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Prom Ch. 14: Inferno


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He knew it was wrong, and surely out of the question based on her tearful freak-out in the bathroom, but he wanted her again. Badly. He breathed out and walked over to her to sit on the couch a few feet away. He gave her a nervous smile.

"Hey, um, how are you-? What are you doing here?"

Rachel didn't move a muscle. She was already on edge being in Matt's basement and now Brad's unexpected presence had thrown her completely for a loop. She found herself tingling with nervous excitement. Here she was, in a place she that had imagined darkly, with a boy she shouldn't be near and another whom she had just hooked up with hours earlier in a terrible (but arousing) mistake. She felt uneasy being with the two boys but she was at least slightly more comfortable now that Brad was there and she wasn't alone with Matt. She just needed to take her purse and go.

"I'm, um-. I'm okay. I'm sorry about-." She looked away in embarrassment. She really had freaked out on him the night before. She had no idea what he had thought about it. He probably felt like he'd done something wrong. Well, he had, sort of. They both had. She looked back at him.

"Really. I didn't mean to go all crazy and-." She trailed off and gave him an apologetic frown. "But what are you doing here?" She glanced back at Matt.

Matt smiled at them both as he casually explained. "Rachel is just getting her purse that she left last night." He looked back to her. "And I had already hollered at my man here to see if he wanted to smoke a bowl and play some Madden. My bad. Didn't even think about-. Whatever. Sorry."

Rachel didn't react for a moment as she took in his explanation. Finally, snapping out of her haze, she half-smiled and shook her head at him politely. "No. It's fine. You didn't do anything-". She cleared her throat. "Thanks again for keeping my purse safe. Really. I was freaking out." She started to stand.

Matt spoke quickly. He was doing something with his hands. He was packing up a bowl to smoke. Rachel's eyes widened.

"My pleasure. Happy to help. But hey, real quick, did you want to get in on this? I know it's up your alley!" He nodded to the bowl in front of him and held it towards her with a warm smile. "Always a good time!"

Rachel froze again. Her brain was screaming at her. No, Rachel. NO. Do NOT. Do not do this. Get up. Get up right now. And go.

But she hesitated again and sat gently back down. Her mind was racing. She was so nervous about her impending talk with Rebecca. She still had no idea what she was going to say to her. She wasn't sure she could even do it.

Her eyes flicked to the bowl in Matt's hands. She was wound up too tightly and she needed to relax. She felt like she might come apart at the seams at any moment. Her eyes shot back over to Brad who gave her a gentle shrug. She licked her lips. Maybe just a little bit might take the edge off. No, it was a bad idea. She should just go. But...

She gave Matt a nervous grin and sighed. "Um, okay. But just a little. Really. I have shit to do today."

Rachel reached towards him but realized she was too far away. With a slight shiver, she slid around the couch and moved closer to him. She was still a few feet away but now close enough to reach out and touch him.

The couch was shaped like an "L" and Matt was on one end, Brad on the other. She was near to the middle but closer to Matt. She took the bowl from his hands and brought it to her lips with a gentle sigh. She lit it and inhaled, a bit deeper than she had intended, but she was nervous.

She pulled the smoke in and held it for a few seconds before exhaling easily. She was no pothead but she had smoked her share of weed for a while and she certainly knew what she was doing. She held the bowl back towards Matt who smiled but indicated to Brad on the other side of her.

She reddened slightly at her faux pas and leaned back the other direction as Brad moved closer towards her to take it from her hands. He lit it himself and took a hit. He let it out slowly and handed the bowl back to Rachel who passed it over to Matt. He took a hit as well and breathed out over his head before placing the bowl on the coffee table in front of Rachel. He leaned back and gave her a warm smile.

Rachel smiled back. Her nervousness began to subside as the warm feeling soaked through her brain. It hit her kind of hard, harder than she had expected. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea. She really did need to unwind before she dealt with Rebecca. That girl! Rachel felt herself giggle a bit. That girl could just...lose it!

Rachel giggled again, this time slightly out loud. She was nervous and scared but she found her laughter to be a good coping mechanism. Her head swam as she let the effects wash over her. She had probably pulled in a bit too deeply. Whatever. For the first time since the previous night she wasn't feeling completely consumed with guilt and dread.

She glanced over at Brad. He had been staring at her and averted his eyes with a nervous smile. She grinned. He was cute. Always so nervous! She remembered watching his eyes dart to and from her chest all night as he'd tried to slickly check out her tits. She swallowed as she thought again about what they had done. The guilt came back to her stomach, but it was slightly lighter this time.

Was what they had done really so awful? They were both single. They didn't owe anyone anything. Rebecca couldn't expect Brad to just be by himself forever. They hadn't even ever been an official couple really! She felt her pulse pick up and she suddenly found the whole situation hilarious. Yeah, she had done something she shouldn't have. But was she beating herself up too much? She sighed as the warmth flowed through her. This was making her feel a lot better. In fact...

Rachel leaned forward and grabbed ahold of the bowl on the table in front of her. With a quick check towards Matt, she brought it back to her lips and took another hit. She set it down and slumped back to the couch and ran her hands through her hair. She felt the hair tie and decided to put her hair back down and run her fingers over her scalp.

Her hair was still a bit wet from her shower and she tingled with pleasure as her nails ran over her head. She closed her eyes and sighed deeply, lost in the sensation. When she opened her eyes again, she realized both boys were staring at her with surprised faces. She reddened slightly and let out a big laugh, embarrassed that they had caught her in her little moment of pleasure.

"Oops," she said sheepishly. "Guess I'm not in the shower anymore."

Both boys tensed as Rachel realized she had just put the quick image of her naked into their heads. She felt herself tingle at their stares. Her brain was in a weird place. Part of her was trying to be cognizant of the fact that she was alone with two guys, both of whom she'd hooked up with (one just a few hours earlier) and that she needed to be careful about that. Another part of her was mindful of the guilt she had over what she had done behind Rebecca's back. And another part was strangely tingling with excitement.

She thought about the time at the beach that she had hooked up with both of those boys she had met and almost let it get it to a wild place. She remembered how she had been so frightened at her loss of control, but also a bit regretful that everything had been stopped prematurely. She looked at Brad's eyes taking her in and she knew that while he probably felt a little guilty too, that he definitely wanted her again. The image of sucking his dick from the night before crossed her brain but she shook it away. She couldn't do that again.

As if reading her thoughts, Matt spoke, with a devilish tone. "I see you two making eyes at each other. What exactly went down last night?"

He raised an eyebrow at them both. Brad reddened and looked down and Rachel felt a mixture of shame and excitement hit her. She didn't want to think about it, but on the other hand, maybe getting it out in the open and joking would make it better. All three of them knew what had happened so there was no secret. And keeping it bottled inside was just stressing her out. She grinned at Brad and spoke.

"Well, I don't really know what you mean. Just happened to go to the bathroom at the same time." She glanced over at Matt devilishly. "I mean, you know how that can be, right?"

Rachel surged at her own surprising words. What was she doing? Why had she said that? Was she actually flirting? She was feeling so good and relaxed as compared to the utter ball of stress she had been all morning. She knew it was dangerous but she couldn't help herself. For the first time, she felt kind of powerful again.

Matt smirked and stiffened slightly. "Oh yeah. I do know that can be. Think about it a lot actually." He let his gaze fall over her body without hiding it. "But I heard this bathroom break involved a bit more of a show than the one I got." He shot Brad a smile and then returned his gaze squarely to Rachel's tight shirt.

A jolt shot through Rachel's body as she turned to look at Brad. Had he told Matt about her pulling her shirt down? She started to say something but stopped herself. What was she angry about? Of course he had told him. What boy wouldn't share something like that? Matt had probably grilled him and he hadn't been able to resist mentioning how he had gotten a great look at her boobs and felt all over them. She was the one who had done it. He didn't do anything wrong.

Brad looked back at her nervously but relaxed when he saw her face fall into a grin. Rachel looked down at her shirt and then over at Matt and rolled her eyes. Without really thinking about it, she brought her hands to her chest and rested them gently on her boobs. "Yeah, well, sometimes things just happen."

Matt scoffed with a bit of a laugh. "Shit, I hope they happen again! Seeing more of that body is something I've dreamed about since the night we met." He took a quick hit from his bowl and exhaled slowly giving Rachel a quick wink.

Rachel felt herself tense up. This was wrong. What was she doing there? She had come to get her purse and now she was high (quite high) and the boys were talking suggestively about her body and the things she had done with them both. She knew she was in a dangerous place. She didn't even like Matt and certainly didn't want to be in his house.

But for some strange reason, she felt flattered by his words. She hadn't really given him much thought after a few weeks, but had he really been dreaming about her all this time? It was probably just a bullshit line, but it turned her on a little. She became aware of how she was still a bit warm from the previous night. Her guilt and shame had left her arousal dormant, but now she was feeling free again. And with that feeling returned her tingly excitement.

She shot Matt a mock glare. "Oh, I bet you have." She teasingly pulled the front of her shirt up around her belly button before shooting him a grin. "Sorry, not gonna happen."

Matt jumped right back in with a playful grin. "Aw man! Look at you teasing! You're a tease! You know it." He laughed. "Look, we're not asking you to do anything crazy. I just gotta see what my man saw last night. The way he described it-." Matt shivered for effect. "I mean, look at you! You're so fucking hot and you're wearing a boring-ass t-shirt and sweats. It just ain't right. Ain't fair!"


Rachel laughed but fell silent in short order. She swallowed as she thought about what he was asking. She looked over at Brad who was staring holes through her in nervous excitement. Had he really talked so highly about her body? He'd seen girls naked before. Shit, Rebecca could stand up to her and then some in a few respects. Rachel felt even more turned on as she wondered if Brad thought she was even hotter naked than her friend.

She swallowed again with a tingle. She had to go before things went sideways. But she realized that her dread over facing Rebecca was making her want to do anything but go through with it. She looked at the clock on the wall in front of her. It was still well over and hour before their lunch. And Rachel was pretty high. Should she even be driving?

She thought about it and figured hanging out for just a bit and catching her breath might be a good idea. She felt glued to the couch and she didn't want to get up for anything. But as she felt the eyes on her she was reminded of what Matt had asked. She couldn't just sit here and fight him off forever. Would she actually-?

"Fair? What does that-? Look, I just came to get my purse. And now you want me to take off my shirt for you?" She shot him an incredulous smile.

"Well, and your bra, obviously."

Rachel was stunned. What did he-? She burst into a laugh.

"And my bra, you say? Wow. Anything else?"

Matt raised his eyebrows and started to say something but he stopped himself. "No, nothing else. Just that. Look, I just gotta see them for myself. Every time I see you, you just look so hot. And from what Brad told me last night, well, damn!" He lowered his voice and smiled. "Hey, it's not like we're all strangers here. This stays between us. Between friends. C'mon, just real quick."

Rachel surged again at his mention of their history. And her recent history with Brad. He was making the point that she'd already sucked both of their dicks, so giving them a brief show wasn't really changing anything. And he had said "real quick."

Conflicting thoughts swirled through her head. She didn't have feelings for Matt at all, but just as it had been the night they'd met, his blunt style was again very hard to combat. She looked at Brad again and recalled the mark he had left on her. He was probably hard all over again thinking about getting another look. She sighed. Was she really going to do this? It was so wrong!

She looked back at Matt. "Oh my God. Look, just for a second. This isn't a striptease." She shivered at her word choice as she recalled Rebecca's story. She paused. Was Matt talking her into something similar? Her eyes darted to the closed closet doors. No. This was different. Right? She raised her eyebrows at him and shot him a questioning look.

"Got it?"

Matt sucked in his breath and grinned back at her. "Got it. Loud and clear." He leaned back and rubbed his hands together in exaggerated excitement. "Hell yeah!"

Rachel smiled and rolled her eyes. She remembered how easily he had talked her into giving him a blowjob that time and she realized she was again doing something beyond her comprehension. But this was different. And Brad was there. And they had already, well. They had done more than this together...

With a sigh, she sat up and brought her hands to the bottoms of her t-shirt. She crossed her arms and with a slight inhale, began to pull the tight fabric up towards her chest. She gave a firm yank as the shirt popped over her boobs and finally up around her head. She placed it to the side and brought her hands to her hair and smoothed it out.

She watched the two sets of excited eyes lock on her now partially exposed chest. Brad was glazed over and she could tell he was completely worked up again. She looked over at Matt who, despite his excitement, was maintaining a cool smirk. Rachel exhaled and rolled her eyes again as she reached behind her back and unsnapped the clasp of her bra.

The material snapped apart and fell slightly away from her body and she shrugged her shoulders in to let the straps fall to her arms. With one final movement she slid her arms back through and tossed her bra on top of her crumbled shirt on the couch. She brought her hands to her lap and arched her back a bit. She was half naked and the sensation of her exposure shot powerfully between her legs.

It startled her how aroused she suddenly felt; she had turned up the heat so quickly. She was now sitting on a couch, a boy to either side of her, with her boobs pushed out and totally bared. She felt another wave of tingly pleasure as she heard the guys swallow hard, their eyes locked onto her. She knew she was doing something wrong but it was making her woozy with pleasure.

For no reason at all, she gave her chest a little shake for effect and watched in amusement at the boys' reactions as her boobs bounced from side to side gently. They were large but so firm and perfect looking. With the exception of hearing a guy groan while she was down on him, watching the reaction she got when she was topless was one of Rachel's favorite and most arousing feelings. She knew she looked great and it made her swell with pleasure and pride as she got open mouth stares or gasps.

Finally Matt spoke.

"Holy shit! That's what I'm talking about. Bro!" He looked at Brad with a big grin. "You weren't joking. Just fucking perfect." He slid slightly closer to her. "I'm sorry, but I just gotta-". He extended a hand out towards her chest and gave her a smile.

Rachel recoiled. "Whoa, whoa there! Um, that, was not part of the deal. What are you-?"

Matt cut her off. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, but c'mon. Damn! My man over there said they feel even better than they look. You can't just shake them like that and expect me not to get a little touch, right?" He slid a little closer and indicated for Brad to move in as well. He spoke again. "Look, Brad loved it so much he even left a little mark."

Both Brad and Rachel's eyes shot down to her left breast and they reddened at the slight pink mark still remaining. Rachel swallowed and looked back at Matt. "I, um-. Look, I showed you-. I don't know if this is such a good-."

Rachel's words were cut off and she let out a pleasure-filled sigh as Matt's hand reached her chest. He gave her left breast a deep, soft squeeze and rubbed his palm into her firmly. "Holy shit, they are amazing." He looked at Rachel's surprised face. "You are something else, girl!"

Rachel's brain was on fire. Things were totally out of control now. She was topless, with two boys almost leaned over her and one now firmly feeling her up. She looked over at Brad and widened her eyes at his own extended hand. He was only following Matt's lead and would likely never have moved on his own, but now that it was in front of him, he was unable to stop.

She gasped again as his hand, too, made contact with her chest. He rubbed her roughly and she saw stars as the sensation of two different boys touching her sexually hit her. She was so turned on, even more so at the abject wrongness of the situation. She whimpered as she felt Matt's mouth go to her left nipple. Her hips bucked involuntarily as pleasure surged between her legs. What was she doing? She had to stop it. But she didn't want to. Everything felt too good.

Rachel looked back at Brad with her mouth hanging open in a combination of shock and pleasure. Brad was looking directly into her eyes and brought his gaze to her lips. She had used those lips to bring him some incredible feelings the night before. But what he really wanted to do was kiss her again.

Their first kiss on the couch the night before had been electric and when she'd pulled away so suddenly, he'd simply been unable to stop himself from following her to the bathroom. Their brief make-out session had only served to rev him up for what had come next. She was a great kisser, regardless of where on a boy she was kissing...

He shook with excitement and he watched her eyes grow wide as he moved his mouth to hers. Her lips were already slightly parted, so as he pressed into them with his own, he moved his tongue to her mouth right away and slid it in. Rachel moaned and reflexively brought her arm around his head and held him in. She kissed him back forcefully, snaking her own tongue around his.

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