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Prom Ch. 07: Alea Iacta Est

Story Info
Rachel recalls a bold encounter turned ugly.
12k words

Part 7 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/08/2015
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

One final note before I frustrate you to the point of wishing you'd never clicked here. These tales are my first attempt at story writing of any kind. I welcome and appreciate any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

PREVIOUS --- Chapter 6: Just Friends


Rachel's head swam as she stared directly at the shiny brass buckle facing her, just inches from the tip of her nose. She was buzzed. Not fully drunk, but definitely feeling no pain. It barely felt like she was in control as she watched her small fingers deftly grab ahold of the denim and slip the button out through the buttonhole. She swallowed deeply.

Keeping her one hand firmly on the fabric, she slowly brought her other hand to the zipper. She gripped it between the thumb and forefinger and began to slide it down. When it reached the base, she gently spread the denim apart and looked ahead. Black cotton boxer briefs greeted her, pushed out into a bulge, obviously holding something back. Something she was about to get a lot more personal with quite soon. She swallowed again and brought her gaze up. A smiling face looked back down and returned her look.

"That's right, girl. God, you're so fucking hot."

With her mouth hanging open slightly, her full lips appeared friendly and inviting. She tingled and felt the warmth of her buzz wash over her again. She could still hear the music outside as she glanced absent mindedly behind her at the door handle. They'd locked it right? She was pretty sure.

She involuntarily brought her lips back together and licked them. The voice returned.

"Hell yeah, baby. Let's do this."

She turned back to her eye-level view and breathed in. Firmly pulling his jeans down to his ankles, she flinched at the jingle of his belt buckle as it hit the tiled floor. She rose back up and tucked her fingers into his waistband, feeling him shiver with delight. Without hesitation, she pulled the fabric down his legs, all the way to his dropped jeans.

She rose up one final time, idly fingering her gold locket that hung between her now heaving breasts. Her eyes returned to the image in front of her and sucked in her breath. His penis was halfway-erect and pulsing gently. It was well shaven and pretty non-descript. A little bit bigger than average and still growing as it hardened. His balls were also neatly trimmed and hung restfully about parallel with her chin. She swallowed again.

"Damn, you're making me wait so long! This is fucking torture!"

Rachel finally glanced up away from the penis and into the face of its owner. He was pretty cute; short, cropped hair and a slick smile. He had his lips pursed like he was trying to look tough. His black polo shirt came down past his waist and he had hiked it up a bit to give her more access. He looked at her expectantly and gave her smirk and nod. What was his name again? Matt, right? She was pretty sure it was Matt.

Rachel smiled at him politely, like she was a cashier scanning his groceries. Like he had come to her to complete a simple job and it was now obvious she should be doing it. She shifted her weigh as the tile floor pressed into the flesh of her bare knees. It wasn't the most comfortable place she'd ever found herself kneeling.

She tugged nervously on her jean shorts, pulling them down over her smooth thighs as she returned her gaze to the main attraction in front of her face. She felt the thump of the music outside once again. Sighing gently, she reached up to grab the base of his hardening shaft and guided it close in to her face. She swallowed one final time and rose up slightly off her heels, parting her lips and leaning in.

How had she gotten there?


"My friend thinks you're hot!"


"My friend! He thinks you're HOT!"

"Oh! Oh, um, okay! Where is-?"

Rachel leaned back away from Brad's ear as she quickly scanned the scene in front of them. Her eyes passed over maybe two dozen people in the living room. The music was up pretty loud and the din of everyone talking made it difficult to have a conversation. Even at close range.

She squinted her eyes at a few groups of boys. She had no idea who he was talking about. She looked back at him with an expectant shrug.

Brad was standing to her left. He had a beer in his right hand and his left arm was draped around a girl. Rebecca. Rachel smiled to herself as she remembered the first night she had seen them together. It had been at one of the first parties Rachel had gone to after switching schools. It hadn't been too long ago. Not more than a month or so.

The time since had been filled with fun and levity. Her transition had been going very smoothly and she intended to keep things nice and easy. She was fitting in great on the field hockey team and was certainly an asset to Pine Valley's already dominant program. Socially, she was beginning to make a name for herself as well. Not only due to her fun and outgoing personality, but also the growing rumors of her "friendliness" with more than a few male classmates. What had begun as simple whispers of an old reputation was now firmly crossing into the realm of anecdotally-supported evidence.

And her physical assets didn't hurt much either. The weather was beginning to turn as the fall dragged on but the current night was unseasonably warm. Rachel had on a pair of short jean shorts and flip flops. With that she wore a thin, white sweater that had a plunging neckline. It was almost closer to a long t-shirt with the exception that it gave a better view of her cleavage. It was tight and the outlines of her white bra could be seen beneath it when she stretched or arched her back. Her hair was down and she looked hot. The stares had been plentiful.

Rachel laughed again as she thought about that night at the party weeks prior. She had lost track of Rebecca only to find her having some pretty amazing sex with Brad in an upstairs bedroom. She had seen them making out on a couch earlier in the evening but she had not expected to find them the way she had at the end of the night. Rebecca had been riding him passionately, rocking into his body as her great boobs swayed and her incredible, thick ass slid back and forth. Rachel had only peaked in the room for a minute but she had seen enough to know they were both in ecstasy.

Strangely enough, that was the night things had started to fall off-track for Rachel and her goal to lay low. A beautiful boy (Chris) had been smiling at her all evening and had eventually smoothly talked her into giving him a blowjob in an upstairs bedroom. He had used the fact that she had blown a few of his friends and he was now being made fun of for it as his way to get her to agree.

Rachel had a bad habit of trying to make things "fair" when it came to hookups and Chris had been no exception. Truthfully, she would've gotten with him anyway, but his sales pitch had given her no chance. She was insanely into him physically and he liked his personality very much, too. She had just been trying to be good for a while. But that hadn't worked out.

That night got even crazier when a friend of Chris's (Jim) had walked in on them just minutes after she had finished doing the deed. Jim was a character and jokingly tried to talk her into doing him next. Rachel had laughed him off, but in a twist of fate, she'd ended up in his car as he drove her and another friend home (since Rebecca had been their ride and was "unavailable" with Brad).

After dropping off their drunken friend, Jim had amazingly sweet-talked Rachel into taking off her top and giving him a little show. Rachel had been so aroused by Chris, and in her drunken excitement, she'd agreed. Things spiraled out of control though when Jim upped the ante and asked for a little roadhead for his trouble. Rachel had tried to use the excuse of a quickly impending curfew as reason enough to get her out of it, but the strategy had backfired as Jim used the clock as her enemy to pressure her into taking care of him while they still had time.

In a panic, she'd relented and she'd been dutifully sucking him off in the car when he almost ran them off the road in his distracted arousal. Not wanting to kill them both, but still wanting his dick sucked, Jim had pulled over to a parking lot and talked her onto her knees again.

Half-naked, she'd again agreed to finish what she had started as she knelt in a dirt patch in the middle of the night. Her arousal at the scene and her worked-up feelings over Chris (and strangely, even Rebecca) had caused her to orgasm herself as she finished Jim in her mouth. Jim had excitedly noticed and had taken a great sense of personal pride in the fact that he had made her cum just by allowing her to suck his dick.

It hadn't been long before he'd told his friends and embarrassingly joked and teased her about the "magic" of his penis whenever he got a chance. He'd also still been on her about getting another round, but at least to this point, she had kept him at bay. But he was persistent and Rachel wondered how long she could keep telling him no before she wound up kneeling again. She shook her head at the thought. That goofball.

Brad leaned in again and practically shouted into her ear.

"My boy, Matt. He goes to Xavier. He's over, um, shit-. Oh, wait, he's right there!"

Brad leaned up and waived a hand at a few boys standing across the room. They looked like they had been looking in her direction anyway. One of them, a slightly taller boy with short brown hair and a slick smile, pointed back. Brad signaled him to come over.

"Matt" made his way through the crowd, taking a sip from his red cup as he walked. He approached the group and grinned again. He did a quick fist bump with Brad and nodded to Rebecca who stared back blankly. He then turned his gaze to Rachel.

He smiled warmly and then flicked his eyes over her body. They lingered over her chest as her heart locket rested gently against her impressive cleavage. He stared for a second and then looked back to her face. He leaned in close to her ear and put an arm around the small of her back.

"Hi! I'm Matt!"

He pulled back after their mini hug and Rachel watched his eyes go right back to her chest, and then seemingly, to her lips. She felt a bit of a tingle. He was kinda cute. Decently tall and pretty thin but he looked like an athlete. And he thought she was hot, apparently. He was making that part obvious with his long stares.

"Rachel!" she shouted back to him with a cute smile. "Nice to meet you!" She leaned into him. "You go to Xavier?"

"Yeah, I play lacrosse. You guys worked us over pretty good last year. Not gonna happen this time." He leaned back and smiled at her. "Do you play sports?"

Rachel shouted again into his ear. "Yeah. Field hockey. With Rebecca." She indicated to her friend who was now staring coldly at Matt. Rachel decided to flirt a little bit. "We could probably kick your guys' asses, too." She grinned and gave him a little wink.

"Is that so?" He grinned back to her. "I'd like to see you try."

With that, Matt took the hand that was resting on her back and slid it down slightly to the top of her shorts. He gave her a playful pull towards him and kept his hand resting basically on the top of her ass.

Rachel noticed what he had done and tingled slightly. A bit aggressive. Her head swam and she took another drink as she shot back.

"I don't think you could handle us." She pushed him playfully, letting her hand linger on his polo shirt. He had a nice chest.

He grinned at her touch and flicked his eyes to Brad. He then glanced back to her and spoke.

"So, Brad told you I thought you looked incredible, right? You're seriously the hottest girl here. Not really close."

Rachel blushed at his words. It was a generic, meaningless compliment but it still felt good. She felt herself tingling a bit further as she took another sip.

"Ummmm, yeah, he might've mentioned something like that. That's very sweet of you."

Matt dropped his hand ever so slightly further onto the back of her shorts near her pocket.

"Yeah, well, he said you're a sweet girl, too. He said I should just man up and come over and talk to you. He said if I did that, I wouldn't regret it." Matt slid his hand lower. He was now cupping her ass.

Rachel tensed slightly (mostly with excitement) as his words and his hands reached her. He wouldn't regret it? She glanced over at Brad quizzically but he was now talking to Rebecca. In fact, they looked like they were starting to have an intense discussion. Rachel didn't want to bother them so she turned back to Matt, catching his eyes once again shoot up from her chest.

"Um, 'wouldn't regret it', huh? What exactly does that me-?"

Matt cut her off as her gently squeezed her ass in his hand. "Well, he said you could be a friendly girl."

Rachel tensed all over as the effects of his words hit her. A friendly girl? Was he getting at-? What had Brad told him? She blushed again.

"I, um, a friendly gir-?"

He cut her off again, now firmly running his hand all over the back of her shorts.

"Yup. So? What do you think?"

Rachel leaned back and blinked at Matt in utter confusion. What did she think? What did she think about what? He was really feeling on her ass now, she noticed with a bit of alarm.

"What do I think?" she asked confusingly, leaning back to his ear.

"Yeah. Think I can get some?"

Matt leaned back away and looked at Rachel following his question. He was firmly gripping her by her nice tight ass in her super short jean shorts. Her body was almost pressed into his. And with his height and their positioning, he had been enjoying an amazing view down the front of her sweater the entire time. She had an incredible rack, he thought. His dick stirred a bit as he pictured popping her tits out and going to town on them. Her whole body was hot. And that face with her soft, bright eyes and sexy lips. His dick jumped.

Rachel stared back at him, stunned. She had met this boy not three minutes ago. They had exchanged names and made a joke about sports. And with that, he was now generously feeling up her ass and had just point blank asked her if she wanted to hook up. She wasn't sure what exactly he meant specifically, but she had a pretty good idea. She was slowly getting drunk, and such a blunt request, while had it been made of her stone sober might have gotten a more forceful response, was now being met with a soft bit of stammering.

"Um, I'm sorry, um-, get some?"

"Yeah, well, I mean, you're just too fucking hot, girl. Think I could get some head?"

Shivers shot all through Rachel's body as she heard the words. What the fuck? Had he really just come out and said that? They were now into minute four of knowing each other and he had just asked her to suck his dick. She wasn't even sure if he had heard her name.

Her mouth hung open slightly as she again whipped her head back to Brad. What in the hell had he told his friend about her? Rachel knew her reputation was what it was but this was about as bold as any boy had ever been with her, at least this quickly. Matt was setting land-speed records for moving from introduction to blowjob request. There was no way even the most confident of guys would have ever had the balls to do that unless they had been prepped.

Had Brad told him that a firm handshake and confident smile was all it took to get her on her knees? Like he had given his friend job interview tips? And how the hell did Brad know? Her lips had never been anywhere near his dick. She only knew him through Rebecca, and while he was pretty handsome, she wasn't stupid enough to start some drama by crossing that line.

Brad and Rebecca were now definitely arguing. Partially out of curiosity and partially in an attempt to stall Matt as she decided how to deal with his staggering request, Rachel leaned in and tried to listen to what they were saying. Rebecca looked pissed and she was wildly pointing her fingers around. Mostly at Rachel it looked like. She was hissing angrily, barely letting Brad get a word in edgewise.

"-the fuck do you think you're do-?"... "she's not here to just-"... "that boy can kiss my-."

Rachel was pulled from her eaves dropping when she felt Matt's slide her back to him by his firm grip on her ass. She looked up at him again, still having no idea how to respond. He spoke first.

"So? What's up, girl? We cool?"

Rachel couldn't believe this. We cool? He was asking her to suck his dick. They were up to five minutes in their relationship and he was making his request the same as he might ask her to pass him a napkin at lunch. Did he realize this? How could he possibly be so calm and forward about it?

Rachel looked back again at Rebecca one last time for help. But she was still preoccupied with Brad. Were they talking about her? What was the problem?

She looked back at Matt and searched his face. He was giving her the same slick grin she'd seen earlier and he took another sip from his cup. It was as if he had asked if she wanted to grab a cigarette real quick and she was being the weird one for not answering right away.

With a confused voice that didn't even sound like her own, Rachel finally responded.

"Um, I, um- I still don't quite get-."

Matt's face didn't move. He wasn't going to help her.

"Well, like, okay, I guess. Like, did you mean right now or-?"

Matt beamed at Rachel's stunned acquiescence and gave her an appreciative nod.

"Damn, girl. Nice! That's hot. Yeah, I mean, now's great. Why don't we-..."

He poked his head up and looked around the room. His eyes fell down the hallway and onto a door at the far end. He looked back at her and gave a nod in that direction. Still gripping her by the shorts, Matt began to guide Rachel from the group. She trembled slightly and her head swam again. Was this happening??

Rachel's movement finally snapped Rebecca from her argument with Brad. Her eyes widened as she watched Rachel start to move away, Matt guiding her gently from behind. She started to reach out and say something but Brad turned her back towards him. She gave him and angry push and spun back to towards her friend, who was now a few feet away.

Rebecca called her name but Rachel barely heard it over the music. She spun back to look at Rebecca and gave her a wide-eyed "I don't know?" shrug. Rebecca's eyes narrowed and flicked to Matt. He gave her a little grin back and raised his cup to her.

"Fuck you," Rebecca spat at him, but Rachel didn't hear.

Matt gave her a fake hurt face and then smiled again. He then brought his hand above Rachel's turned head and bobbed it up and down a few times playfully so she couldn't see. He turned back to where he was going and continued to walk down the hallway, guiding his new prize towards the door. Rebecca flared up and started to walk after him but Brad caught her arm and pulled her back. They again began yelling at each other as Rachel and Matt disappeared into the crowd.

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