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Prom Ch. 14: Inferno

Story Info
Rachel recalls her complete loss of control.
17.3k words

Part 14 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/08/2015
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

One final note before I frustrate you to the point of wishing you'd never clicked here. These tales are my first attempt at story writing of any kind. I welcome and appreciate any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

PREVIOUS -- Chapter 13: Forbidden Fruit


Rachel cried the whole way home as her body coursed with shame. She arrived at her house well before curfew so she quickly slipped up to her room without much interference from her parents. Collapsing onto her bed and clutching a pillow, she rocked gently back and forth until her tears died down. Her emotional crash exhausted her, and before long, she was fast asleep.

She had fitful dreams all night long, as pieces of the night replayed in her brain. But some of the details had changed. In one dream, it was both her and Rebecca hooking up with Brad, but Rebecca had stormed off in the middle of it for some reason. In another, it wasn't Brad, but Matt, that Rachel had gone into the bathroom with. She tossed and turned at the nightmares until the bright light of morning finally woke her.

For a few, blissful seconds, Rachel had thought it had all been a dream. A terrible dream. But her stomach lurched when she glanced down at her body and saw she was in the same clothes she had been in the night before. Her stretched out t-shirt made her skin crawl as the reality of what she had done twisted through her stomach. She rolled over to bury her face in the pillows. She wanted to crawl inside her bed and never get out. But a loud buzzing snapped her to attention. Her phone was vibrating on her nightstand.

Rachel leaned over and grabbed at her cellphone, her eyes first flicking to the time. 9:45. Wow, she had slept for a long time. She clicked on her phone and sucked in a breath. Someone was texting her. In fact, she had a few texts. One was from Jim at 11:25 pm:

Hey babe. Was hanging out seeing if you needed a ride. Did you leave? Can't find you. I found this coupon in my wallet and...well, you know ;)

Rachel rolled her eyes in annoyance. She didn't have time for him right now. The next two texts were from Rebecca. One from earlier in the morning and one from just a moment ago:

OMG, sooo much fun last night. Sorry I jumped ship. Hope you got home ok! <3

And then:

Rach! Wake up, you whore! :P Got things to tell you!

She swallowed hard. She couldn't talk to her night now; she might break down. She tossed her phone onto the bed and stood up slowly into a stretch. She felt dirty. Not only because she had slept in her clothes, but because she always felt dirty when she woke up with a regretful memory. She knew she couldn't wash that part away, but a hot shower always made her feel better. She gathered up a clean outfit and headed to the bathroom.

Rachel ran the water and turned to the mirror to strip down out of her day-old outfit. She slid her jeans off and kicked them aside before yanking off her thin t-shirt. She unclasped her bra and let it fall to her arms. She sucked in her breath as she caught a glimpse of her chest in the mirror.

Her left breast still had faint pink marks on it from Brad's enthusiastic work. She felt her stomach knot as the image came flooding back. She felt awful and she hated feeling that way because it left her vulnerable. It made her weak. While plenty of Rachel's sexual escapades had come about due to her being horny or excited or drunk, a few more had been the result of her feeling bad about herself for one reason or another.

When her self-worth dipped, her already-deficient ability to say no to things dropped even further. It was like having a weakened immune system. She had been talked into some things she didn't really want to do when she was like that. And those were the hookups that scared her more than the excited, overly-zealous ones. Rachel shuddered and removed the rest of her underwear and grabbed a hold of the curtain.

She stayed in her shower until the water ran cold; it was a habit of hers during these times. She got dressed into a fresh t-shirt and some tight yoga sweatpants. It was an unseasonably mild Sunday for mid-March and Rachel always jumped at the chance to wear warm-weather attire when possible.

She gathered up her clothes from the night before, along with her jean jacket, and either hung them up or threw them in the hamper. She saw her keys resting on her nightstand where she had left them and her phone was on the bed where she had tossed it. But something was bothering her. Something was missing. Rachel narrowed her eyes and glanced around. What was it? What was miss-? Her eyes shot wide and she felt her stomach fall.

Her purse.

Rachel had left the party in such a confused and emotional rush that she had forgotten to grab all her belongings. She had left her purse on the couch where she, Brad, and Matt had been sitting. She cursed herself. She had once locked her purse in her car so she had started the habit of keeping her car keys and her phone separate on her body. It didn't make all the sense in the world because her wallet was still in there along with a few other important things. But she kept her phone in her butt pocket and her keys in whatever jacket she was wearing.

The downside was it could potentially create a situation like this. She had rushed out, knowing she had her keys and her phone, but had not given her purse one second thought as she fought back the tears over her encounter with Brad. Shit! Did he have it? He must've seen it when he came back to the couch. But she didn't have his phone number. Could she wait until she saw him at school? No. What if he didn't have it? She needed to find out. But how would she-?

Her stomach sank as she knew the answer. Rebecca. But would it be weird to ask for his number? No, it wouldn't. Right? She just needed to do it over texting so she didn't stutter or sound weird. She swallowed hard and grabbed her phone.

She had two more texts from Rebecca:

Sleepyhead! What are you doinggg? LOL Steph texted me and said she saw you huddled up with Brad last night. Told her how you chased away that random slut. LMAO. Hilarious.

And finally:

Heyyyy! Biiiiitch! Wake uppppppp! We have to get lunch or something. Gotta see my gurllll.

Rachel gritted her teeth and began to type to her friend.

Heyyy. Sry. Slept late and then shower. Sounds like your full of energy. Good night? ;)

-Heyyyyy! Abt time! Yeah. Um great time hehe. Gotta tell you more! What r u doing later?

Not sure. Don't think I have plans. Um random question but whats Brad's #?

There was a pause as Rebecca didn't respond right away. Rachel felt her stomach twist in knots as she awaited an answer. Had she tipped her off? Why was she delaying? Finally:

-Brad? Why? You two fall in love after your romp on the couch? LOL. Here:

Rebecca texted the number and Rachel inhaled deeply as she added it to her contact list.

Oh yea. Madly in love. Sex all night actually. :P No I left my purse at party like an idiot. Think I left it on couch by him. Wanna see if he has it. Need my wallet obv!

-Dumbass! :P He prob stole your money LOL. Well txt later and lets meet up!

Rachel sighed with relief as it appeared Rebecca hadn't picked up on anything. She texted back that it sounded good and she sucked in her breath as she switched to her contact page and prepared to send Brad a message asking about her purse.

Hey Brad. Its Rachel. Um random but you didn't happen to see my purse on the couch last night? I left without thinking about it. Srry again for being a nutjob. :)

Rachel blinked expectantly at her screen, hoping he'd text her right back. Nothing. She realized he might not be by his phone so staring at it like a crazy person was pretty silly. She thought again about Rebecca. She felt so awful in every part of her body. She had to come clean.

Rebecca knew how she could be. She knew how she could get talked into bad situations. She might react poorly, but it would pale in comparison to if she heard it from someone else. And while Rachel liked neither option, the chance of it staying a secret forever was slim. Someone had seen or heard something and it would eventually get back to her. And that would be so much worse.

The girls had been through a lot together and if she was honest about her mistake, Rebecca would have to forgive her. Right? Rachel swallowed hard and texted Rebecca that they should grab something to eat at 12:30. That was in about two hours so she had some time to work up her nerve. She even told her she'd buy lunch. Maybe that would butter Rebecca up a bit.

As soon as she finished the text, Brad responded. He didn't have the purse. Rachel's heart sank. Dammit. She needed it. She threw her phone onto the bed in frustration and turned away to figure out what to do. She paced around for a while trying to think if she had recognized anyone else near the couch at that time. Part of her hoped that she hadn't.

If anyone had been that close, they'd probably seen Brad kiss her and even follow her into the bathroom a few minutes later. God, it was mess! She was about to give up when she remembered her promise to buy lunch for Rebecca. Shit! What had she been thinking? She couldn't buy anything without her purse. She was so wound up that she couldn't even think straight.

Rachel retrieved her phone and was about to recall her offer to pay when a text came through. It was an unknown number and her eyes widened at the message:

Rachel. It's Matt. Hey sorry to bother you. Brad gave me your number. I got your purse. You left it on the couch but you ran out so fast. Tried to stop you but didn't have your number. Anyway, I got it safe.

Rachel exhaled and felt a mixture of relief and nervousness. She was happy that her purse had been located but she didn't really like that Matt had it. She didn't like knowing that he might've gone through her stuff. Did he know her address now? Whatever. There was nothing she could do about it. She texted back immediately.

OMG. Thx so much! Im such an airhead. Um can we meet or something? Kinda need it soon...

-Hey! No prob. Been there myself lol. Um I would but only problem is my sister has my truck. Im stuck at my house. Your welcome to swing by real quick if you need it right now.

He texted her his address. It wasn't too far away.

Rachel hesitated before responding. His house? She really didn't want to go to his house. She tensed for a second as she wondered if it was some kind of ploy. But she didn't really have a choice. She wanted to get it back from him and the sooner it was out of his hands, the better she'd feel. Plus, if she did it now she could still buy Rebecca lunch and hopefully make her confession a little smoother. She responded:

Ummm ok. Can I come now? Could be there in 15.

-Yup. That'll work. See ya soon.

She swallowed again as she thought it all over. Hopefully she could be in and out and get her purse and be back in time to rehearse what she would say to Rebecca. She was so nervous. Maybe having a little distraction like taking a drive would be a good thing to help get her mind off it all. She threw on some flip flops and pulled her still-drying hair into a pony tail. She hopped down the stairs and told her mom she going to run an errand and then have lunch with Rebecca. Moments later, she was on the road, her heart beating rapidly.


Rachel felt the sobs grow stronger as she hugged her knees in even tighter on her closet floor. She was shaking her head back and forth now, almost involuntarily, as if she could shake the memory away. She should never have gotten into that car. Why hadn't she seen it coming? If only she had just-. She let out a whimper and dug her fingers into her scalp.

If only she had just...


Rachel pulled up to the address that Matt had given her and put her car in park. She glanced over the house suspiciously, as if she assumed Matt was playing some sort of prank on her. She did notice that no cars were in the driveway. That corroborated his excuse for not being able to leave. Whatever. Was she some sort of detective? She shook her head and hopped out. Let's just get this over with, she thought roughly.

She approached the front door and knocked gently. To her surprise, it wasn't totally shut and it swung open a few inches with her touch. She hesitated for a second but finally pushed it open further and poked her head in. It was very quiet. Eerily quiet.

She suddenly remembered Rebecca's story about her and Matt and how he had told her that his parents were rarely ever home. The memory sent a chill up her spine as the full impact of where she was actually standing hit her. The place Rebecca had been utterly humiliated. What was she even doing there?

"Um, hello?"

Rachel called out into the silence as she pushed the door open all the way. There didn't seem to be anyone around. She shook her head. Was Matt messing with her? She really didn't have time for-.

"Rachel? Hey! I'm down here. Come on in! Second door on your left!"

Rachel swallowed and stepped into the quiet house. She shut the door gently behind her and looked around. It was an average ranch house. Pretty nondescript. She walked through the foyer towards the second door that Matt had directed her to. She passed a table and found herself snooping a bit as she looked at a collection of picture frames displaying the family.

Three pictures of Matt, and who she assumed were his parents, were set up neatly on display. One of them together with him in his lacrosse uniform, one that looked like it was several years old, and one of them standing in front of a Christmas tree. Rachel smirked. What sweet family pictures. She wondered if his parents knew the kinds of things their son did. Things he did in his base-. Her thought was cut off with a shiver as she reached for the door handle and pulled it open slowly. Stairs. The basement. She froze. She wasn't going down there. That was where-.

"Rachel? You there? You find the door? Come on down. Got your purse."

Rachel swallowed again and closed her eyes momentarily. She shouldn't even be there. But she caught herself with a silly smirk. What was her problem? This was just some boy. She wasn't in a horror movie about to walk into an axe murderer's trap. She shook her head. Get a grip, dummy. Just get your purse real quick and leave. No problems.

She slowly descended the staircase and sucked in her breath as she got to the foot of the stairs. She took in the layout of the room and tried to reconcile it with the story Rebecca had told her. There was Matt, sitting on a wraparound leather sofa which faced a pretty large TV. Beyond it, to the side, was an open space and some shelving-units.

Rachel felt the hair on her neck stand up as her eyes fell across as double-door closet. It was completely closed at the moment but she could see that how if the doors had been cracked open just slightly, there might be a good view back towards the couch. She shuddered. What a terrible story that had been. But Rachel also recalled the moderate, yet confusing, tingle of excitement that she'd gotten when Rebecca had told her about it. She shook her head and shot Matt a polite smile.

"Hey. Thanks again so much! I swear I'd lose my head, ya know?" She raised an inquisitive eyebrow at him. "Soooo, do you have-?"

Matt cut her off. "Yeah, right here!" He pointed to a purse on the table by his feet. "But come sit for a second!" He shot her a grin.

"That was a crazy night last night, huh?"

Rachel felt her stomach fall. She definitely just needed to get her purse and get out but his mention of the previous night gave her pause. Was he hinting at something? She had already been stressing over the fact that he knew what she'd done. She was going to tell Rebecca anyway but she didn't want to do something to piss him off and mess things up. Did he have her number somehow? Would he text Rebecca before she had a chance to confess properly? Her mind was racing and she didn't know what to do. She licked her lips and sighed.

"Matt, I have to go. I'm really in the middle of-"

"No, no, just a second. Really." He nodded to her.

Rachel sighed again and walked around the coffee table and sat on a cushion a good few feet away. She grabbed ahold of her purse and reflexively poked through the contents. Matt shot her a look of mock-hurt.

"Hey, it's all there! What do you think of me?"

Rachel looked up, embarrassed. Her face reddened. She hadn't meant to imply-. Shit. She shot him a sheepish smile.

"No, no, hey! C'mon. That's not what I was-." She grinned. "I know it's all there. Thanks again."

Matt gave her a little wink. "Nah, I'm just messing with you. Happy to help. Just glad I saw it on the couch there."

Rachel nodded involuntarily. As much as she didn't like the idea of Matt having it, she realized it was better than it still being lost. She'd have to cancel all her cards, get a new license, etc. Ugh. She had hoped Brad would've been the one to find it but at least someone had. She tensed suddenly at the thought and furrowed her brow. Wait. Why hadn't Matt just given it to Brad in the first pla-?

Her thoughts were cut off and she froze when she heard a voice.

"Yo! Dude! You down there?"

The hair on her neck stood up.


What was he doing there? She shot Matt a confused look but he just shrugged at her and looked away. "Yeah, bro! Come on down. Just packing it up now."

Rachel sat with a frozen expression as she heard Brad bounce down the stairs. He rounded the corner and his eyes met Rachel's. He stopped cold with a confused expression of his own. What was she doing there? He looked nervously at Matt. Matt grinned and shot him a quick wink that Rachel never saw.

Brad stiffened but smiled and turned back to nod to Rachel awkwardly. Matt was up to something. Brad didn't really want to get involved with his schemes (whatever they were) but the feeling faded quickly as he looked over Rachel's body. She had on a tight, thin white t-shirt and pair of black yoga pants that hugged her legs nicely. It was a very plain look, but it was hard for Rachel to not look hot in almost anything.

Brad felt himself stir as he thought about what they had done. Not only had it been amazing, but he had tossed and turned and dreamt about her for most of the night. What she had done to him was deeply in his subconscious and he had found himself getting worked up thinking about her all morning.

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