was enjoying it more and more and her thoughts of shame or guilt over Kevin had all but subsided. It was a defense mechanism. She had many times found herself kneeling in front of some guy that she didn't think she should be blowing. Guys she'd just met, overly cocky guys, guys with girlfriends, etc. Yet more often than not she was able to push away her hesitations and find a way to focus fully on the task at hand. Any job worth doing was worth doing well, she figured.

And in this case she was enjoying taking her time not just because sucking Rob's dick was making her hot, but also because she wasn't entirely thrilled with who was on deck.

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